]> git.xonotic.org Git - xonotic/darkplaces.git/blob - dpdefs/source_compare.txt
Fix UI rendering to not use the bouncegrid texture; it looked interesting on the...
[xonotic/darkplaces.git] / dpdefs / source_compare.txt
1 // progs: Builtin #487 declared but not defined
2 // progs: Builtin #488 declared but not defined
3 // progs: Builtin #489 declared but not defined
4 // progs: Builtin #490 declared but not defined
5 // progs: Builtin #491 declared but not defined
6 // progs: Builtin #492 declared but not defined
7 // progs: Builtin #493 declared but not defined
8 // progs: Builtin #608 declared but not defined
9 // progs: Field frame2 declared but not defined
10 // progs: Field frame3 declared but not defined
11 // progs: Field frame4 declared but not defined
12 // progs: Field lerpfrac declared but not defined
13 // progs: Field lerpfrac3 declared but not defined
14 // progs: Field lerpfrac4 declared but not defined
15 // progs: Field frame1time declared but not defined
16 // progs: Field frame2time declared but not defined
17 // progs: Field frame3time declared but not defined
18 // progs: Field frame4time declared but not defined
19 // menu: Global null_entity declared but not defined
20 // progs: Global movedist declared but not defined
21 // progs: Global gameover declared but not defined
22 // progs: Global string_null declared but not defined
23 // progs: Global newmis declared but not defined
24 // progs: Global activator declared but not defined
25 // progs: Global damage_attacker declared but not defined
26 // progs: Global framecount declared but not defined
27 // progs: Global skill declared but not defined
28 // progs: Field map declared but not defined
29 // progs: Field worldtype declared but not defined
30 // progs: Field killtarget declared but not defined
31 // progs: Field th_stand declared but not defined
32 // progs: Field th_walk declared but not defined
33 // progs: Field th_run declared but not defined
34 // progs: Field th_missile declared but not defined
35 // progs: Field th_melee declared but not defined
36 // progs: Field th_pain declared but not defined
37 // progs: Field th_die declared but not defined
38 // progs: Field oldenemy declared but not defined
39 // progs: Field speed declared but not defined
40 // progs: Field lefty declared but not defined
41 // progs: Field search_time declared but not defined
42 // progs: Field attack_state declared but not defined
43 // progs: Field attack_finished declared but not defined
44 // progs: Field pain_finished declared but not defined
45 // progs: Field invincible_finished declared but not defined
46 // progs: Field invisible_finished declared but not defined
47 // progs: Field super_damage_finished declared but not defined
48 // progs: Field radsuit_finished declared but not defined
49 // progs: Field spawnshieldtime declared but not defined
50 // progs: Field invincible_time declared but not defined
51 // progs: Field invincible_sound declared but not defined
52 // progs: Field invisible_time declared but not defined
53 // progs: Field invisible_sound declared but not defined
54 // progs: Field super_time declared but not defined
55 // progs: Field super_sound declared but not defined
56 // progs: Field rad_time declared but not defined
57 // progs: Field fly_sound declared but not defined
58 // progs: Field show_hostile declared but not defined
59 // progs: Field jump_flag declared but not defined
60 // progs: Field swim_flag declared but not defined
61 // progs: Field air_finished declared but not defined
62 // progs: Field bubble_count declared but not defined
63 // progs: Field deathtype declared but not defined
64 // progs: Field mdl declared but not defined
65 // progs: Field mangle declared but not defined
66 // progs: Field t_length declared but not defined
67 // progs: Field t_width declared but not defined
68 // progs: Field dest declared but not defined
69 // progs: Field dest1 declared but not defined
70 // progs: Field dest2 declared but not defined
71 // progs: Field wait declared but not defined
72 // progs: Field delay declared but not defined
73 // progs: Field trigger_field declared but not defined
74 // progs: Field noise4 declared but not defined
75 // progs: Field pausetime declared but not defined
76 // progs: Field movetarget declared but not defined
77 // progs: Field aflag declared but not defined
78 // progs: Field dmg declared but not defined
79 // progs: Field cnt declared but not defined
80 // progs: Field think1 declared but not defined
81 // progs: Field count declared but not defined
82 // progs: Field lip declared but not defined
83 // progs: Field state declared but not defined
84 // progs: Field pos1 declared but not defined
85 // progs: Field pos2 declared but not defined
86 // progs: Field height declared but not defined
87 // progs: Field waitmin declared but not defined
88 // progs: Field waitmax declared but not defined
89 // progs: Field cantrigger declared but not defined
90 // progs: Global deathstring1 declared but not defined
91 // progs: Global deathstring2 declared but not defined
92 // progs: Global deathstring3 declared but not defined
93 // progs: Global deathstring4 declared but not defined
94 // progs: Global game declared but not defined
95 // progs: Global darkmode declared but not defined
96 // progs: Field bodyhealth declared but not defined
97 // progs: Field iscorpse declared but not defined
98 // progs: Field dest3 declared but not defined
99 // progs: Field dest4 declared but not defined
100 // progs: Field flame declared but not defined
101 // progs: Field doobits declared but not defined
102 // progs: Field rotate declared but not defined
103 // progs: Field group declared but not defined
104 // progs: Field keys_silver declared but not defined
105 // progs: Field keys_gold declared but not defined
106 // progs: Field havocattack declared but not defined
107 // progs: Field havocpickup declared but not defined
108 // progs: Field pickupevalfunc declared but not defined
109 // progs: Field shoulddodge declared but not defined
110 // progs: Field dangerrating declared but not defined
111 // progs: Field bleedfunc declared but not defined
112 // progs: Field count1 declared but not defined
113 // progs: Field count2 declared but not defined
114 // progs: Field count3 declared but not defined
115 // progs: Field count4 declared but not defined
116 // progs: Field count5 declared but not defined
117 // progs: Field count6 declared but not defined
118 // progs: Field cnt1 declared but not defined
119 // progs: Field cnt2 declared but not defined
120 // progs: Field obitfunc1 declared but not defined
121 // progs: Field realowner declared but not defined
122 // progs: Global maxclients declared but not defined
123 // progs: Global numdecors declared but not defined
124 // progs: Global maxdecors declared but not defined
125 // progs: Field createdtime declared but not defined
126 // progs: Field th_gib declared but not defined
127 // progs: Field resist_bullet declared but not defined
128 // progs: Field resist_explosive declared but not defined
129 // progs: Field resist_energy declared but not defined
130 // progs: Field resist_fire declared but not defined
131 // progs: Field resist_ice declared but not defined
132 // progs: Field resist_axe declared but not defined
133 // progs: Field deathmsg declared but not defined
134 // progs: Field regenthink declared but not defined
135 // progs: Field isdecor declared but not defined
136 // progs: Field radiusdamage_amount declared but not defined
137 // progs: Field radiusdamage_force declared but not defined
138 // progs: Field radiusdamage_hit declared but not defined
139 // progs: Field radiusdamage_lasthit declared but not defined
140 // progs: Field radiusdamage_ownerdamagescale declared but not defined
141 // progs: Global raddamage_lasthit declared but not defined
142 // progs: Field frozen declared but not defined
143 // progs: Field thawtime declared but not defined
144 // progs: Field thawedeffects declared but not defined
145 // progs: Field thawedtouch declared but not defined
146 // progs: Field thawedmovetype declared but not defined
147 // progs: Field thawedthink declared but not defined
148 // progs: Field thawedthinkdelay declared but not defined
149 // progs: Field knockedloosefunc declared but not defined
150 // progs: Field forcescale declared but not defined
151 // progs: Field bleedratio declared but not defined
152 // progs: Field damagemodifier declared but not defined
153 // progs: Field healthregen declared but not defined
154 // progs: Field healthlostthisframe declared but not defined
155 // progs: Global monsterdamagescale declared but not defined
156 // progs: Global monsterresistancescale declared but not defined
157 // progs: Global playerdamagescale declared but not defined
158 /******************************************
159  * csprogs
160  ******************************************/
161 float VM_CL_checkpvs(...) = #240; // DP_UNKNOWN
162 float skel_create(...) = #263; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
163 float skel_build(...) = #264; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
164 float skel_get_numbones(...) = #265; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
165 float skel_get_bonename(...) = #266; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
166 float skel_get_boneparent(...) = #267; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
167 float skel_find_bone(...) = #268; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
168 float skel_get_bonerel(...) = #269; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
169 float skel_get_boneabs(...) = #270; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
170 float skel_set_bone(...) = #271; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
171 float skel_mul_bone(...) = #272; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
172 float skel_mul_bones(...) = #273; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
173 float skel_copybones(...) = #274; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
174 float skel_delete(...) = #275; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
175 float frameforname(...) = #276; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
176 float frameduration(...) = #277; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
177 float VM_drawsubpic(...) = #328; // DP_UNKNOWN
178 float VM_drawrotpic(...) = #329; // DP_UNKNOWN
179 float VM_CL_videoplaying(...) = #355; // DP_UNKNOWN
180 float crc16(...) = #494; // DP_QC_CRC16
181 float cvar_type(...) = #495; // DP_QC_CVAR_TYPE
182 float numentityfields(...) = #496; // QP_QC_ENTITYDATA
183 float entityfieldname(...) = #497; // DP_QC_ENTITYDATA
184 float entityfieldtype(...) = #498; // DP_QC_ENTITYDATA
185 float getentityfieldstring(...) = #499; // DP_QC_ENTITYDATA
186 float putentityfieldstring(...) = #500; // DP_QC_ENTITYDATA
187 float ReadPicture(...) = #501; // DP_UNKNOWN
188 float boxparticles(...) = #502; // DP_CSQC_BOXPARTICLES
189 float whichpack(...) = #503; // DP_UNKNOWN
190 float uri_escape(...) = #510; // DP_UNKNOWN
191 float uri_unescape(...) = #511; // DP_UNKNOWN
192 float num_for_edict(...) = #512; // DP_QC_NUM_FOR_EDICT
193 float tokenize_console(...) = #514; // DP_QC_TOKENIZE_CONSOLE
194 float argv_start_index(...) = #515; // DP_QC_TOKENIZE_CONSOLE
195 float argv_end_index(...) = #516; // DP_QC_TOKENIZE_CONSOLE
196 float buf_cvarlist(...) = #517; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS_CVARLIST
197 float cvar_description(...) = #518; // DP_QC_CVAR_DESCRIPTION
198 float gettime(...) = #519; // DP_QC_GETTIME
199 float keynumtostring(...) = #520; // DP_UNKNOWN
200 float findkeysforcommand(...) = #521; // DP_UNKNOWN
201 float VM_loadfromdata(...) = #529; // DP_UNKNOWN
202 float VM_loadfromfile(...) = #530; // DP_UNKNOWN
203 float VM_log(...) = #532; // DP_UNKNOWN
204 float getsoundtime(...) = #533; // DP_SND_GETSOUNDTIME
205 float soundlength(...) = #534; // DP_SND_GETSOUNDTIME
206 float physics_enable(...) = #540; // DP_PHYSICS_ODE
207 float physics_addforce(...) = #541; // DP_PHYSICS_ODE
208 float physics_addtorque(...) = #542; // DP_PHYSICS_ODE
209 float VM_callfunction(...) = #605; // DP_UNKNOWN
210 float VM_writetofile(...) = #606; // DP_UNKNOWN
211 float VM_isfunction(...) = #607; // DP_UNKNOWN
212 float VM_parseentitydata(...) = #613; // DP_UNKNOWN
213 float getextresponse(...) = #624; // DP_UNKNOWN
214 float sprintf(...) = #627; // DP_UNKNOWN
215 float getsurfacenumpoints(...) = #628; // DP_QC_GETSURFACETRIANGLE
216 float getsurfacepoint(...) = #629; // DP_QC_GETSURFACETRIANGLE
217 float VM_CL_RotateMoves(...) = #638; // DP_UNKNOWN
218 float CSQC_ConsoleCommand; // DP_UNKNOWN
219 float CSQC_Init; // DP_UNKNOWN
220 float CSQC_InputEvent; // DP_UNKNOWN
221 float CSQC_Shutdown; // DP_UNKNOWN
222 float CSQC_UpdateView; // DP_UNKNOWN
223 float coop; // DP_UNKNOWN
224 float deathmatch; // DP_UNKNOWN
225 float dmg_origin; // DP_UNKNOWN
226 float dmg_save; // DP_UNKNOWN
227 float dmg_take; // DP_UNKNOWN
228 float drawfontscale; // DP_UNKNOWN
229 float gettaginfo_forward; // DP_UNKNOWN
230 float gettaginfo_name; // DP_UNKNOWN
231 float gettaginfo_offset; // DP_UNKNOWN
232 float gettaginfo_parent; // DP_UNKNOWN
233 float gettaginfo_right; // DP_UNKNOWN
234 float gettaginfo_up; // DP_UNKNOWN
235 float particles_alphamax; // DP_UNKNOWN
236 float particles_alphamin; // DP_UNKNOWN
237 float particles_colormax; // DP_UNKNOWN
238 float particles_colormin; // DP_UNKNOWN
239 float sb_showscores; // DP_UNKNOWN
240 float serverdeltatime; // DP_UNKNOWN
241 float serverprevtime; // DP_UNKNOWN
242 float servertime; // DP_UNKNOWN
243 float trace_dphitcontents; // DP_UNKNOWN
244 float trace_dphitq3surfaceflags; // DP_UNKNOWN
245 float trace_dphittexturename; // DP_UNKNOWN
246 float trace_dpstartcontents; // DP_UNKNOWN
247 float trace_networkentity; // DP_UNKNOWN
248 .float aiment; // DP_UNKNOWN
249 .float alpha; // DP_UNKNOWN
250 .float camera_transform; // DP_UNKNOWN
251 .float colormod; // DP_UNKNOWN
252 .float dimension_hit; // DP_UNKNOWN
253 .float dimension_solid; // DP_UNKNOWN
254 .float dphitcontentsmask; // DP_UNKNOWN
255 .float fatness; // DP_UNKNOWN
256 .float forceshader; // DP_UNKNOWN
257 .float frame1time; // DP_UNKNOWN
258 .float frame2; // DP_UNKNOWN
259 .float frame2time; // DP_UNKNOWN
260 .float frame3; // DP_UNKNOWN
261 .float frame3time; // DP_UNKNOWN
262 .float frame4; // DP_UNKNOWN
263 .float frame4time; // DP_UNKNOWN
264 .float glowmod; // DP_UNKNOWN
265 .float groundentity; // DP_UNKNOWN
266 .float hull; // DP_UNKNOWN
267 .float ideal_yaw; // DP_UNKNOWN
268 .float idealpitch; // DP_UNKNOWN
269 .float jointtype; // DP_UNKNOWN
270 .float lerpfrac; // DP_UNKNOWN
271 .float lerpfrac3; // DP_UNKNOWN
272 .float lerpfrac4; // DP_UNKNOWN
273 .float mass; // DP_UNKNOWN
274 .float message; // DP_UNKNOWN
275 .float movedir; // DP_UNKNOWN
276 .float pitch_speed; // DP_UNKNOWN
277 .float renderflags; // DP_UNKNOWN
278 .float scale; // DP_UNKNOWN
279 .float shadertime; // DP_UNKNOWN
280 .float skeletonindex; // FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS
281 .float tag_entity; // DP_UNKNOWN
282 .float tag_index; // DP_UNKNOWN
283 .float userwavefunc_param0; // DP_UNKNOWN
284 .float userwavefunc_param1; // DP_UNKNOWN
285 .float userwavefunc_param2; // DP_UNKNOWN
286 .float userwavefunc_param3; // DP_UNKNOWN
287 .float yaw_speed; // DP_UNKNOWN
288 /******************************************
289  * menu
290  ******************************************/
291 float VM_itof(...) = #79; // DP_UNKNOWN
292 float VM_ftoe(...) = #80; // DP_UNKNOWN
293 float isString(...) = #81; // DP_UNKNOWN
294 float VM_altstr_count(...) = #82; // DP_UNKNOWN
295 float VM_altstr_prepare(...) = #83; // DP_UNKNOWN
296 float VM_altstr_get(...) = #84; // DP_UNKNOWN
297 float VM_altstr_set(...) = #85; // DP_UNKNOWN
298 float VM_altstr_ins(...) = #86; // DP_UNKNOWN
299 float VM_findflags(...) = #87; // DP_UNKNOWN
300 float VM_findchainflags(...) = #88; // DP_UNKNOWN
301 float VM_cvar_defstring(...) = #89; // DP_UNKNOWN
302 float strstrofs(...) = #221; // FTE_STRINGS
303 float str2chr(...) = #222; // FTE_STRINGS
304 float chr2str(...) = #223; // FTE_STRINGS
305 float strconv(...) = #224; // FTE_STRINGS
306 float strpad(...) = #225; // FTE_STRINGS
307 float infoadd(...) = #226; // FTE_STRINGS
308 float infoget(...) = #227; // FTE_STRINGS
309 float strncmp(...) = #228; // FTE_STRINGS
310 float strcasecmp(...) = #229; // FTE_STRINGS
311 float strncasecmp(...) = #230; // FTE_STRINGS
312 float keynumtostring(...) = #340; // DP_UNKNOWN
313 float VM_CL_isdemo(...) = #349; // DP_UNKNOWN
314 float wasfreed(...) = #353; // DP_UNKNOWN
315 float VM_CL_videoplaying(...) = #355; // DP_UNKNOWN
316 float loadfont(...) = #356; // DP_GFX_FONTS
317 float loadfont(...) = #357; // DP_GFX_FONTS
318 float buf_create(...) = #440; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
319 float buf_del(...) = #441; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
320 float buf_getsize(...) = #442; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
321 float buf_copy(...) = #443; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
322 float buf_sort(...) = #444; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
323 float buf_implode(...) = #445; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
324 float bufstr_get(...) = #446; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
325 float bufstr_set(...) = #447; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
326 float bufstr_add(...) = #448; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
327 float bufstr_free(...) = #449; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS
328 float VM_cin_open(...) = #461; // DP_UNKNOWN
329 float VM_cin_close(...) = #462; // DP_UNKNOWN
330 float VM_cin_setstate(...) = #463; // DP_UNKNOWN
331 float VM_cin_getstate(...) = #464; // DP_UNKNOWN
332 float VM_cin_restart(...) = #465; // DP_UNKNOWN
333 float VM_drawline(...) = #466; // DP_UNKNOWN
334 float VM_stringwidth(...) = #468; // DP_UNKNOWN
335 float VM_drawsubpic(...) = #469; // DP_UNKNOWN
336 float VM_drawrotpic(...) = #470; // DP_UNKNOWN
337 float VM_asin(...) = #471; // DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN
338 float VM_acos(...) = #472; // DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN
339 float VM_atan(...) = #473; // DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN
340 float VM_atan2(...) = #474; // DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN
341 float VM_tan(...) = #475; // DP_QC_ASINACOSATANATAN2TAN
342 float float(...) = #476; // DP_QC_STRINGCOLORFUNCTIONS
343 float string(...) = #477; // DP_QC_STRINGCOLORFUNCTIONS
344 float string(...) = #478; // DP_QC_STRFTIME
345 float tokenizebyseparator(...) = #479; // DP_QC_TOKENIZEBYSEPARATOR
346 float VM_strtolower(...) = #480; // DP_UNKNOWN
347 float VM_strtoupper(...) = #481; // DP_UNKNOWN
348 float strreplace(...) = #484; // DP_QC_STRREPLACE
349 float strireplace(...) = #485; // DP_QC_STRREPLACE
350 float gecko_create(...) = #487; // DP_UNKNOWN
351 float gecko_destroy(...) = #488; // DP_UNKNOWN
352 float gecko_navigate(...) = #489; // DP_UNKNOWN
353 float gecko_keyevent(...) = #490; // DP_UNKNOWN
354 float gecko_mousemove(...) = #491; // DP_UNKNOWN
355 float gecko_resize(...) = #492; // DP_UNKNOWN
356 float gecko_get_texture_extent(...) = #493; // DP_UNKNOWN
357 float crc16(...) = #494; // DP_QC_CRC16
358 float cvar_type(...) = #495; // DP_QC_CVAR_TYPE
359 float whichpack(...) = #503; // DP_UNKNOWN
360 float uri_escape(...) = #510; // DP_UNKNOWN
361 float uri_unescape(...) = #511; // DP_UNKNOWN
362 float num_for_edict(...) = #512; // DP_QC_NUM_FOR_EDICT
363 float tokenize_console(...) = #514; // DP_QC_TOKENIZE_CONSOLE
364 float argv_start_index(...) = #515; // DP_QC_TOKENIZE_CONSOLE
365 float argv_end_index(...) = #516; // DP_QC_TOKENIZE_CONSOLE
366 float buf_cvarlist(...) = #517; // DP_QC_STRINGBUFFERS_CVARLIST
367 float cvar_description(...) = #518; // DP_QC_CVAR_DESCRIPTION
368 float VM_log(...) = #532; // DP_UNKNOWN
369 float getsoundtime(...) = #533; // DP_SND_GETSOUNDTIME
370 float soundlength(...) = #534; // DP_SND_GETSOUNDTIME
371 float parseentitydata(...) = #613; // DP_UNKNOWN
372 float stringtokeynum(...) = #614; // DP_UNKNOWN
373 float resethostcachemasks(...) = #615; // DP_UNKNOWN
374 float sethostcachemaskstring(...) = #616; // DP_UNKNOWN
375 float sethostcachemasknumber(...) = #617; // DP_UNKNOWN
376 float resorthostcache(...) = #618; // DP_UNKNOWN
377 float sethostcachesort(...) = #619; // DP_UNKNOWN
378 float refreshhostcache(...) = #620; // DP_UNKNOWN
379 float gethostcachenumber(...) = #621; // DP_UNKNOWN
380 float gethostcacheindexforkey(...) = #622; // DP_UNKNOWN
381 float addwantedhostcachekey(...) = #623; // DP_UNKNOWN
382 float getextresponse(...) = #624; // DP_UNKNOWN
383 float netaddress_resolve(...) = #625; // DP_UNKNOWN
384 float getgamedirinfo(...) = #626; // DP_UNKNOWN
385 float sprintf(...) = #627; // DP_UNKNOWN
386 float drawfont; // DP_UNKNOWN
387 float drawfontscale; // DP_UNKNOWN
388 .float angles; // DP_UNKNOWN
389 .float chain; // DP_UNKNOWN
390 .float classname; // DP_UNKNOWN
391 .float frame; // OP_STATE
392 .float nextthink; // OP_STATE
393 .float think; // OP_STATE
394 /******************************************
395  * progs
396  ******************************************/
397 float setmodelindex(...) = #333; // EXT_CSQC
398 float modelnameforindex(...) = #334; // EXT_CSQC
399 float isserver(...) = #350; // EXT_CSQC
400 float serverkey(...) = #354; // EXT_CSQC
401 float VM_parseentitydata(...) = #613; // DP_UNKNOWN
402 float ClientConnect; // DP_UNKNOWN
403 float ClientDisconnect; // DP_UNKNOWN
404 float ClientKill; // DP_UNKNOWN
405 float PlayerPostThink; // DP_UNKNOWN
406 float PlayerPreThink; // DP_UNKNOWN
407 float PutClientInServer; // DP_UNKNOWN
408 float SV_InitCmd; // DP_UNKNOWN
409 float SetChangeParms; // DP_UNKNOWN
410 float SetNewParms; // DP_UNKNOWN
411 float StartFrame; // DP_UNKNOWN
412 float main; // DP_UNKNOWN
413 float require_spawnfunc_prefix; // DP_UNKNOWN
414 .float SendEntity; // DP_UNKNOWN
415 .float SendFlags; // DP_UNKNOWN
416 .float Version; // DP_UNKNOWN
417 .float ammo_cells1; // DP_UNKNOWN
418 .float ammo_lava_nails; // DP_UNKNOWN
419 .float ammo_multi_rockets; // DP_UNKNOWN
420 .float ammo_nails1; // DP_UNKNOWN
421 .float ammo_plasma; // DP_UNKNOWN
422 .float ammo_rockets1; // DP_UNKNOWN
423 .float ammo_shells1; // DP_UNKNOWN
424 .float dimension_hit; // DP_UNKNOWN
425 .float dimension_solid; // DP_UNKNOWN
426 .float fatness; // DP_UNKNOWN
427 .float fullbright; // DP_UNKNOWN
428 .float hull; // DP_UNKNOWN
429 .float items2; // DP_UNKNOWN
430 .float pmodel; // DP_UNKNOWN
431 .float renderamt; // DP_UNKNOWN
432 .float rendermode; // DP_UNKNOWN
433 .float sendcomplexanimation; // DP_UNKNOWN