1 // Note: this class is called Dialog, but it can also handle a tab under the following conditions:
3 // - backgroundImage is the tab's background
8 // - intendedHeight ends up to be the tab's actual height, or at least close
9 // - titleFontSize is 0
10 // - marginTop cancels out as much of titleHeight as needed (that is, it should be actualMarginTop - titleHeight)
11 // To ensure the latter, you best create all tabs FIRST and insert the tabbed
12 // control to your dialog THEN - with the right height
14 // a subclass may help with using this as a tab
17 CLASS(Dialog) EXTENDS(InputContainer)
18 METHOD(Dialog, configureDialog, void(entity)) // no runtime configuration, all parameters are given in the code!
19 METHOD(Dialog, fill, void(entity)) // to be overridden by user to fill the dialog with controls
20 METHOD(Dialog, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float))
21 METHOD(Dialog, close, void(entity))
22 METHOD(Dialog, addItemSimple, void(entity, float, float, float, float, entity, vector))
24 METHOD(Dialog, TD, void(entity, float, float, entity))
25 METHOD(Dialog, TDNoMargin, void(entity, float, float, entity, vector))
26 METHOD(Dialog, TDempty, void(entity, float))
27 METHOD(Dialog, setFirstColumn, void(entity, float))
28 METHOD(Dialog, TR, void(entity))
29 METHOD(Dialog, gotoRC, void(entity, float, float))
31 ATTRIB(Dialog, isTabRoot, float, 1)
32 ATTRIB(Dialog, closeButton, entity, NULL)
33 ATTRIB(Dialog, intendedHeight, float, 0)
34 ATTRIB(Dialog, itemOrigin, vector, '0 0 0')
35 ATTRIB(Dialog, itemSize, vector, '0 0 0')
36 ATTRIB(Dialog, itemSpacing, vector, '0 0 0')
37 ATTRIB(Dialog, currentRow, float, 0)
38 ATTRIB(Dialog, currentColumn, float, 0)
39 ATTRIB(Dialog, firstColumn, float, 0)
42 ATTRIB(Dialog, closable, float, 1)
43 ATTRIB(Dialog, title, string, "Form1") // ;)
44 ATTRIB(Dialog, color, vector, '1 0.5 1')
45 ATTRIB(Dialog, intendedWidth, float, 0)
46 ATTRIB(Dialog, rows, float, 3)
47 ATTRIB(Dialog, columns, float, 2)
49 ATTRIB(Dialog, marginTop, float, 0) // pixels
50 ATTRIB(Dialog, marginBottom, float, 0) // pixels
51 ATTRIB(Dialog, marginLeft, float, 0) // pixels
52 ATTRIB(Dialog, marginRight, float, 0) // pixels
53 ATTRIB(Dialog, columnSpacing, float, 0) // pixels
54 ATTRIB(Dialog, rowSpacing, float, 0) // pixels
55 ATTRIB(Dialog, rowHeight, float, 0) // pixels
56 ATTRIB(Dialog, titleHeight, float, 0) // pixels
57 ATTRIB(Dialog, titleFontSize, float, 0) // pixels; if 0, title causes no margin
58 ATTRIB(Dialog, zoomedOutTitleBarPosition, float, 0)
59 ATTRIB(Dialog, zoomedOutTitleBar, float, 0)
61 ATTRIB(Dialog, backgroundImage, string, string_null)
62 ATTRIB(Dialog, borderLines, float, 1)
63 ATTRIB(Dialog, closeButtonImage, string, string_null)
65 ATTRIB(Dialog, frame, entity, NULL)
70 void Dialog_Close(entity button, entity me)
75 void Dialog_fill(entity me)
79 void Dialog_addItemSimple(entity me, float row, float col, float rowspan, float colspan, entity e, vector v)
82 o = me.itemOrigin + eX * ( col * me.itemSpacing_x) + eY * ( row * me.itemSpacing_y);
83 s = me.itemSize + eX * ((colspan - 1) * me.itemSpacing_x) + eY * ((rowspan - 1) * me.itemSpacing_y);
84 o_x -= 0.5 * (me.itemSpacing_x - me.itemSize_x) * v_x;
85 s_x += (me.itemSpacing_x - me.itemSize_x) * v_x;
86 o_y -= 0.5 * (me.itemSpacing_y - me.itemSize_y) * v_y;
87 s_y += (me.itemSpacing_y - me.itemSize_y) * v_y;
88 me.addItem(me, e, o, s, 1);
91 void Dialog_gotoRC(entity me, float row, float col)
94 me.currentColumn = col;
97 void Dialog_TR(entity me)
100 me.currentColumn = me.firstColumn;
103 void Dialog_TD(entity me, float rowspan, float colspan, entity e)
105 me.addItemSimple(me, me.currentRow, me.currentColumn, rowspan, colspan, e, '0 0 0');
106 me.currentColumn += colspan;
109 void Dialog_TDNoMargin(entity me, float rowspan, float colspan, entity e, vector v)
111 me.addItemSimple(me, me.currentRow, me.currentColumn, rowspan, colspan, e, v);
112 me.currentColumn += colspan;
115 void Dialog_setFirstColumn(entity me, float col)
117 me.firstColumn = col;
120 void Dialog_TDempty(entity me, float colspan)
122 me.currentColumn += colspan;
125 void Dialog_configureDialog(entity me)
128 float absWidth, absHeight;
130 me.frame = spawnBorderImage();
131 me.frame.configureBorderImage(me.frame, me.title, me.titleFontSize, me.color, me.backgroundImage, me.borderLines * me.titleHeight);
132 me.frame.zoomedOutTitleBarPosition = me.zoomedOutTitleBarPosition;
133 me.frame.zoomedOutTitleBar = me.zoomedOutTitleBar;
134 me.frame.alpha = me.alpha;
135 me.addItem(me, me.frame, '0 0 0', '1 1 0', 1);
137 if not(me.titleFontSize)
138 me.titleHeight = 0; // no title bar
140 absWidth = me.intendedWidth * conwidth;
141 absHeight = me.borderLines * me.titleHeight + me.marginTop + me.rows * me.rowHeight + (me.rows - 1) * me.rowSpacing + me.marginBottom;
142 me.itemOrigin = eX * (me.marginLeft / absWidth)
143 + eY * ((me.borderLines * me.titleHeight + me.marginTop) / absHeight);
144 me.itemSize = eX * ((1 - (me.marginLeft + me.marginRight + me.columnSpacing * (me.columns - 1)) / absWidth) / me.columns)
145 + eY * (me.rowHeight / absHeight);
146 me.itemSpacing = me.itemSize
147 + eX * (me.columnSpacing / absWidth)
148 + eY * (me.rowSpacing / absHeight);
149 me.intendedHeight = absHeight / conheight;
151 me.currentColumn = -1;
157 closebutton = me.closeButton = spawnButton();
158 closebutton.configureButton(closebutton, "", 0, me.closeButtonImage);
159 closebutton.onClick = Dialog_Close; closebutton.onClickEntity = me;
160 closebutton.srcMulti = 0;
161 me.addItem(me, closebutton, '0 0 0', '1 1 0', 1); // put it as LAST
164 me.frame.closeButton = closebutton;
167 void Dialog_close(entity me)
169 if(me.parent.instanceOfNexposee)
171 ExposeeCloseButton_Click(me, me.parent);
173 else if(me.parent.instanceOfModalController)
175 DialogCloseButton_Click(me, me);
179 float Dialog_keyDown(entity me, float key, float ascii, float shift)
189 return SUPER(Dialog).keyDown(me, key, ascii, shift);