1 void turret_remove(entity this)
9 void turret_changeteam(entity this)
11 this.glowmod = Team_ColorRGB(this.team - 1) * 2;
12 this.teamradar_color = Team_ColorRGB(this.team - 1);
15 this.colormap = 1024 + (this.team - 1) * 17;
17 this.tur_head.colormap = this.colormap;
18 this.tur_head.glowmod = this.glowmod;
23 void turret_head_draw(entity this)
25 this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
28 void turret_draw(entity this)
32 dt = time - this.move_time;
33 this.move_time = time;
37 this.tur_head.angles += dt * this.tur_head.avelocity;
39 if (this.health < 127)
44 te_spark(this.origin + '0 0 40', randomvec() * 256 + '0 0 256', 16);
49 pointparticles(EFFECT_SMOKE_LARGE, (this.origin + (randomvec() * 80)), '0 0 0', 1);
53 pointparticles(EFFECT_SMOKE_SMALL, (this.origin + (randomvec() * 80)), '0 0 0', 1);
57 void turret_draw2d(entity this)
59 if(this.netname == "")
62 if(!autocvar_g_waypointsprite_turrets)
65 if(autocvar_cl_hidewaypoints)
68 float dist = vlen(this.origin - view_origin);
69 float t = (entcs_GetTeam(player_localnum) + 1);
74 if(autocvar_cl_vehicles_hud_tactical)
75 if(dist < 10240 && t != this.team)
77 // TODO: Vehicle tactical hud
78 o = project_3d_to_2d(this.origin + '0 0 32');
80 || o_x < (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left)
81 || o_y < (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top)
82 || o_x > (vid_conwidth - (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right))
83 || o_y > (vid_conheight - (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom)))
84 return; // Dont draw wp's for turrets out of view
88 if((get_turretinfo(this.m_id)).spawnflags & TUR_FLAG_MOVE)
89 txt = "gfx/vehicles/turret_moving.tga";
91 txt = "gfx/vehicles/turret_stationary.tga";
93 vector pz = drawgetimagesize(txt) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_crosshair_size;
94 drawpic(o - pz * 0.5, txt, pz , '1 1 1', 0.7, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
98 if(dist > this.maxdistance)
101 string spriteimage = this.netname;
102 float a = this.alpha * autocvar_hud_panel_fg_alpha;
103 vector rgb = spritelookupcolor(this, spriteimage, this.teamradar_color);
106 if(this.maxdistance > waypointsprite_normdistance)
107 a *= pow(bound(0, (this.maxdistance - dist) / (this.maxdistance - waypointsprite_normdistance), 1), waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent);
108 else if(this.maxdistance > 0)
109 a *= pow(bound(0, (waypointsprite_fadedistance - dist) / (waypointsprite_fadedistance - waypointsprite_normdistance), 1), waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent) * (1 - waypointsprite_minalpha) + waypointsprite_minalpha;
113 this.teamradar_color = '1 0 1';
114 LOG_INFOF("WARNING: sprite of name %s has no color, using pink so you notice it\n", spriteimage);
118 if(autocvar_g_waypointsprite_spam && waypointsprite_count >= autocvar_g_waypointsprite_spam)
121 txt = spritelookuptext(this, spriteimage);
123 if(time - floor(time) > 0.5 && t == this.team)
125 if(this.helpme && time < this.helpme)
128 txt = sprintf(_("%s under attack!"), txt);
131 a *= spritelookupblinkvalue(this, spriteimage);
134 if(autocvar_g_waypointsprite_uppercase)
135 txt = strtoupper(txt);
146 rgb = fixrgbexcess(rgb);
148 o = project_3d_to_2d(this.origin + '0 0 64');
150 || o_x < (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left)
151 || o_y < (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top)
152 || o_x > (vid_conwidth - (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right))
153 || o_y > (vid_conheight - (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom)))
154 return; // Dont draw wp's for turrets out of view
158 float edgedistance_min, crosshairdistance;
159 edgedistance_min = min((o_y - (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top)),
160 (o_x - (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left)),
161 (vid_conwidth - (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right)) - o_x,
162 (vid_conheight - (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom)) - o_y);
164 float vidscale = max(vid_conwidth / vid_width, vid_conheight / vid_height);
166 crosshairdistance = sqrt( pow(o_x - vid_conwidth/2, 2) + pow(o_y - vid_conheight/2, 2) );
168 t = waypointsprite_scale * vidscale;
169 a *= waypointsprite_alpha;
172 a = a * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_distancefadealpha) * (bound(0, dist/waypointsprite_distancefadedistance, 1)));
173 t = t * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_distancefadescale) * (bound(0, dist/waypointsprite_distancefadedistance, 1)));
175 if (edgedistance_min < waypointsprite_edgefadedistance) {
176 a = a * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_edgefadealpha) * (1 - bound(0, edgedistance_min/waypointsprite_edgefadedistance, 1)));
177 t = t * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_edgefadescale) * (1 - bound(0, edgedistance_min/waypointsprite_edgefadedistance, 1)));
179 if(crosshairdistance < waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance) {
180 a = a * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_crosshairfadealpha) * (1 - bound(0, crosshairdistance/waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance, 1)));
181 t = t * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_crosshairfadescale) * (1 - bound(0, crosshairdistance/waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance, 1)));
184 o = drawspritearrow(o, M_PI, rgb, a, SPRITE_ARROW_SCALE * t);
185 o = drawspritetext(o, M_PI, (SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_WIDTH + 2 * SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_BORDER) * t, rgb, a, waypointsprite_fontsize * '1 1 0', txt);
194 SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_MARGIN * t + 0.5 * waypointsprite_fontsize,
205 void turret_construct(entity this)
207 entity tur = get_turretinfo(this.m_id);
209 if(this.tur_head == NULL)
210 this.tur_head = spawn();
212 this.netname = tur.turret_name;
214 setorigin(this, this.origin);
215 _setmodel(this, tur.model);
216 _setmodel(this.tur_head, tur.head_model);
217 setsize(this, tur.mins, tur.maxs);
218 setsize(this.tur_head, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
220 if(this.m_id == TUR_EWHEEL.m_id)
221 setattachment(this.tur_head, this, "");
223 setattachment(this.tur_head, this, "tag_head");
225 this.tur_head.classname = "turret_head";
226 this.tur_head.owner = this;
227 set_movetype(this.tur_head, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP);
228 set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP);
229 this.tur_head.angles = this.angles;
231 this.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
232 this.tur_head.solid = SOLID_NOT;
233 set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP);
234 set_movetype(this.tur_head, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP);
235 this.draw = turret_draw;
236 this.entremove = turret_remove;
237 this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
238 this.tur_head.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
239 this.anim_start_time = 0;
240 this.draw2d = turret_draw2d;
241 this.maxdistance = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_turrets_maxdist;
242 this.teamradar_color = '1 0 0';
245 tur.tr_setup(tur, this);
248 entity turret_gibtoss(string _model, vector _from, vector _to, vector _cmod, float _explode);
249 void turret_gibboom(entity this);
250 void turret_gib_draw(entity this)
252 Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(this, autocvar_cl_gibs_ticrate, autocvar_cl_gibs_sloppy);
254 this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
258 if(time >= this.nextthink)
260 turret_gibboom(this);
266 this.alpha = bound(0, this.nextthink - time, 1);
267 if(this.alpha < ALPHA_MIN_VISIBLE)
272 void turret_gibboom(entity this)
275 pointparticles(EFFECT_ROCKET_EXPLODE, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
277 for (int j = 1; j < 5; j = j + 1)
278 turret_gibtoss(strcat("models/turrets/head-gib", ftos(j), ".md3"), this.origin + '0 0 2', this.velocity + randomvec() * 700, '0 0 0', false);
281 entity turret_gibtoss(string _model, vector _from, vector _to, vector _cmod, float _explode)
285 traceline(_from, _to, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL);
289 gib = new(turret_gib);
290 setorigin(gib, _from);
291 _setmodel(gib, _model);
292 gib.colormod = _cmod;
293 gib.solid = SOLID_CORPSE;
294 gib.draw = turret_gib_draw;
296 setsize(gib, '-1 -1 -1', '1 1 1');
299 gib.nextthink = time + 0.2 * (autocvar_cl_gibs_lifetime * (1 + prandom() * 0.15));
300 gib.effects = EF_FLAME;
303 gib.nextthink = time + autocvar_cl_gibs_lifetime * (1 + prandom() * 0.15);
306 set_movetype(gib, MOVETYPE_BOUNCE);
307 setorigin(gib, _from);
309 gib.avelocity = prandomvec() * 32;
310 gib.move_time = time;
311 gib.damageforcescale = 1;
316 void turret_die(entity this)
319 pointparticles(EFFECT_ROCKET_EXPLODE, this.origin, '0 0 0', 1);
320 if (!autocvar_cl_nogibs)
323 if(this.m_id == TUR_EWHEEL.m_id)
324 turret_gibtoss((get_turretinfo(this.m_id)).model, this.origin + '0 0 18', this.velocity + '0 0 400' + '0.1 0.1 1' * (random() * 400), '-1 -1 -1', true);
325 else if (this.m_id == TUR_WALKER.m_id)
326 turret_gibtoss((get_turretinfo(this.m_id)).model, this.origin + '0 0 18', this.velocity + '0 0 300' + '0.1 0.1 1' * (random() * 200), '-1 -1 -1', true);
327 else if (this.m_id == TUR_TESLA.m_id)
328 turret_gibtoss((get_turretinfo(this.m_id)).model, this.origin + '0 0 18', '0 0 200', '-1 -1 -1', false);
333 turret_gibtoss("models/turrets/base-gib2.md3", this.origin + '0 0 8', '0 0 50' + randomvec() * 150, '0 0 0', false);
334 turret_gibtoss("models/turrets/base-gib3.md3", this.origin + '0 0 8', '0 0 50' + randomvec() * 150, '0 0 0', false);
335 turret_gibtoss("models/turrets/base-gib4.md3", this.origin + '0 0 8', '0 0 50' + randomvec() * 150, '0 0 0', false);
338 turret_gibtoss("models/turrets/base-gib1.md3", this.origin + '0 0 8', '0 0 0', '0 0 0', true);
340 entity headgib = turret_gibtoss((get_turretinfo(this.m_id)).head_model, this.origin + '0 0 32', '0 0 200' + randomvec() * 200, '-1 -1 -1', true);
343 headgib.angles = this.tur_head.angles;
344 headgib.avelocity = this.tur_head.avelocity + randomvec() * 45;
345 headgib.avelocity_y = headgib.avelocity_y * 5;
346 headgib.gravity = 0.5;
351 setmodel(this, MDL_Null);
352 setmodel(this.tur_head, MDL_Null);
362 this.m_id = ReadByte();
364 this.origin_x = ReadCoord();
365 this.origin_y = ReadCoord();
366 this.origin_z = ReadCoord();
367 setorigin(this, this.origin);
369 this.angles_x = ReadAngle();
370 this.angles_y = ReadAngle();
372 turret_construct(this);
373 this.colormap = 1024;
374 this.glowmod = '0 1 1';
375 this.tur_head.colormap = this.colormap;
376 this.tur_head.glowmod = this.glowmod;
381 if(this.tur_head == NULL) // aparenly this can happpen before TNSF_SETUP. great.
382 this.tur_head = spawn();
384 this.tur_head.angles_x = ReadShort();
385 this.tur_head.angles_y = ReadShort();
386 //this.tur_head.angles = this.angles + this.tur_head.angles;
391 if(this.tur_head == NULL) // aparenly this can happpen before TNSF_SETUP. great.
392 this.tur_head = spawn();
394 this.tur_head.avelocity_x = ReadShort();
395 this.tur_head.avelocity_y = ReadShort();
400 this.origin_x = ReadShort();
401 this.origin_y = ReadShort();
402 this.origin_z = ReadShort();
403 setorigin(this, this.origin);
405 this.velocity_x = ReadShort();
406 this.velocity_y = ReadShort();
407 this.velocity_z = ReadShort();
409 this.angles_y = ReadShort();
411 this.move_time = time;
416 this.frame1time = ReadCoord();
417 this.frame = ReadByte();
424 if(_tmp != this.team)
427 turret_changeteam(this);
431 if(_tmp == 0 && this.health != 0)
433 else if(this.health && this.health != _tmp)
434 this.helpme = servertime + 10;
438 //this.enemy.health = this.health / 255;