1 #include "mapvoting.qh"
3 #include "autocvars.qh"
4 #include "miscfunctions.qh"
7 #include "hud/panel/scoreboard.qh"
9 #include <common/mapinfo.qh>
14 string mv_maps[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
15 string mv_pics[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
16 string mv_pk3[MAPVOTE_COUNT]; // map pk3 name or gametype human readable name
17 string mv_desc[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
18 float mv_preview[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
19 float mv_votes[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
20 float mv_flags[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
21 float mv_flags_start[MAPVOTE_COUNT];
32 int mv_mouse_selection;
33 int mv_selection_keyboard;
36 string mapvote_chosenmap;
38 vector gtv_text_size_small;
40 const int NUM_SSDIRS = 4;
41 string ssdirs[NUM_SSDIRS];
44 string MapVote_FormatMapItem(int id, string map, float _count, float maxwidth, vector fontsize)
48 pre = sprintf("%d. ", id+1);
52 post = _(" (1 vote)");
53 else if(_count >= 0 && (mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE))
54 post = sprintf(_(" (%d votes)"), _count);
60 maxwidth -= stringwidth(pre, false, fontsize) + stringwidth(post, false, fontsize);
61 map = textShortenToWidth(map, maxwidth, fontsize, stringwidth_nocolors);
62 return strcat(pre, map, post);
65 vector MapVote_RGB(int id)
68 if(!(mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE))
72 else if (id == mv_selection)
78 void GameTypeVote_DrawGameTypeItem(vector pos, float maxh, float tsize, string gtype, string pic, float _count, int id)
81 // Find the correct alpha
83 if(!(mv_flags_start[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE))
84 alpha = 0.2; // The gametype isn't supported by the map
85 else if ( !(mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && mv_top2_alpha)
86 alpha = mv_top2_alpha; // Fade away if not one of the top 2 choice
88 alpha = 1; // Normal, full alpha
89 alpha *= panel_fg_alpha;
91 // Bounding box details
92 float rect_margin = hud_fontsize.y / 2;
94 pos.x += rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border;
95 pos.y += rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border;
96 maxh -= 2 * (rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border);
97 tsize -= 2 * (rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border);
99 vector rect_pos = pos - '0.5 0.5 0' * rect_margin;
100 vector rect_size = '1 1 0';
101 rect_size.x = tsize + rect_margin;
102 rect_size.y = maxh + rect_margin;
104 // Highlight selected item
105 if(id == mv_selection && (mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE))
107 drawfill(rect_pos, rect_size, '1 1 1', 0.1 * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
110 // Highlight current vote
111 vector rgb = MapVote_RGB(id);
114 drawfill(rect_pos, rect_size, rgb, 0.1 * alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
115 drawborderlines(autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border, rect_pos, rect_size, rgb, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
120 float title_gap = gtv_text_size.y * 1.4; // distance between the title and the description
124 // Evaluate the image size
125 vector image_size = '1 1 0' * gtv_text_size.x * 3;
126 if ( maxh < image_size.y )
127 image_size = '1 1 0' * maxh;
129 float desc_padding = gtv_text_size.x * 0.6;
130 pos.x += image_size.x + desc_padding;
131 tsize -= image_size.x + desc_padding;
133 // Split the description into lines
136 title.message = MapVote_FormatMapItem(id, mv_pk3[id], _count, tsize, gtv_text_size);
138 string thelabel = mv_desc[id], ts;
144 float i,n = tokenizebyseparator(thelabel, "\n");
145 for(i = 0; i < n && maxh > (nlines+1)*gtv_text_size_small.y; ++i)
147 getWrappedLine_remaining = argv(i);
148 while(getWrappedLine_remaining && maxh > (nlines+1)*gtv_text_size_small.y)
150 ts = getWrappedLine(tsize, gtv_text_size_small, stringwidth_colors);
155 next.origin = pos-offset;
158 pos.y += gtv_text_size_small.y;
165 // Center the contents in the bounding box
166 maxh -= max(nlines*gtv_text_size_small.y,image_size.y);
171 drawstring(offset, title.message, gtv_text_size, rgb, alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
175 drawpic('0 1 0'*title_gap+'0.5 0 0'*desc_padding+offset, pic, image_size, '1 1 1', alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
177 // Draw the description
178 for ( last = title.chain; last ; )
180 drawstring(last.origin+offset, last.message, gtv_text_size_small, '1 1 1', alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
190 void MapVote_DrawMapItem(vector pos, float isize, float tsize, string map, string pic, float _count, int id)
193 vector img_size = '0 0 0';
197 float rect_margin = hud_fontsize.y / 2;
199 pos.x += rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border;
200 pos.y += rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border;
201 isize -= 2 * (rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border);
202 tsize -= 2 * (rect_margin + autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border);
204 vector rect_pos = pos - '0.5 0.5 0' * rect_margin;
205 vector rect_size = '1 1 0';
206 rect_size.x = tsize + rect_margin;
207 rect_size.y = isize + rect_margin;
210 img_size.x = min(tsize, isize * img_ar);
211 img_size.y = img_size.x / img_ar;
212 img_size.y -= hud_fontsize.y;
213 img_size.x = img_size.y * img_ar;
215 pos.y += (isize - img_size.y - hud_fontsize.y) / 2;
217 label = MapVote_FormatMapItem(id, map, _count, tsize, hud_fontsize);
219 text_size = stringwidth(label, false, hud_fontsize);
221 float save_rect_sizex = rect_size.x;
222 rect_size.x = max(img_size.x, text_size) + rect_margin;
223 rect_pos.x += (save_rect_sizex - rect_size.x) / 2;
225 vector text_pos = '0 0 0';
226 text_pos.x = pos.x + (tsize - text_size) / 2;
227 text_pos.y = pos.y + img_size.y;
229 pos.x += (tsize - img_size.x) / 2;
232 if (!(mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && mv_top2_alpha)
233 theAlpha = mv_top2_alpha;
236 theAlpha *= panel_fg_alpha;
238 // Highlight selected item
239 if(id == mv_selection && (mv_flags[id] & GTV_AVAILABLE))
240 drawfill(rect_pos, rect_size, '1 1 1', 0.1 * panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
242 // Highlight current vote
243 vector rgb = MapVote_RGB(id);
246 drawfill(rect_pos, rect_size, rgb, 0.1 * theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
247 drawborderlines(autocvar_hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border, rect_pos, rect_size, rgb, theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
250 drawstring(text_pos, label, hud_fontsize, rgb, theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
254 drawfill(pos, img_size, '.5 .5 .5', .7 * theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
258 if(drawgetimagesize(pic) == '0 0 0')
259 drawpic(pos, draw_UseSkinFor("nopreview_map"), img_size, '1 1 1', theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
261 drawpic(pos, pic, img_size, '1 1 1', theAlpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
265 void MapVote_DrawAbstain(vector pos, float isize, float tsize, float _count, int id)
272 rgb = MapVote_RGB(id);
274 label = MapVote_FormatMapItem(id, _("Don't care"), _count, tsize, hud_fontsize);
276 text_size = stringwidth(label, false, hud_fontsize);
278 pos.x -= text_size*0.5;
279 drawstring(pos, label, hud_fontsize, rgb, panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
282 vector MapVote_GridVec(vector gridspec, int i, int m)
284 TC(int, i); TC(int, m);
287 '1 0 0' * (gridspec.x * r)
289 '0 1 0' * (gridspec.y * (i - r) / m);
292 float MapVote_Selection(vector topleft, vector cellsize, float rows, float columns)
297 mv_mouse_selection = -1;
299 for (r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
300 for (c = 0; c < columns; ++c)
302 if (mousepos.x >= topleft.x + cellsize.x * c &&
303 mousepos.x <= topleft.x + cellsize.x * (c + 1) &&
304 mousepos.y >= topleft.y + cellsize.y * r &&
305 mousepos.y <= topleft.y + cellsize.y * (r + 1))
307 mv_mouse_selection = r * columns + c;
312 if (mv_mouse_selection >= mv_num_maps)
313 mv_mouse_selection = -1;
315 if (mv_abstain && mv_mouse_selection < 0)
316 mv_mouse_selection = mv_num_maps;
318 if ( mv_selection_keyboard )
321 return mv_mouse_selection;
324 vector prev_mousepos;
325 // draws map vote or gametype vote
334 vector dist = '0 0 0';
336 //if(intermission != 2) return;
340 HUD_Panel_LoadCvars();
342 if (!autocvar_hud_cursormode)
344 if (mousepos.x != prev_mousepos.x || mousepos.y != prev_mousepos.y)
346 mv_selection_keyboard = 0;
347 prev_mousepos = mousepos;
351 center = (vid_conwidth - 1)/2;
352 xmin = vid_conwidth * 0.08;
353 xmax = vid_conwidth - xmin;
355 ymax = vid_conheight - ymin;
357 if(chat_posy + chat_sizey / 2 < vid_conheight / 2)
362 hud_fontsize = HUD_GetFontsize("hud_fontsize");
365 gtv_text_size = hud_fontsize * 1.4;
366 gtv_text_size_small = hud_fontsize * 1.1;
373 draw_beginBoldFont();
375 map = ((gametypevote) ? _("Decide the gametype") : _("Vote for a map"));
376 pos.x = center - stringwidth(map, false, hud_fontsize * 2) * 0.5;
377 drawstring(pos, map, hud_fontsize * 2, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
378 pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 2;
380 if( mapvote_chosenmap != "" )
382 pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 0.25;
383 pos.x = center - stringwidth(mapvote_chosenmap, false, hud_fontsize * 1.5) * 0.5;
384 drawstring(pos, mapvote_chosenmap, hud_fontsize * 1.5, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
385 pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 1.5;
387 pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 0.5;
391 i = ceil(max(0, mv_timeout - time));
392 map = sprintf(_("%d seconds left"), i);
393 pos.x = center - stringwidth(map, false, hud_fontsize * 1.5) * 0.5;
394 drawstring(pos, map, hud_fontsize * 1.5, '0 1 0', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
395 pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 1.5;
396 pos.y += hud_fontsize.y * 0.5;
398 // base for multi-column stuff...
399 pos.y += hud_fontsize.y;
402 float abstain_spacing = panel_bg_border + hud_fontsize.y;
406 ymax -= abstain_spacing;
409 // higher than the image itself ratio for mapvote items to reserve space for long map names
410 int item_aspect = (gametypevote) ? 3/1 : 5/3;
411 vector table_size = HUD_GetTableSize_BestItemAR(mv_num_maps, vec2(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin), item_aspect);
412 mv_columns = table_size.x;
415 dist.x = (xmax - xmin) / mv_columns;
416 dist.y = (ymax - pos.y) / rows;
418 // reduce size of too wide items
419 tmp = vid_conwidth / 3; // max width
423 dist.y = min(dist.y, dist.x / item_aspect);
425 tmp = vid_conheight / 3; // max height
429 dist.x = min(dist.x, dist.y * item_aspect);
432 // reduce size to fix aspect ratio
433 if(dist.x / dist.y > item_aspect)
434 dist.x = dist.y * item_aspect;
436 dist.y = dist.x / item_aspect;
438 // adjust table pos and size according to the new size
440 offset = ((xmax - pos.x) - dist.x * mv_columns) / 2;
441 xmin = pos.x += offset;
443 offset = ((ymax - pos.y) - dist.y * rows) / 2;
446 // override panel_pos and panel_size
449 panel_size.x = xmax - xmin;
450 panel_size.y = ymax - ymin;
455 // FIXME item AR gets slightly changed here...
456 // it's rather hard to avoid it at this point
457 dist.x -= 2 * panel_bg_padding / mv_columns;
458 dist.y -= 2 * panel_bg_padding / rows;
459 xmin = pos.x += panel_bg_padding;
460 ymin = pos.y += panel_bg_padding;
461 xmax -= 2 * panel_bg_padding;
462 ymax -= 2 * panel_bg_padding;
465 mv_selection = MapVote_Selection(pos, dist, rows, mv_columns);
468 mv_top2_alpha = max(0.2, 1 - (time - mv_top2_time) ** 2);
470 void (vector, float, float, string, string, float, float) DrawItem;
473 DrawItem = GameTypeVote_DrawGameTypeItem;
475 DrawItem = MapVote_DrawMapItem;
477 for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i)
479 tmp = mv_votes[i]; // FTEQCC bug: too many array accesses in the function call screw it up
482 DrawItem(pos + MapVote_GridVec(dist, i, mv_columns), dist.y, dist.x, map, mv_pics[i], tmp, i);
484 DrawItem(pos + MapVote_GridVec(dist, i, mv_columns), dist.y, dist.x, map, "", tmp, i);
490 if(mv_abstain && i < mv_num_maps) {
492 pos.y = ymax + abstain_spacing;
493 pos.x = (xmax+xmin)*0.5;
494 MapVote_DrawAbstain(pos, dist.x, xmax - xmin, tmp, i);
498 void Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(int argc)
503 if(argc != 2 || !mv_pk3list)
505 LOG_INFO(_("mv_mapdownload: ^3You're not supposed to use this command on your own!"));
509 int id = stof(argv(1));
510 for(pak = mv_pk3list; pak; pak = pak.chain)
511 if(pak.sv_entnum == id)
514 if(!pak || pak.sv_entnum != id) {
515 LOG_INFO(_("^1Error:^7 Couldn't find pak index."));
519 if(PreviewExists(pak.message))
521 mv_preview[id] = true;
524 LOG_INFO(_("Requesting preview..."));
525 localcmd(strcat("\ncmd mv_getpicture ", ftos(id), "\n"));
529 void MapVote_CheckPK3(string pic, string pk3, int id)
538 pak.chain = mv_pk3list;
543 localcmd(strcat("\ncurl --pak ", pk3, "; wait; cl_cmd mv_download ", ftos(id), "\n"));
547 Cmd_MapVote_MapDownload(tokenize_console(strcat("mv_download ", ftos(id))));
551 void MapVote_CheckPic(string pic, string pk3, int id)
554 // never try to retrieve a pic for the "don't care" 'map'
555 if(mv_abstain && id == mv_num_maps - 1)
558 if(PreviewExists(pic))
560 mv_preview[id] = true;
563 MapVote_CheckPK3(pic, pk3, id);
566 void MapVote_ReadMask()
569 if ( mv_num_maps < 24 )
574 else if(mv_num_maps < 16)
579 for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i)
582 mv_flags[i] |= GTV_AVAILABLE;
584 mv_flags[i] &= ~GTV_AVAILABLE;
589 for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i )
590 mv_flags[i] = ReadByte();
594 void MapVote_ReadOption(int i)
597 string map = strzone(ReadString());
598 string pk3 = strzone(ReadString());
599 int j = bound(0, ReadByte(), n_ssdirs - 1);
603 mv_flags[i] = GTV_AVAILABLE;
605 string pic = strzone(strcat(ssdirs[j], "/", map));
607 mv_preview[i] = false;
608 MapVote_CheckPic(pic, pk3, i);
611 void GameTypeVote_ReadOption(int i)
614 string gt = strzone(ReadString());
617 mv_flags[i] = ReadByte();
619 string basetype = "";
621 if ( mv_flags[i] & GTV_CUSTOM )
623 string name = ReadString();
624 if ( strlen(name) < 1 )
626 mv_pk3[i] = strzone(name);
627 mv_desc[i] = strzone(ReadString());
628 basetype = strzone(ReadString());
632 Gametype type = MapInfo_Type_FromString(gt);
633 mv_pk3[i] = strzone(MapInfo_Type_ToText(type));
634 mv_desc[i] = MapInfo_Type_Description(type);
637 string mv_picpath = sprintf("gfx/menu/%s/gametype_%s", autocvar_menu_skin, gt);
638 if(precache_pic(mv_picpath) == "")
640 mv_picpath = strcat("gfx/menu/default/gametype_", gt);
641 if(precache_pic(mv_picpath) == "")
643 mv_picpath = sprintf("gfx/menu/%s/gametype_%s", autocvar_menu_skin, basetype);
644 if(precache_pic(mv_picpath) == "")
646 mv_picpath = strcat("gfx/menu/default/gametype_", basetype);
650 string pic = strzone(mv_picpath);
652 mv_preview[i] = PreviewExists(pic);
658 if(!autocvar_hud_cursormode) mousepos = '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth + '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight;
660 mv_selection_keyboard = 0;
663 for(n_ssdirs = 0; ; ++n_ssdirs)
668 if(n_ssdirs < NUM_SSDIRS)
669 ssdirs[n_ssdirs] = s;
671 n_ssdirs = min(n_ssdirs, NUM_SSDIRS);
673 mv_num_maps = min(MAPVOTE_COUNT, ReadByte());
674 mv_abstain = ReadByte();
676 mv_abstain = 1; // must be 1 for bool-true, makes stuff easier
677 mv_detail = ReadByte();
680 mv_timeout = ReadCoord();
682 gametypevote = ReadByte();
686 mapvote_chosenmap = strzone(ReadString());
687 if ( gametypevote == 2 )
693 for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i )
694 mv_flags_start[i] = mv_flags[i];
696 // Assume mv_pk3list is NULL, there should only be 1 mapvote per round
697 mv_pk3list = NULL; // I'm still paranoid!
699 for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i)
704 GameTypeVote_ReadOption(i);
706 MapVote_ReadOption(i);
709 for(i = 0; i < n_ssdirs; ++i)
710 ssdirs[n_ssdirs] = string_null;
714 void MapVote_SendChoice(int index)
717 localcmd(strcat("\nimpulse ", ftos(index+1), "\n"));
720 int MapVote_MoveLeft(int pos)
725 imp = mv_num_maps - 1;
727 imp = pos < 1 ? mv_num_maps - 1 : pos - 1;
728 if ( !(mv_flags[imp] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && imp != mv_ownvote )
729 imp = MapVote_MoveLeft(imp);
732 int MapVote_MoveRight(int pos)
739 imp = pos >= mv_num_maps - 1 ? 0 : pos + 1;
740 if ( !(mv_flags[imp] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && imp != mv_ownvote )
741 imp = MapVote_MoveRight(imp);
744 int MapVote_MoveUp(int pos)
749 imp = mv_num_maps - 1;
752 imp = pos - mv_columns;
755 imp = floor(mv_num_maps/mv_columns)*mv_columns + pos % mv_columns;
756 if ( imp >= mv_num_maps )
760 if ( !(mv_flags[imp] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && imp != mv_ownvote )
761 imp = MapVote_MoveUp(imp);
764 int MapVote_MoveDown(int pos)
772 imp = pos + mv_columns;
773 if ( imp >= mv_num_maps )
774 imp = imp % mv_columns;
776 if ( !(mv_flags[imp] & GTV_AVAILABLE) && imp != mv_ownvote )
777 imp = MapVote_MoveDown(imp);
781 float MapVote_InputEvent(int bInputType, float nPrimary, float nSecondary)
785 static int first_digit = 0;
791 mousepos.x = nPrimary;
792 mousepos.y = nSecondary;
793 mv_selection_keyboard = 0;
799 if (nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState |= S_ALT;
800 if (nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState |= S_CTRL;
801 if (nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState |= S_SHIFT;
803 else if (bInputType == 1)
805 if (nPrimary == K_ALT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_ALT);
806 if (nPrimary == K_CTRL) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_CTRL);
807 if (nPrimary == K_SHIFT) hudShiftState -= (hudShiftState & S_SHIFT);
809 if (nPrimary == K_CTRL)
820 mv_selection_keyboard = 1;
821 mv_selection = MapVote_MoveRight(mv_selection);
824 mv_selection_keyboard = 1;
825 mv_selection = MapVote_MoveLeft(mv_selection);
828 mv_selection_keyboard = 1;
829 mv_selection = MapVote_MoveDown(mv_selection);
832 mv_selection_keyboard = 1;
833 mv_selection = MapVote_MoveUp(mv_selection);
838 if ( mv_selection_keyboard )
839 MapVote_SendChoice(mv_selection);
841 case '1': case K_KP_1: imp = 1; break;
842 case '2': case K_KP_2: imp = 2; break;
843 case '3': case K_KP_3: imp = 3; break;
844 case '4': case K_KP_4: imp = 4; break;
845 case '5': case K_KP_5: imp = 5; break;
846 case '6': case K_KP_6: imp = 6; break;
847 case '7': case K_KP_7: imp = 7; break;
848 case '8': case K_KP_8: imp = 8; break;
849 case '9': case K_KP_9: imp = 9; break;
850 case '0': case K_KP_0: imp = 10; break;
853 if (imp && hudShiftState & S_CTRL)
857 first_digit = imp % 10;
861 imp = first_digit * 10 + (imp % 10);
864 if (nPrimary == K_MOUSE1)
866 mv_selection_keyboard = 0;
867 mv_selection = mv_mouse_selection;
868 if (mv_selection >= 0)
869 imp = min(mv_selection + 1, mv_num_maps);
874 if (imp <= mv_num_maps)
875 localcmd(strcat("\nimpulse ", ftos(imp), "\n"));
882 void MapVote_UpdateMask()
888 void MapVote_UpdateVotes()
891 for(i = 0; i < mv_num_maps; ++i)
893 if(mv_flags[i] & GTV_AVAILABLE)
896 mv_votes[i] = ReadByte();
904 mv_ownvote = ReadByte()-1;
917 MapVote_UpdateMask();
920 MapVote_UpdateVotes();
925 Net_MapVote_Picture();
929 void Net_MapVote_Picture()
931 int type = ReadByte();
932 mv_preview[type] = true;
933 mv_pics[type] = strzone(ReadPicture());