1 // Simple help message system
2 // It prints messages with the configured name
4 // You can start the help system with the command help_loop but this has been found to annoy players.
5 // A better way is to put `alias sv_hook_gamestart_all "defer 20 help_next"` into your server.cfg,
6 // that way you get one message per match.
8 // the messages need to be starting from 0 and be consecutive
9 // for manual use: help_inc switches to the next message, help_doit will print the current message, help_next will do both together
12 set help_cfg_nick "^2Help System^3" "the messages will appear in chat coming from the sever using this name"
13 set help_cfg_time 5 "the time between two messages in seconds when started using help_loop"
14 set help_cfg_prefix "^2" "prepended to each message, useful to color the nick and message differently"
16 // aliases making up the actual helpsystem
17 set help_tmp_index -1 // -1 since we first increment, then show it
18 alias help_say "set help_tmp_oldnick \"$sv_adminnick\"; set sv_adminnick \"$help_cfg_nick\"; say \"$*\"; help_say2"
19 alias help_say2 "set sv_adminnick \"$help_tmp_oldnick\""
20 alias help_doit "sv_cmd rpn /help_tmp_msg help_msg_$help_tmp_index def; help_doit2"
21 alias help_doit2 "help_say $help_cfg_prefix$help_tmp_msg"
22 alias help_inc "sv_cmd rpn /help_tmp_index help_tmp_index 1 add $help_msg_count mod def"
23 alias help_next "help_inc; help_doit" // increment first - if the ruleset changed, the number of tips could have too, this avoids overflow
24 alias help_loop "help_next; defer $help_cfg_time help_loop"