]> git.xonotic.org Git - xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir.git/blob - binds-xonotic.cfg
Don't run "in_bindmap 0 0" for every client on mapstart
[xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir.git] / binds-xonotic.cfg
1 seta _keybinder_mapname0 "Classic"
3 // alias for switching the teamselect menu
4 bind f5 menu_showteamselect
6 bind f6 team_auto
8 bind f7 menu_showsandboxtools
10 bind f9 "cl_cmd hud minigame"
12 // movement
13 bind w +forward
14 bind a +moveleft
15 bind s +back
16 bind d +moveright
17 bind UPARROW +forward
18 bind LEFTARROW +moveleft
19 bind DOWNARROW +back
20 bind RIGHTARROW +moveright
21 bind SHIFT +crouch
22 bind SPACE +jump
24 // weapons
25 bind 0 weapon_group_0
26 bind 1 weapon_group_1
27 bind 2 weapon_group_2
28 bind 3 weapon_group_3
29 bind 4 weapon_group_4
30 bind 5 weapon_group_5
31 bind 6 weapon_group_6
32 bind 7 weapon_group_7
33 bind 8 weapon_group_8
34 bind 9 weapon_group_9
35 bind q weaplast
36 bind MOUSE1 +fire
37 bind MOUSE2 +fire2
38 bind MOUSE3 togglezoom
39 bind MOUSE4 weaplast
40 bind MOUSE5 +hook
41 bind MWHEELUP weapnext
42 bind MWHEELDOWN weapprev
43 bind r reload
44 bind BACKSPACE dropweapon
45 bind g dropweapon
46 bind f +use
47 bind v +button8 // drag object
49 // misc
50 bind e +hook
51 bind ` toggleconsole
52 bind ~ toggleconsole
53 bind TAB +showscores
54 bind ESCAPE togglemenu
55 bind ENTER messagemode
56 bind t messagemode
57 bind y messagemode2
58 bind z messagemode2
59 bind u "+con_chat_maximize"
60 bind m +hud_panel_radar_maximized
61 bind b "quickmenu"
62 bind i +show_info
63 bind PAUSE pause
64 bind F9 "cl_cmd hud minigame"
65 bind F10 menu_showquitdialog
66 bind F11 disconnect
67 bind F12 screenshot
68 bind F4 ready
69 bind ALT +showaccuracy
71 // Gamepad defaults. Tested with Logitech Rumblepad 2, I hope similar ones works as well.
72 bind JOY1 "+crouch"
73 bind JOY2 "+jump"
74 bind JOY3 "weapprev"
75 bind JOY4 "weapnext"
76 bind JOY5 "+fire2"
77 bind JOY6 "+fire"
78 bind JOY7 "+zoom"
79 bind JOY8 "dropweapon"
80 bind JOY9 "menu_showteamselect"
81 bind JOY10 "+show_info"
82 bind JOY11 "+showscores"
83 bind JOY12 "+con_chat_maximize"
85 // team say
86 bind kp_ins messagemode
87 bind kp_del messagemode2
88 bind kp_end "+userbind 1"
89 bind kp_downarrow "+userbind 2"
90 bind kp_pgdn "+userbind 3"
91 bind kp_leftarrow "+userbind 4"
92 bind kp_5 "+userbind 6"
93 bind kp_rightarrow "+userbind 7"
94 bind kp_home "+userbind 9"
95 bind kp_uparrow "+userbind 10"
96 bind kp_pgup "+userbind 11"
97 bind kp_multiply "+userbind 12"
98 bind kp_slash "+userbind 13"
99 bind kp_enter "+userbind 16"
100 bind kp_plus "+userbind 17"
101 bind kp_minus "+userbind 18"
103 bind F1 vyes
104 bind F2 vno
106 //used for spectate/observer mode
107 bind F3 spec
109 //other Gamepad settings
110 seta joyadvanced "1"
111 seta joyadvaxisr "2"
112 seta joyadvaxisx "3"
113 seta joyadvaxisy "1"
114 seta joyadvaxisz "4"
115 seta joysidesensitivity "1.0"
116 seta joypitchsensitivity "0.9"
117 seta joyyawsensitivity "-1.8"
118 // SDL only
119 seta joy_deadzoneforward "0.05"
120 seta joy_deadzonepitch "0.05"
121 seta joy_deadzoneside "0.05"
122 seta joy_deadzoneup "0.05"
123 seta joy_deadzoneyaw "0.05"
124 seta joy_sensitivitypitch "0.9"
125 seta joy_sensitivityyaw "-1.8"
127 // usercommands. These can be edited and bound by the menu.
128 seta "userbind1_press" "say_team quad soon";  seta "userbind1_release" "";  seta "userbind1_description" "team: quad soon"
129 seta "userbind2_press" "say_team free item %x^7 (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p";  seta "userbind2_release" "";  seta "userbind2_description" "team: free item, icon"
130 seta "userbind3_press" "say_team took item (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here";  seta "userbind3_release" "";  seta "userbind3_description" "team: took item, icon"
131 seta "userbind4_press" "say_team negative";  seta "userbind4_release" "";  seta "userbind4_description" "team: negative"
132 seta "userbind5_press" "say_team positive";  seta "userbind5_release" "";  seta "userbind5_description" "team: positive"
133 seta "userbind6_press" "say_team need help (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_helpme; cmd voice needhelp";  seta "userbind6_release" "";  seta "userbind6_description" "team: need help, icon"
134 seta "userbind7_press" "say_team enemy seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p; cmd voice incoming";  seta "userbind7_release" "";  seta "userbind7_description" "team: enemy seen, icon"
135 seta "userbind8_press" "say_team flag seen (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p; cmd voice seenflag";  seta "userbind8_release" "";  seta "userbind8_description" "team: flag seen, icon"
136 seta "userbind9_press" "say_team defending (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here";  seta "userbind9_release" "";  seta "userbind9_description" "team: defending, icon"
137 seta "userbind10_press" "say_team roaming (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here";  seta "userbind10_release" "";  seta "userbind10_description" "team: roaming, icon"
138 seta "userbind11_press" "say_team attacking (l:%l^7) (h:%h^7 a:%a^7 w:%w^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here";  seta "userbind11_release" "";  seta "userbind11_description" "team: attacking, icon"
139 seta "userbind12_press" "say_team killed flagcarrier (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"; seta "userbind12_release" ""; seta "userbind12_description" "team: killed flagcarrier, icon"
140 seta "userbind13_press" "say_team dropped flag (l:%d^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_d"; seta "userbind13_release" ""; seta "userbind13_description" "team: dropped flag, icon"
141 seta "userbind14_press" "say_team dropped weapon %w^7 (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; dropweapon"; seta "userbind14_release" ""; seta "userbind14_description" "team: drop weapon, icon"
142 // TODO change this to "use" once we can
143 seta "userbind15_press" "say_team dropped flag/key %w^7 (l:%l^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here; wait; +use"; seta "userbind15_release" "-use"; seta "userbind15_description" "team: drop flag/key, icon"
144 seta "userbind16_press" "say :-) / nice one"; seta "userbind16_release" ""; seta "userbind16_description" "chat: nice one"
145 seta "userbind17_press" "say good game"; seta "userbind17_release" ""; seta "userbind17_description" "chat: good game"
146 seta "userbind18_press" "say hi / good luck and have fun"; seta "userbind18_release" ""; seta "userbind18_description" "chat: hi / good luck"
147 seta "userbind19_press" "+showscores; +con_chat_maximize"; seta "userbind19_release" "-showscores; -con_chat_maximize"; seta "userbind19_description" "scoreboard / chat history"
148 seta "userbind20_press" "toggle cl_capturevideo"; seta "userbind20_release" ""; seta "userbind20_description" "toggle recording .avi"
149 seta "userbind21_press" "toggle vid_fullscreen; vid_restart"; seta "userbind21_release" ""; seta "userbind21_description" "toggle fullscreen"
150 seta "userbind22_press" ""; seta "userbind22_release" ""; seta "userbind22_description" ""
151 seta "userbind23_press" ""; seta "userbind23_release" ""; seta "userbind23_description" ""
152 seta "userbind24_press" ""; seta "userbind24_release" ""; seta "userbind24_description" ""
153 seta "userbind25_press" ""; seta "userbind25_release" ""; seta "userbind25_description" ""
154 seta "userbind26_press" ""; seta "userbind26_release" ""; seta "userbind26_description" ""
155 seta "userbind27_press" ""; seta "userbind27_release" ""; seta "userbind27_description" ""
156 seta "userbind28_press" ""; seta "userbind28_release" ""; seta "userbind28_description" ""
157 seta "userbind29_press" ""; seta "userbind29_release" ""; seta "userbind29_description" ""
158 seta "userbind30_press" ""; seta "userbind30_release" ""; seta "userbind30_description" ""
159 seta "userbind31_press" ""; seta "userbind31_release" ""; seta "userbind31_description" ""
160 seta "userbind32_press" ""; seta "userbind32_release" ""; seta "userbind32_description" ""
161 alias _userbind_call "${$1}"
162 alias +userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_press"
163 alias -userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_release"
165 // alternative bindmaps
166 exec binds-xonotic-wasd.cfg
167 exec binds-xonotic-esdf.cfg