1 SCM := $(shell if [ -d .svn ]; then echo svn; elif [ -d ../.git ]; then echo git; fi)
3 ZIP ?= 7za a -tzip -mx=9
4 ZIPEXCLUDE ?= -x\!*.pk3 -xr\!\.svn -x\!qcsrc
7 # xonotic build system overrides this by command line argument to turn off the check-cvars step
16 [ "$(XON_BUILDSYSTEM)" = "" ] || [ "$(XON_BUILDSYSTEM)" = "1" ]
17 [ "$(XON_BUILDSYSTEM)" = "1" ] || { DO_NOT_RUN_MAKE=1 sh check-cvars.sh; }
24 skin: gfx/menu/default/skinvalues.txt
26 gfx/menu/default/skinvalues.txt: qcsrc/menu/skin-customizables.inc
27 $(PERL) qcsrc/menu/skin-customizables.inc > gfx/menu/default/skinvalues.txt
31 $(MAKE) -C qcsrc clean