There are 3 weapons systems coded in Xonotic \* 1. simple animated model, muzzlr flash handling on h\_ model: **** h\_tuba.dpm, h\_tuba.dpm.animinfo - invisible model controlling the animation tags: shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes) shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun) weapon = attachment for v\_tuba.md3 **** v\_tuba.md3 - first and third person model **** g\_tuba.md3 - pickup model \* 2. fully animated model, muzzle flash handling on h\_ model: **** h\_tuba.dpm, h\_tuba.dpm.animinfo - animated first person model tags: shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes) shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun) handle = corresponding to the origin of v\_tuba.md3 (used for muzzle flashes) **** v\_tuba.md3 - third person model **** g\_tuba.md3 - pickup model \* 3. fully animated model, muzzle flash handling on v\_ model: **** h\_tuba.dpm, h\_tuba.dpm.animinfo - animated first person model tags: shot = muzzle end (shot origin) shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun) **** v\_tuba.md3 - third person model tags: shot = muzzle end (for muzzle flashes) **** g\_tuba.md3 - pickup model