Powerups ======== Powerups spawn from time to time in the arena and grant to whoever collects them a temporary super power. They usually appear at about every 2 minutes or so. A powerup usually lasts for 30 seconds. Powerups will also be shown in the radar and the HUD 10 seconds before they appear. *Note: All numbers on this page are default values, as of 0.8.2. Servers could, in theory, tweak everything with [CVars](CVars).* Shield ------ ![](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/l2ycopxlaclk58xpvek8.jpg) With the Shield you only take 33% of the damage you would normally receive. You're also more resistant to push forces. Strength -------- ![](http://pics.nexuizninjaz.com/images/suftloljmy2uaj2p2mrv.jpg) Strength increases the damage you deal by a factor of 3. The force/knockback that attacks cause is also greatly increased. The damage and knockback you can deal to yourself is only increased by a factor of 1.5. See also -------- * [Buffs](Buffs)