# Nexuiz rcon2irc plugin by Merlijn Hofstra licensed under GPL - showlogins.pl # Place this file inside the same directory as rcon2irc.pl and add the full filename to the plugins. { my %sl = ( show_success => 1, # only for logins to the irc bot show_failed => 1, # only for logins to the irc bot show_rcon_failure => 1, failed_interval => 60, ); $store{plugin_showlogins} = \%sl; } sub out($$@); sub schedule($$); if (defined %config) { schedule sub { my ($timer) = @_; if ($store{plugin_showlogins}->{failed_attempts}) { # Generate hostmakes my %temp = undef; my @hostmasks = grep !$temp{$_}++, @{ $store{plugin_showlogins}->{failed_attempts} }; foreach my $mask (@hostmasks) { my $count = 0; foreach (@{ $store{plugin_showlogins}->{failed_attempts} }) { $count++ if ($_ eq $mask); } out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00305* login failed\017 \00304$mask\017 tried to become an IRC admin \00304$count\017 times"; } $store{plugin_showlogins}->{failed_attempts} = undef; } if ($store{plugin_showlogins}->{rcon_fail}) { my %temp = undef; my @names = grep !$temp{$_}++, @{ $store{plugin_showlogins}->{rcon_fail} }; foreach my $name (@names) { my $count = 0; foreach (@{ $store{plugin_showlogins}->{rcon_fail} }) { $count++ if ($_ eq $name); } out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00305* login failed\017 \00304$name\017 tried to use rcon commands \00304$count\017 times"; } $store{plugin_showlogins}->{rcon_fail} = undef; } schedule $timer => $store{plugin_showlogins}->{failed_interval};; } => 1; } [ irc => q{:(([^! ]*)![^ ]*) (?i:PRIVMSG) [^&#%]\S* :(.*)} => sub { my ($hostmask, $nick, $command) = @_; my $sl = $store{plugin_showlogins}; if ($command eq "login $config{irc_admin_password}") { out irc => 0, "PRIVMSG $config{irc_channel} :\00310* login\017 $nick is now logged in as an IRC admin" if ($sl->{show_success}); return 0; } if ($command =~ m/^login/i && $sl->{show_failed}) { push @{ $store{plugin_showlogins}->{failed_attempts} }, $hostmask; } return 0; } ], # failed rcon attempts [ dp => q{server denied rcon access to (.*)} => sub { my ($name) = map { color_dp2irc $_ } @_; my $sl = $store{plugin_showlogins}; if ($sl->{show_rcon_failure}) { push @{ $store{plugin_showlogins}->{rcon_fail} }, $name } return 0; } ],