#!/usr/bin/perl # converter from Type 1 MIDI files to CFG files that control bots with the Tuba and other weapons for percussion (requires g_weaponarena all) use strict; use warnings; use MIDI; use MIDI::Opus; use Storable; # workaround for possible refire time problems use constant SYS_TICRATE => 0.033333; #use constant SYS_TICRATE => 0; use constant MIDI_FIRST_NONCHANNEL => 17; use constant MIDI_DRUMS_CHANNEL => 10; use constant TEXT_EVENT_CHANNEL => -1; die "Usage: $0 filename.conf midifile1 transpose1 midifile2 transpose2 ..." unless @ARGV > 1 and @ARGV % 2; my $timeoffset_preinit = 2; my $timeoffset_postinit = 2; my $timeoffset_predone = 2; my $timeoffset_postdone = 2; my $timeoffset_preintermission = 2; my $timeoffset_postintermission = 2; my $time_forgetfulness = 1.5; my %lists = (); my %listindexes = (); my ($config, @midilist) = @ARGV; sub unsort(@) { return map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [$_, rand] } @_; } sub override($$); sub override($$) { my ($dest, $src) = @_; if(ref $src eq 'HASH') { $dest = {} if not defined $dest; for(keys %$src) { $dest->{$_} = override $dest->{$_}, $src->{$_}; } } elsif(ref $src eq 'ARRAY') { $dest = [] if not defined $dest; for(@$src) { push @$dest, override undef, $_; } } elsif(ref $src) { $dest = Storable::dclone $src; } else { $dest = $src; } return $dest; } my $precommands = ""; my $commands = ""; my $busybots; my @busybots_allocated; my %notechannelbots; my $transpose = 0; my $notetime = undef; my $lowestnotestart = undef; my $noalloc = 0; sub botconfig_read($) { my ($fn) = @_; my %bots = (); open my $fh, "<", $fn or die "<$fn: $!"; my $currentbot = undef; my $appendref = undef; my $super = undef; while(<$fh>) { chomp; s/\s*\/\/.*//; next if /^$/; if(s/^\t\t//) { my @cmd = split /\s+/, $_; if($cmd[0] eq 'super') { push @$appendref, @$super if $super; } elsif($cmd[0] eq 'percussion') # simple import { push @$appendref, @{$currentbot->{percussion}->{$cmd[1]}}; } else { push @$appendref, \@cmd; } } elsif(s/^\t//) { if(/^include (.*)/) { my $base = $bots{$1}; $currentbot = override $currentbot, $base; } elsif(/^count (\d+)/) { $currentbot->{count} = $1; } elsif(/^transpose (\d+)/) { $currentbot->{transpose} ||= 0; $currentbot->{transpose} += $1; } elsif(/^channels (.*)/) { $currentbot->{channels} = { map { $_ => 1 } split /\s+/, $1 }; } elsif(/^programs (.*)/) { $currentbot->{programs} = { map { $_ => 1 } split /\s+/, $1 }; } elsif(/^init$/) { $super = $currentbot->{init}; $currentbot->{init} = $appendref = []; } elsif(/^intermission$/) { $super = $currentbot->{intermission}; $currentbot->{intermission} = $appendref = []; } elsif(/^done$/) { $super = $currentbot->{done}; $currentbot->{done} = $appendref = []; } elsif(/^note on (-?\d+)/) { $super = $currentbot->{notes_on}->{$1}; $currentbot->{notes_on}->{$1} = $appendref = []; } elsif(/^note off (-?\d+)/) { $super = $currentbot->{notes_off}->{$1}; $currentbot->{notes_off}->{$1} = $appendref = []; } elsif(/^percussion (\d+)/) { $super = $currentbot->{percussion}->{$1}; $currentbot->{percussion}->{$1} = $appendref = []; } elsif(/^text (.*)$/) { $super = $currentbot->{text}->{$1}; $currentbot->{text}->{$1} = $appendref = []; } else { print STDERR "unknown command: $_\n"; } } elsif(/^bot (.*)/) { $currentbot = ($bots{$1} ||= {count => 0}); } elsif(/^raw (.*)/) { $precommands .= "$1\n"; } elsif(/^timeoffset_preinit (.*)/) { $timeoffset_preinit = $1; } elsif(/^timeoffset_postinit (.*)/) { $timeoffset_postinit = $1; } elsif(/^timeoffset_predone (.*)/) { $timeoffset_predone = $1; } elsif(/^timeoffset_postdone (.*)/) { $timeoffset_postdone = $1; } elsif(/^timeoffset_preintermission (.*)/) { $timeoffset_preintermission = $1; } elsif(/^timeoffset_postintermission (.*)/) { $timeoffset_postintermission = $1; } elsif(/^time_forgetfulness (.*)/) { $time_forgetfulness = $1; } elsif(/^list (.*?) (.*)/) { $lists{$1} = [split / /, $2]; $listindexes{$1} = 0; } else { print STDERR "unknown command: $_\n"; } } for(values %bots) { for(values %{$_->{notes_on}}, values %{$_->{percussion}}) { my $t = $_->[0]->[0] eq 'time' ? $_->[0]->[1] : 0; $lowestnotestart = $t if not defined $lowestnotestart or $t < $lowestnotestart; } } return \%bots; } my $busybots_orig = botconfig_read $config; # returns: ($mintime, $maxtime, $busytime) sub busybot_cmd_bot_cmdinfo(@) { my (@commands) = @_; my $mintime = undef; my $maxtime = undef; my $busytime = undef; for(@commands) { if($_->[0] eq 'time') { $mintime = $_->[1] if not defined $mintime or $_->[1] < $mintime; $maxtime = $_->[1] + SYS_TICRATE if not defined $maxtime or $_->[1] + SYS_TICRATE > $maxtime; } elsif($_->[0] eq 'busy') { $busytime = $_->[1] + SYS_TICRATE; } } return ($mintime, $maxtime, $busytime); } sub busybot_cmd_bot_matchtime($$$@) { my ($bot, $targettime, $targetbusytime, @commands) = @_; # I want to execute @commands so that I am free on $targettime and $targetbusytime # when do I execute it then? my ($mintime, $maxtime, $busytime) = busybot_cmd_bot_cmdinfo @commands; my $tstart_max = defined $maxtime ? $targettime - $maxtime : $targettime; my $tstart_busy = defined $busytime ? $targetbusytime - $busytime : $targettime; return $tstart_max < $tstart_busy ? $tstart_max : $tstart_busy; } # TODO function to find out whether, and when, to insert a command before another command to make it possible # (note-off before note-on) sub busybot_cmd_bot_test($$$@) { my ($bot, $time, $force, @commands) = @_; my $bottime = defined $bot->{timer} ? $bot->{timer} : -1; my $botbusytime = defined $bot->{busytimer} ? $bot->{busytimer} : -1; my ($mintime, $maxtime, $busytime) = busybot_cmd_bot_cmdinfo @commands; if($time < $botbusytime) { warn "FORCE: $time < $botbusytime" if $force; return $force; } if(defined $mintime and $time + $mintime < $bottime) { warn "FORCE: $time + $mintime < $bottime" if $force; return $force; } return 1; } sub buildstring(@) { return join " ", map { $_ =~ /^\@(.*)$/ ? do { $lists{$1}[$listindexes{$1}++ % @{$lists{$1}}]; } : $_ } @_; } sub busybot_cmd_bot_execute($$@) { my ($bot, $time, @commands) = @_; for(@commands) { if($_->[0] eq 'time') { $commands .= sprintf "sv_cmd bot_cmd %d wait_until %f\n", $bot->{id}, $time + $_->[1]; if($bot->{timer} > $time + $_->[1] + SYS_TICRATE) { #use Carp; carp "Negative wait: $bot->{timer} <= @{[$time + $_->[1] + SYS_TICRATE]}"; } $bot->{timer} = $time + $_->[1] + SYS_TICRATE; } elsif($_->[0] eq 'busy') { $bot->{busytimer} = $time + $_->[1] + SYS_TICRATE; } elsif($_->[0] eq 'buttons') { my %buttons_release = %{$bot->{buttons} ||= {}}; for(@{$_}[1..@$_-1]) { /(.*)\??/ or next; delete $buttons_release{$1}; } for(keys %buttons_release) { $commands .= sprintf "sv_cmd bot_cmd %d releasekey %s\n", $bot->{id}, $_; delete $bot->{buttons}->{$_}; } for(@{$_}[1..@$_-1]) { /(.*)(\?)?/ or next; defined $2 and next; $commands .= sprintf "sv_cmd bot_cmd %d presskey %s\n", $bot->{id}, $_; $bot->{buttons}->{$_} = 1; } } elsif($_->[0] eq 'cmd') { $commands .= sprintf "sv_cmd bot_cmd %d %s\n", $bot->{id}, buildstring @{$_}[1..@$_-1]; } elsif($_->[0] eq 'aim_random') { $commands .= sprintf "sv_cmd bot_cmd %d aim \"%f 0 %f\"\n", $bot->{id}, $_->[1] + rand($_->[2] - $_->[1]), $_->[3]; } elsif($_->[0] eq 'barrier') { $commands .= sprintf "sv_cmd bot_cmd %d barrier\n", $bot->{id}; $bot->{timer} = $bot->{busytimer} = 0; undef $bot->{lastuse}; } elsif($_->[0] eq 'raw') { $commands .= sprintf "%s\n", buildstring @{$_}[1..@$_-1]; } } return 1; } my $intermissions = 0; sub busybot_intermission_bot($) { my ($bot) = @_; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['cmd', 'wait', $timeoffset_preintermission]; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['barrier']; if($bot->{intermission}) { busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, @{$bot->{intermission}}; } busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['barrier']; $notetime = $timeoffset_postintermission - $lowestnotestart; } #my $busy = 0; sub busybot_note_off_bot($$$$) { my ($bot, $time, $channel, $note) = @_; #print STDERR "note off $bot:$time:$channel:$note\n"; return 1 if not $bot->{busy}; my ($busychannel, $busynote, $cmds) = @{$bot->{busy}}; return 1 if not defined $cmds; # note off cannot fail die "Wrong note-off?!?" if $busychannel != $channel || $busynote ne $note; $bot->{busy} = undef; my $t = $time + $notetime; my ($mintime, $maxtime, $busytime) = busybot_cmd_bot_cmdinfo @$cmds; # perform note-off "as soon as we can" $t = $bot->{busytimer} if $t < $bot->{busytimer}; $t = $bot->{timer} - $mintime if $t < $bot->{timer} - $mintime; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, $t, @$cmds; return 1; } sub busybot_get_cmds_bot($$$) { my ($bot, $channel, $note) = @_; my ($k0, $k1, $cmds, $cmds_off) = (undef, undef, undef, undef); if($channel == TEXT_EVENT_CHANNEL) { # vocals $note =~ /^([^:]*):(.*)$/; my $name = $1; my $data = $2; $cmds = $bot->{text}->{$name}; if(defined $cmds) { $cmds = [ map { [ map { $_ eq '%s' ? $data : $_ } @$_ ] } @$cmds ]; } $k0 = "text"; $k1 = $name; } elsif($channel == 10) { # percussion $cmds = $bot->{percussion}->{$note}; $k0 = "percussion"; $k1 = $note; } else { # music $cmds = $bot->{notes_on}->{$note - ($bot->{transpose} || 0) - $transpose}; $cmds_off = $bot->{notes_off}->{$note - ($bot->{transpose} || 0) - $transpose}; $k0 = "note"; $k1 = $note - ($bot->{transpose} || 0) - $transpose; } return ($cmds, $cmds_off, $k0, $k1); } sub busybot_note_on_bot($$$$$$$) { my ($bot, $time, $channel, $program, $note, $init, $force) = @_; return -1 # I won't play on this channel if defined $bot->{channels} and not $bot->{channels}->{$channel}; return -1 # I won't play this program if defined $bot->{programs} and not $bot->{programs}->{$program}; my ($cmds, $cmds_off, $k0, $k1) = busybot_get_cmds_bot($bot, $channel, $note); return -1 # I won't play this note if not defined $cmds; return 0 if $bot->{busy}; #print STDERR "note on $bot:$time:$channel:$note\n"; if($init) { return 0 if not busybot_cmd_bot_test $bot, $time + $notetime, $force, @$cmds; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['cmd', 'wait', $timeoffset_preinit]; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['barrier']; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, @{$bot->{init}} if @{$bot->{init}}; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['barrier']; for(1..$intermissions) { busybot_intermission_bot $bot; } # we always did a barrier, so we know this works busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, $time + $notetime, @$cmds; } else { return 0 if not busybot_cmd_bot_test $bot, $time + $notetime, $force, @$cmds; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, $time + $notetime, @$cmds; } if(defined $cmds_off) { $bot->{busy} = [$channel, $note, $cmds_off]; } ++$bot->{seen}{$k0}{$k1}; if(($bot->{lastuse} // -666) >= $time - $time_forgetfulness && $channel == $bot->{lastchannel}) { $bot->{lastchannelsequence} += 1; } else { $bot->{lastchannelsequence} = 1; } $bot->{lastuse} = $time; $bot->{lastchannel} = $channel; # print STDERR "$time $bot->{id} $channel:$note\n" # if $channel == 11; return 1; } sub busybots_reset() { $busybots = Storable::dclone $busybots_orig; @busybots_allocated = (); %notechannelbots = (); $transpose = 0; $notetime = $timeoffset_postinit - $lowestnotestart; } sub busybot_note_off($$$) { my ($time, $channel, $note) = @_; # print STDERR "note off $time:$channel:$note\n"; if(my $bot = $notechannelbots{$channel}{$note}) { busybot_note_off_bot $bot, $time, $channel, $note; delete $notechannelbots{$channel}{$note}; return 1; } return 0; } sub botsort($$$$@) { my ($time, $channel, $program, $note, @bots) = @_; return map { $_->[0] } sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] or ($a->[0]->{lastuse} // -666) <=> ($b->[0]->{lastuse} // -666) or $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } map { my $q = 0; if($channel != 10) # percussion just should do round robin { if(($_->{lastuse} // -666) >= $time - $time_forgetfulness) { if($channel == $_->{lastchannel}) { $q += $_->{lastchannelsequence}; } else { # better leave this one alone $q -= $_->{lastchannelsequence}; } } } [$_, $q, rand] } @bots; } sub busybot_note_on($$$$) { my ($time, $channel, $program, $note) = @_; if($notechannelbots{$channel}{$note}) { print STDERR "THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN\n"; busybot_note_off $time, $channel, $note; } # print STDERR "note on $time:$channel:$note\n"; my $overflow = 0; my @epicfailbots = (); for(botsort $time, $channel, $program, $note, @busybots_allocated) { my $canplay = busybot_note_on_bot $_, $time, $channel, $program, $note, 0, 0; if($canplay > 0) { $notechannelbots{$channel}{$note} = $_; return 1; } push @epicfailbots, $_ if $canplay == 0; # wrong } my $needalloc = 0; for(unsort keys %$busybots) { next if $busybots->{$_}->{count} <= 0; my $bot = Storable::dclone $busybots->{$_}; $bot->{id} = @busybots_allocated + 1; $bot->{classname} = $_; my $canplay = busybot_note_on_bot $bot, $time, $channel, $program, $note, 1, 0; if($canplay > 0) { if($noalloc) { $needalloc = 1; } else { --$busybots->{$_}->{count}; $notechannelbots{$channel}{$note} = $bot; push @busybots_allocated, $bot; return 1; } } die "Fresh bot cannot play stuff" if $canplay == 0; } if(@epicfailbots) { # we cannot add a new bot to play this # we could try finding a bot that could play this, and force him to stop the note! my @candidates = (); # contains: [$bot, $score, $offtime] # put in all currently busy bots that COULD play this, if they did a note-off first for my $bot(@epicfailbots) { next if $busybots->{$bot->{classname}}->{count} != 0; next unless $bot->{busy}; my ($busy_chan, $busy_note, $busy_cmds_off) = @{$bot->{busy}}; next unless $busy_cmds_off; my ($cmds, $cmds_off, $k0, $k1) = busybot_get_cmds_bot $bot, $channel, $note; next unless $cmds; my ($mintime, $maxtime, $busytime) = busybot_cmd_bot_cmdinfo @$cmds; my ($mintime_off, $maxtime_off, $busytime_off) = busybot_cmd_bot_cmdinfo @$busy_cmds_off; my $noteofftime = busybot_cmd_bot_matchtime $bot, $time + $notetime + $mintime, $time + $notetime, @$busy_cmds_off; next if $noteofftime < $bot->{busytimer}; next if $noteofftime + $mintime_off < $bot->{timer}; my $score = 0; # prefer turning off long notes $score += 100 * ($noteofftime - $bot->{timer}); # prefer turning off low notes $score += 1 * (-$note); # prefer turning off notes that already play on another channel $score += 1000 * (grep { $_ != $busy_chan && $notechannelbots{$_}{$busy_note} && $notechannelbots{$_}{$busy_note}{busy} } keys %notechannelbots); push @candidates, [$bot, $score, $noteofftime]; } # we found one? if(@candidates) { @candidates = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @candidates; my ($bot, $score, $offtime) = @{(pop @candidates)}; my $oldchan = $bot->{busy}->[0]; my $oldnote = $bot->{busy}->[1]; busybot_note_off $offtime - $notetime, $oldchan, $oldnote; my $canplay = busybot_note_on_bot $bot, $time, $channel, $program, $note, 0, 1; die "Canplay but not?" if $canplay <= 0; warn "Made $channel:$note play by stopping $oldchan:$oldnote"; $notechannelbots{$channel}{$note} = $bot; return 1; } } die "noalloc\n" if $needalloc; if(@epicfailbots) { warn "Not enough bots to play this (when playing $channel:$note)"; # for(@epicfailbots) # { # my $b = $_->{busy}; # warn "$_->{classname} -> @{[$b ? qq{$b->[0]:$b->[1]} : 'none']} @{[$_->{timer} - $notetime]} ($time)\n"; # } } else { warn "Note $channel:$note cannot be played by any bot"; } return 0; } sub Preallocate(@) { my (@preallocate) = @_; busybots_reset(); for(@preallocate) { die "Cannot preallocate any more $_ bots" if $busybots->{$_}->{count} <= 0; my $bot = Storable::dclone $busybots->{$_}; $bot->{id} = @busybots_allocated + 1; $bot->{classname} = $_; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['cmd', 'wait', $timeoffset_preinit]; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['barrier']; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, @{$bot->{init}} if @{$bot->{init}}; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $bot, 0, ['barrier']; --$busybots->{$_}->{count}; push @busybots_allocated, $bot; } } sub ConvertMIDI($$) { my ($filename, $trans) = @_; $transpose = $trans; my $opus = MIDI::Opus->new({from_file => $filename}); my $ticksperquarter = $opus->ticks(); my $tracks = $opus->tracks_r(); my @tempi = (); # list of start tick, time per tick pairs (calculated as seconds per quarter / ticks per quarter) my $tick; $tick = 0; for($tracks->[0]->events()) { $tick += $_->[1]; if($_->[0] eq 'set_tempo') { push @tempi, [$tick, $_->[2] * 0.000001 / $ticksperquarter]; } } my $tick2sec = sub { my ($tick) = @_; my $sec = 0; my $curtempo = [0, 0.5 / $ticksperquarter]; for(@tempi) { if($_->[0] < $tick) { # this event is in the past # we add the full time since the last one then $sec += ($_->[0] - $curtempo->[0]) * $curtempo->[1]; } else { # if this event is in the future, we break last; } $curtempo = $_; } $sec += ($tick - $curtempo->[0]) * $curtempo->[1]; return $sec; }; # merge all to a single track my @allmidievents = (); my $sequence = 0; for my $track(0..@$tracks-1) { $tick = 0; for($tracks->[$track]->events()) { my ($command, $delta, @data) = @$_; $command = 'note_off' if $command eq 'note_on' and $data[2] == 0; $tick += $delta; next if $command eq 'text_event' && $data[0] !~ /:/; push @allmidievents, [$command, $tick, $sequence++, $track, @data]; } } if(open my $fh, "$filename.vocals") { my $scale = 1; my $shift = 0; for(<$fh>) { chomp; my ($tick, $file) = split /\s+/, $_; if($tick eq 'scale') { $scale = $file; } elsif($tick eq 'shift') { $shift = $file; } else { push @allmidievents, ['text_event', $tick * $scale + $shift, $sequence++, -1, "vocals:$file"]; } } } # HACK for broken rosegarden export: put patch changes first by clearing their sequence number for(@allmidievents) { if($_->[0] eq 'patch_change') { $_->[2] = -1; } } # sort events @allmidievents = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] or $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } @allmidievents; # find the first interesting event my $shift = [grep { $_->[0] eq 'note_on' || $_->[0] eq 'text_event' } @allmidievents]->[0][1]; die "No notes!" unless defined $shift; # shift times by first event, no boring waiting $_->[0] = ($_->[0] < $shift ? 0 : $_->[0] - $shift) for @tempi; $_->[1] = ($_->[1] < $shift ? 0 : $_->[1] - $shift) for @allmidievents; # fix event list my %midinotes = (); my $notes_stuck = 0; my %notes_seen = (); my %programs = (); my $t = 0; my %sustain = (); my $note_on = sub { my ($ev) = @_; my $chan = $ev->[4] + 1; ++$notes_seen{$chan}{($programs{$chan} || 1)}{$ev->[5]}; if($midinotes{$chan}{$ev->[5]}) { --$notes_stuck; busybot_note_off($t - SYS_TICRATE - 0.001, $chan, $ev->[5]); } busybot_note_on($t, $chan, $programs{$chan} || 1, $ev->[5]); ++$notes_stuck; $midinotes{$chan}{$ev->[5]} = 1; }; my $note_off = sub { my ($ev) = @_; my $chan = $ev->[4] + 1; if(exists $sustain{$chan}) { push @{$sustain{$chan}}, $ev; return; } if($midinotes{$chan}{$ev->[5]}) { --$notes_stuck; busybot_note_off($t - SYS_TICRATE - 0.001, $chan, $ev->[5]); } $midinotes{$chan}{$ev->[5]} = 0; }; my $text_event = sub { my ($ev) = @_; my $chan = TEXT_EVENT_CHANNEL; busybot_note_on($t, TEXT_EVENT_CHANNEL, -1, $ev->[4]); busybot_note_off($t, TEXT_EVENT_CHANNEL, $ev->[4]); }; my $patch_change = sub { my ($ev) = @_; my $chan = $ev->[4] + 1; my $program = $ev->[5] + 1; $programs{$chan} = $program; }; my $sustain_change = sub { my ($ev) = @_; my $chan = $ev->[4] + 1; if($ev->[6] == 0) { # release all currently not pressed notes my $s = $sustain{$chan}; delete $sustain{$chan}; for(@{($s || [])}) { $note_off->($_); } } else { # no more note-off $sustain{$chan} = []; } }; for(@allmidievents) { $t = $tick2sec->($_->[1]); # my $track = $_->[3]; if($_->[0] eq 'note_on') { $note_on->($_); } elsif($_->[0] eq 'note_off') { $note_off->($_); } elsif($_->[0] eq 'text_event') { $text_event->($_); } elsif($_->[0] eq 'patch_change') { $patch_change->($_); } elsif($_->[0] eq 'control_change' && $_->[5] == 64) # sustain pedal { $sustain_change->($_); } } # fake events for releasing pedal for(keys %sustain) { $sustain_change->(['control_change', $t, undef, undef, $_ - 1, 64, 0]); } print STDERR "For file $filename:\n"; print STDERR " Stuck notes: $notes_stuck\n"; for my $testtranspose(-127..127) { my $toohigh = 0; my $toolow = 0; my $good = 0; for my $channel(sort keys %notes_seen) { next if $channel == 10; for my $program(sort keys %{$notes_seen{$channel}}) { for my $note(sort keys %{$notes_seen{$channel}{$program}}) { my $cnt = $notes_seen{$channel}{$program}{$note}; my $votehigh = 0; my $votelow = 0; my $votegood = 0; for(@busybots_allocated, grep { $_->{count} > 0 } values %$busybots) { next # I won't play on this channel if defined $_->{channels} and not $_->{channels}->{$channel}; next # I won't play this program if defined $_->{programs} and not $_->{programs}->{$program}; my $transposed = $note - ($_->{transpose} || 0) - $testtranspose; if(exists $_->{notes_on}{$transposed}) { ++$votegood; } else { ++$votehigh if $transposed >= 0; ++$votelow if $transposed < 0; } } if($votegood) { $good += $cnt; } elsif($votelow >= $votehigh) { $toolow += $cnt; } else { $toohigh += $cnt; } } } } next if !$toohigh != !$toolow; print STDERR " Transpose $testtranspose: $toohigh too high, $toolow too low, $good good\n"; } for my $program(sort keys %{$notes_seen{10}}) { for my $note(sort keys %{$notes_seen{10}{$program}}) { my $cnt = $notes_seen{10}{$program}{$note}; my $votegood = 0; for(@busybots_allocated) { next # I won't play on this channel if defined $_->{channels} and not $_->{channels}->{10}; next # I won't play this program if defined $_->{programs} and not $_->{programs}->{$program}; if(exists $_->{percussion}{$note}) { ++$votegood; } } if(!$votegood) { print STDERR "Failed percussion $note ($cnt times)\n"; } } } while(my ($k1, $v1) = each %midinotes) { while(my ($k2, $v2) = each %$v1) { busybot_note_off($t, $k1, $k2); } } for(@busybots_allocated) { busybot_intermission_bot $_; } ++$intermissions; } sub Deallocate() { print STDERR "Bots allocated:\n"; my %notehash; my %counthash; for(@busybots_allocated) { print STDERR "$_->{id} is a $_->{classname}\n"; ++$counthash{$_->{classname}}; while(my ($type, $notehash) = each %{$_->{seen}}) { while(my ($k, $v) = each %$notehash) { $notehash{$_->{classname}}{$type}{$k} += $v; } } } for my $cn(sort keys %counthash) { print STDERR "$counthash{$cn} bots of $cn have played:\n"; for my $type(sort keys %{$notehash{$cn}}) { for my $note(sort keys %{$notehash{$cn}{$type}}) { my $cnt = $notehash{$cn}{$type}{$note}; print STDERR " $type $note ($cnt times)\n"; } } } for(@busybots_allocated) { busybot_cmd_bot_execute $_, 0, ['cmd', 'wait', $timeoffset_predone]; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $_, 0, ['barrier']; if($_->{done}) { busybot_cmd_bot_execute $_, 0, @{$_->{done}}; } busybot_cmd_bot_execute $_, 0, ['cmd', 'wait', $timeoffset_postdone]; busybot_cmd_bot_execute $_, 0, ['barrier']; } } my @preallocate = (); $noalloc = 0; for(;;) { %listindexes = (); $commands = ""; eval { Preallocate(@preallocate); my @l = @midilist; while(@l) { my $filename = shift @l; my $transpose = shift @l; ConvertMIDI($filename, $transpose); } Deallocate(); my @preallocate_new = map { $_->{classname} } @busybots_allocated; if(@preallocate_new == @preallocate) { print "sv_cmd bot_cmd setbots @{[scalar @preallocate_new]}\n"; print "$precommands$commands"; exit 0; } @preallocate = @preallocate_new; $noalloc = 1; 1; } or do { die "$@" unless $@ eq "noalloc\n"; }; }