#!/usr/bin/perl package WeaponEncounterProfile; use strict; use warnings; sub new { my ($cls, $filename) = @_; my $self = bless { fn => $filename }, 'WeaponEncounterProfile'; $self->load(); return $self; } sub load($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{stats} = {}; $self->{mapstats} = {}; $self->{addrstats} = {}; $self->{allstats} = {}; open my $fh, "<", $self->{fn} or return; while(<$fh>) { chomp; /^$/ and next; /^#/ and next; /^\/\// and next; my ($addr, $map, $attackerweapon, $targweapon, $value) = split /\t/, $_; $targweapon = int $self->weaponid_from_name($targweapon) if $targweapon ne int $targweapon; $attackerweapon = int $self->weaponid_from_name($attackerweapon) if $attackerweapon ne int $attackerweapon; $self->{stats}->{$addr}{$map}{$attackerweapon}{$targweapon} += $value; $self->{mapstats}->{$map}{$attackerweapon}{$targweapon} += $value; $self->{addrstats}->{$addr}{$attackerweapon}{$targweapon} += $value; $self->{allstats}->{$attackerweapon}{$targweapon} += $value; } } sub save($) { my ($self) = @_; open my $fh, ">", $self->{fn} or die "save: $!"; while(my ($addr, $addrhash) = each %{$self->{stats}}) { while(my ($map, $maphash) = each %$addrhash) { while(my ($attackerweapon, $attackerweaponhash) = each %$maphash) { while(my ($targweapon, $value) = each %$attackerweaponhash) { print $fh "$addr\t$map\t$attackerweapon\t$targweapon\t$value\n"; } } } } } sub event($$$$$$) { my ($self, $addr, $map, $attackerweapon, $targweapon, $type) = @_; return if $map eq ''; if($type > 0) { $self->{stats}->{$addr}{$map}{$attackerweapon}{$targweapon} += $type; $self->{mapstats}->{$map}{$attackerweapon}{$targweapon} += $type; $self->{addrstats}->{$addr}{$attackerweapon}{$targweapon} += $type; $self->{allstats}->{$attackerweapon}{$targweapon} += $type; } } sub allstats($$) { my ($self, $callback) = @_; # send global stats $callback->(undef, undef, $self->{allstats}); # send per-host stats while(my ($k, $v) = each %{$self->{addrstats}}) { $callback->($k, undef, $v); } # send per-map stats while(my ($k, $v) = each %{$self->{mapstats}}) { $callback->(undef, $k, $v); } # send single stats while(my ($k1, $v1) = each %{$self->{stats}}) { while(my ($k2, $v2) = each %$v1) { $callback->($k1, $k2, $v2); } } } our %WeaponMap = ( 1 => ["Laser", "laser"], 2 => ["Shotgun", "shotgun"], 3 => ["Uzi", "uzi"], 4 => ["Mortar", "gl"], 5 => ["Mine Layer", "minelayer"], 6 => ["Electro", "electro"], 7 => ["Crylink", "crylink"], 8 => ["Nex", "nex"], 9 => ["Hagar", "hagar"], 10 => ["Rocket Launcher", "rl"], 11 => ["Port-O-Launch", "porto"], 12 => ["MinstaNex", "minstanex"], 13 => ["Grappling Hook", "hookgun"], 14 => ["Heavy Laser Assault Cannon", "hlac"], 15 => ["Tuba", "tuba"], 16 => ["Camping Rifle", "campingrifle"], 17 => ["Fireball", "fireball"], 18 => ["Seeker", "seeker"], ); sub weaponid_valid($$) { my ($self, $id) = @_; return exists $WeaponMap{$id}; } sub weaponid_to_name($$) { my ($self, $id) = @_; exists $WeaponMap{$id} or warn "weapon of id $id not found\n"; return $WeaponMap{$id}[0]; } sub weaponid_to_model($$) { my ($self, $id) = @_; exists $WeaponMap{$id} or warn "weapon of id $id not found\n"; return $WeaponMap{$id}[1]; } sub weaponid_from_name($$) { my ($self, $name) = @_; for(keys %WeaponMap) { return $_ if $WeaponMap{$_}[0] eq $name; } } 1;