Basic tutorial

The following images shows the main window:

You will notice that the main window is separated into 4 areas:

Step 1

Minimize this demo recorder application for a moment and figure out which demo(s) you actually want to record. Once you know the names of the demo files, you have to figure out the start time and end time (when you want the recording process to start and end). You have to be aware that the Nexuiz demo recorder needs a value in seconds. The problem is that there are 2 different kinds of values.

Make sure that you know the demo file name, start and end time, then open the Nexuiz demo recorder tool again

Step 2

In the "Jobs" panel, click on the +Create button. A new dialog will open which asks you for all different kinds of things:

Once you filled out all fields, click on create. In case you did something wrong with one of the fields, you will hopefully get an error message immediately, which allows you to correct the mistake. If nothing was filled out incorrectly the dialog should close and you should now see a "Job 1" in the job queue.

In order to edit a job, either double-click on it, or right-click it and click on Edit

Step 3

Now that you have setup your first job, click on the Start processing button. After a short moment you should see Nexuiz opening. Don't be surprised if the "Loading" image appears for a long time. What you don't see is that Nexuiz is fast-forwarding your demo to the start time you specified, which can take some time. After that, once Nexuiz started and finished recording the stuff you wanted it to record, it should close automatically. The demo recorder should show you a new message dialog that it finished recording all jobs. The "Status" column of your first job should now be showing "done".


In case something went wrong, the status column of your job will show "error" (in the jobs table). In order to find out what the problem was, right-click on the job and click on "Show error message". The message dialog that pops up will hopefully help you to figure out what went wrong. If it is something that you think you can fix, do so (by editing the job settings), then right-click the job again and click on "Reset job status to waiting". This will set the status of the job to "waiting" again.

Job queue processing

You need to be aware that once you click on the Start processing button only the jobs with status "waiting" will be put into a queue and will be executed one after another. All other jobs (with status "error" or "done" will not be started. If an error occurs while processing one of the jobs this job will set its state to "error" and the next job in queue will be executed. That is, the behavior of the Nexuiz demo recorder is to continue working even if one or more individual jobs failed.

In case you already have a job list with several jobs but you want to just record one particular job (even though all other jobs also have the state "waiting"), just right-click on the particular job and click on "Start job". Note that this only works if the Nexuiz demo recorder is currently not working on any other jobs.

Further reading

Congratulations, you managed your first steps using this program. You should read the other help chapters as well in order to be able to fully utilize the functionality of the program.