package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.DemoRecorderApplication; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.DemoRecorderException; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.DemoRecorderUtils; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.NDRPreferences; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.DemoRecorderApplication.Preferences; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.democutter.DemoCutter; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.democutter.DemoCutterException; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.plugins.EncoderPlugin; import com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.plugins.EncoderPluginException; public class RecordJob implements Runnable, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4585637490345587912L; public enum State { WAITING, PROCESSING, ERROR, ERROR_PLUGIN, DONE } public static final String CUT_DEMO_FILE_SUFFIX = "_autocut"; public static final String CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NAMEFORMAT_OVERRIDE = "autocap"; public static final String CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NUMBER_OVERRIDE = "1234567"; protected static final String[] VIDEO_FILE_ENDINGS = {"avi", "ogv"}; private DemoRecorderApplication appLayer; protected String jobName; private int jobIndex; protected File enginePath; protected String engineParameters; protected File demoFile; protected String relativeDemoPath; protected File dpVideoPath; protected File videoDestination; protected String executeBeforeCap; protected String executeAfterCap; protected float startSecond; protected float endSecond; protected State state = State.WAITING; protected DemoRecorderException lastException = null; /** * Points to the actual final file, including possible suffixes, e.g. _copy1, and the actualy ending */ protected File actualVideoDestination = null; /** * Map that identifies the plug-in by its name (String) and maps to the plug-in's job-specific settings */ protected Map encoderPluginSettings = new HashMap(); private List cleanUpFiles = null; public RecordJob( DemoRecorderApplication appLayer, String jobName, int jobIndex, File enginePath, String engineParameters, File demoFile, String relativeDemoPath, File dpVideoPath, File videoDestination, String executeBeforeCap, String executeAfterCap, float startSecond, float endSecond ) { this.appLayer = appLayer; this.jobName = jobName; this.jobIndex = jobIndex; this.setEnginePath(enginePath); this.setEngineParameters(engineParameters); this.setDemoFile(demoFile); this.setRelativeDemoPath(relativeDemoPath); this.setDpVideoPath(dpVideoPath); this.setVideoDestination(videoDestination); this.setExecuteBeforeCap(executeBeforeCap); this.setExecuteAfterCap(executeAfterCap); this.setStartSecond(startSecond); this.setEndSecond(endSecond); } public RecordJob(){} /** * Constructor that can be used by other classes such as job templates. Won't throw exceptions * as it won't check the input for validity. */ protected RecordJob( File enginePath, String engineParameters, File demoFile, String relativeDemoPath, File dpVideoPath, File videoDestination, String executeBeforeCap, String executeAfterCap, float startSecond, float endSecond ) { this.jobIndex = -1; this.enginePath = enginePath; this.engineParameters = engineParameters; this.demoFile = demoFile; this.relativeDemoPath = relativeDemoPath; this.dpVideoPath = dpVideoPath; this.videoDestination = videoDestination; this.executeBeforeCap = executeBeforeCap; this.executeAfterCap = executeAfterCap; this.startSecond = startSecond; this.endSecond = endSecond; } public void execute() { if (this.state == State.PROCESSING) { return; } boolean errorOccurred = false; this.setState(State.PROCESSING); this.appLayer.fireUserInterfaceUpdate(this); cleanUpFiles = new ArrayList(); File cutDemo = computeCutDemoFile(); cutDemo.delete(); //delete possibly old cutDemoFile EncoderPlugin recentEncoder = null; try { this.cutDemo(cutDemo); this.removeOldAutocaps(); this.recordClip(cutDemo); this.moveRecordedClip(); for (EncoderPlugin plugin : this.appLayer.getEncoderPlugins()) { recentEncoder = plugin; plugin.executeEncoder(this); } } catch (DemoRecorderException e) { errorOccurred = true; this.lastException = e; this.setState(State.ERROR); } catch (EncoderPluginException e) { errorOccurred = true; this.lastException = new DemoRecorderException("Encoder plug-in " + recentEncoder.getName() + " failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); this.setState(State.ERROR_PLUGIN); } catch (Exception e) { errorOccurred = true; this.lastException = new DemoRecorderException("Executing job failed, click on details for more info", e); } finally { NDRPreferences preferences = this.appLayer.getPreferences(); if (!Boolean.valueOf(preferences.getProperty(NDRPreferences.MAIN_APPLICATION, Preferences.DO_NOT_DELETE_CUT_DEMOS))) { cleanUpFiles.add(cutDemo); } if (!errorOccurred) { this.setState(State.DONE); } this.cleanUpFiles(); this.appLayer.fireUserInterfaceUpdate(this); this.appLayer.saveJobQueue(); } } /** * Will execute just the specified encoder plug-in on an already "done" job. * @param pluginName */ public void executePlugin(EncoderPlugin plugin) { if (this.getState() != State.DONE) { return; } this.setState(State.PROCESSING); this.appLayer.fireUserInterfaceUpdate(this); try { plugin.executeEncoder(this); this.setState(State.DONE); } catch (EncoderPluginException e) { this.lastException = new DemoRecorderException("Encoder plug-in " + plugin.getName() + " failed: " + e.getMessage(), e); this.setState(State.ERROR_PLUGIN); } this.appLayer.fireUserInterfaceUpdate(this); } private void cleanUpFiles() { try { for (File f : this.cleanUpFiles) { f.delete(); } } catch (Exception e) {} } private void moveRecordedClip() { //1. Figure out whether the file is .avi or .ogv File sourceFile = null; for (String videoExtension : VIDEO_FILE_ENDINGS) { String fileString = this.dpVideoPath.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NAMEFORMAT_OVERRIDE + CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NUMBER_OVERRIDE + "." + videoExtension; File videoFile = new File(fileString); if (videoFile.exists()) { sourceFile = videoFile; break; } } if (sourceFile == null) { String p = this.dpVideoPath.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NAMEFORMAT_OVERRIDE + CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NUMBER_OVERRIDE; throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not locate the expected video file being generated by Nexuiz (should have been at " + p + ".avi/.ogv"); } cleanUpFiles.add(sourceFile); File destinationFile = null; NDRPreferences preferences = this.appLayer.getPreferences(); String sourceFileExtension = DemoRecorderUtils.getFileExtension(sourceFile); String destinationFilePath = this.videoDestination + "." + sourceFileExtension; destinationFile = new File(destinationFilePath); if (destinationFile.exists()) { if (Boolean.valueOf(preferences.getProperty(NDRPreferences.MAIN_APPLICATION, Preferences.OVERWRITE_VIDEO_FILE))) { if (!destinationFile.delete()) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not delete the existing video destinatin file " + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (application setting to overwrite existing video files is enabled!)"); } } else { destinationFilePath = this.videoDestination + "_copy" + this.getVideoDestinationCopyNr(sourceFileExtension) + "." + sourceFileExtension; destinationFile = new File(destinationFilePath); } } //finally move the file if (!sourceFile.renameTo(destinationFile)) { cleanUpFiles.add(destinationFile); throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not move the video file from " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath()); } this.actualVideoDestination = destinationFile; } /** * As destination video files, e.g. "test"[.avi] can already exist, we have to save the * the video file to a file name such as test_copy1 or test_copy2. * This function will figure out what the number (1, 2....) is. * @return */ private int getVideoDestinationCopyNr(String sourceFileExtension) { int i = 1; File lastFile; while (true) { lastFile = new File(this.videoDestination + "_copy" + i + "." + sourceFileExtension); if (!lastFile.exists()) { break; } i++; } return i; } private File computeCutDemoFile() { String origFileString = this.demoFile.getAbsolutePath(); int lastIndex = origFileString.lastIndexOf(File.separator); String autoDemoFileName = origFileString.substring(lastIndex+1, origFileString.length()); //strip .dem ending autoDemoFileName = autoDemoFileName.substring(0, autoDemoFileName.length()-4); autoDemoFileName = autoDemoFileName + CUT_DEMO_FILE_SUFFIX + ".dem"; String finalString = origFileString.substring(0, lastIndex) + File.separator + autoDemoFileName; File f = new File(finalString); return f; } private void cutDemo(File cutDemo) { String injectAtStart = ""; String injectBeforeCap = ""; String injectAfterCap = ""; NDRPreferences preferences = this.appLayer.getPreferences(); if (Boolean.valueOf(preferences.getProperty(NDRPreferences.MAIN_APPLICATION, Preferences.DISABLE_RENDERING))) { injectAtStart += "r_render 0;"; injectBeforeCap += "r_render 1;"; } if (Boolean.valueOf(preferences.getProperty(NDRPreferences.MAIN_APPLICATION, Preferences.DISABLE_SOUND))) { injectAtStart += "set _volume $volume;volume 0;"; injectBeforeCap += "set volume $_volume;"; } injectBeforeCap += this.executeBeforeCap + "\n"; injectBeforeCap += "set _cl_capturevideo_nameformat $cl_capturevideo_nameformat;set _cl_capturevideo_number $cl_capturevideo_number;"; injectBeforeCap += "cl_capturevideo_nameformat " + CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NAMEFORMAT_OVERRIDE + ";"; injectBeforeCap += "cl_capturevideo_number " + CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NUMBER_OVERRIDE + ";"; injectAfterCap += this.executeAfterCap + "\n"; injectAfterCap += "cl_capturevideo_nameformat $_cl_capturevideo_nameformat;cl_capturevideo_number $_cl_capturevideo_number;"; DemoCutter cutter = new DemoCutter(); int fwdSpeedFirstStage, fwdSpeedSecondStage; try { fwdSpeedFirstStage = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getProperty(NDRPreferences.MAIN_APPLICATION, Preferences.FFW_SPEED_FIRST_STAGE)); fwdSpeedSecondStage = Integer.parseInt(preferences.getProperty(NDRPreferences.MAIN_APPLICATION, Preferences.FFW_SPEED_SECOND_STAGE)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Make sure that you specified valid numbers for the settings " + Preferences.FFW_SPEED_FIRST_STAGE + " and " + Preferences.FFW_SPEED_SECOND_STAGE, e); } try { cutter.cutDemo( this.demoFile, cutDemo, this.startSecond, this.endSecond, injectAtStart, injectBeforeCap, injectAfterCap, fwdSpeedFirstStage, fwdSpeedSecondStage ); } catch (DemoCutterException e) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Error occurred while trying to cut the demo: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void removeOldAutocaps() { for (String videoExtension : VIDEO_FILE_ENDINGS) { String fileString = this.dpVideoPath.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NAMEFORMAT_OVERRIDE + CUT_DEMO_CAPVIDEO_NUMBER_OVERRIDE + "." + videoExtension; File videoFile = new File(fileString); cleanUpFiles.add(videoFile); if (videoFile.exists()) { if (!videoFile.delete()) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not delete old obsolete video file " + fileString); } } } } private void recordClip(File cutDemo) { Process nexProc; String demoFileName = DemoRecorderUtils.getJustFileNameOfPath(cutDemo); String execPath = this.enginePath.getAbsolutePath() + " " + this.engineParameters + " -demo " + this.relativeDemoPath + "/" + demoFileName; File engineDir = this.enginePath.getParentFile(); try { nexProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execPath, null, engineDir); nexProc.getErrorStream(); nexProc.getOutputStream(); InputStream is = nexProc.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); while (br.readLine() != null) { //System.out.println(line); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new DemoRecorderException("I/O Exception occurred when trying to execute the Nexuiz binary", e); } } public void run() { this.execute(); } public void setAppLayer(DemoRecorderApplication appLayer) { this.appLayer = appLayer; } public int getJobIndex() { return jobIndex; } public File getEnginePath() { return enginePath; } public void setEnginePath(File enginePath) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (enginePath == null || !enginePath.exists()) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not locate engine binary!"); } if (!enginePath.canExecute()) { throw new DemoRecorderException("The file you specified is not executable!"); } this.enginePath = enginePath.getAbsoluteFile(); } public String getEngineParameters() { return engineParameters; } public void setEngineParameters(String engineParameters) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (engineParameters == null) { engineParameters = ""; } this.engineParameters = engineParameters.trim(); } public File getDemoFile() { return demoFile; } public void setDemoFile(File demoFile) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (demoFile == null) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not locate demo file!"); } if (!demoFile.exists()) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not locate demo file!: " + demoFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (!doReadWriteTest(demoFile.getParentFile())) { throw new DemoRecorderException("The directory you specified for the demo to be recorded is not writable!"); } if (!demoFile.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".dem")) { throw new DemoRecorderException("The demo file you specified must have the ending .dem"); } this.demoFile = demoFile.getAbsoluteFile(); } public String getRelativeDemoPath() { return relativeDemoPath; } public void setRelativeDemoPath(String relativeDemoPath) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (relativeDemoPath == null) { relativeDemoPath = ""; } //get rid of possible slashes while (relativeDemoPath.startsWith("/") || relativeDemoPath.startsWith("\\")) { relativeDemoPath = relativeDemoPath.substring(1, relativeDemoPath.length()); } while (relativeDemoPath.endsWith("/") || relativeDemoPath.endsWith("\\")) { relativeDemoPath = relativeDemoPath.substring(0, relativeDemoPath.length() - 1); } this.relativeDemoPath = relativeDemoPath.trim(); } public File getDpVideoPath() { return dpVideoPath; } public void setDpVideoPath(File dpVideoPath) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (dpVideoPath == null || !dpVideoPath.isDirectory()) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not locate the specified DPVideo directory!"); } if (!this.doReadWriteTest(dpVideoPath)) { throw new DemoRecorderException("The DPVideo directory is not writable! It needs to be writable so that the file can be moved to its new location"); } this.dpVideoPath = dpVideoPath.getAbsoluteFile(); } public File getVideoDestination() { return videoDestination; } public void setVideoDestination(File videoDestination) { this.checkForProcessingState(); //keep in mind, the parameter videoDestination points to the final avi/ogg file w/o extension! if (videoDestination == null || !videoDestination.getParentFile().isDirectory()) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Could not locate the specified video destination"); } if (!this.doReadWriteTest(videoDestination.getParentFile())) { throw new DemoRecorderException("The video destination directory is not writable! It needs to be writable so that the file can be moved to its new location"); } this.videoDestination = videoDestination.getAbsoluteFile(); } public String getExecuteBeforeCap() { return executeBeforeCap; } public void setExecuteBeforeCap(String executeBeforeCap) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (executeBeforeCap == null) { executeBeforeCap = ""; } executeBeforeCap = executeBeforeCap.trim(); while (executeBeforeCap.endsWith(";")) { executeBeforeCap = executeBeforeCap.substring(0, executeBeforeCap.length()-1); } this.executeBeforeCap = executeBeforeCap; } public String getExecuteAfterCap() { return executeAfterCap; } public void setExecuteAfterCap(String executeAfterCap) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (executeAfterCap == null) { executeAfterCap = ""; } executeAfterCap = executeAfterCap.trim(); while (executeAfterCap.endsWith(";")) { executeAfterCap = executeAfterCap.substring(0, executeAfterCap.length()-1); } if (executeAfterCap.contains("cl_capturevideo_number") || executeAfterCap.contains("cl_capturevideo_nameformat")) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Execute after String cannot contain cl_capturevideo_number or _nameformat changes!"); } this.executeAfterCap = executeAfterCap; } public float getStartSecond() { return startSecond; } public void setStartSecond(float startSecond) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (startSecond < 0) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Start second cannot be < 0"); } this.startSecond = startSecond; } public float getEndSecond() { return endSecond; } public void setEndSecond(float endSecond) { this.checkForProcessingState(); if (endSecond < this.startSecond) { throw new DemoRecorderException("End second cannot be < start second"); } this.endSecond = endSecond; } public State getState() { return state; } public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; this.appLayer.fireUserInterfaceUpdate(this); } public String getJobName() { if (this.jobName == null || this.jobName.equals("")) { return "Job " + this.jobIndex; } return this.jobName; } public void setJobName(String jobName) { if (jobName == null || jobName.equals("")) { this.jobIndex = appLayer.getNewJobIndex(); this.jobName = "Job " + this.jobIndex; } else { this.jobName = jobName; } } public DemoRecorderException getLastException() { return lastException; } /** * Tests whether the given directory is writable by creating a file in there and deleting * it again. * @param directory * @return true if directory is writable */ protected boolean doReadWriteTest(File directory) { boolean writable = false; String fileName = "tmp." + Math.random()*10000 + ".dat"; File tempFile = new File(directory, fileName); try { writable = tempFile.createNewFile(); if (writable) { tempFile.delete(); } } catch (IOException e) { writable = false; } return writable; } private void checkForProcessingState() { if (this.state == State.PROCESSING) { throw new DemoRecorderException("Cannot modify this job while it is processing!"); } } public Properties getEncoderPluginSettings(EncoderPlugin plugin) { if (this.encoderPluginSettings.containsKey(plugin.getName())) { return this.encoderPluginSettings.get(plugin.getName()); } else { return new Properties(); } } public void setEncoderPluginSetting(String pluginName, String pluginSettingKey, String value) { Properties p = this.encoderPluginSettings.get(pluginName); if (p == null) { p = new Properties(); this.encoderPluginSettings.put(pluginName, p); } p.put(pluginSettingKey, value); } public Map getEncoderPluginSettings() { return encoderPluginSettings; } public void setEncoderPluginSettings(Map encoderPluginSettings) { this.encoderPluginSettings = encoderPluginSettings; } public File getActualVideoDestination() { return actualVideoDestination; } public void setActualVideoDestination(File actualVideoDestination) { this.actualVideoDestination = actualVideoDestination; } }