package com.nexuiz.demorecorder.application.democutter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DemoCutter { private static final byte CDTRACK_SEPARATOR = 0x0A; private DataInputStream inStream; private DataOutputStream outStream; private File inFile; private File outFile; /** * Calls the cutDemo method with reasonable default values for the second and first fast-forward stage. * @param inFile @see other cutDemo method * @param outFile @see other cutDemo method * @param startTime @see other cutDemo method * @param endTime @see other cutDemo method * @param injectAtStart @see other cutDemo method * @param injectBeforeCap @see other cutDemo method * @param injectAfterCap @see other cutDemo method */ public void cutDemo(File inFile, File outFile, float startTime, float endTime, String injectAtStart, String injectBeforeCap, String injectAfterCap) { this.cutDemo(inFile, outFile, startTime, endTime, injectAtStart, injectBeforeCap, injectAfterCap, 100, 10); } /** * Cuts the demo by injecting a 2-phase fast forward command until startTime is reached, then injects the cl_capturevideo 1 command * and once endTime is reached the cl_capturevideo 0 command is injected. * @param inFile the original demo file * @param outFile the new cut demo file * @param startTime when to start capturing (use the gametime in seconds) * @param endTime when to stop capturing * @param injectAtStart a String that will be injected right at the beginning of the demo * can be anything that would make sense and can be parsed by DP's console * @param injectBeforeCap a String that will be injected 5 seconds before capturing starts * @param injectAfterCap a String that will be injected shortly after capturing ended * @param ffwSpeedFirstStage fast-forward speed at first stage, when the startTime is still about a minute away (use high values, e.g. 100) * @param ffwSpeedSecondStage fast-forward speed when coming a few seconds close to startTime, use lower values e.g. 5 or 10 */ public void cutDemo(File inFile, File outFile, float startTime, float endTime, String injectAtStart, String injectBeforeCap, String injectAfterCap, int ffwSpeedFirstStage, int ffwSpeedSecondStage) { this.inFile = inFile; this.outFile = outFile; this.prepareStreams(); this.readCDTrack(); injectAfterCap = this.checkInjectString(injectAfterCap); injectAtStart = this.checkInjectString(injectAtStart); injectBeforeCap = this.checkInjectString(injectBeforeCap); byte[] data; float svctime = -1; boolean firstLoop = true; String injectBuffer = ""; int demoStarted = 0; boolean endIsReached = false; boolean finalInjectionDone = false; boolean disconnectIssued = false; float firstSvcTime = -1; float lastSvcTime = -1; try { while (true) { DemoPacket demoPacket = new DemoPacket(this.inStream); if (demoPacket.isEndOfFile()) { break; } if (demoPacket.isClientToServerPacket()) { try { this.outStream.write(demoPacket.getOriginalLengthAsByte()); this.outStream.write(demoPacket.getAngles()); this.outStream.write(demoPacket.getOriginalData()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DemoCutterException("Unexpected I/O Exception occurred when writing to the cut demo", e); } continue; } if (demoPacket.getSvcTime() != -1) { svctime = demoPacket.getSvcTime(); } if (svctime != -1) { if (firstSvcTime == -1) { firstSvcTime = svctime; } lastSvcTime = svctime; if (firstLoop) { injectBuffer = "\011\n" + injectAtStart + ";slowmo " + ffwSpeedFirstStage + "\n\000"; firstLoop = false; } else { if (demoStarted < 1 && svctime > (startTime - 50)) { injectBuffer = "\011\nslowmo " + ffwSpeedSecondStage + "\n\000"; demoStarted = 1; } if (demoStarted < 2 && svctime > (startTime - 5)) { injectBuffer = "\011\nslowmo 1;" + injectBeforeCap +"\n\000"; demoStarted = 2; } if (demoStarted < 3 && svctime > startTime) { injectBuffer = "\011\ncl_capturevideo 1\n\000"; demoStarted = 3; } if (!endIsReached && svctime > endTime) { injectBuffer = "\011\ncl_capturevideo 0\n\000"; endIsReached = true; } if (endIsReached && !finalInjectionDone && svctime > (endTime + 1)) { injectBuffer = "\011\n" + injectAfterCap + "\n\000"; finalInjectionDone = true; } if (finalInjectionDone && !disconnectIssued && svctime > (endTime + 2)) { injectBuffer = "\011\ndisconnect\n\000"; disconnectIssued = true; } } } byte[] injectBufferAsBytes = null; try { injectBufferAsBytes = injectBuffer.getBytes("US-ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new DemoCutterException("Could not convert String to bytes using US-ASCII charset!", e); } data = demoPacket.getOriginalData(); if ((injectBufferAsBytes.length + data.length) < 65536) { data = DemoCutterUtils.mergeByteArrays(injectBufferAsBytes, data); injectBuffer = ""; } byte[] newLengthLittleEndian = DemoCutterUtils.convertLittleEndian(data.length); try { this.outStream.write(newLengthLittleEndian); this.outStream.write(demoPacket.getAngles()); this.outStream.write(data); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DemoCutterException("Unexpected I/O Exception occurred when writing to the cut demo", e); } } if (startTime < firstSvcTime) { throw new DemoCutterException("Start time for the demo is " + startTime + ", but demo doesn't start before " + firstSvcTime); } if (endTime > lastSvcTime) { throw new DemoCutterException("End time for the demo is " + endTime + ", but demo already stops at " + lastSvcTime); } } catch (DemoCutterException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new DemoCutterException("Internal error in demo cutter sub-route (invalid demo file?)", e); } finally { try { this.outStream.close(); this.inStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } /** * Seeks forward in the inStream until CDTRACK_SEPARATOR byte was reached. * All the content is copied to the outStream. */ private void readCDTrack() { byte lastByte; try { while ((lastByte = inStream.readByte()) != CDTRACK_SEPARATOR) { this.outStream.write(lastByte); } this.outStream.write(CDTRACK_SEPARATOR); } catch (EOFException e) { throw new DemoCutterException("Unexpected EOF occurred when reading CD track of demo " + inFile.getPath(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DemoCutterException("Unexpected I/O Exception occurred when reading CD track of demo " + inFile.getPath(), e); } } private void prepareStreams() { try { this.inStream = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(this.inFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new DemoCutterException("Could not open demo file " + inFile.getPath(), e); } try { this.outStream = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(this.outFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new DemoCutterException("Could not open demo file " + outFile.getPath(), e); } } private String checkInjectString(String injectionString) { while (injectionString.endsWith(";") || injectionString.endsWith("\n")) { injectionString = injectionString.substring(0, injectionString.length()-1); } return injectionString; } }