#!/bin/sh set -ex export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games cd ~/xonotic/data/xonotic-data.pk3dir git checkout master git fetch origin master if git rev-list origin/master..master | grep .; then echo "Blocked by local changes. Bailing out." exit 1 fi git reset --hard origin/master # Mode parameter: # po: just update the translations. # all: also update the translation template. Will create a new commit every time, as the date header changes. sh tx.sh po if [ x"`git ls-files -dm`" = x".tx/merge-base" ]; then git reset --hard exit 0 fi git commit -a -m'Transifex autosync' git push origin master