DPSRC = source/darkplaces D0SRC = source/d0_blind_id CLIENT = xonotic-local-sdl SERVER = xonotic-local-dedicated # CC and MAKEFLAGS are always set so ?= has no effect, therefore # we use CFLAGS to set default optimisations which users may override CFLAGS ?= -pipe -march=native -mtune=native -flto=auto # user can override this with make -j MAKEFLAGS := -j$(shell nproc) # DP makefile overrides CFLAGS (exporting CFLAGS does work for d0_blind_id but so does this) export CC += $(CFLAGS) # d0_blind_id header location export CC += -I$(PWD)/source/ # d0_blind_id static libs location export CC += -L$(PWD)/$(D0SRC)/.libs/ # Player IDs: DP_LINK_CRYPTO needs to be set (else it defaults to "dlopen"), # it should be set to "shared" but then LIB_CRYPTO gets overridden in DP makefile, # and we need to set LIB_CRYPTO such that libgmp gets linked export DP_LINK_CRYPTO=foo export CFLAGS_CRYPTO=-DLINK_TO_CRYPTO export LIB_CRYPTO=-ld0_blind_id -lgmp # AES export DP_LINK_CRYPTO_RIJNDAEL=shared .PHONY: help help: @echo @printf " \e[1;33m===== Xonotic Makefile for stable and beta releases =====\e[m\n" @echo @printf "The DarkPlaces Engine builds will be named \e[1m$(CLIENT) \e[mand \e[1m$(SERVER)\e[m\n" @printf "and will be preferred by \e[1mxonotic-linux-sdl.sh \e[mand \e[1mxonotic-linux-dedicated.sh \e[mscripts.\n" @echo @printf "More info is available at \e[1;36mhttps://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic/-/wikis/Compiling\e[m\n" @echo @echo "-O3 is already enabled for DarkPlaces Engine. Do not add any math flags!" @echo @echo "MAKEFLAGS=$(MAKEFLAGS)" @echo "CFLAGS= $(CFLAGS)" @echo @echo " make clean-sources Delete build objects" @echo " make clean Delete engine builds and build objects" @echo @echo " make update-stable Update to the latest stable release via rsync" @echo " make update-beta Update to the latest daily autobuild via rsync" @echo @printf " make server Compile \e[1m$(SERVER)\e[m\n" @printf " make client Compile \e[1m$(CLIENT)\e[m\n" @echo " make both" @echo GIT := $(shell [ -d .git ] && printf "\e[1;31mThis Makefile only supports stable releases and autobuilds, whereas you are using a git repository. To compile from git, please read https://gitlab.com/xonotic/xonotic/-/wikis/Repository_Access\e[m") ifdef GIT $(error $(GIT)) endif .EXTRA_PREREQS := $(findstring update-stable,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) $(findstring update-beta,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) .PHONY: clean-sources clean-sources: $(MAKE) -C $(DPSRC) clean $(MAKE) -C $(D0SRC) clean .PHONY: clean clean: clean-sources $(RM) $(CLIENT) $(SERVER) .PHONY: update-stable update-stable: misc/tools/rsync-updater/update-to-release.sh .PHONY: update-beta update-beta: misc/tools/rsync-updater/update-to-autobuild.sh $(D0SRC)/Makefile: ( cd $(D0SRC) && ./autogen.sh && ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared ) .PHONY: d0_blind_id d0_blind_id: $(D0SRC)/Makefile $(MAKE) -C $(D0SRC) .PHONY: server server: d0_blind_id $(MAKE) -C $(DPSRC) sv-release cp -v $(DPSRC)/darkplaces-dedicated $(SERVER) .PHONY: client client: d0_blind_id $(MAKE) -C $(DPSRC) sdl-release cp -v $(DPSRC)/darkplaces-sdl $(CLIENT) .PHONY: both both: client server