QCC = ../gmqcc VM = ../qcvm TESTLIST = \ globaldefs \ fielddefs \ builtins \ variadic \ calls \ if1 \ loops1 \ maths1 \ maths2 \ equality \ fields1 \ invalid-types \ ngraphs \ invalid-assign \ field-parameters \ functions-as-parameters \ shadow-qcc shadow-gmqcc .PHONY: clean test clean: rm -f gmqcc qcvm rm -f */deflist */*.gm.dat */*.qcc.dat */output rm -rf obj test: $(TESTLIST) obj/%.gm.dat: %/main.qc obj @echo "Testing:" $(subst obj/,,$(subst .gm.dat,,$@)) @$(QCC) -std=gmqcc -o $@ $< > $@.out 2> $@.err obj/%.qcc.dat: %/main.qc obj @echo "Testing:" $(subst obj/,,$(subst .qcc.dat,,$@)) @$(QCC) -std=qcc -o $@ $< > $@.out 2> $@.err ####################################################################### # Macro which causes something to be compiled either with -std=qcc or without... # this may at some point be extended to also store information about the progs.dat # somewhere but for now we only need to build the object. define maketest $(eval $dat = obj/${1}.${2}.dat) $1: obj/$1.$2.dat endef ####################################################################### globaldefs: obj/globaldefs.gm.dat @$(VM) -printdefs $< > $@/deflist @diff $@/deflist $@/deflist.expected $(eval $(call maketest,fielddefs,gm)) fielddefs: @$(VM) -printfields $< > $@/deflist @diff $@/deflist $@/deflist.expected $(eval $(call maketest,builtins,qcc)) builtins: @$(VM) -string "Hello 1" $< > $@/output @test "`wc -l $@/output | awk '{ print $$1 }'`" = "1" @grep -qE '^Hello 1$$' $@/output @$(VM) -string "A test message Yeah" $< > $@/output @test "`wc -l $@/output | awk '{ print $$1 }'`" = "1" @grep -qE '^A test message Yeah$$' $@/output $(eval $(call maketest,variadic,qcc)) variadic: @$(VM) -string "Hello 1" $< > $@/output @test "`wc -l $@/output | awk '{ print $$1 }'`" = "1" @grep -qE '^Hello 1$$' $@/output @$(VM) -string "A test message Yeah" $< > $@/output @test "`wc -l $@/output | awk '{ print $$1 }'`" = "1" @grep -qE '^A test message Yeah$$' $@/output $(eval $(call maketest,calls,qcc)) calls: @$(VM) -float 1 -float 100 -float 10000 $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^70907$$' $@/output @$(VM) -float 3 -float 201 -float 90127 $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^632719$$' $@/output $(eval $(call maketest,if1,qcc)) if1: @$(VM) -float 1 -float 100 -float 10000 $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^One$$' $@/output @$(VM) -float 2 -float 100 -float 10000 $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^Two$$' $@/output @$(VM) -float 3 -float 100 -float 10000 $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^Three$$' $@/output @$(VM) -float 4 -float 100 -float 10000 $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^Else$$' $@/output $(eval $(call maketest,loops1,qcc)) loops1: @$(VM) -float 0 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/0.expected @$(VM) -float 1 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/1.expected @$(VM) -float 4 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/4.expected @$(VM) -float 10 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/10.expected $(eval $(call maketest,maths1,qcc)) maths1: @$(VM) -float 0 -float 3 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/0.3.expected @$(VM) -float 3 -float 6 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/3.6.expected @$(VM) -float 0 -float 0 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/0.0.expected $(eval $(call maketest,maths2,qcc)) maths2: @$(VM) -vector '1 2 3' -vector '4 5 6' $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^dot = 32$$' $@/output @$(VM) -vector '-5 12 5.5' -vector '4 -5 1' $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^dot = -74.5$$' $@/output @$(VM) -vector '-5 12 5.5' -vector '0 0 0' $< > $@/output @grep -qE '^dot = 0$$' $@/output $(eval $(call maketest,equality,qcc)) equality: @$(VM) -float 1 -float 1 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/1.1.expected @$(VM) -float 1 -float 0 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/1.0.expected @$(VM) -float 0 -float 1 $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/0.1.expected $(eval $(call maketest,fields1,qcc)) fields1: @$(VM) -vector '150 2000 150' -vector '220 1300 -200' $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/expected invalid-types-ok: obj invalid-types/assign.qc invalid-types/op.qc invalid-types/call1.qc invalid-types/call2.qc invalid-types/call3.qc @echo "Testing: invalid-types" @if $(QCC) -std=qcc -o obj/invalid.dat invalid-types/op.qc > obj/invalid.out 2>&1 ; then echo "Successfully compiled a file which was supposed to fail: op.qc" ; false ; else true ; fi @if $(QCC) -std=qcc -o obj/invalid.dat invalid-types/call1.qc > obj/invalid.out 2>&1 ; then echo "Successfully compiled a file which was supposed to fail: call1.qc" ; false ; else true ; fi @if $(QCC) -std=qcc -o obj/invalid.dat invalid-types/call2.qc > obj/invalid.out 2>&1 ; then echo "Successfully compiled a file which was supposed to fail: call2.qc" ; false ; else true ; fi @if $(QCC) -std=qcc -o obj/invalid.dat invalid-types/call3.qc > obj/invalid.out 2>&1 ; then echo "Successfully compiled a file which was supposed to fail: call3.qc" ; false ; else true ; fi @if $(QCC) -std=qcc -o obj/invalid.dat invalid-types/assign.qc > obj/invalid.out 2>&1 ; then echo "Successfully compiled a file which was supposed to fail: assign.qc" ; false ; else true ; fi @touch obj/invalid-types-ok invalid-types: invalid-types-ok $(eval $(call maketest,ngraphs,qcc)) ngraphs: @$(VM) $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/expected invalid-assign-ok: obj invalid-assign/main.qc @echo "Testing: invalid-assign" @if $(QCC) -std=qcc -o obj/invalid.dat invalid-assign/main.qc > obj/invalid.out 2>&1 ; then echo "Successfully compiled a file which was supposed to fail: invalid-assign/main.qc" ; false ; else true ; fi invalid-assign: invalid-assign-ok $(eval $(call maketest,field-parameters,qcc)) field-parameters: @$(VM) $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/expected $(eval $(call maketest,functions-as-parameters,qcc)) functions-as-parameters: @$(VM) $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/expected $(eval $(call maketest,shadow-qcc,qcc)) shadow-qcc: @$(VM) -vector '33 44 55' $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/expected $(eval $(call maketest,shadow-gmqcc,gm)) shadow-gmqcc: @$(VM) -vector '33 44 55' $< > $@/output @diff $@/output $@/expected ####################################################################### obj: mkdir obj ../gmqcc: $(MAKE) -C .. ../qcvm: $(MAKE) -C .. qcvm