#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gmqcc.h" static const char *task_bins[] = { "./gmqcc", "./qcvm" }; struct popen_t { FILE *handles[3]; int pipes[3]; int stderr_fd; int stdout_fd; int pid; }; static FILE **task_popen(const char *command, const char *mode) { int inhandle [2]; int outhandle [2]; int errhandle [2]; int trypipe; popen_t *data = (popen_t*)mem_a(sizeof(popen_t)); /* * Parse the command now into a list for execv, this is a pain * in the ass. */ char *line = (char*)command; char **argv = NULL; { while (*line != '\0') { while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t' || *line == '\n') *line++ = '\0'; vec_push(argv, line); while (*line != '\0' && *line != ' ' && *line != '\t' && *line != '\n') line++; } vec_push(argv, (char *)0); } if ((trypipe = pipe(inhandle)) < 0) goto task_popen_error_0; if ((trypipe = pipe(outhandle)) < 0) goto task_popen_error_1; if ((trypipe = pipe(errhandle)) < 0) goto task_popen_error_2; if ((data->pid = fork()) > 0) { /* parent */ close(inhandle [0]); close(outhandle [1]); close(errhandle [1]); data->pipes[0] = inhandle [1]; data->pipes[1] = outhandle[0]; data->pipes[2] = errhandle[0]; data->handles[0] = fdopen(inhandle [1], "w"); data->handles[1] = fdopen(outhandle[0], mode); data->handles[2] = fdopen(errhandle[0], mode); /* sigh */ vec_free(argv); return data->handles; } else if (data->pid == 0) { /* child */ close(inhandle [1]); close(outhandle[0]); close(errhandle[0]); /* see piping documentation for this sillyness :P */ dup2(inhandle [0], 0); dup2(outhandle[1], 1); dup2(errhandle[1], 2); execvp(*argv, argv); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { /* fork failed */ goto task_popen_error_3; } task_popen_error_3: close(errhandle[0]), close(errhandle[1]); task_popen_error_2: close(outhandle[0]), close(outhandle[1]); task_popen_error_1: close(inhandle [0]), close(inhandle [1]); task_popen_error_0: vec_free(argv); return NULL; } static int task_pclose(FILE **handles) { popen_t *data = (popen_t*)handles; int status = 0; close(data->pipes[0]); /* stdin */ close(data->pipes[1]); /* stdout */ close(data->pipes[2]); /* stderr */ waitpid(data->pid, &status, 0); mem_d(data); return status; } #define TASK_COMPILE 0 #define TASK_EXECUTE 1 /* * Task template system: * templates are rules for a specific test, used to create a "task" that * is executed with those set of rules (arguments, and what not). Tests * that don't have a template with them cannot become tasks, since without * the information for that test there is no way to properly "test" them. * Rules for these templates are described in a template file, using a * task template language. * * The language is a basic finite statemachine, top-down single-line * description language. * * The languge is composed entierly of "tags" which describe a string of * text for a task. Think of it much like a configuration file. Except * it's been designed to allow flexibility and future support for prodecual * semantics. * * The following "tags" are suported by the language * * D: * Used to set a description of the current test, this must be * provided, this tag is NOT optional. * * T: * Used to set the procedure for the given task, there are two * options for this: * -compile * This simply performs compilation only * -execute * This will perform compilation and execution * -fail * This will perform compilation, but requires * the compilation to fail in order to succeed. * * This must be provided, this tag is NOT optional. * * C: * Used to set the compilation flags for the given task, this * must be provided, this tag is NOT optional. * * F: Used to set some test suite flags, currently the only option * is -no-defs (to including of defs.qh) * * E: * Used to set the execution flags for the given task. This tag * must be provided if T == -execute, otherwise it's erroneous * as compilation only takes place. * * M: * Used to describe a string of text that should be matched from * the output of executing the task. If this doesn't match the * task fails. This tag must be provided if T == -execute, otherwise * it's erroneous as compilation only takes place. * * I: * Used to specify the INPUT source file to operate on, this must be * provided, this tag is NOT optional * * * Notes: * These tags have one-time use, using them more than once will result * in template compilation errors. * * Lines beginning with # or // in the template file are comments and * are ignored by the template parser. * * Whitespace is optional, with exception to the colon ':' between the * tag and it's assignment value/ * * The template compiler will detect erronrous tags (optional tags * that need not be set), as well as missing tags, and error accordingly * this will result in the task failing. */ struct task_template_t { char *description; char *compileflags; char *executeflags; char *proceduretype; char *sourcefile; char *tempfilename; char **comparematch; char *rulesfile; char *testflags; }; /* * This is very much like a compiler code generator :-). This generates * a value from some data observed from the compiler. */ static bool task_template_generate(task_template_t *tmpl, char tag, const char *file, size_t line, char *value, size_t *pad) { size_t desclen = 0; size_t filelen = 0; char **destval = NULL; if (!tmpl) return false; switch(tag) { case 'D': destval = &tmpl->description; break; case 'T': destval = &tmpl->proceduretype; break; case 'C': destval = &tmpl->compileflags; break; case 'E': destval = &tmpl->executeflags; break; case 'I': destval = &tmpl->sourcefile; break; case 'F': destval = &tmpl->testflags; break; default: con_printmsg(LVL_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "internal error", "invalid tag `%c:` during code generation\n", tag ); return false; } /* * Ensure if for the given tag, there already exists a * assigned value. */ if (*destval) { con_printmsg(LVL_ERROR, file, line, 0, /*TODO: column for match*/ "compile error", "tag `%c:` already assigned value: %s\n", tag, *destval ); return false; } /* * Strip any whitespace that might exist in the value for assignments * like "D: foo" */ if (value && *value && (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t')) value++; else if (!value) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* * Value will contain a newline character at the end, we need to strip * this otherwise kaboom, seriously, kaboom :P */ if (strchr(value, '\n')) *strrchr(value, '\n')='\0'; /* * Now allocate and set the actual value for the specific tag. Which * was properly selected and can be accessed with *destval. */ *destval = util_strdup(value); if (*destval == tmpl->description) { /* * Create some padding for the description to align the * printing of the rules file. */ if ((desclen = strlen(tmpl->description)) > pad[0]) pad[0] = desclen; } if ((filelen = strlen(file)) > pad[2]) pad[2] = filelen; return true; } static bool task_template_parse(const char *file, task_template_t *tmpl, FILE *fp, size_t *pad) { char *data = NULL; char *back = NULL; size_t size = 0; size_t line = 1; if (!tmpl) return false; /* top down parsing */ while (util_getline(&back, &size, fp) != EOF) { /* skip whitespace */ data = back; if (*data && (*data == ' ' || *data == '\t')) data++; switch (*data) { /* * Handle comments inside task tmpl files. We're strict * about the language for fun :-) */ case '/': if (data[1] != '/') { con_printmsg(LVL_ERROR, file, line, 0, /*TODO: column for match*/ "tmpl parse error", "invalid character `/`, perhaps you meant `//` ?"); mem_d(back); return false; } case '#': break; /* * Empty newlines are acceptable as well, so we handle that here * despite being just odd since there should't be that many * empty lines to begin with. */ case '\r': case '\n': break; /* * Now begin the actual "tag" stuff. This works as you expect * it to. */ case 'D': case 'T': case 'C': case 'E': case 'I': case 'F': if (data[1] != ':') { con_printmsg(LVL_ERROR, file, line, 0, /*TODO: column for match*/ "tmpl parse error", "expected `:` after `%c`", *data ); goto failure; } if (!task_template_generate(tmpl, *data, file, line, &data[3], pad)) { con_printmsg(LVL_ERROR, file, line, 0, /*TODO: column for match*/ "tmpl compile error", "failed to generate for given task\n" ); goto failure; } break; /* * Match requires it's own system since we allow multiple M's * for multi-line matching. */ case 'M': { char *value = &data[3]; if (data[1] != ':') { con_printmsg(LVL_ERROR, file, line, 0, /*TODO: column for match*/ "tmpl parse error", "expected `:` after `%c`", *data ); goto failure; } /* * Value will contain a newline character at the end, we need to strip * this otherwise kaboom, seriously, kaboom :P */ if (strrchr(value, '\n')) *strrchr(value, '\n')='\0'; else /* cppcheck: possible null pointer dereference */ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); vec_push(tmpl->comparematch, util_strdup(value)); break; } default: con_printmsg(LVL_ERROR, file, line, 0, /*TODO: column for match*/ "tmpl parse error", "invalid tag `%c`", *data ); goto failure; /* no break required */ } /* update line and free old sata */ line++; mem_d(back); back = NULL; } if (back) mem_d(back); return true; failure: mem_d (back); return false; } /* * Nullifies the template data: used during initialization of a new * template and free. */ static void task_template_nullify(task_template_t *tmpl) { if (!tmpl) return; tmpl->description = NULL; tmpl->proceduretype = NULL; tmpl->compileflags = NULL; tmpl->executeflags = NULL; tmpl->comparematch = NULL; tmpl->sourcefile = NULL; tmpl->tempfilename = NULL; tmpl->rulesfile = NULL; tmpl->testflags = NULL; } static task_template_t *task_template_compile(const char *file, const char *dir, size_t *pad) { /* a page should be enough */ char fullfile[4096]; size_t filepadd = 0; FILE *tempfile = NULL; task_template_t *tmpl = NULL; util_snprintf(fullfile, sizeof(fullfile), "%s/%s", dir, file); tempfile = fopen(fullfile, "r"); tmpl = (task_template_t*)mem_a(sizeof(task_template_t)); task_template_nullify(tmpl); /* * Create some padding for the printing to align the * printing of the rules file to the console. */ if ((filepadd = strlen(fullfile)) > pad[1]) pad[1] = filepadd; tmpl->rulesfile = util_strdup(fullfile); /* * Esnure the file even exists for the task, this is pretty useless * to even do. */ if (!tempfile) { con_err("template file: %s does not exist or invalid permissions\n", file ); goto failure; } if (!task_template_parse(file, tmpl, tempfile, pad)) { con_err("template parse error: error during parsing\n"); goto failure; } /* * Regardless procedure type, the following tags must exist: * D * T * C * I */ if (!tmpl->description) { con_err("template compile error: %s missing `D:` tag\n", file); goto failure; } if (!tmpl->proceduretype) { con_err("template compile error: %s missing `T:` tag\n", file); goto failure; } if (!tmpl->compileflags) { con_err("template compile error: %s missing `C:` tag\n", file); goto failure; } if (!tmpl->sourcefile) { con_err("template compile error: %s missing `I:` tag\n", file); goto failure; } /* * Now lets compile the template, compilation is really just * the process of validating the input. */ if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-compile")) { if (tmpl->executeflags) con_err("template compile warning: %s erroneous tag `E:` when only compiling\n", file); if (tmpl->comparematch) con_err("template compile warning: %s erroneous tag `M:` when only compiling\n", file); goto success; } else if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-execute")) { if (!tmpl->executeflags) { /* default to $null */ tmpl->executeflags = util_strdup("$null"); } if (!tmpl->comparematch) { con_err("template compile error: %s missing `M:` tag (use `$null` for exclude)\n", file); goto failure; } } else if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-fail")) { if (tmpl->executeflags) con_err("template compile warning: %s erroneous tag `E:` when only failing\n", file); if (tmpl->comparematch) con_err("template compile warning: %s erroneous tag `M:` when only failing\n", file); } else if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-diagnostic")) { if (tmpl->executeflags) con_err("template compile warning: %s erroneous tag `E:` when only diagnostic\n", file); if (!tmpl->comparematch) { con_err("template compile error: %s missing `M:` tag (use `$null` for exclude)\n", file); goto failure; } } else if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-pp")) { if (tmpl->executeflags) con_err("template compile warning: %s erroneous tag `E:` when only preprocessing\n", file); if (!tmpl->comparematch) { con_err("template compile error: %s missing `M:` tag (use `$null` for exclude)\n", file); goto failure; } } else { con_err("template compile error: %s invalid procedure type: %s\n", file, tmpl->proceduretype); goto failure; } success: fclose(tempfile); return tmpl; failure: /* * The file might not exist and we jump here when that doesn't happen * so the check to see if it's not null here is required. */ if (tempfile) fclose(tempfile); mem_d (tmpl); return NULL; } static void task_template_destroy(task_template_t *tmpl) { if (!tmpl) return; if (tmpl->description) mem_d(tmpl->description); if (tmpl->proceduretype) mem_d(tmpl->proceduretype); if (tmpl->compileflags) mem_d(tmpl->compileflags); if (tmpl->executeflags) mem_d(tmpl->executeflags); if (tmpl->sourcefile) mem_d(tmpl->sourcefile); if (tmpl->rulesfile) mem_d(tmpl->rulesfile); if (tmpl->testflags) mem_d(tmpl->testflags); /* * Delete all allocated string for task tmpl then destroy the * main vector. */ { size_t i = 0; for (; i < vec_size(tmpl->comparematch); i++) mem_d(tmpl->comparematch[i]); vec_free(tmpl->comparematch); } /* * Nullify all the template members otherwise NULL comparision * checks will fail if tmpl pointer is reused. */ mem_d(tmpl->tempfilename); mem_d(tmpl); } /* * Now comes the task manager, this system allows adding tasks in and out * of a task list. This is the executor of the tasks essentially as well. */ struct task_t { task_template_t *tmpl; FILE **runhandles; FILE *stderrlog; FILE *stdoutlog; char *stdoutlogfile; char *stderrlogfile; bool compiled; }; static task_t *task_tasks = NULL; /* * Read a directory and searches for all template files in it * which is later used to run all tests. */ static bool task_propagate(const char *curdir, size_t *pad, const char *defs) { bool success = true; DIR *dir; struct dirent *files; struct stat directory; char buffer[4096]; size_t found = 0; char **directories = NULL; char *claim = util_strdup(curdir); size_t i; vec_push(directories, claim); dir = opendir(claim); /* * Generate a list of subdirectories since we'll be checking them too * for tmpl files. */ while ((files = readdir(dir))) { util_asprintf(&claim, "%s/%s", curdir, files->d_name); if (stat(claim, &directory) == -1) { closedir(dir); mem_d(claim); return false; } if (S_ISDIR(directory.st_mode) && files->d_name[0] != '.') { vec_push(directories, claim); } else { mem_d(claim); claim = NULL; } } closedir(dir); /* * Now do all the work, by touching all the directories inside * test as well and compile the task templates into data we can * use to run the tests. */ for (i = 0; i < vec_size(directories); i++) { dir = opendir(directories[i]); while ((files = readdir(dir))) { util_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", directories[i], files->d_name); if (stat(buffer, &directory) == -1) { con_err("internal error: stat failed, aborting\n"); abort(); } if (S_ISDIR(directory.st_mode)) continue; /* * We made it here, which concludes the file/directory is not * actually a directory, so it must be a file :) */ if (strcmp(files->d_name + strlen(files->d_name) - 5, ".tmpl") == 0) { task_template_t *tmpl = task_template_compile(files->d_name, directories[i], pad); char buf[4096]; /* one page should be enough */ const char *qcflags = NULL; task_t task; found ++; if (!tmpl) { con_err("error compiling task template: %s\n", files->d_name); success = false; continue; } /* * Generate a temportary file name for the output binary * so we don't trample over an existing one. */ tmpl->tempfilename = NULL; util_asprintf(&tmpl->tempfilename, "%s/TMPDAT.%s.dat", directories[i], files->d_name); /* * Additional QCFLAGS enviroment variable may be used * to test compile flags for all tests. This needs to be * BEFORE other flags (so that the .tmpl can override them) */ qcflags = getenv("QCFLAGS"); /* * Generate the command required to open a pipe to a process * which will be refered to with a handle in the task for * reading the data from the pipe. */ if (strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-pp")) { if (qcflags) { if (tmpl->testflags && !strcmp(tmpl->testflags, "-no-defs")) { util_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s/%s %s %s -o %s", task_bins[TASK_COMPILE], directories[i], tmpl->sourcefile, qcflags, tmpl->compileflags, tmpl->tempfilename ); } else { util_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s/%s %s/%s %s %s -o %s", task_bins[TASK_COMPILE], curdir, defs, directories[i], tmpl->sourcefile, qcflags, tmpl->compileflags, tmpl->tempfilename ); } } else { if (tmpl->testflags && !strcmp(tmpl->testflags, "-no-defs")) { util_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s/%s %s -o %s", task_bins[TASK_COMPILE], directories[i], tmpl->sourcefile, tmpl->compileflags, tmpl->tempfilename ); } else { util_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s/%s %s/%s %s -o %s", task_bins[TASK_COMPILE], curdir, defs, directories[i], tmpl->sourcefile, tmpl->compileflags, tmpl->tempfilename ); } } } else { /* Preprocessing (qcflags mean shit all here we don't allow them) */ if (tmpl->testflags && !strcmp(tmpl->testflags, "-no-defs")) { util_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s -E %s/%s %s -o %s", task_bins[TASK_COMPILE], directories[i], tmpl->sourcefile, tmpl->compileflags, tmpl->tempfilename ); } else { util_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s -E %s/%s %s/%s %s -o %s", task_bins[TASK_COMPILE], curdir, defs, directories[i], tmpl->sourcefile, tmpl->compileflags, tmpl->tempfilename ); } } /* * The task template was compiled, now lets create a task from * the template data which has now been propagated. */ task.tmpl = tmpl; if (!(task.runhandles = task_popen(buf, "r"))) { con_err("error opening pipe to process for test: %s\n", tmpl->description); success = false; continue; } /* * Open up some file desciptors for logging the stdout/stderr * to our own. */ util_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.stdout", tmpl->tempfilename); task.stdoutlogfile = util_strdup(buf); if (!(task.stdoutlog = fopen(buf, "w"))) { con_err("error opening %s for stdout\n", buf); continue; } util_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.stderr", tmpl->tempfilename); task.stderrlogfile = util_strdup(buf); if (!(task.stderrlog = fopen(buf, "w"))) { con_err("error opening %s for stderr\n", buf); continue; } vec_push(task_tasks, task); } } closedir(dir); mem_d(directories[i]); /* free claimed memory */ } vec_free(directories); return success; } /* * Task precleanup removes any existing temporary files or log files * left behind from a previous invoke of the test-suite. */ static void task_precleanup(const char *curdir) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *files; char buffer[4096]; dir = opendir(curdir); while ((files = readdir(dir))) { if (strstr(files->d_name, "TMP") || strstr(files->d_name, ".stdout") || strstr(files->d_name, ".stderr") || strstr(files->d_name, ".dat")) { util_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", curdir, files->d_name); if (remove(buffer)) con_err("error removing temporary file: %s\n", buffer); } } closedir(dir); } static void task_destroy(void) { /* * Free all the data in the task list and finally the list itself * then proceed to cleanup anything else outside the program like * temporary files. */ size_t i; for (i = 0; i < vec_size(task_tasks); i++) { /* * Close any open handles to files or processes here. It's mighty * annoying to have to do all this cleanup work. */ if (task_tasks[i].stdoutlog) fclose(task_tasks[i].stdoutlog); if (task_tasks[i].stderrlog) fclose(task_tasks[i].stderrlog); /* * Only remove the log files if the test actually compiled otherwise * forget about it (or if it didn't compile, and the procedure type * was set to -fail (meaning it shouldn't compile) .. stil remove) */ if (task_tasks[i].compiled || !strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-fail")) { if (remove(task_tasks[i].stdoutlogfile)) con_err("error removing stdout log file: %s\n", task_tasks[i].stdoutlogfile); if (remove(task_tasks[i].stderrlogfile)) con_err("error removing stderr log file: %s\n", task_tasks[i].stderrlogfile); (void)!remove(task_tasks[i].tmpl->tempfilename); } /* free util_strdup data for log files */ mem_d(task_tasks[i].stdoutlogfile); mem_d(task_tasks[i].stderrlogfile); task_template_destroy(task_tasks[i].tmpl); } vec_free(task_tasks); } /* * This executes the QCVM task for a specificly compiled progs.dat * using the template passed into it for call-flags and user defined * messages IF the procedure type is -execute, otherwise it matches * the preprocessor output. */ static bool task_trymatch(size_t i, char ***line) { bool success = true; bool process = true; int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS; FILE *execute; char buffer[4096]; task_template_t *tmpl = task_tasks[i].tmpl; memset (buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-execute")) { /* * Drop the execution flags for the QCVM if none where * actually specified. */ if (!strcmp(tmpl->executeflags, "$null")) { util_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %s", task_bins[TASK_EXECUTE], tmpl->tempfilename ); } else { util_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %s %s", task_bins[TASK_EXECUTE], tmpl->executeflags, tmpl->tempfilename ); } execute = popen(buffer, "r"); if (!execute) return false; } else if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-pp")) { /* * we're preprocessing, which means we need to read int * the produced file and do some really weird shit. */ if (!(execute = fopen(tmpl->tempfilename, "r"))) return false; process = false; } else { /* * we're testing diagnostic output, which means it will be * in runhandles[2] (stderr) since that is where the compiler * puts it's errors. */ if (!(execute = fopen(task_tasks[i].stderrlogfile, "r"))) return false; process = false; } /* * Now lets read the lines and compare them to the matches we expect * and handle accordingly. */ { char *data = NULL; size_t size = 0; size_t compare = 0; while (util_getline(&data, &size, execute) != EOF) { if (!strcmp(data, "No main function found\n")) { con_err("test failure: `%s` (No main function found) [%s]\n", tmpl->description, tmpl->rulesfile ); if (!process) fclose(execute); else pclose((FILE*)execute); return false; } /* * Trim newlines from data since they will just break our * ability to properly validate matches. */ if (strrchr(data, '\n')) *strrchr(data, '\n') = '\0'; /* * We remove the file/directory and stuff from the error * match messages when testing diagnostics. */ if(!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-diagnostic")) { if (strstr(data, "there have been errors, bailing out")) continue; /* ignore it */ if (strstr(data, ": error: ")) { char *claim = util_strdup(data + (strstr(data, ": error: ") - data) + 9); mem_d(data); data = claim; } } /* * We need to ignore null lines for when -pp is used (preprocessor), since * the preprocessor is likely to create empty newlines in certain macro * instantations, otherwise it's in the wrong nature to ignore empty newlines. */ if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-pp") && !*data) continue; if (vec_size(tmpl->comparematch) > compare) { if (strcmp(data, tmpl->comparematch[compare++])) { success = false; } } else { success = false; } /* * Copy to output vector for diagnostics if execution match * fails. */ vec_push(*line, data); /* reset */ data = NULL; size = 0; } if (compare != vec_size(tmpl->comparematch)) success = false; mem_d(data); data = NULL; } if (process) retval = pclose((FILE*)execute); else fclose(execute); return success && retval == EXIT_SUCCESS; } static const char *task_type(task_template_t *tmpl) { if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-pp")) return "type: preprocessor"; if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-execute")) return "type: execution"; if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-compile")) return "type: compile"; if (!strcmp(tmpl->proceduretype, "-diagnostic")) return "type: diagnostic"; return "type: fail"; } /* * This schedualizes all tasks and actually runs them individually * this is generally easy for just -compile variants. For compile and * execution this takes more work since a task needs to be generated * from thin air and executed INLINE. */ #include static size_t task_schedualize(size_t *pad) { char space[2][64]; bool execute = false; char *data = NULL; char **match = NULL; size_t size = 0; size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; size_t failed = 0; int status = 0; util_snprintf(space[0], sizeof(space[0]), "%d", (int)vec_size(task_tasks)); for (; i < vec_size(task_tasks); i++) { memset(space[1], 0, sizeof(space[1])); util_snprintf(space[1], sizeof(space[1]), "%d", (int)(i + 1)); con_out("test #%u %*s", i + 1, strlen(space[0]) - strlen(space[1]), ""); /* * Generate a task from thin air if it requires execution in * the QCVM. */ /* diagnostic is not executed, but compare tested instead, like preproessor */ execute = !! (!strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-execute")) || (!strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-pp")) || (!strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-diagnostic")); /* * We assume it compiled before we actually compiled :). On error * we change the value */ task_tasks[i].compiled = true; /* * Read data from stdout first and pipe that stuff into a log file * then we do the same for stderr. */ while (util_getline(&data, &size, task_tasks[i].runhandles[1]) != EOF) { fputs(data, task_tasks[i].stdoutlog); if (strstr(data, "failed to open file")) { task_tasks[i].compiled = false; execute = false; } } while (util_getline(&data, &size, task_tasks[i].runhandles[2]) != EOF) { /* * If a string contains an error we just dissalow execution * of it in the vm. * * TODO: make this more percise, e.g if we print a warning * that refers to a variable named error, or something like * that .. then this will blowup :P */ if (strstr(data, "error") && strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-diagnostic")) { execute = false; task_tasks[i].compiled = false; } fputs(data, task_tasks[i].stderrlog); fflush(task_tasks[i].stderrlog); /* fast flush for read */ } if (!task_tasks[i].compiled && strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-fail")) { con_out("failure: `%s` %*s %*s\n", task_tasks[i].tmpl->description, (pad[0] + pad[1] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->description)) + (strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile) - pad[1]), task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile, (pad[1] + pad[2] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile)) + (strlen("(failed to compile)") - pad[2]), "(failed to compile)" ); failed++; continue; } status = task_pclose(task_tasks[i].runhandles); if ((!strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-fail") && status == EXIT_SUCCESS) || ( strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-fail") && status == EXIT_FAILURE)) { con_out("failure: `%s` %*s %*s\n", task_tasks[i].tmpl->description, (pad[0] + pad[1] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->description)) + (strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile) - pad[1]), task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile, (pad[1] + pad[2] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile)) + (strlen("(compiler didn't return exit success)") - pad[2]), "(compiler didn't return exit success)" ); failed++; continue; } if (!execute) { con_out("succeeded: `%s` %*s %*s\n", task_tasks[i].tmpl->description, (pad[0] + pad[1] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->description)) + (strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile) - pad[1]), task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile, (pad[1] + pad[2] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile)) + (strlen(task_type(task_tasks[i].tmpl)) - pad[2]), task_type(task_tasks[i].tmpl) ); continue; } /* * If we made it here that concludes the task is to be executed * in the virtual machine (or the preprocessor output needs to * be matched). */ if (!task_trymatch(i, &match)) { size_t d = 0; con_out("failure: `%s` %*s %*s\n", task_tasks[i].tmpl->description, (pad[0] + pad[1] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->description)) + (strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile) - pad[1]), task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile, (pad[1] + pad[2] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile)) + (strlen( (strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-pp")) ? "(invalid results from execution)" : (strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-diagnostic")) ? "(invalid results from preprocessing)" : "(invalid results from compiler diagnsotics)" ) - pad[2]), (strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-pp")) ? "(invalid results from execution)" : (strcmp(task_tasks[i].tmpl->proceduretype, "-diagnostic")) ? "(invalid results from preprocessing)" : "(invalid results from compiler diagnsotics)" ); /* * Print nicely formatted expected match lists to console error * handler for the all the given matches in the template file and * what was actually returned from executing. */ con_out(" Expected From %u Matches: (got %u Matches)\n", vec_size(task_tasks[i].tmpl->comparematch), vec_size(match) ); for (; d < vec_size(task_tasks[i].tmpl->comparematch); d++) { char *select = task_tasks[i].tmpl->comparematch[d]; size_t length = 60 - strlen(select); con_out(" Expected: \"%s\"", select); while (length --) con_out(" "); con_out("| Got: \"%s\"\n", (d >= vec_size(match)) ? "<>" : match[d]); } /* * Print the non-expected out (since we are simply not expecting it) * This will help track down bugs in template files that fail to match * something. */ if (vec_size(match) > vec_size(task_tasks[i].tmpl->comparematch)) { for (d = 0; d < vec_size(match) - vec_size(task_tasks[i].tmpl->comparematch); d++) { con_out(" Expected: Nothing | Got: \"%s\"\n", match[d + vec_size(task_tasks[i].tmpl->comparematch)] ); } } for (j = 0; j < vec_size(match); j++) mem_d(match[j]); vec_free(match); failed++; continue; } for (j = 0; j < vec_size(match); j++) mem_d(match[j]); vec_free(match); con_out("succeeded: `%s` %*s %*s\n", task_tasks[i].tmpl->description, (pad[0] + pad[1] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->description)) + (strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile) - pad[1]), task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile, (pad[1] + pad[2] - strlen(task_tasks[i].tmpl->rulesfile)) + (strlen(task_type(task_tasks[i].tmpl))- pad[2]), task_type(task_tasks[i].tmpl) ); } mem_d(data); return failed; } /* * This is the heart of the whole test-suite process. This cleans up * any existing temporary files left behind as well as log files left * behind. Then it propagates a list of tests from `curdir` by scaning * it for template files and compiling them into tasks, in which it * schedualizes them (executes them) and actually reports errors and * what not. It then proceeds to destroy the tasks and return memory * it's the engine :) * * It returns true of tests could be propagated, otherwise it returns * false. * * It expects con_init() was called before hand. */ static GMQCC_WARN bool test_perform(const char *curdir, const char *defs) { size_t failed = false; static const char *default_defs = "defs.qh"; size_t pad[] = { /* test ### [succeed/fail]: `description` [tests/template.tmpl] [type] */ 0, 0, 0 }; /* * If the default definition file isn't set to anything. We will * use the default_defs here, which is "defs.qc" */ if (!defs) { defs = default_defs; } task_precleanup(curdir); if (!task_propagate(curdir, pad, defs)) { con_err("error: failed to propagate tasks\n"); task_destroy(); return false; } /* * If we made it here all tasks where propagated from their resultant * template file. So we can start the FILO scheduler, this has been * designed in the most thread-safe way possible for future threading * it's designed to prevent lock contention, and possible syncronization * issues. */ failed = task_schedualize(pad); if (failed) con_out("%u out of %u tests failed\n", failed, vec_size(task_tasks)); task_destroy(); return (failed) ? false : true; } /* * Fancy GCC-like LONG parsing allows things like --opt=param with * assignment operator. This is used for redirecting stdout/stderr * console to specific files of your choice. */ static bool parsecmd(const char *optname, int *argc_, char ***argv_, char **out, int ds, bool split) { int argc = *argc_; char **argv = *argv_; size_t len = strlen(optname); if (strncmp(argv[0]+ds, optname, len)) return false; /* it's --optname, check how the parameter is supplied */ if (argv[0][ds+len] == '=') { *out = argv[0]+ds+len+1; return true; } if (!split || argc < ds) /* no parameter was provided, or only single-arg form accepted */ return false; /* using --opt param */ *out = argv[1]; --*argc_; ++*argv_; return true; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool succeed = false; char *defs = NULL; con_init(); /* * Command line option parsing commences now We only need to support * a few things in the test suite. */ while (argc > 1) { ++argv; --argc; if (argv[0][0] == '-') { if (parsecmd("defs", &argc, &argv, &defs, 1, false)) continue; if (!strcmp(argv[0]+1, "debug")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DEBUG) = true; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0]+1, "nocolor")) { con_color(0); continue; } con_err("invalid argument %s\n", argv[0]+1); return -1; } } succeed = test_perform("tests", defs); return (succeed) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }