/* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 * Dale Weiler * Wolfgang Bumiller * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "gmqcc.h" /* * strdup does it's own malloc, we need to track malloc. We don't want * to overwrite malloc though, infact, we can't really hook it at all * without library specific assumptions. So we re implement strdup. */ char *stat_mem_strdup(const char *src, bool empty) { size_t len = 0; char *ptr = NULL; if (!src) return NULL; len = strlen(src); if ((!empty ? len : true) && (ptr = (char*)mem_a(len + 1))) { memcpy(ptr, src, len); ptr[len] = '\0'; } return ptr; } /* * The reallocate function for resizing vectors. */ void _util_vec_grow(void **a, size_t i, size_t s) { vector_t *d = vec_meta(*a); size_t m = 0; void *p = NULL; if (*a) { m = 2 * d->allocated + i; p = mem_r(d, s * m + sizeof(vector_t)); } else { m = i + 1; p = mem_a(s * m + sizeof(vector_t)); ((vector_t*)p)->used = 0; } d = (vector_t*)p; d->allocated = m; *a = d + 1; } void _util_vec_delete(void *data) { mem_d(vec_meta(data)); } /* * Hash table for generic data, based on dynamic memory allocations * all around. This is the internal interface, please look for * EXPOSED INTERFACE comment below */ typedef struct hash_node_t { char *key; /* the key for this node in table */ void *value; /* pointer to the data as void* */ struct hash_node_t *next; /* next node (linked list) */ } hash_node_t; size_t hash(const char *key); size_t util_hthash(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key) { return hash(key) % ht->size; } static hash_node_t *_util_htnewpair(const char *key, void *value) { hash_node_t *node; if (!(node = (hash_node_t*)mem_a(sizeof(hash_node_t)))) return NULL; if (!(node->key = util_strdupe(key))) { mem_d(node); return NULL; } node->value = value; node->next = NULL; return node; } /* * EXPOSED INTERFACE for the hashtable implementation * util_htnew(size) -- to make a new hashtable * util_htset(table, key, value, sizeof(value)) -- to set something in the table * util_htget(table, key) -- to get something from the table * util_htdel(table) -- to delete the table */ hash_table_t *util_htnew(size_t size) { hash_table_t *hashtable = NULL; if (size < 1) return NULL; if (!(hashtable = (hash_table_t*)mem_a(sizeof(hash_table_t)))) return NULL; if (!(hashtable->table = (hash_node_t**)mem_a(sizeof(hash_node_t*) * size))) { mem_d(hashtable); return NULL; } hashtable->size = size; memset(hashtable->table, 0, sizeof(hash_node_t*) * size); return hashtable; } void util_htseth(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key, size_t bin, void *value) { hash_node_t *newnode = NULL; hash_node_t *next = NULL; hash_node_t *last = NULL; next = ht->table[bin]; while (next && next->key && strcmp(key, next->key) > 0) last = next, next = next->next; /* already in table, do a replace */ if (next && next->key && strcmp(key, next->key) == 0) { next->value = value; } else { /* not found, grow a pair man :P */ newnode = _util_htnewpair(key, value); if (next == ht->table[bin]) { newnode->next = next; ht->table[bin] = newnode; } else if (!next) { last->next = newnode; } else { newnode->next = next; last->next = newnode; } } } void util_htset(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key, void *value) { util_htseth(ht, key, util_hthash(ht, key), value); } void *util_htgeth(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key, size_t bin) { hash_node_t *pair = ht->table[bin]; while (pair && pair->key && strcmp(key, pair->key) > 0) pair = pair->next; if (!pair || !pair->key || strcmp(key, pair->key) != 0) return NULL; return pair->value; } void *util_htget(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key) { return util_htgeth(ht, key, util_hthash(ht, key)); } void *code_util_str_htgeth(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key, size_t bin); void *code_util_str_htgeth(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key, size_t bin) { hash_node_t *pair; size_t len, keylen; int cmp; keylen = strlen(key); pair = ht->table[bin]; while (pair && pair->key) { len = strlen(pair->key); if (len < keylen) { pair = pair->next; continue; } if (keylen == len) { cmp = strcmp(key, pair->key); if (cmp == 0) return pair->value; if (cmp < 0) return NULL; pair = pair->next; continue; } cmp = strcmp(key, pair->key + len - keylen); if (cmp == 0) { uintptr_t up = (uintptr_t)pair->value; up += len - keylen; return (void*)up; } pair = pair->next; } return NULL; } /* * Free all allocated data in a hashtable, this is quite the amount * of work. */ void util_htrem(hash_table_t *ht, void (*callback)(void *data)) { size_t i = 0; for (; i < ht->size; ++i) { hash_node_t *n = ht->table[i]; hash_node_t *p; /* free in list */ while (n) { if (n->key) mem_d(n->key); if (callback) callback(n->value); p = n; n = p->next; mem_d(p); } } /* free table */ mem_d(ht->table); mem_d(ht); } void util_htrmh(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key, size_t bin, void (*cb)(void*)) { hash_node_t **pair = &ht->table[bin]; hash_node_t *tmp; while (*pair && (*pair)->key && strcmp(key, (*pair)->key) > 0) pair = &(*pair)->next; tmp = *pair; if (!tmp || !tmp->key || strcmp(key, tmp->key) != 0) return; if (cb) (*cb)(tmp->value); *pair = tmp->next; mem_d(tmp->key); mem_d(tmp); } void util_htrm(hash_table_t *ht, const char *key, void (*cb)(void*)) { util_htrmh(ht, key, util_hthash(ht, key), cb); } void util_htdel(hash_table_t *ht) { util_htrem(ht, NULL); }