/* * Some example programs as strings: Javascript is so lame I wanted to * just reference these as files, aparently that's not possible, w/e */ var examples = new Array(); /* example code */ examples[0] = 'void(string) print = #1;\nvoid(string what) main = {\n\tprint(what);\n\tprint("\\n");\n};\n'; examples[1] = '\ void(string, ...) print = #1;\n\ string(float) ftos = #2;\n\ \n\ float(float x, float y, float z) sum = {\n\ \treturn x + y + z;\n\ };\n\ \n\ void(float a, float b, float c) main = {\n\ \tlocal float f;\n\ \tf = sum(sum(a, sum(a, b, c), c),\n\ \tsum(sum(sum(a, b, c), b, sum(a, b, c)), b, sum(a, b, sum(a, b, c))),\n\ \tsum(sum(a, b, c), b, c));\n\ \tprint(ftos(f), \"\\n\");\n\ };\n'; examples[2] = '\ void(string, ...) print = #1;\n\ string(float) ftos = #2;\n\ \n\ void(float a, float b) main = {\n\ \tif (a == b) print("eq\\n");\n\ \tif (a != b) print("ne\\n");\n\ \tif (a > b) print("gt\\n");\n\ \tif (a < b) print("lt\\n");\n\ \tif (a >= b) print("ge\\n");\n\ \tif (a <= b) print("le\\n");\n\ };\n'; examples[3] = '\ void(string, string) print = #1;\n\ entity() spawn = #3;\n\ \n\ .string a;\n\ .string b;\n\ \n\ void(entity e, .string s) callout = {\n\ \tprint(e.s, "\\n");\n\ };\n\ \n\ void() main = {\n\ \tlocal entity e;\n\ \te = spawn();\n\ \te.a = "foo";\n\ \te.b = "bar";\n\ \tcallout(e, b);\n\ };\n'; examples[4] = '\ .float globf;\n\ .vector globv;\n\ .string globs;\n\ .void() globfunc;\n'; examples[5] = '\ void(string, ...) print = #1;\n\ string(float) ftos = #2;\n\ entity() spawn = #3;\n\ string(vector) vtos = #5;\n\ void(string, ...) error = #6;\n\ \n\ entity self;\n\ \n\ .vector origin;\n\ .vector view;\n\ \n\ entity() make = {\n\ \tlocal entity e;\n\ \te = spawn();\n\ \te.view = \'0 0 25\';\n\ \treturn e;\n\ };\n\ \n\ float(entity targ) visible = {\n\ \tlocal vector spot1, spot2;\n\ \tspot1 = self.origin + self.view;\n\ \tspot2 = targ.origin + targ.view;\n\ \n\ \tprint("spot1 = ", vtos(spot1), "\\n");\n\ \tprint("spot2 = ", vtos(spot2), "\\n");\n\ \treturn 0;\n\ };\n;\ \n\ void(vector a, vector b) main = {\n\ \tlocal entity targ;\n\ \n\ \tself = make();\n\ \ttarg = make();\n\ \tif (self == targ)\n\ \t\terror("ERROR, self == targ\\n");\n\ \n\ \tself.origin = a;\n\ \ttarg.origin = b;\n\ \n\ \tprint("vis: ", ftos(visible(targ)), "\\n");\n\ };\n'; examples[6] = '\ void(string, string) print = #1;\n\ \n\ string() getter = {\n\ \treturn "correct";\n\ };\n\ \n\ void(string() f) printer = {\n\ \tprint(f(), "\\n");\n\ };\n\ \n\ void() main = {\n\ \tprinter(getter);\n\ };\n'; examples[7] = '\ .float globf;\n\ .vector globv;\n\ .string globs;\n\ .void() globfunc;\n'; examples[8] = '\ void(string, ...) print = #1;\n\ \n\ void(float c) main = {\n\ \tif (c == 1)\n\ \t\tprint("One\\n");\n\ \telse if (c == 2)\n\ \t\tprint("Two\\n");\n\ \telse if (c == 3)\n\ \t\tprint("Three\\n");\n\ \telse\n\ \t\tprint("Else\\n");\n\ };\n'; examples[9] = '\ void(string, ...) print = #1;\n\ string(float) ftos = #2;\n\ \n\ void(float n) main = {\n\ \tlocal float i;\n\ \n\ \tfor (i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {\n\ \t\tprint("for ", ftos(i), "\\n");\n\ \t}\n\ \n\ \ti = 0;\n\ \twhile (i < n) {\n\ \t\tprint("while ", ftos(i), "\\n");\n\ \t\ti += 1;\n\ \t}\n\ \n\ \ti = 0;\n\ \tdo {\n\ \t\tprint("do ", ftos(i), "\\n");\n\ \t\ti += 1;\n\ \t} while (i < n);\n\ };\n'; examples[10] ='\ void(string, ...) print = #1;\n\ string(float) ftos = #2;\n\ string(vector) vtos = #5;\n\ \n\ void(float a, float b) main = {\n\ \tprint("input: ", ftos(a), " and ", ftos(b), "\\n");\n\ \tprint("+ ", ftos(a+b), "\\n");\n\ \tprint("* ", ftos(a*b), "\\n");\n\ \tprint("/ ", ftos(a/b), "\\n");\n\ \tprint("& ", ftos(a&b), "\\n");\n\ \tprint("| ", ftos(a|b), "\\n");\n\ \tprint("&& ", ftos(a&&b), "\\n");\n\ \tprint("|| ", ftos(a||b), "\\n");\n\ };\n'; examples[11] = '\ void(string, string) print = %:1;\n\ \n\ void() main = ??<\n\ \tprint("??=??\'??(??)??!????-??/??/%>", "??/n");\n\ \tprint("#^[]|{}~\\%>", "\\n");\n\ %>;\n'; examples[12] = '\ void(string, ...) print = #1;\n\ \n\ void(string what) main = {\n\ \tprint(what, "\\n");\n\ };\n'; /* ad-hoc eh? */ function update() { var sel = document.getElementById("eg"); var doc = document.getElementById("input"); doc.value = examples[sel[sel.selectedIndex].value - 1]; } function compile() { var args = [ 'dat/' + document.getElementById("eg").selectedIndex.toString() + '.dat' ].concat(document.getElementById("args").value.split()); document.getElementById("output").value = "Executing " + args.toString().replace(',', ' '); run (args); } /* set initial */ document.getElementById("eg").selectedIndex = 0; update();