#ifndef GMQCC_AST_H__ #define GMQCC_AST_H__ #include "astir.h" #include "ir.h" /* Note: I will not be using a _t suffix for the * "main" ast node types for now. */ typedef union ast_node_u ast_node; typedef union ast_expression_u ast_expression; typedef struct ast_value_s ast_value; typedef struct ast_function_s ast_function; typedef struct ast_block_s ast_block; typedef struct ast_binary_s ast_binary; /* Node interface with common components */ typedef void ast_node_delete(ast_node*); typedef struct { lex_ctx_t context; /* I don't feel comfortable using keywords like 'delete' as names... */ ast_node_delete *destroy; } ast_node_common; #define ast_delete(x) ( ( (ast_node*)(x) ) -> node.destroy )((ast_node*)(x)) /* Expression interface * * Any expression or block returns an ir_value, and needs * to know the current function. */ typedef qbool ast_expression_codegen(ast_expression*, ast_function*, ir_value**); typedef struct { ast_node_common node; ast_expression_codegen *codegen; } ast_expression_common; /* Value * * Types are also values, both have a type and a name. * especially considering possible constructs like typedefs. * typedef float foo; * is like creating a 'float foo', foo serving as the type's name. */ struct ast_value_s { ast_expression_common expression; const char *name; int vtype; ast_value *next; qbool isconst; union { double vfloat; int vint; vector_t vvec; const char *vstring; int ventity; ast_function *vfunc; } constval; ir_value *ir_v; /* if vtype is qc_function, params contain parameters, and * 'next' the return type. */ MEM_VECTOR_MAKE(ast_value*, params); }; ast_value* ast_value_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, const char *name, int qctype); void ast_value_delete(ast_value*); void ast_value_set_name(ast_value*, const char *name); qbool ast_value_codegen(ast_value*, ast_function*, ir_value**); /* Binary * * A value-returning binary expression. */ struct ast_binary_s { ast_expression_common expression; int op; ast_value *left; ast_value *right; }; ast_binary* ast_binary_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, int op, ast_value *left, ast_value *right); void ast_binary_delete(ast_binary*); /* hmm, seperate functions? */ qbool ast_bin_add_codegen(ast_binary*, ir_function*, ir_value**); /* ... */ /* maybe for this one */ qbool ast_bin_store_codegen(ast_binary*, ir_function*, ir_value**); /* could decide what to use */ qbool ast_binary_codegen(ast_binary*, ir_function*, ir_value**); /* Blocks * */ struct ast_block_s { ast_expression_common expression; MEM_VECTOR_MAKE(ast_value*, locals); MEM_VECTOR_MAKE(ast_expression*, exprs); }; ast_block* ast_block_new(lex_ctx_t ctx); void ast_block_delete(ast_block*); MEM_VECTOR_PROTO(ast_block, ast_value*, locals); MEM_VECTOR_PROTO(ast_block, ast_expression*, exprs); qbool ast_block_codegen(ast_block*, ir_function*, ir_value**); /* Function * * Contains a list of blocks... at least in theory. * Usually there's just the main block, other blocks are inside that. * * Technically, functions don't need to be an AST node, since we have * neither functions inside functions, nor lambdas, and function * pointers could just work with a name. However, this way could be * more flexible, and adds no real complexity. */ struct ast_function_s { ast_node_common node; ast_value *vtype; const char *name; MEM_VECTOR_MAKE(ast_block*, blocks); }; ast_function* ast_function_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, const char *name, ast_value *vtype); void ast_function_delete(ast_function*); MEM_VECTOR_PROTO(ast_function, ast_block*, blocks); qbool ast_function_codegen(ast_function *self, ir_builder *builder); /* Expression union */ union ast_expression_u { ast_expression_common expression; ast_binary binary; ast_block block; }; /* Node union */ union ast_node_u { ast_node_common node; ast_expression expression; }; #endif