#include #include #include #include "gmqcc.h" #include "ast.h" #include "fold.h" //#include "parser.h" #include "algo.h" #define ast_instantiate(T, ctx, destroyfn) \ T* self = new T; \ if (!self) return nullptr; \ ast_node_init(self, ctx, TYPE_##T); \ self->m_destroy = (ast_node_delete*)destroyfn /* * forward declarations, these need not be in ast.h for obvious * static reasons. */ static bool ast_member_codegen(ast_member*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_array_index_delete(ast_array_index*); static bool ast_array_index_codegen(ast_array_index*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_argpipe_delete(ast_argpipe*); static bool ast_argpipe_codegen(ast_argpipe*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_store_delete(ast_store*); static bool ast_store_codegen(ast_store*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_ifthen_delete(ast_ifthen*); static bool ast_ifthen_codegen(ast_ifthen*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_ternary_delete(ast_ternary*); static bool ast_ternary_codegen(ast_ternary*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_loop_delete(ast_loop*); static bool ast_loop_codegen(ast_loop*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_breakcont_delete(ast_breakcont*); static bool ast_breakcont_codegen(ast_breakcont*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_switch_delete(ast_switch*); static bool ast_switch_codegen(ast_switch*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_label_delete(ast_label*); static void ast_label_register_goto(ast_label*, ast_goto*); static bool ast_label_codegen(ast_label*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static bool ast_goto_codegen(ast_goto*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_goto_delete(ast_goto*); static void ast_call_delete(ast_call*); static bool ast_call_codegen(ast_call*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static bool ast_block_codegen(ast_block*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_unary_delete(ast_unary*); static bool ast_unary_codegen(ast_unary*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_entfield_delete(ast_entfield*); static bool ast_entfield_codegen(ast_entfield*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_return_delete(ast_return*); static bool ast_return_codegen(ast_return*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_binstore_delete(ast_binstore*); static bool ast_binstore_codegen(ast_binstore*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static void ast_binary_delete(ast_binary*); static bool ast_binary_codegen(ast_binary*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); static bool ast_state_codegen(ast_state*, ast_function*, bool lvalue, ir_value**); /* Initialize main ast node aprts */ ast_node::ast_node(lex_ctx_t ctx, int node_type) : m_context(ctx), m_node_type(node_type), m_keep_node(false), m_side_effects(false) { } ast_node::~ast_node() { } /* weight and side effects */ void ast_node::propagate_side_effects(ast_node *other) const { other->m_side_effects = m_side_effects; } /* General expression initialization */ ast_expression::ast_expression(lex_ctx_t ctx, int nodetype, qc_type type) : ast_node(ctx, nodetype), m_vtype(type) { if (OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_COVERAGE)) m_flags |= AST_FLAG_BLOCK_COVERAGE; } ast_expression::ast_expression(lex_ctx_t ctx, int nodetype) : ast_expression(ctx, nodetype, TYPE_VOID) {} ast_expression::~ast_expression() { if (m_next) delete m_next; if (m_varparam) delete m_varparam; } ast_expression::ast_expression(ast_copy_type_t, int nodetype, const ast_expression &other) : ast_expression(other.m_context, nodetype) { m_vtype = other.m_vtype; m_count = other.m_count; m_flags = other.m_flags; if (other.m_next) m_next = new ast_expression(ast_copy_type, TYPE_ast_expression, *other.m_next); m_type_params.reserve(other.m_type_params.size()); for (auto &it : other.m_type_params) m_type_params.emplace_back(new ast_value(ast_copy_type, *it)); } ast_expression::ast_expression(ast_copy_type_t, const ast_expression &other) : ast_expression(other.m_context, TYPE_ast_expression) {} ast_expression *ast_expression::shallow_type(lex_ctx_t ctx, qc_type vtype) { auto expr = new ast_expression(ctx, TYPE_ast_expression); expr->m_vtype = vtype; return expr; } void ast_expression::adopt_type(const ast_expression &other) { m_vtype = other.m_vtype; if (other.m_next) m_next = new ast_expression(ast_copy_type, TYPE_ast_expression, *other.m_next); m_count = other.m_count; m_flags = other.m_flags; m_type_params.clear(); m_type_params.reserve(other.m_type_params.size()); for (auto &it : other.m_type_params) m_type_params.emplace_back(new ast_value(ast_copy_type, *it)); } bool ast_expression::compare_type(const ast_expression &other) const { if (m_vtype == TYPE_NIL || other.m_vtype == TYPE_NIL) return true; if (m_vtype != other.m_vtype) return false; if (!m_next != !other.m_next) return false; if (m_type_params.size() != other.m_type_params.size()) return false; if ((m_flags & AST_FLAG_TYPE_MASK) != (other.m_flags & AST_FLAG_TYPE_MASK) ) { return false; } if (m_type_params.size()) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < m_type_params.size(); ++i) { if (!m_type_params[i]->compare_type(*other.m_type_params[i])) return false; } } if (m_next) return m_next->compare_type(*other.m_next); return true; } ast_value::ast_value(ast_copy_type_t, const ast_value &other, const std::string &name) : ast_value(ast_copy_type, static_cast(other), name) {} ast_value::ast_value(ast_copy_type_t, const ast_value &other) : ast_value(ast_copy_type, static_cast(other), other.m_name) {} ast_value::ast_value(ast_copy_type_t, const ast_expression &other, const std::string &name) : ast_expression(ast_copy_type, other), m_name(name) {} ast_value::ast_value(lex_ctx_t ctx, const std::string &name, qc_type t) : ast_expression(ctx, TYPE_ast_value, t), m_name(name) { m_keep_node = true; // keep values, always memset(&m_constval, 0, sizeof(m_constval)); } ast_value::~ast_value() { if (m_argcounter) mem_d((void*)m_argcounter); if (m_hasvalue) { switch (m_vtype) { case TYPE_STRING: mem_d((void*)m_constval.vstring); break; case TYPE_FUNCTION: // unlink us from the function node m_constval.vfunc->m_function_type = nullptr; break; // NOTE: delete function? currently collected in // the parser structure default: break; } } if (m_ir_values) mem_d(m_ir_values); // initlist imples an array which implies .next in the expression exists. if (m_initlist.size() && m_next->m_vtype == TYPE_STRING) { for (auto &it : m_initlist) if (it.vstring) mem_d(it.vstring); } } static size_t ast_type_to_string_impl(const ast_expression *e, char *buf, size_t bufsize, size_t pos) { const char *typestr; size_t typelen; size_t i; if (!e) { if (pos + 6 >= bufsize) goto full; util_strncpy(buf + pos, "(null)", 6); return pos + 6; } if (pos + 1 >= bufsize) goto full; switch (e->m_vtype) { case TYPE_VARIANT: util_strncpy(buf + pos, "(variant)", 9); return pos + 9; case TYPE_FIELD: buf[pos++] = '.'; return ast_type_to_string_impl(e->m_next, buf, bufsize, pos); case TYPE_POINTER: if (pos + 3 >= bufsize) goto full; buf[pos++] = '*'; buf[pos++] = '('; pos = ast_type_to_string_impl(e->m_next, buf, bufsize, pos); if (pos + 1 >= bufsize) goto full; buf[pos++] = ')'; return pos; case TYPE_FUNCTION: pos = ast_type_to_string_impl(e->m_next, buf, bufsize, pos); if (pos + 2 >= bufsize) goto full; if (e->m_type_params.empty()) { buf[pos++] = '('; buf[pos++] = ')'; return pos; } buf[pos++] = '('; pos = ast_type_to_string_impl(e->m_type_params[0].get(), buf, bufsize, pos); for (i = 1; i < e->m_type_params.size(); ++i) { if (pos + 2 >= bufsize) goto full; buf[pos++] = ','; buf[pos++] = ' '; pos = ast_type_to_string_impl(e->m_type_params[i].get(), buf, bufsize, pos); } if (pos + 1 >= bufsize) goto full; buf[pos++] = ')'; return pos; case TYPE_ARRAY: pos = ast_type_to_string_impl(e->m_next, buf, bufsize, pos); if (pos + 1 >= bufsize) goto full; buf[pos++] = '['; pos += util_snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos - 1, "%i", (int)e->m_count); if (pos + 1 >= bufsize) goto full; buf[pos++] = ']'; return pos; default: typestr = type_name[e->m_vtype]; typelen = strlen(typestr); if (pos + typelen >= bufsize) goto full; util_strncpy(buf + pos, typestr, typelen); return pos + typelen; } full: buf[bufsize-3] = '.'; buf[bufsize-2] = '.'; buf[bufsize-1] = '.'; return bufsize; } void ast_type_to_string(const ast_expression *e, char *buf, size_t bufsize) { size_t pos = ast_type_to_string_impl(e, buf, bufsize-1, 0); buf[pos] = 0; } void ast_value::add_param(ast_value *p) { m_type_params.emplace_back(p); } ast_binary::ast_binary(lex_ctx_t ctx, int op, ast_expression* left, ast_expression* right) : ast_expression(ctx, TYPE_ast_binary), m_op(op), // m_left/m_right happen after the peephole step right below m_right_first(false) { if (ast_istype(right, ast_unary) && OPTS_OPTIMIZATION(OPTIM_PEEPHOLE)) { ast_unary *unary = ((ast_unary*)right); ast_expression *normal = unary->m_operand; /* make a-(-b) => a + b */ if (unary->m_op == VINSTR_NEG_F || unary->m_op == VINSTR_NEG_V) { if (op == INSTR_SUB_F) { op = INSTR_ADD_F; right = normal; ++opts_optimizationcount[OPTIM_PEEPHOLE]; } else if (op == INSTR_SUB_V) { op = INSTR_ADD_V; right = normal; ++opts_optimizationcount[OPTIM_PEEPHOLE]; } } } m_left = left; m_right = right; propagate_side_effects(left); propagate_side_effects(right); if (op >= INSTR_EQ_F && op <= INSTR_GT) m_vtype = TYPE_FLOAT; else if (op == INSTR_AND || op == INSTR_OR) { if (OPTS_FLAG(PERL_LOGIC)) adopt_type(*right); else m_vtype = TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (op == INSTR_BITAND || op == INSTR_BITOR) m_vtype = TYPE_FLOAT; else if (op == INSTR_MUL_VF || op == INSTR_MUL_FV) m_vtype = TYPE_VECTOR; else if (op == INSTR_MUL_V) m_vtype = TYPE_FLOAT; else m_vtype = left->m_vtype; // references all m_refs = AST_REF_ALL; } ast_binary::~ast_binary() { if (m_refs & AST_REF_LEFT) ast_unref(m_left); if (m_refs & AST_REF_RIGHT) ast_unref(m_right); } ast_binstore::ast_binstore(lex_ctx_t ctx, int storop, int mathop, ast_expression* left, ast_expression* right) : ast_expression(ctx, TYPE_ast_binstore), m_opstore(storop), m_opbin(mathop), m_dest(left), m_source(right), m_keep_dest(false) { m_side_effects = true; adopt_type(*left); } ast_binstore::~ast_binstore() { if (!m_keep_dest) ast_unref(m_dest); ast_unref(m_source); } ast_unary* ast_unary::make(lex_ctx_t ctx, int op, ast_expression *expr) { if (ast_istype(expr, ast_unary) && OPTS_OPTIMIZATION(OPTIM_PEEPHOLE)) { ast_unary *prev = (ast_unary*)((ast_unary*)expr)->m_operand; /* Handle for double negation */ if (((ast_unary*)expr)->m_op == op) prev = (ast_unary*)((ast_unary*)expr)->m_operand; if (ast_istype(prev, ast_unary)) { ++opts_optimizationcount[OPTIM_PEEPHOLE]; return prev; } } return new ast_unary(ctx, op, expr); } ast_unary::ast_unary(lex_ctx_t ctx, int op, ast_expression *expr) : ast_expression(ctx, TYPE_ast_unary), m_op(op), m_operand(expr) { propagate_side_effects(expr); if ((op >= INSTR_NOT_F && op <= INSTR_NOT_FNC) || op == VINSTR_NEG_F) { m_vtype = TYPE_FLOAT; } else if (op == VINSTR_NEG_V) { m_vtype = TYPE_VECTOR; } else { compile_error(ctx, "cannot determine type of unary operation %s", util_instr_str[op]); } } ast_unary::~ast_unary() { if (m_operand) ast_unref(m_operand); } ast_return::ast_return(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *expr) : ast_expression(ctx, TYPE_ast_return), m_operand(expr) { if (expr) propagate_side_effects(expr); } ast_return::~ast_return() { if (m_operand) ast_unref(m_operand); } ast_entfield::ast_entfield(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *entity, ast_expression *field) : ast_entfield(ctx, entity, field, field->m_next) { if (field->m_vtype != TYPE_FIELD) compile_error(ctx, "ast_entfield with expression not of type field"); } ast_entfield::ast_entfield(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *entity, ast_expression *field, const ast_expression *outtype) : ast_expression(ctx, TYPE_ast_entfield), m_entity(entity), m_field(field) { propagate_side_effects(*m_entity); propagate_side_effects(*m_field); if (!outtype) { compile_error(ctx, "ast_entfield: field has no type"); m_vtype = TYPE_VOID; } else adopt_type(*outtype); } ast_entfield::~ast_entfield() { ast_unref(m_entity); ast_unref(m_field); } ast_member* ast_member_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *owner, unsigned int field, const char *name) { ast_instantiate(ast_member, ctx, ast_member_delete); if (field >= 3) { mem_d(self); return nullptr; } if (owner->m_vtype != TYPE_VECTOR && owner->m_vtype != TYPE_FIELD) { compile_error(ctx, "member-access on an invalid owner of type %s", type_name[owner->m_vtype]); mem_d(self); return nullptr; } ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_member_codegen); self->m_keep_node = true; /* keep */ if (owner->m_vtype == TYPE_VECTOR) { self->m_vtype = TYPE_FLOAT; self->m_next = nullptr; } else { self->m_vtype = TYPE_FIELD; self->m_next = ast_shallow_type(ctx, TYPE_FLOAT); } self->m_rvalue = false; self->m_owner = owner; self->propagate_side_effects(owner); self->m_field = field; if (name) self->m_name = util_strdup(name); else self->m_name = nullptr; return self; } void ast_member_delete(ast_member *self) { /* The owner is always an ast_value, which has .keep_node=true, * also: ast_members are usually deleted after the owner, thus * this will cause invalid access ast_unref(self->m_owner); * once we allow (expression).x to access a vector-member, we need * to change this: preferably by creating an alternate ast node for this * purpose that is not garbage-collected. */ ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); mem_d(self->m_name); self->~ast_member(); mem_d(self); } bool ast_member_set_name(ast_member *self, const char *name) { if (self->m_name) mem_d((void*)self->m_name); self->m_name = util_strdup(name); return !!self->m_name; } ast_array_index* ast_array_index_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *array, ast_expression *index) { ast_expression *outtype; ast_instantiate(ast_array_index, ctx, ast_array_index_delete); outtype = array->m_next; if (!outtype) { mem_d(self); /* Error: field has no type... */ return nullptr; } ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_array_index_codegen); self->m_array = array; self->m_index = index; self->propagate_side_effects(array); self->propagate_side_effects(index); ast_type_adopt(self, outtype); if (array->m_vtype == TYPE_FIELD && outtype->m_vtype == TYPE_ARRAY) { if (self->m_vtype != TYPE_ARRAY) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array_index node on type"); ast_array_index_delete(self); return nullptr; } self->m_array = outtype; self->m_vtype = TYPE_FIELD; } return self; } void ast_array_index_delete(ast_array_index *self) { if (self->m_array) ast_unref(self->m_array); if (self->m_index) ast_unref(self->m_index); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); mem_d(self); } ast_argpipe* ast_argpipe_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *index) { ast_instantiate(ast_argpipe, ctx, ast_argpipe_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_argpipe_codegen); self->m_index = index; self->m_vtype = TYPE_NOEXPR; return self; } void ast_argpipe_delete(ast_argpipe *self) { if (self->m_index) ast_unref(self->m_index); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_argpipe(); mem_d(self); } ast_ifthen* ast_ifthen_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *cond, ast_expression *ontrue, ast_expression *onfalse) { ast_instantiate(ast_ifthen, ctx, ast_ifthen_delete); if (!ontrue && !onfalse) { /* because it is invalid */ mem_d(self); return nullptr; } ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_ifthen_codegen); self->m_cond = cond; self->m_on_true = ontrue; self->m_on_false = onfalse; self->propagate_side_effects(cond); if (ontrue) self->propagate_side_effects(ontrue); if (onfalse) self->propagate_side_effects(onfalse); return self; } void ast_ifthen_delete(ast_ifthen *self) { ast_unref(self->m_cond); if (self->m_on_true) ast_unref(self->m_on_true); if (self->m_on_false) ast_unref(self->m_on_false); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_ifthen(); mem_d(self); } ast_ternary* ast_ternary_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *cond, ast_expression *ontrue, ast_expression *onfalse) { ast_expression *exprtype = ontrue; ast_instantiate(ast_ternary, ctx, ast_ternary_delete); /* This time NEITHER must be nullptr */ if (!ontrue || !onfalse) { mem_d(self); return nullptr; } ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_ternary_codegen); self->m_cond = cond; self->m_on_true = ontrue; self->m_on_false = onfalse; self->propagate_side_effects(cond); self->propagate_side_effects(ontrue); self->propagate_side_effects(onfalse); if (ontrue->m_vtype == TYPE_NIL) exprtype = onfalse; ast_type_adopt(self, exprtype); return self; } void ast_ternary_delete(ast_ternary *self) { /* the if()s are only there because computed-gotos can set them * to nullptr */ if (self->m_cond) ast_unref(self->m_cond); if (self->m_on_true) ast_unref(self->m_on_true); if (self->m_on_false) ast_unref(self->m_on_false); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_ternary(); mem_d(self); } ast_loop* ast_loop_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *initexpr, ast_expression *precond, bool pre_not, ast_expression *postcond, bool post_not, ast_expression *increment, ast_expression *body) { ast_instantiate(ast_loop, ctx, ast_loop_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_loop_codegen); self->m_initexpr = initexpr; self->m_precond = precond; self->m_postcond = postcond; self->m_increment = increment; self->m_body = body; self->m_pre_not = pre_not; self->m_post_not = post_not; if (initexpr) self->propagate_side_effects(initexpr); if (precond) self->propagate_side_effects(precond); if (postcond) self->propagate_side_effects(postcond); if (increment) self->propagate_side_effects(increment); if (body) self->propagate_side_effects(body); return self; } void ast_loop_delete(ast_loop *self) { if (self->m_initexpr) ast_unref(self->m_initexpr); if (self->m_precond) ast_unref(self->m_precond); if (self->m_postcond) ast_unref(self->m_postcond); if (self->m_increment) ast_unref(self->m_increment); if (self->m_body) ast_unref(self->m_body); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_loop(); mem_d(self); } ast_breakcont* ast_breakcont_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, bool iscont, unsigned int levels) { ast_instantiate(ast_breakcont, ctx, ast_breakcont_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_breakcont_codegen); self->m_is_continue = iscont; self->m_levels = levels; return self; } void ast_breakcont_delete(ast_breakcont *self) { ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_breakcont(); mem_d(self); } ast_switch* ast_switch_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *op) { ast_instantiate(ast_switch, ctx, ast_switch_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_switch_codegen); self->m_operand = op; self->propagate_side_effects(op); return self; } void ast_switch_delete(ast_switch *self) { ast_unref(self->m_operand); for (auto &it : self->m_cases) { if (it.m_value) ast_unref(it.m_value); ast_unref(it.m_code); } ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_switch(); mem_d(self); } ast_label* ast_label_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, const char *name, bool undefined) { ast_instantiate(ast_label, ctx, ast_label_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_label_codegen); self->m_vtype = TYPE_NOEXPR; self->m_name = util_strdup(name); self->m_irblock = nullptr; self->m_undefined = undefined; return self; } void ast_label_delete(ast_label *self) { mem_d((void*)self->m_name); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_label(); mem_d(self); } static void ast_label_register_goto(ast_label *self, ast_goto *g) { self->m_gotos.push_back(g); } ast_goto* ast_goto_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, const char *name) { ast_instantiate(ast_goto, ctx, ast_goto_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_goto_codegen); self->m_name = util_strdup(name); self->m_target = nullptr; self->m_irblock_from = nullptr; return self; } void ast_goto_delete(ast_goto *self) { mem_d((void*)self->m_name); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_goto(); mem_d(self); } void ast_goto_set_label(ast_goto *self, ast_label *label) { self->m_target = label; } ast_state* ast_state_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *frame, ast_expression *think) { ast_instantiate(ast_state, ctx, ast_state_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_state_codegen); self->m_framenum = frame; self->m_nextthink = think; return self; } void ast_state_delete(ast_state *self) { if (self->m_framenum) ast_unref(self->m_framenum); if (self->m_nextthink) ast_unref(self->m_nextthink); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_state(); mem_d(self); } ast_call* ast_call_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, ast_expression *funcexpr) { ast_instantiate(ast_call, ctx, ast_call_delete); if (!funcexpr->m_next) { compile_error(ctx, "not a function"); mem_d(self); return nullptr; } ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_call_codegen); self->m_side_effects = true; self->m_func = funcexpr; self->m_va_count = nullptr; ast_type_adopt(self, funcexpr->m_next); return self; } void ast_call_delete(ast_call *self) { for (auto &it : self->m_params) ast_unref(it); if (self->m_func) ast_unref(self->m_func); if (self->m_va_count) ast_unref(self->m_va_count); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_call(); mem_d(self); } static bool ast_call_check_vararg(ast_call *self, ast_expression *va_type, ast_expression *exp_type) { char texp[1024]; char tgot[1024]; if (!exp_type) return true; if (!va_type || !ast_compare_type(va_type, exp_type)) { if (va_type && exp_type) { ast_type_to_string(va_type, tgot, sizeof(tgot)); ast_type_to_string(exp_type, texp, sizeof(texp)); if (OPTS_FLAG(UNSAFE_VARARGS)) { if (compile_warning(self->m_context, WARN_UNSAFE_TYPES, "piped variadic argument differs in type: constrained to type %s, expected type %s", tgot, texp)) return false; } else { compile_error(self->m_context, "piped variadic argument differs in type: constrained to type %s, expected type %s", tgot, texp); return false; } } else { ast_type_to_string(exp_type, texp, sizeof(texp)); if (OPTS_FLAG(UNSAFE_VARARGS)) { if (compile_warning(self->m_context, WARN_UNSAFE_TYPES, "piped variadic argument may differ in type: expected type %s", texp)) return false; } else { compile_error(self->m_context, "piped variadic argument may differ in type: expected type %s", texp); return false; } } } return true; } bool ast_call_check_types(ast_call *self, ast_expression *va_type) { char texp[1024]; char tgot[1024]; size_t i; bool retval = true; const ast_expression *func = self->m_func; size_t count = self->m_params.size(); if (count > func->m_type_params.size()) count = func->m_type_params.size(); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (ast_istype(self->m_params[i], ast_argpipe)) { /* warn about type safety instead */ if (i+1 != count) { compile_error(self->m_context, "argpipe must be the last parameter to a function call"); return false; } if (!ast_call_check_vararg(self, va_type, (ast_expression*)func->m_type_params[i])) retval = false; } else if (!ast_compare_type(self->m_params[i], (ast_expression*)(func->m_type_params[i]))) { ast_type_to_string(self->m_params[i], tgot, sizeof(tgot)); ast_type_to_string((ast_expression*)func->m_type_params[i], texp, sizeof(texp)); compile_error(self->m_context, "invalid type for parameter %u in function call: expected %s, got %s", (unsigned int)(i+1), texp, tgot); /* we don't immediately return */ retval = false; } } count = self->m_params.size(); if (count > func->m_type_params.size() && func->m_varparam) { for (; i < count; ++i) { if (ast_istype(self->m_params[i], ast_argpipe)) { /* warn about type safety instead */ if (i+1 != count) { compile_error(self->m_context, "argpipe must be the last parameter to a function call"); return false; } if (!ast_call_check_vararg(self, va_type, func->m_varparam)) retval = false; } else if (!ast_compare_type(self->m_params[i], func->m_varparam)) { ast_type_to_string(self->m_params[i], tgot, sizeof(tgot)); ast_type_to_string(func->m_varparam, texp, sizeof(texp)); compile_error(self->m_context, "invalid type for variadic parameter %u in function call: expected %s, got %s", (unsigned int)(i+1), texp, tgot); /* we don't immediately return */ retval = false; } } } return retval; } ast_store* ast_store_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, int op, ast_expression *dest, ast_expression *source) { ast_instantiate(ast_store, ctx, ast_store_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_store_codegen); self->m_side_effects = true; self->m_op = op; self->m_dest = dest; self->m_source = source; ast_type_adopt(self, dest); return self; } void ast_store_delete(ast_store *self) { ast_unref(self->m_dest); ast_unref(self->m_source); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_store(); mem_d(self); } ast_block* ast_block_new(lex_ctx_t ctx) { ast_instantiate(ast_block, ctx, ast_block_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_block_codegen); return self; } bool ast_block_add_expr(ast_block *self, ast_expression *e) { self->propagate_side_effects(e); self->m_exprs.push_back(e); if (self->m_next) { ast_delete(self->m_next); self->m_next = nullptr; } ast_type_adopt(self, e); return true; } void ast_block_collect(ast_block *self, ast_expression *expr) { self->m_collect.push_back(expr); expr->m_keep_node = true; } void ast_block_delete(ast_block *self) { for (auto &it : self->m_exprs) ast_unref(it); for (auto &it : self->m_locals) ast_delete(it); for (auto &it : self->m_collect) ast_delete(it); ast_expression_delete((ast_expression*)self); self->~ast_block(); mem_d(self); } void ast_block_set_type(ast_block *self, ast_expression *from) { if (self->m_next) ast_delete(self->m_next); ast_type_adopt(self, from); } ast_function* ast_function_new(lex_ctx_t ctx, const char *name, ast_value *vtype) { ast_instantiate(ast_function, ctx, ast_function_delete); if (!vtype) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_function_new condition 0"); goto cleanup; } else if (vtype->m_hasvalue || vtype->m_vtype != TYPE_FUNCTION) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_function_new condition %i %i type=%i (probably 2 bodies?)", (int)!vtype, (int)vtype->m_hasvalue, vtype->m_vtype); goto cleanup; } self->m_function_type = vtype; self->m_name = name ? util_strdup(name) : nullptr; self->m_labelcount = 0; self->m_builtin = 0; self->m_ir_func = nullptr; self->m_curblock = nullptr; vtype->m_hasvalue = true; vtype->m_constval.vfunc = self; self->m_varargs = nullptr; self->m_argc = nullptr; self->m_fixedparams = nullptr; self->m_return_value = nullptr; self->m_static_count = 0; return self; cleanup: mem_d(self); return nullptr; } void ast_function_delete(ast_function *self) { if (self->m_name) mem_d((void*)self->m_name); if (self->m_function_type) { /* ast_value_delete(self->m_function_type); */ self->m_function_type->m_hasvalue = false; self->m_function_type->m_constval.vfunc = nullptr; /* We use unref - if it was stored in a global table it is supposed * to be deleted from *there* */ ast_unref(self->m_function_type); } for (auto &it : self->m_static_names) mem_d(it); // FIXME::DELME:: unique_ptr used on ast_block //for (auto &it : self->m_blocks) // ast_delete(it); if (self->m_varargs) ast_delete(self->m_varargs); if (self->m_argc) ast_delete(self->m_argc); if (self->m_fixedparams) ast_unref(self->m_fixedparams); if (self->m_return_value) ast_unref(self->m_return_value); self->~ast_function(); mem_d(self); } const char* ast_function_label(ast_function *self, const char *prefix) { size_t id; size_t len; char *from; if (!OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DUMP) && !OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DUMPFIN) && !OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DEBUG)) { return nullptr; } id = (self->m_labelcount++); len = strlen(prefix); from = self->m_labelbuf + sizeof(self->m_labelbuf)-1; *from-- = 0; do { *from-- = (id%10) + '0'; id /= 10; } while (id); ++from; memcpy(from - len, prefix, len); return from - len; } /*********************************************************************/ /* AST codegen part * by convention you must never pass nullptr to the 'ir_value **out' * parameter. If you really don't care about the output, pass a dummy. * But I can't imagine a pituation where the output is truly unnecessary. */ static void _ast_codegen_output_type(ast_expression *self, ir_value *out) { if (out->m_vtype == TYPE_FIELD) out->m_fieldtype = self->m_next->m_vtype; if (out->m_vtype == TYPE_FUNCTION) out->m_outtype = self->m_next->m_vtype; } #define codegen_output_type(a,o) (_ast_codegen_output_type(static_cast((a)),(o))) bool ast_value_codegen(ast_value *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { (void)func; (void)lvalue; if (self->m_vtype == TYPE_NIL) { *out = func->m_ir_func->m_owner->m_nil; return true; } /* NOTE: This is the codegen for a variable used in an * It is not the codegen to generate the value. For this purpose, * ast_local_codegen and ast_global_codegen are to be used before this * is executed. ast_function_codegen should take care of its locals, * and the ast-user should take care of ast_global_codegen to be used * on all the globals. */ if (!self->m_ir_v) { char tname[1024]; /* typename is reserved in C++ */ ast_type_to_string((ast_expression*)self, tname, sizeof(tname)); compile_error(self->m_context, "ast_value used before generated %s %s", tname, self->m_name); return false; } *out = self->m_ir_v; return true; } static bool ast_global_array_set(ast_value *self) { size_t count = self->m_initlist.size(); size_t i; if (count > self->m_count) { compile_error(self->m_context, "too many elements in initializer"); count = self->m_count; } else if (count < self->m_count) { /* add this? compile_warning(self->m_context, "not all elements are initialized"); */ } for (i = 0; i != count; ++i) { switch (self->m_next->m_vtype) { case TYPE_FLOAT: if (!ir_value_set_float(self->m_ir_values[i], self->m_initlist[i].vfloat)) return false; break; case TYPE_VECTOR: if (!ir_value_set_vector(self->m_ir_values[i], self->m_initlist[i].vvec)) return false; break; case TYPE_STRING: if (!ir_value_set_string(self->m_ir_values[i], self->m_initlist[i].vstring)) return false; break; case TYPE_ARRAY: /* we don't support them in any other place yet either */ compile_error(self->m_context, "TODO: nested arrays"); return false; case TYPE_FUNCTION: /* this requiers a bit more work - similar to the fields I suppose */ compile_error(self->m_context, "global of type function not properly generated"); return false; case TYPE_FIELD: if (!self->m_initlist[i].vfield) { compile_error(self->m_context, "field constant without vfield set"); return false; } if (!self->m_initlist[i].vfield->m_ir_v) { compile_error(self->m_context, "field constant generated before its field"); return false; } if (!ir_value_set_field(self->m_ir_values[i], self->m_initlist[i].vfield->m_ir_v)) return false; break; default: compile_error(self->m_context, "TODO: global constant type %i", self->m_vtype); break; } } return true; } static bool check_array(ast_value *self, ast_value *array) { if (array->m_flags & AST_FLAG_ARRAY_INIT && array->m_initlist.empty()) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array without size: %s", self->m_name); return false; } /* we are lame now - considering the way QC works we won't tolerate arrays > 1024 elements */ if (!array->m_count || array->m_count > OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "Invalid array of size %lu", (unsigned long)array->m_count); return false; } return true; } bool ast_global_codegen(ast_value *self, ir_builder *ir, bool isfield) { ir_value *v = nullptr; if (self->m_vtype == TYPE_NIL) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: trying to generate a variable of TYPE_NIL"); return false; } if (self->m_hasvalue && self->m_vtype == TYPE_FUNCTION) { ir_function *func = ir_builder_create_function(ir, self->m_name, self->m_next->m_vtype); if (!func) return false; func->m_context = self->m_context; func->m_value->m_context = self->m_context; self->m_constval.vfunc->m_ir_func = func; self->m_ir_v = func->m_value; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_ERASEABLE) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_ERASABLE; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_BLOCK_COVERAGE) func->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_BLOCK_COVERAGE; /* The function is filled later on ast_function_codegen... */ return true; } if (isfield && self->m_vtype == TYPE_FIELD) { ast_expression *fieldtype = self->m_next; if (self->m_hasvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "TODO: constant field pointers with value"); goto error; } if (fieldtype->m_vtype == TYPE_ARRAY) { size_t ai; char *name; size_t namelen; ast_expression *elemtype; qc_type vtype; ast_value *array = (ast_value*)fieldtype; if (!ast_istype(fieldtype, ast_value)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_value required"); return false; } if (!check_array(self, array)) return false; elemtype = array->m_next; vtype = elemtype->m_vtype; v = ir_builder_create_field(ir, self->m_name, vtype); if (!v) { compile_error(self->m_context, "ir_builder_create_global failed on `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } v->m_context = self->m_context; v->m_unique_life = true; v->m_locked = true; array->m_ir_v = self->m_ir_v = v; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_ERASEABLE) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_ERASABLE; namelen = strlen(self->m_name); name = (char*)mem_a(namelen + 16); util_strncpy(name, self->m_name, namelen); array->m_ir_values = (ir_value**)mem_a(sizeof(array->m_ir_values[0]) * array->m_count); array->m_ir_values[0] = v; for (ai = 1; ai < array->m_count; ++ai) { util_snprintf(name + namelen, 16, "[%u]", (unsigned int)ai); array->m_ir_values[ai] = ir_builder_create_field(ir, name, vtype); if (!array->m_ir_values[ai]) { mem_d(name); compile_error(self->m_context, "ir_builder_create_global failed on `%s`", name); return false; } array->m_ir_values[ai]->m_context = self->m_context; array->m_ir_values[ai]->m_unique_life = true; array->m_ir_values[ai]->m_locked = true; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF) self->m_ir_values[ai]->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF; } mem_d(name); } else { v = ir_builder_create_field(ir, self->m_name, self->m_next->m_vtype); if (!v) return false; v->m_context = self->m_context; self->m_ir_v = v; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_ERASEABLE) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_ERASABLE; } return true; } if (self->m_vtype == TYPE_ARRAY) { size_t ai; char *name; size_t namelen; ast_expression *elemtype = self->m_next; qc_type vtype = elemtype->m_vtype; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_ARRAY_INIT && !self->m_count) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array `%s' has no size", self->m_name); return false; } /* same as with field arrays */ if (!check_array(self, self)) return false; v = ir_builder_create_global(ir, self->m_name, vtype); if (!v) { compile_error(self->m_context, "ir_builder_create_global failed `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } v->m_context = self->m_context; v->m_unique_life = true; v->m_locked = true; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF) v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_ERASEABLE) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_ERASABLE; namelen = strlen(self->m_name); name = (char*)mem_a(namelen + 16); util_strncpy(name, self->m_name, namelen); self->m_ir_values = (ir_value**)mem_a(sizeof(self->m_ir_values[0]) * self->m_count); self->m_ir_values[0] = v; for (ai = 1; ai < self->m_count; ++ai) { util_snprintf(name + namelen, 16, "[%u]", (unsigned int)ai); self->m_ir_values[ai] = ir_builder_create_global(ir, name, vtype); if (!self->m_ir_values[ai]) { mem_d(name); compile_error(self->m_context, "ir_builder_create_global failed `%s`", name); return false; } self->m_ir_values[ai]->m_context = self->m_context; self->m_ir_values[ai]->m_unique_life = true; self->m_ir_values[ai]->m_locked = true; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF) self->m_ir_values[ai]->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF; } mem_d(name); } else { /* Arrays don't do this since there's no "array" value which spans across the * whole thing. */ v = ir_builder_create_global(ir, self->m_name, self->m_vtype); if (!v) { compile_error(self->m_context, "ir_builder_create_global failed on `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } codegen_output_type(self, v); v->m_context = self->m_context; } /* link us to the ir_value */ v->m_cvq = self->m_cvq; self->m_ir_v = v; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF; if (self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_ERASEABLE) self->m_ir_v->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_ERASABLE; /* initialize */ if (self->m_hasvalue) { switch (self->m_vtype) { case TYPE_FLOAT: if (!ir_value_set_float(v, self->m_constval.vfloat)) goto error; break; case TYPE_VECTOR: if (!ir_value_set_vector(v, self->m_constval.vvec)) goto error; break; case TYPE_STRING: if (!ir_value_set_string(v, self->m_constval.vstring)) goto error; break; case TYPE_ARRAY: ast_global_array_set(self); break; case TYPE_FUNCTION: compile_error(self->m_context, "global of type function not properly generated"); goto error; /* Cannot generate an IR value for a function, * need a pointer pointing to a function rather. */ case TYPE_FIELD: if (!self->m_constval.vfield) { compile_error(self->m_context, "field constant without vfield set"); goto error; } if (!self->m_constval.vfield->m_ir_v) { compile_error(self->m_context, "field constant generated before its field"); goto error; } if (!ir_value_set_field(v, self->m_constval.vfield->m_ir_v)) goto error; break; default: compile_error(self->m_context, "TODO: global constant type %i", self->m_vtype); break; } } return true; error: /* clean up */ if (v) delete v; return false; } static bool ast_local_codegen(ast_value *self, ir_function *func, bool param) { ir_value *v = nullptr; if (self->m_vtype == TYPE_NIL) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: trying to generate a variable of TYPE_NIL"); return false; } if (self->m_hasvalue && self->m_vtype == TYPE_FUNCTION) { /* Do we allow local functions? I think not... * this is NOT a function pointer atm. */ return false; } if (self->m_vtype == TYPE_ARRAY) { size_t ai; char *name; size_t namelen; ast_expression *elemtype = self->m_next; qc_type vtype = elemtype->m_vtype; func->m_flags |= IR_FLAG_HAS_ARRAYS; if (param && !(self->m_flags & AST_FLAG_IS_VARARG)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array-parameters are not supported"); return false; } /* we are lame now - considering the way QC works we won't tolerate arrays > 1024 elements */ if (!check_array(self, self)) return false; self->m_ir_values = (ir_value**)mem_a(sizeof(self->m_ir_values[0]) * self->m_count); if (!self->m_ir_values) { compile_error(self->m_context, "failed to allocate array values"); return false; } v = ir_function_create_local(func, self->m_name, vtype, param); if (!v) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ir_function_create_local failed"); return false; } v->m_context = self->m_context; v->m_unique_life = true; v->m_locked = true; namelen = strlen(self->m_name); name = (char*)mem_a(namelen + 16); util_strncpy(name, self->m_name, namelen); self->m_ir_values[0] = v; for (ai = 1; ai < self->m_count; ++ai) { util_snprintf(name + namelen, 16, "[%u]", (unsigned int)ai); self->m_ir_values[ai] = ir_function_create_local(func, name, vtype, param); if (!self->m_ir_values[ai]) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal_error: ir_builder_create_global failed on `%s`", name); return false; } self->m_ir_values[ai]->m_context = self->m_context; self->m_ir_values[ai]->m_unique_life = true; self->m_ir_values[ai]->m_locked = true; } mem_d(name); } else { v = ir_function_create_local(func, self->m_name, self->m_vtype, param); if (!v) return false; codegen_output_type(self, v); v->m_context = self->m_context; } /* A constant local... hmmm... * I suppose the IR will have to deal with this */ if (self->m_hasvalue) { switch (self->m_vtype) { case TYPE_FLOAT: if (!ir_value_set_float(v, self->m_constval.vfloat)) goto error; break; case TYPE_VECTOR: if (!ir_value_set_vector(v, self->m_constval.vvec)) goto error; break; case TYPE_STRING: if (!ir_value_set_string(v, self->m_constval.vstring)) goto error; break; default: compile_error(self->m_context, "TODO: global constant type %i", self->m_vtype); break; } } /* link us to the ir_value */ v->m_cvq = self->m_cvq; self->m_ir_v = v; if (!ast_generate_accessors(self, func->m_owner)) return false; return true; error: /* clean up */ delete v; return false; } bool ast_generate_accessors(ast_value *self, ir_builder *ir) { size_t i; bool warn = OPTS_WARN(WARN_USED_UNINITIALIZED); if (!self->m_setter || !self->m_getter) return true; for (i = 0; i < self->m_count; ++i) { if (!self->m_ir_values) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: no array values generated for `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } if (!self->m_ir_values[i]) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: not all array values have been generated for `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } if (!self->m_ir_values[i]->m_life.empty()) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: function containing `%s` already generated", self->m_name); return false; } } opts_set(opts.warn, WARN_USED_UNINITIALIZED, false); if (self->m_setter) { if (!ast_global_codegen (self->m_setter, ir, false) || !ast_function_codegen(self->m_setter->m_constval.vfunc, ir) || !ir_function_finalize(self->m_setter->m_constval.vfunc->m_ir_func)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: failed to generate setter for `%s`", self->m_name); opts_set(opts.warn, WARN_USED_UNINITIALIZED, warn); return false; } } if (self->m_getter) { if (!ast_global_codegen (self->m_getter, ir, false) || !ast_function_codegen(self->m_getter->m_constval.vfunc, ir) || !ir_function_finalize(self->m_getter->m_constval.vfunc->m_ir_func)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: failed to generate getter for `%s`", self->m_name); opts_set(opts.warn, WARN_USED_UNINITIALIZED, warn); return false; } } for (i = 0; i < self->m_count; ++i) self->m_ir_values[i]->m_life.clear(); opts_set(opts.warn, WARN_USED_UNINITIALIZED, warn); return true; } bool ast_function_codegen(ast_function *self, ir_builder *ir) { ir_function *irf; ir_value *dummy; ast_expression *ec; ast_expression_codegen *cgen; (void)ir; irf = self->m_ir_func; if (!irf) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_function's related ast_value was not generated yet"); return false; } /* fill the parameter list */ ec = self->m_function_type; for (auto &it : ec->m_type_params) { if (it->m_vtype == TYPE_FIELD) vec_push(irf->m_params, it->m_next->m_vtype); else vec_push(irf->m_params, it->m_vtype); if (!self->m_builtin) { if (!ast_local_codegen(it, self->m_ir_func, true)) return false; } } if (self->m_varargs) { if (!ast_local_codegen(self->m_varargs, self->m_ir_func, true)) return false; irf->m_max_varargs = self->m_varargs->m_count; } if (self->m_builtin) { irf->m_builtin = self->m_builtin; return true; } /* have a local return value variable? */ if (self->m_return_value) { if (!ast_local_codegen(self->m_return_value, self->m_ir_func, false)) return false; } if (self->m_blocks.empty()) { compile_error(self->m_context, "function `%s` has no body", self->m_name); return false; } irf->m_first = self->m_curblock = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, irf, "entry"); if (!self->m_curblock) { compile_error(self->m_context, "failed to allocate entry block for `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } if (self->m_argc) { ir_value *va_count; ir_value *fixed; ir_value *sub; if (!ast_local_codegen(self->m_argc, self->m_ir_func, true)) return false; cgen = self->m_argc->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_argc), self, false, &va_count)) return false; cgen = self->m_fixedparams->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_fixedparams), self, false, &fixed)) return false; sub = ir_block_create_binop(self->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(self, "va_count"), INSTR_SUB_F, ir_builder_get_va_count(ir), fixed); if (!sub) return false; if (!ir_block_create_store_op(self->m_curblock, self->m_context, INSTR_STORE_F, va_count, sub)) { return false; } } for (auto &it : self->m_blocks) { cgen = it->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)(it.get(), self, false, &dummy)) return false; } /* TODO: check return types */ if (!self->m_curblock->m_final) { if (!self->m_function_type->m_next || self->m_function_type->m_next->m_vtype == TYPE_VOID) { return ir_block_create_return(self->m_curblock, self->m_context, nullptr); } else if (vec_size(self->m_curblock->m_entries) || self->m_curblock == irf->m_first) { if (self->m_return_value) { cgen = self->m_return_value->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_return_value), self, false, &dummy)) return false; return ir_block_create_return(self->m_curblock, self->m_context, dummy); } else if (compile_warning(self->m_context, WARN_MISSING_RETURN_VALUES, "control reaches end of non-void function (`%s`) via %s", self->m_name, self->m_curblock->m_label.c_str())) { return false; } return ir_block_create_return(self->m_curblock, self->m_context, nullptr); } } return true; } static bool starts_a_label(ast_expression *ex) { while (ex && ast_istype(ex, ast_block)) { ast_block *b = (ast_block*)ex; ex = b->m_exprs[0]; } if (!ex) return false; return ast_istype(ex, ast_label); } /* Note, you will not see ast_block_codegen generate ir_blocks. * To the AST and the IR, blocks are 2 different things. * In the AST it represents a block of code, usually enclosed in * curly braces {...}. * While in the IR it represents a block in terms of control-flow. */ bool ast_block_codegen(ast_block *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { /* We don't use this * Note: an ast-representation using the comma-operator * of the form: (a, b, c) = x should not assign to c... */ if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "not an l-value (code-block)"); return false; } if (self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } /* output is nullptr at first, we'll have each expression * assign to out output, thus, a comma-operator represention * using an ast_block will return the last generated value, * so: (b, c) + a executed both b and c, and returns c, * which is then added to a. */ *out = nullptr; /* generate locals */ for (auto &it : self->m_locals) { if (!ast_local_codegen(it, func->m_ir_func, false)) { if (OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DEBUG)) compile_error(self->m_context, "failed to generate local `%s`", it->m_name); return false; } } for (auto &it : self->m_exprs) { ast_expression_codegen *gen; if (func->m_curblock->m_final && !starts_a_label(it)) { if (compile_warning(it->m_context, WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE, "unreachable statement")) return false; continue; } gen = it->m_codegen; if (!(*gen)(it, func, false, out)) return false; } self->m_outr = *out; return true; } bool ast_store_codegen(ast_store *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *left = nullptr; ir_value *right = nullptr; ast_value *arr; ast_value *idx = 0; ast_array_index *ai = nullptr; if (lvalue && self->m_outl) { *out = self->m_outl; return true; } if (!lvalue && self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } if (ast_istype(self->m_dest, ast_array_index)) { ai = (ast_array_index*)self->m_dest; idx = (ast_value*)ai->m_index; if (ast_istype(ai->m_index, ast_value) && idx->m_hasvalue && idx->m_cvq == CV_CONST) ai = nullptr; } if (ai) { /* we need to call the setter */ ir_value *iridx, *funval; ir_instr *call; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array-subscript assignment cannot produce lvalues"); return false; } arr = (ast_value*)ai->m_array; if (!ast_istype(ai->m_array, ast_value) || !arr->m_setter) { compile_error(self->m_context, "value has no setter (%s)", arr->m_name); return false; } cgen = idx->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(idx), func, false, &iridx)) return false; cgen = arr->m_setter->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(arr->m_setter), func, true, &funval)) return false; cgen = self->m_source->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_source), func, false, &right)) return false; call = ir_block_create_call(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "store"), funval, false); if (!call) return false; ir_call_param(call, iridx); ir_call_param(call, right); self->m_outr = right; } else { /* regular code */ cgen = self->m_dest->m_codegen; /* lvalue! */ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_dest), func, true, &left)) return false; self->m_outl = left; cgen = self->m_source->m_codegen; /* rvalue! */ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_source), func, false, &right)) return false; if (!ir_block_create_store_op(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, self->m_op, left, right)) return false; self->m_outr = right; } /* Theoretically, an assinment returns its left side as an * lvalue, if we don't need an lvalue though, we return * the right side as an rvalue, otherwise we have to * somehow know whether or not we need to dereference the pointer * on the left side - that is: OP_LOAD if it was an address. * Also: in original QC we cannot OP_LOADP *anyway*. */ *out = (lvalue ? left : right); return true; } bool ast_binary_codegen(ast_binary *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *left, *right; /* A binary operation cannot yield an l-value */ if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "not an l-value (binop)"); return false; } if (self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } if ((OPTS_FLAG(SHORT_LOGIC) || OPTS_FLAG(PERL_LOGIC)) && (self->m_op == INSTR_AND || self->m_op == INSTR_OR)) { /* NOTE: The short-logic path will ignore right_first */ /* short circuit evaluation */ ir_block *other, *merge; ir_block *from_left, *from_right; ir_instr *phi; size_t merge_id; /* prepare end-block */ merge_id = func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.size(); merge = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "sce_merge")); /* generate the left expression */ cgen = self->m_left->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_left), func, false, &left)) return false; /* remember the block */ from_left = func->m_curblock; /* create a new block for the right expression */ other = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "sce_other")); if (self->m_op == INSTR_AND) { /* on AND: left==true -> other */ if (!ir_block_create_if(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, left, other, merge)) return false; } else { /* on OR: left==false -> other */ if (!ir_block_create_if(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, left, merge, other)) return false; } /* use the likely flag */ vec_last(func->m_curblock->m_instr)->m_likely = true; /* enter the right-expression's block */ func->m_curblock = other; /* generate */ cgen = self->m_right->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_right), func, false, &right)) return false; /* remember block */ from_right = func->m_curblock; /* jump to the merge block */ if (!ir_block_create_jump(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, merge)) return false; algo::shiftback(func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.begin() + merge_id, func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.end()); // FIXME::DELME:: //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks[merge_id].release(); //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.erase(func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.begin() + merge_id); //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.emplace_back(merge); func->m_curblock = merge; phi = ir_block_create_phi(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "sce_value"), self->m_vtype); ir_phi_add(phi, from_left, left); ir_phi_add(phi, from_right, right); *out = ir_phi_value(phi); if (!*out) return false; if (!OPTS_FLAG(PERL_LOGIC)) { /* cast-to-bool */ if (OPTS_FLAG(CORRECT_LOGIC) && (*out)->m_vtype == TYPE_VECTOR) { *out = ir_block_create_unary(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "sce_bool_v"), INSTR_NOT_V, *out); if (!*out) return false; *out = ir_block_create_unary(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "sce_bool"), INSTR_NOT_F, *out); if (!*out) return false; } else if (OPTS_FLAG(FALSE_EMPTY_STRINGS) && (*out)->m_vtype == TYPE_STRING) { *out = ir_block_create_unary(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "sce_bool_s"), INSTR_NOT_S, *out); if (!*out) return false; *out = ir_block_create_unary(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "sce_bool"), INSTR_NOT_F, *out); if (!*out) return false; } else { *out = ir_block_create_binop(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "sce_bool"), INSTR_AND, *out, *out); if (!*out) return false; } } self->m_outr = *out; codegen_output_type(self, *out); return true; } if (self->m_right_first) { cgen = self->m_right->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_right), func, false, &right)) return false; cgen = self->m_left->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_left), func, false, &left)) return false; } else { cgen = self->m_left->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_left), func, false, &left)) return false; cgen = self->m_right->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_right), func, false, &right)) return false; } *out = ir_block_create_binop(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "bin"), self->m_op, left, right); if (!*out) return false; self->m_outr = *out; codegen_output_type(self, *out); return true; } bool ast_binstore_codegen(ast_binstore *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *leftl = nullptr, *leftr, *right, *bin; ast_value *arr; ast_value *idx = 0; ast_array_index *ai = nullptr; ir_value *iridx = nullptr; if (lvalue && self->m_outl) { *out = self->m_outl; return true; } if (!lvalue && self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } if (ast_istype(self->m_dest, ast_array_index)) { ai = (ast_array_index*)self->m_dest; idx = (ast_value*)ai->m_index; if (ast_istype(ai->m_index, ast_value) && idx->m_hasvalue && idx->m_cvq == CV_CONST) ai = nullptr; } /* for a binstore we need both an lvalue and an rvalue for the left side */ /* rvalue of destination! */ if (ai) { cgen = idx->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(idx), func, false, &iridx)) return false; } cgen = self->m_dest->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_dest), func, false, &leftr)) return false; /* source as rvalue only */ cgen = self->m_source->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_source), func, false, &right)) return false; /* now the binary */ bin = ir_block_create_binop(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "binst"), self->m_opbin, leftr, right); self->m_outr = bin; if (ai) { /* we need to call the setter */ ir_value *funval; ir_instr *call; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array-subscript assignment cannot produce lvalues"); return false; } arr = (ast_value*)ai->m_array; if (!ast_istype(ai->m_array, ast_value) || !arr->m_setter) { compile_error(self->m_context, "value has no setter (%s)", arr->m_name); return false; } cgen = arr->m_setter->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(arr->m_setter), func, true, &funval)) return false; call = ir_block_create_call(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "store"), funval, false); if (!call) return false; ir_call_param(call, iridx); ir_call_param(call, bin); self->m_outr = bin; } else { /* now store them */ cgen = self->m_dest->m_codegen; /* lvalue of destination */ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_dest), func, true, &leftl)) return false; self->m_outl = leftl; if (!ir_block_create_store_op(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, self->m_opstore, leftl, bin)) return false; self->m_outr = bin; } /* Theoretically, an assinment returns its left side as an * lvalue, if we don't need an lvalue though, we return * the right side as an rvalue, otherwise we have to * somehow know whether or not we need to dereference the pointer * on the left side - that is: OP_LOAD if it was an address. * Also: in original QC we cannot OP_LOADP *anyway*. */ *out = (lvalue ? leftl : bin); return true; } bool ast_unary_codegen(ast_unary *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *operand; /* An unary operation cannot yield an l-value */ if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "not an l-value (binop)"); return false; } if (self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } cgen = self->m_operand->m_codegen; /* lvalue! */ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_operand), func, false, &operand)) return false; *out = ir_block_create_unary(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "unary"), self->m_op, operand); if (!*out) return false; self->m_outr = *out; return true; } bool ast_return_codegen(ast_return *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *operand; *out = nullptr; /* In the context of a return operation, we don't actually return * anything... */ if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "return-expression is not an l-value"); return false; } if (self->m_outr) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_return cannot be reused, it bears no result!"); return false; } self->m_outr = (ir_value*)1; if (self->m_operand) { cgen = self->m_operand->m_codegen; /* lvalue! */ if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_operand), func, false, &operand)) return false; if (!ir_block_create_return(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, operand)) return false; } else { if (!ir_block_create_return(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, nullptr)) return false; } return true; } bool ast_entfield_codegen(ast_entfield *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *ent, *field; /* This function needs to take the 'lvalue' flag into account! * As lvalue we provide a field-pointer, as rvalue we provide the * value in a temp. */ if (lvalue && self->m_outl) { *out = self->m_outl; return true; } if (!lvalue && self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } cgen = self->m_entity->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_entity), func, false, &ent)) return false; cgen = self->m_field->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_field), func, false, &field)) return false; if (lvalue) { /* address! */ *out = ir_block_create_fieldaddress(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "efa"), ent, field); } else { *out = ir_block_create_load_from_ent(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "efv"), ent, field, self->m_vtype); /* Done AFTER error checking: codegen_output_type(self, *out); */ } if (!*out) { compile_error(self->m_context, "failed to create %s instruction (output type %s)", (lvalue ? "ADDRESS" : "FIELD"), type_name[self->m_vtype]); return false; } if (!lvalue) codegen_output_type(self, *out); if (lvalue) self->m_outl = *out; else self->m_outr = *out; /* Hm that should be it... */ return true; } bool ast_member_codegen(ast_member *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *vec; /* in QC this is always an lvalue */ if (lvalue && self->m_rvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "not an l-value (member access)"); return false; } if (self->m_outl) { *out = self->m_outl; return true; } cgen = self->m_owner->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_owner), func, false, &vec)) return false; if (vec->m_vtype != TYPE_VECTOR && !(vec->m_vtype == TYPE_FIELD && self->m_owner->m_next->m_vtype == TYPE_VECTOR)) { return false; } *out = ir_value_vector_member(vec, self->m_field); self->m_outl = *out; return (*out != nullptr); } bool ast_array_index_codegen(ast_array_index *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_value *arr; ast_value *idx; if (!lvalue && self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } if (lvalue && self->m_outl) { *out = self->m_outl; return true; } if (!ast_istype(self->m_array, ast_value)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array indexing this way is not supported"); /* note this would actually be pointer indexing because the left side is * not an actual array but (hopefully) an indexable expression. * Once we get integer arithmetic, and GADDRESS/GSTORE/GLOAD instruction * support this path will be filled. */ return false; } arr = (ast_value*)self->m_array; idx = (ast_value*)self->m_index; if (!ast_istype(self->m_index, ast_value) || !idx->m_hasvalue || idx->m_cvq != CV_CONST) { /* Time to use accessor functions */ ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *iridx, *funval; ir_instr *call; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "(.2) array indexing here needs a compile-time constant"); return false; } if (!arr->m_getter) { compile_error(self->m_context, "value has no getter, don't know how to index it"); return false; } cgen = self->m_index->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_index), func, false, &iridx)) return false; cgen = arr->m_getter->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(arr->m_getter), func, true, &funval)) return false; call = ir_block_create_call(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "fetch"), funval, false); if (!call) return false; ir_call_param(call, iridx); *out = ir_call_value(call); self->m_outr = *out; (*out)->m_vtype = self->m_vtype; codegen_output_type(self, *out); return true; } if (idx->m_vtype == TYPE_FLOAT) { unsigned int arridx = idx->m_constval.vfloat; if (arridx >= self->m_array->m_count) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array index out of bounds: %i", arridx); return false; } *out = arr->m_ir_values[arridx]; } else if (idx->m_vtype == TYPE_INTEGER) { unsigned int arridx = idx->m_constval.vint; if (arridx >= self->m_array->m_count) { compile_error(self->m_context, "array index out of bounds: %i", arridx); return false; } *out = arr->m_ir_values[arridx]; } else { compile_error(self->m_context, "array indexing here needs an integer constant"); return false; } (*out)->m_vtype = self->m_vtype; codegen_output_type(self, *out); return true; } bool ast_argpipe_codegen(ast_argpipe *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { *out = nullptr; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "argpipe node: not an lvalue"); return false; } (void)func; (void)out; compile_error(self->m_context, "TODO: argpipe codegen not implemented"); return false; } bool ast_ifthen_codegen(ast_ifthen *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *condval; ir_value *dummy; ir_block *cond; ir_block *ontrue; ir_block *onfalse; ir_block *ontrue_endblock = nullptr; ir_block *onfalse_endblock = nullptr; ir_block *merge = nullptr; int folded = 0; /* We don't output any value, thus also don't care about r/lvalue */ (void)out; (void)lvalue; if (self->m_outr) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_ifthen cannot be reused, it bears no result!"); return false; } self->m_outr = (ir_value*)1; /* generate the condition */ cgen = self->m_cond->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_cond), func, false, &condval)) return false; /* update the block which will get the jump - because short-logic or ternaries may have changed this */ cond = func->m_curblock; /* try constant folding away the condition */ if ((folded = fold::cond_ifthen(condval, func, self)) != -1) return folded; if (self->m_on_true) { /* create on-true block */ ontrue = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "ontrue")); if (!ontrue) return false; /* enter the block */ func->m_curblock = ontrue; /* generate */ cgen = self->m_on_true->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_on_true), func, false, &dummy)) return false; /* we now need to work from the current endpoint */ ontrue_endblock = func->m_curblock; } else ontrue = nullptr; /* on-false path */ if (self->m_on_false) { /* create on-false block */ onfalse = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "onfalse")); if (!onfalse) return false; /* enter the block */ func->m_curblock = onfalse; /* generate */ cgen = self->m_on_false->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_on_false), func, false, &dummy)) return false; /* we now need to work from the current endpoint */ onfalse_endblock = func->m_curblock; } else onfalse = nullptr; /* Merge block were they all merge in to */ if (!ontrue || !onfalse || !ontrue_endblock->m_final || !onfalse_endblock->m_final) { merge = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "endif")); if (!merge) return false; /* add jumps ot the merge block */ if (ontrue && !ontrue_endblock->m_final && !ir_block_create_jump(ontrue_endblock, self->m_context, merge)) return false; if (onfalse && !onfalse_endblock->m_final && !ir_block_create_jump(onfalse_endblock, self->m_context, merge)) return false; /* Now enter the merge block */ func->m_curblock = merge; } /* we create the if here, that way all blocks are ordered :) */ if (!ir_block_create_if(cond, self->m_context, condval, (ontrue ? ontrue : merge), (onfalse ? onfalse : merge))) { return false; } return true; } bool ast_ternary_codegen(ast_ternary *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *condval; ir_value *trueval, *falseval; ir_instr *phi; ir_block *cond = func->m_curblock; ir_block *cond_out = nullptr; ir_block *ontrue, *ontrue_out = nullptr; ir_block *onfalse, *onfalse_out = nullptr; ir_block *merge; int folded = 0; /* Ternary can never create an lvalue... */ if (lvalue) return false; /* In theory it shouldn't be possible to pass through a node twice, but * in case we add any kind of optimization pass for the AST itself, it * may still happen, thus we remember a created ir_value and simply return one * if it already exists. */ if (self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } /* In the following, contraty to ast_ifthen, we assume both paths exist. */ /* generate the condition */ func->m_curblock = cond; cgen = self->m_cond->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_cond), func, false, &condval)) return false; cond_out = func->m_curblock; /* try constant folding away the condition */ if ((folded = fold::cond_ternary(condval, func, self)) != -1) return folded; /* create on-true block */ ontrue = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "tern_T")); if (!ontrue) return false; else { /* enter the block */ func->m_curblock = ontrue; /* generate */ cgen = self->m_on_true->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_on_true), func, false, &trueval)) return false; ontrue_out = func->m_curblock; } /* create on-false block */ onfalse = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "tern_F")); if (!onfalse) return false; else { /* enter the block */ func->m_curblock = onfalse; /* generate */ cgen = self->m_on_false->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_on_false), func, false, &falseval)) return false; onfalse_out = func->m_curblock; } /* create merge block */ merge = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "tern_out")); if (!merge) return false; /* jump to merge block */ if (!ir_block_create_jump(ontrue_out, self->m_context, merge)) return false; if (!ir_block_create_jump(onfalse_out, self->m_context, merge)) return false; /* create if instruction */ if (!ir_block_create_if(cond_out, self->m_context, condval, ontrue, onfalse)) return false; /* Now enter the merge block */ func->m_curblock = merge; /* Here, now, we need a PHI node * but first some sanity checking... */ if (trueval->m_vtype != falseval->m_vtype && trueval->m_vtype != TYPE_NIL && falseval->m_vtype != TYPE_NIL) { /* error("ternary with different types on the two sides"); */ compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ternary operand types invalid"); return false; } /* create PHI */ phi = ir_block_create_phi(merge, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "phi"), self->m_vtype); if (!phi) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: failed to generate phi node"); return false; } ir_phi_add(phi, ontrue_out, trueval); ir_phi_add(phi, onfalse_out, falseval); self->m_outr = ir_phi_value(phi); *out = self->m_outr; codegen_output_type(self, *out); return true; } bool ast_loop_codegen(ast_loop *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *dummy = nullptr; ir_value *precond = nullptr; ir_value *postcond = nullptr; /* Since we insert some jumps "late" so we have blocks * ordered "nicely", we need to keep track of the actual end-blocks * of expressions to add the jumps to. */ ir_block *bbody = nullptr, *end_bbody = nullptr; ir_block *bprecond = nullptr, *end_bprecond = nullptr; ir_block *bpostcond = nullptr, *end_bpostcond = nullptr; ir_block *bincrement = nullptr, *end_bincrement = nullptr; ir_block *bout = nullptr, *bin = nullptr; /* let's at least move the outgoing block to the end */ size_t bout_id; /* 'break' and 'continue' need to be able to find the right blocks */ ir_block *bcontinue = nullptr; ir_block *bbreak = nullptr; ir_block *tmpblock = nullptr; (void)lvalue; (void)out; if (self->m_outr) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_loop cannot be reused, it bears no result!"); return false; } self->m_outr = (ir_value*)1; /* NOTE: * Should we ever need some kind of block ordering, better make this function * move blocks around than write a block ordering algorithm later... after all * the ast and ir should work together, not against each other. */ /* initexpr doesn't get its own block, it's pointless, it could create more blocks * anyway if for example it contains a ternary. */ if (self->m_initexpr) { cgen = self->m_initexpr->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_initexpr), func, false, &dummy)) return false; } /* Store the block from which we enter this chaos */ bin = func->m_curblock; /* The pre-loop condition needs its own block since we * need to be able to jump to the start of that expression. */ if (self->m_precond) { bprecond = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "pre_loop_cond")); if (!bprecond) return false; /* the pre-loop-condition the least important place to 'continue' at */ bcontinue = bprecond; /* enter */ func->m_curblock = bprecond; /* generate */ cgen = self->m_precond->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_precond), func, false, &precond)) return false; end_bprecond = func->m_curblock; } else { bprecond = end_bprecond = nullptr; } /* Now the next blocks won't be ordered nicely, but we need to * generate them this early for 'break' and 'continue'. */ if (self->m_increment) { bincrement = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "loop_increment")); if (!bincrement) return false; bcontinue = bincrement; /* increment comes before the pre-loop-condition */ } else { bincrement = end_bincrement = nullptr; } if (self->m_postcond) { bpostcond = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "post_loop_cond")); if (!bpostcond) return false; bcontinue = bpostcond; /* postcond comes before the increment */ } else { bpostcond = end_bpostcond = nullptr; } bout_id = func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.size(); bout = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "after_loop")); if (!bout) return false; bbreak = bout; /* The loop body... */ /* if (self->m_body) */ { bbody = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "loop_body")); if (!bbody) return false; /* enter */ func->m_curblock = bbody; func->m_breakblocks.push_back(bbreak); if (bcontinue) func->m_continueblocks.push_back(bcontinue); else func->m_continueblocks.push_back(bbody); /* generate */ if (self->m_body) { cgen = self->m_body->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_body), func, false, &dummy)) return false; } end_bbody = func->m_curblock; func->m_breakblocks.pop_back(); func->m_continueblocks.pop_back(); } /* post-loop-condition */ if (self->m_postcond) { /* enter */ func->m_curblock = bpostcond; /* generate */ cgen = self->m_postcond->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_postcond), func, false, &postcond)) return false; end_bpostcond = func->m_curblock; } /* The incrementor */ if (self->m_increment) { /* enter */ func->m_curblock = bincrement; /* generate */ cgen = self->m_increment->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_increment), func, false, &dummy)) return false; end_bincrement = func->m_curblock; } /* In any case now, we continue from the outgoing block */ func->m_curblock = bout; /* Now all blocks are in place */ /* From 'bin' we jump to whatever comes first */ if (bprecond) tmpblock = bprecond; else tmpblock = bbody; /* can never be null */ /* DEAD CODE else if (bpostcond) tmpblock = bpostcond; else tmpblock = bout; */ if (!ir_block_create_jump(bin, self->m_context, tmpblock)) return false; /* From precond */ if (bprecond) { ir_block *ontrue, *onfalse; ontrue = bbody; /* can never be null */ /* all of this is dead code else if (bincrement) ontrue = bincrement; else ontrue = bpostcond; */ onfalse = bout; if (self->m_pre_not) { tmpblock = ontrue; ontrue = onfalse; onfalse = tmpblock; } if (!ir_block_create_if(end_bprecond, self->m_context, precond, ontrue, onfalse)) return false; } /* from body */ if (bbody) { if (bincrement) tmpblock = bincrement; else if (bpostcond) tmpblock = bpostcond; else if (bprecond) tmpblock = bprecond; else tmpblock = bbody; if (!end_bbody->m_final && !ir_block_create_jump(end_bbody, self->m_context, tmpblock)) return false; } /* from increment */ if (bincrement) { if (bpostcond) tmpblock = bpostcond; else if (bprecond) tmpblock = bprecond; else if (bbody) tmpblock = bbody; else tmpblock = bout; if (!ir_block_create_jump(end_bincrement, self->m_context, tmpblock)) return false; } /* from postcond */ if (bpostcond) { ir_block *ontrue, *onfalse; if (bprecond) ontrue = bprecond; else ontrue = bbody; /* can never be null */ /* all of this is dead code else if (bincrement) ontrue = bincrement; else ontrue = bpostcond; */ onfalse = bout; if (self->m_post_not) { tmpblock = ontrue; ontrue = onfalse; onfalse = tmpblock; } if (!ir_block_create_if(end_bpostcond, self->m_context, postcond, ontrue, onfalse)) return false; } /* Move 'bout' to the end */ algo::shiftback(func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.begin() + bout_id, func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.end()); // FIXME::DELME:: //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks[bout_id].release(); // it's a vector> //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.erase(func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.begin() + bout_id); //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.emplace_back(bout); return true; } bool ast_breakcont_codegen(ast_breakcont *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ir_block *target; *out = nullptr; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "break/continue expression is not an l-value"); return false; } if (self->m_outr) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_breakcont cannot be reused!"); return false; } self->m_outr = (ir_value*)1; if (self->m_is_continue) target = func->m_continueblocks[func->m_continueblocks.size()-1-self->m_levels]; else target = func->m_breakblocks[func->m_breakblocks.size()-1-self->m_levels]; if (!target) { compile_error(self->m_context, "%s is lacking a target block", (self->m_is_continue ? "continue" : "break")); return false; } if (!ir_block_create_jump(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, target)) return false; return true; } bool ast_switch_codegen(ast_switch *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ast_switch_case *def_case = nullptr; ir_block *def_bfall = nullptr; ir_block *def_bfall_to = nullptr; bool set_def_bfall_to = false; ir_value *dummy = nullptr; ir_value *irop = nullptr; ir_block *bout = nullptr; ir_block *bfall = nullptr; size_t bout_id; char typestr[1024]; uint16_t cmpinstr; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "switch expression is not an l-value"); return false; } if (self->m_outr) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_switch cannot be reused!"); return false; } self->m_outr = (ir_value*)1; (void)lvalue; (void)out; cgen = self->m_operand->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_operand), func, false, &irop)) return false; if (self->m_cases.empty()) return true; cmpinstr = type_eq_instr[irop->m_vtype]; if (cmpinstr >= VINSTR_END) { ast_type_to_string(self->m_operand, typestr, sizeof(typestr)); compile_error(self->m_context, "invalid type to perform a switch on: %s", typestr); return false; } bout_id = func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.size(); bout = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "after_switch")); if (!bout) return false; /* setup the break block */ func->m_breakblocks.push_back(bout); /* Now create all cases */ for (auto &it : self->m_cases) { ir_value *cond, *val; ir_block *bcase, *bnot; size_t bnot_id; ast_switch_case *swcase = ⁢ if (swcase->m_value) { /* A regular case */ /* generate the condition operand */ cgen = swcase->m_value->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(swcase->m_value), func, false, &val)) return false; /* generate the condition */ cond = ir_block_create_binop(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "switch_eq"), cmpinstr, irop, val); if (!cond) return false; bcase = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "case")); bnot_id = func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.size(); bnot = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, ast_function_label(func, "not_case")); if (!bcase || !bnot) return false; if (set_def_bfall_to) { set_def_bfall_to = false; def_bfall_to = bcase; } if (!ir_block_create_if(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, cond, bcase, bnot)) return false; /* Make the previous case-end fall through */ if (bfall && !bfall->m_final) { if (!ir_block_create_jump(bfall, self->m_context, bcase)) return false; } /* enter the case */ func->m_curblock = bcase; cgen = swcase->m_code->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)swcase->m_code, func, false, &dummy)) return false; /* remember this block to fall through from */ bfall = func->m_curblock; /* enter the else and move it down */ func->m_curblock = bnot; algo::shiftback(func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.begin() + bnot_id, func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.end()); // FIXME::DELME:: //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks[bnot_id].release(); //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.erase(func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.begin() + bnot_id); //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.emplace_back(bnot); } else { /* The default case */ /* Remember where to fall through from: */ def_bfall = bfall; bfall = nullptr; /* remember which case it was */ def_case = swcase; /* And the next case will be remembered */ set_def_bfall_to = true; } } /* Jump from the last bnot to bout */ if (bfall && !bfall->m_final && !ir_block_create_jump(bfall, self->m_context, bout)) { /* astwarning(bfall->m_context, WARN_???, "missing break after last case"); */ return false; } /* If there was a default case, put it down here */ if (def_case) { ir_block *bcase; /* No need to create an extra block */ bcase = func->m_curblock; /* Insert the fallthrough jump */ if (def_bfall && !def_bfall->m_final) { if (!ir_block_create_jump(def_bfall, self->m_context, bcase)) return false; } /* Now generate the default code */ cgen = def_case->m_code->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)def_case->m_code, func, false, &dummy)) return false; /* see if we need to fall through */ if (def_bfall_to && !func->m_curblock->m_final) { if (!ir_block_create_jump(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, def_bfall_to)) return false; } } /* Jump from the last bnot to bout */ if (!func->m_curblock->m_final && !ir_block_create_jump(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, bout)) return false; /* enter the outgoing block */ func->m_curblock = bout; /* restore the break block */ func->m_breakblocks.pop_back(); /* Move 'bout' to the end, it's nicer */ algo::shiftback(func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.begin() + bout_id, func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.end()); // FIXME::DELME:: //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks[bout_id].release(); //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.erase(func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.begin() + bout_id); //func->m_ir_func->m_blocks.emplace_back(bout); return true; } bool ast_label_codegen(ast_label *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ir_value *dummy; if (self->m_undefined) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_label never defined"); return false; } *out = nullptr; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_label cannot be an lvalue"); return false; } /* simply create a new block and jump to it */ self->m_irblock = ir_function_create_block(self->m_context, func->m_ir_func, self->m_name); if (!self->m_irblock) { compile_error(self->m_context, "failed to allocate label block `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } if (!func->m_curblock->m_final) { if (!ir_block_create_jump(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, self->m_irblock)) return false; } /* enter the new block */ func->m_curblock = self->m_irblock; /* Generate all the leftover gotos */ for (auto &it : self->m_gotos) { if (!ast_goto_codegen(it, func, false, &dummy)) return false; } return true; } bool ast_goto_codegen(ast_goto *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { *out = nullptr; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_goto cannot be an lvalue"); return false; } if (self->m_target->m_irblock) { if (self->m_irblock_from) { /* we already tried once, this is the callback */ self->m_irblock_from->m_final = false; if (!ir_block_create_goto(self->m_irblock_from, self->m_context, self->m_target->m_irblock)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "failed to generate goto to `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } } else { if (!ir_block_create_goto(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, self->m_target->m_irblock)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "failed to generate goto to `%s`", self->m_name); return false; } } } else { /* the target has not yet been created... * close this block in a sneaky way: */ func->m_curblock->m_final = true; self->m_irblock_from = func->m_curblock; ast_label_register_goto(self->m_target, self); } return true; } #include bool ast_state_codegen(ast_state *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; ir_value *frameval, *thinkval; if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "not an l-value (state operation)"); return false; } if (self->m_outr) { compile_error(self->m_context, "internal error: ast_state cannot be reused!"); return false; } *out = nullptr; cgen = self->m_framenum->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_framenum), func, false, &frameval)) return false; if (!frameval) return false; cgen = self->m_nextthink->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_nextthink), func, false, &thinkval)) return false; if (!frameval) return false; if (!ir_block_create_state_op(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, frameval, thinkval)) { compile_error(self->m_context, "failed to create STATE instruction"); return false; } self->m_outr = (ir_value*)1; return true; } bool ast_call_codegen(ast_call *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { ast_expression_codegen *cgen; std::vector params; ir_instr *callinstr; ir_value *funval = nullptr; /* return values are never lvalues */ if (lvalue) { compile_error(self->m_context, "not an l-value (function call)"); return false; } if (self->m_outr) { *out = self->m_outr; return true; } cgen = self->m_func->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_func), func, false, &funval)) return false; if (!funval) return false; /* parameters */ for (auto &it : self->m_params) { ir_value *param; cgen = it->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)(it, func, false, ¶m)) return false; if (!param) return false; params.push_back(param); } /* varargs counter */ if (self->m_va_count) { ir_value *va_count; ir_builder *builder = func->m_curblock->m_owner->m_owner; cgen = self->m_va_count->m_codegen; if (!(*cgen)((ast_expression*)(self->m_va_count), func, false, &va_count)) return false; if (!ir_block_create_store_op(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, INSTR_STORE_F, ir_builder_get_va_count(builder), va_count)) { return false; } } callinstr = ir_block_create_call(func->m_curblock, self->m_context, ast_function_label(func, "call"), funval, !!(self->m_func->m_flags & AST_FLAG_NORETURN)); if (!callinstr) return false; for (auto &it : params) ir_call_param(callinstr, it); *out = ir_call_value(callinstr); self->m_outr = *out; codegen_output_type(self, *out); return true; }