/* * Copyright (C) 2012 * Wolfgang Bumiller * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "gmqcc.h" #include "ast.h" #define ast_instantiate(T, ctx, destroyfn) \ T* self = (T*)mem_a(sizeof(T)); \ if (!self) { \ return NULL; \ } \ ast_node_init((ast_node*)self, ctx); \ ( (ast_node*)self )->node.destroy = (ast_node_delete*)destroyfn /* It must not be possible to get here. */ static void _ast_node_destroy(ast_node *self) { fprintf(stderr, "ast node missing destroy()\n"); abort(); } /* Initialize main ast node aprts */ static void ast_node_init(ast_node *self, lex_ctx ctx) { self->node.context = ctx; self->node.destroy = &_ast_node_destroy; self->node.keep = false; } /* General expression initialization */ static void ast_expression_init(ast_expression *self, ast_expression_codegen *codegen) { self->expression.codegen = codegen; } ast_value* ast_value_new(lex_ctx ctx, const char *name, int t) { ast_instantiate(ast_value, ctx, ast_value_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_value_codegen); self->expression.node.keep = true; /* keep */ self->name = name ? util_strdup(name) : NULL; self->vtype = t; self->next = NULL; MEM_VECTOR_INIT(self, params); self->isconst = false; memset(&self->constval, 0, sizeof(self->constval)); self->ir_v = NULL; return self; } MEM_VEC_FUNCTIONS(ast_value, ast_value*, params) void ast_value_delete(ast_value* self) { size_t i; if (self->name) mem_d((void*)self->name); for (i = 0; i < self->params_count; ++i) ast_value_delete(self->params[i]); /* delete, the ast_function is expected to die first */ MEM_VECTOR_CLEAR(self, params); if (self->next) /* delete, not unref, types are always copied */ ast_delete(self->next); if (self->isconst) { switch (self->vtype) { case TYPE_STRING: mem_d((void*)self->constval.vstring); break; case TYPE_FUNCTION: /* unlink us from the function node */ self->constval.vfunc->vtype = NULL; break; /* NOTE: delete function? currently collected in * the parser structure */ default: break; } } mem_d(self); } bool ast_value_set_name(ast_value *self, const char *name) { if (self->name) mem_d((void*)self->name); self->name = util_strdup(name); return !!self->name; } ast_binary* ast_binary_new(lex_ctx ctx, int op, ast_expression* left, ast_expression* right) { ast_instantiate(ast_binary, ctx, ast_binary_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_binary_codegen); self->op = op; self->left = left; self->right = right; return self; } void ast_binary_delete(ast_binary *self) { ast_unref(self->left); ast_unref(self->right); mem_d(self); } ast_entfield* ast_entfield_new(lex_ctx ctx, ast_expression *entity, ast_expression *field) { ast_instantiate(ast_entfield, ctx, ast_entfield_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_entfield_codegen); self->entity = entity; self->field = field; return self; } void ast_entfield_delete(ast_entfield *self) { ast_unref(self->entity); ast_unref(self->field); mem_d(self); } ast_ifthen* ast_ifthen_new(lex_ctx ctx, ast_expression *cond, ast_expression *ontrue, ast_expression *onfalse) { ast_instantiate(ast_ifthen, ctx, ast_ifthen_delete); if (!ontrue && !onfalse) { /* because it is invalid */ mem_d(self); return NULL; } ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_ifthen_codegen); self->cond = cond; self->on_true = ontrue; self->on_false = onfalse; return self; } void ast_ifthen_delete(ast_ifthen *self) { ast_unref(self->cond); ast_unref(self->on_true); ast_unref(self->on_false); mem_d(self); } ast_ternary* ast_ternary_new(lex_ctx ctx, ast_expression *cond, ast_expression *ontrue, ast_expression *onfalse) { ast_instantiate(ast_ternary, ctx, ast_ternary_delete); /* This time NEITHER must be NULL */ if (!ontrue || !onfalse) { mem_d(self); return NULL; } ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_ternary_codegen); self->cond = cond; self->on_true = ontrue; self->on_false = onfalse; self->phi_out = NULL; return self; } void ast_ternary_delete(ast_ternary *self) { ast_unref(self->cond); ast_unref(self->on_true); ast_unref(self->on_false); mem_d(self); } ast_store* ast_store_new(lex_ctx ctx, int op, ast_value *dest, ast_expression *source) { ast_instantiate(ast_store, ctx, ast_store_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_store_codegen); self->op = op; self->dest = dest; self->source = source; return self; } void ast_store_delete(ast_store *self) { ast_unref(self->dest); ast_unref(self->source); mem_d(self); } ast_block* ast_block_new(lex_ctx ctx) { ast_instantiate(ast_block, ctx, ast_block_delete); ast_expression_init((ast_expression*)self, (ast_expression_codegen*)&ast_block_codegen); MEM_VECTOR_INIT(self, locals); MEM_VECTOR_INIT(self, exprs); return self; } MEM_VEC_FUNCTIONS(ast_block, ast_value*, locals) MEM_VEC_FUNCTIONS(ast_block, ast_expression*, exprs) void ast_block_delete(ast_block *self) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < self->exprs_count; ++i) ast_unref(self->exprs[i]); MEM_VECTOR_CLEAR(self, exprs); for (i = 0; i < self->locals_count; ++i) ast_delete(self->locals[i]); MEM_VECTOR_CLEAR(self, locals); mem_d(self); } ast_function* ast_function_new(lex_ctx ctx, const char *name, ast_value *vtype) { ast_instantiate(ast_function, ctx, ast_function_delete); if (!vtype || vtype->isconst || vtype->vtype != TYPE_FUNCTION) { mem_d(self); return NULL; } self->vtype = vtype; self->name = name ? util_strdup(name) : NULL; MEM_VECTOR_INIT(self, blocks); self->ir_func = NULL; vtype->isconst = true; vtype->constval.vfunc = self; return self; } MEM_VEC_FUNCTIONS(ast_function, ast_block*, blocks) void ast_function_delete(ast_function *self) { size_t i; if (self->name) mem_d((void*)self->name); if (self->vtype) { /* ast_value_delete(self->vtype); */ self->vtype->isconst = false; self->vtype->constval.vfunc = NULL; /* We use unref - if it was stored in a global table it is supposed * to be deleted from *there* */ ast_unref(self->vtype); } for (i = 0; i < self->blocks_count; ++i) ast_delete(self->blocks[i]); MEM_VECTOR_CLEAR(self, blocks); mem_d(self); } /*********************************************************************/ /* AST codegen aprt */ bool ast_value_codegen(ast_value *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { /* NOTE: This is the codegen for a variable used in an expression. * It is not the codegen to generate the value. For this purpose, * ast_local_codegen and ast_global_codegen are to be used before this * is executed. ast_function_codegen should take care of its locals, * and the ast-user should take care of ast_global_codegen to be used * on all the globals. */ return false; } bool ast_global_codegen(ast_value *self, ir_builder *ir) { ir_value *v = NULL; if (self->isconst && self->vtype == TYPE_FUNCTION) { ir_function *func = ir_builder_create_function(ir, self->name); if (!func) return false; self->constval.vfunc->ir_func = func; /* The function is filled later on ast_function_codegen... */ return true; } v = ir_builder_create_global(ir, self->name, self->vtype); if (!v) return false; if (self->isconst) { switch (self->vtype) { case TYPE_FLOAT: if (!ir_value_set_float(v, self->constval.vfloat)) goto error; break; case TYPE_VECTOR: if (!ir_value_set_vector(v, self->constval.vvec)) goto error; break; case TYPE_STRING: if (!ir_value_set_string(v, self->constval.vstring)) goto error; break; case TYPE_FUNCTION: /* Cannot generate an IR value for a function, * need a pointer pointing to a function rather. */ goto error; default: printf("TODO: global constant type %i\n", self->vtype); break; } } /* link us to the ir_value */ self->ir_v = v; return true; error: /* clean up */ ir_value_delete(v); return false; } bool ast_function_codegen(ast_function *self, ir_builder *ir) { if (!self->ir_func) { printf("ast_function's related ast_value was not generated yet\n"); return false; } return false; } bool ast_block_codegen(ast_block *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { return false; } bool ast_store_codegen(ast_store *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { /* NOTE: remember: destination codegen needs to have lvalue=true */ return false; } bool ast_binary_codegen(ast_binary *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { return false; } bool ast_entfield_codegen(ast_entfield *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { return false; } bool ast_ifthen_codegen(ast_ifthen *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { if (out) *out = NULL; return false; } bool ast_ternary_codegen(ast_ternary *self, ast_function *func, bool lvalue, ir_value **out) { /* In theory it shouldn't be possible to pass through a node twice, but * in case we add any kind of optimization pass for the AST itself, it * may still happen, thus we remember a created ir_value and simply return one * if it already exists. */ if (self->phi_out) { *out = self->phi_out; return true; } return false; }