Installing gmqcc 1. Prerequisites - A C-Compiler such as gcc or clang - GNU Make. This document will assume GNU-Make to be executed via `make'. On BSD systems you probably have to use `gmake' instead. 2. Compilation Run the GNU make program `make' or `gmake'. make If no error appears, the following binary files will have been created: - gmqcc - qcvm 3. Installation The `install' target will install the 2 binaries to /usr/local/bin by default. The Makefile honors the following variables: - DESTDIR: The installation directory root. - PREFIX: The installation prefix, default: /usr/local - BINDIR: Directory for binary executables, deafult: $PREFIX/bin To install to /usr/local run: make install To install to /usr run: make PREFIX=/usr install To install to a package-staging directory such as $pkgdir when writing an ArchLinux PKGBUILD file: make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install