import datetime import json import logging import pyramid.httpexceptions import re import sqlalchemy as sa import sqlalchemy.sql.functions as func import time from calendar import timegm from collections import namedtuple from pyramid.url import current_route_url from sqlalchemy import desc, distinct from webhelpers.paginate import Page, PageURL from xonstat.models import * from xonstat.util import page_url, to_json, pretty_date from xonstat.views.helpers import RecentGame, recent_games_q log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def player_index_data(request): if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 try: player_q = DBSession.query(Player).\ filter(Player.player_id > 2).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).\ filter(sa.not_('Anonymous Player%'))).\ order_by(Player.player_id.desc()) players = Page(player_q, current_page, items_per_page=10, url=page_url) except Exception as e: players = None raise e return {'players':players } def player_index(request): """ Provides a list of all the current players. """ return player_index_data(request) def player_index_json(request): """ Provides a list of all the current players. JSON. """ return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def get_games_played(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown by gametype of the games played by player_id. Returns a list of namedtuples with the following members: - game_type_cd - games - wins - losses - win_pct The list itself is ordered by the number of games played """ GamesPlayed = namedtuple('GamesPlayed', ['game_type_cd', 'games', 'wins', 'losses', 'win_pct']) raw_games_played = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'wins', 'losses').\ from_statement( "SELECT game_type_cd, " "SUM(win) wins, " "SUM(loss) losses " "FROM (SELECT g.game_id, " "g.game_type_cd, " "CASE " "WHEN g.winner = THEN 1 " "WHEN pgs.rank = 1 THEN 1 " "ELSE 0 " "END win, " "CASE " "WHEN g.winner = THEN 0 " "WHEN pgs.rank = 1 THEN 0 " "ELSE 1 " "END loss " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id) win_loss " "GROUP BY game_type_cd " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() games_played = [] overall_games = 0 overall_wins = 0 overall_losses = 0 for row in raw_games_played: games = row.wins + row.losses overall_games += games overall_wins += row.wins overall_losses += row.losses win_pct = float(row.wins)/games * 100 games_played.append(GamesPlayed(row.game_type_cd, games, row.wins, row.losses, win_pct)) try: overall_win_pct = float(overall_wins)/overall_games * 100 except: overall_win_pct = 0.0 games_played.append(GamesPlayed('overall', overall_games, overall_wins, overall_losses, overall_win_pct)) # sort the resulting list by # of games played games_played = sorted(games_played, key=lambda games_played.reverse() return games_played def get_overall_stats(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of stats by gametype played by player_id. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - total_kills - total_deaths - k_d_ratio - last_played (last time the player played the game type) - last_played_epoch (same as above, but in seconds since epoch) - last_played_fuzzy (same as above, but in relative date) - total_playing_time (total amount of time played the game type) - total_pickups (ctf only) - total_captures (ctf only) - cap_ratio (ctf only) - total_carrier_frags (ctf only) - game_type_cd The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which sums the totals and computes the total ratios. """ OverallStats = namedtuple('OverallStats', ['total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'k_d_ratio', 'last_played', 'last_played_epoch', 'last_played_fuzzy', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'cap_ratio', 'total_carrier_frags', 'game_type_cd']) raw_stats = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'total_kills', 'total_deaths', 'last_played', 'total_playing_time', 'total_pickups', 'total_captures', 'total_carrier_frags').\ from_statement( "SELECT g.game_type_cd, " "Sum(pgs.kills) total_kills, " "Sum(pgs.deaths) total_deaths, " "Max(pgs.create_dt) last_played, " "Sum(pgs.alivetime) total_playing_time, " "Sum(pgs.pickups) total_pickups, " "Sum(pgs.captures) total_captures, " "Sum(pgs.carrier_frags) total_carrier_frags " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " "GROUP BY g.game_type_cd " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() # to be indexed by game_type_cd overall_stats = {} # sums for the "overall" game type (which is fake) overall_kills = 0 overall_deaths = 0 overall_last_played = None overall_playing_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) overall_carrier_frags = 0 for row in raw_stats: # running totals or mins overall_kills += row.total_kills or 0 overall_deaths += row.total_deaths or 0 if overall_last_played is None or row.last_played > overall_last_played: overall_last_played = row.last_played overall_playing_time += row.total_playing_time # individual gametype ratio calculations try: k_d_ratio = float(row.total_kills)/row.total_deaths except: k_d_ratio = None try: cap_ratio = float(row.total_captures)/row.total_pickups except: cap_ratio = None overall_carrier_frags += row.total_carrier_frags or 0 # everything else is untouched or "raw" os = OverallStats(total_kills=row.total_kills, total_deaths=row.total_deaths, k_d_ratio=k_d_ratio, last_played=row.last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm(row.last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(row.last_played), total_playing_time=row.total_playing_time, total_pickups=row.total_pickups, total_captures=row.total_captures, cap_ratio=cap_ratio, total_carrier_frags=row.total_carrier_frags, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd) overall_stats[row.game_type_cd] = os # and lastly, the overall stuff try: overall_k_d_ratio = float(overall_kills)/overall_deaths except: overall_k_d_ratio = None os = OverallStats(total_kills=overall_kills, total_deaths=overall_deaths, k_d_ratio=overall_k_d_ratio, last_played=overall_last_played, last_played_epoch=timegm(overall_last_played.timetuple()), last_played_fuzzy=pretty_date(overall_last_played), total_playing_time=overall_playing_time, total_pickups=None, total_captures=None, cap_ratio=None, total_carrier_frags=overall_carrier_frags, game_type_cd='overall') overall_stats['overall'] = os return overall_stats def get_fav_maps(player_id, game_type_cd=None): """ Provides a breakdown of favorite maps by gametype. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - game_type_cd - map_name (map name) - map_id - times_played The favorite map is defined as the map you've played the most for the given game_type_cd. The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which is the overall favorite map. This is defined as the favorite map of the game type you've played the most. The input parameter game_type_cd is for this. """ FavMap = namedtuple('FavMap', ['map_name', 'map_id', 'times_played', 'game_type_cd']) raw_favs = DBSession.query('game_type_cd', 'map_name', 'map_id', 'times_played').\ from_statement( "SELECT game_type_cd, " "name map_name, " "map_id, " "times_played " "FROM (SELECT g.game_type_cd, " ", " "m.map_id, " "Count(*) times_played, " "Row_number() " "OVER ( " "partition BY g.game_type_cd " "ORDER BY Count(*) DESC, m.map_id ASC) rank " "FROM games g, " "player_game_stats pgs, " "maps m " "WHERE g.game_id = pgs.game_id " "AND g.map_id = m.map_id " "AND pgs.player_id = :player_id " "GROUP BY g.game_type_cd, " "m.map_id, " " most_played " "WHERE rank = 1 " "ORDER BY times_played desc " ).params(player_id=player_id).all() fav_maps = {} overall_fav = None for row in raw_favs: fv = FavMap(map_name=row.map_name, map_id=row.map_id, times_played=row.times_played, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd) # if we aren't given a favorite game_type_cd # then the overall favorite is the one we've # played the most if overall_fav is None: fav_maps['overall'] = fv overall_fav = fv.game_type_cd # otherwise it is the favorite map from the # favorite game_type_cd (provided as a param) # and we'll overwrite the first dict entry if game_type_cd == fv.game_type_cd: fav_maps['overall'] = fv fav_maps[row.game_type_cd] = fv return fav_maps def get_ranks(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of the player's ranks by game type. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - game_type_cd - rank - max_rank The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which is the overall best rank. """ Rank = namedtuple('Rank', ['rank', 'max_rank', 'percentile', 'game_type_cd']) raw_ranks = DBSession.query("game_type_cd", "rank", "max_rank").\ from_statement( "select pr.game_type_cd, pr.rank, overall.max_rank " "from player_ranks pr, " "(select game_type_cd, max(rank) max_rank " "from player_ranks " "group by game_type_cd) overall " "where pr.game_type_cd = overall.game_type_cd " "and player_id = :player_id " "order by rank").\ params(player_id=player_id).all() ranks = {} found_top_rank = False for row in raw_ranks: rank = Rank(rank=row.rank, max_rank=row.max_rank, percentile=100 - 100*float(row.rank)/row.max_rank, game_type_cd=row.game_type_cd) if not found_top_rank: ranks['overall'] = rank found_top_rank = True elif rank.percentile > ranks['overall'].percentile: ranks['overall'] = rank ranks[row.game_type_cd] = rank return ranks; def get_elos(player_id): """ Provides a breakdown of the player's elos by game type. Returns a dictionary of namedtuples with the following members: - player_id - game_type_cd - games - elo The key to the dictionary is the game type code. There is also an "overall" game_type_cd which is the overall best rank. """ raw_elos = DBSession.query(PlayerElo).filter_by(player_id=player_id).\ order_by(PlayerElo.elo.desc()).all() elos = {} found_max_elo = False for row in raw_elos: if not found_max_elo: elos['overall'] = row found_max_elo = True elos[row.game_type_cd] = row return elos def get_recent_games(player_id): """ Provides a list of recent games for a player. Uses the recent_games_q helper. """ # recent games played in descending order rgs = recent_games_q(player_id=player_id).limit(10).all() recent_games = [RecentGame(row) for row in rgs] return recent_games def get_recent_weapons(player_id): """ Returns the weapons that have been used in the past 90 days and also used in 5 games or more. """ cutoff = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=90) recent_weapons = [] for weapon in DBSession.query(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd, func.count()).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.create_dt > cutoff).\ group_by(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd).\ having(func.count() > 4).\ all(): recent_weapons.append(weapon[0]) return recent_weapons def get_accuracy_stats(player_id, weapon_cd, games): """ Provides accuracy for weapon_cd by player_id for the past N games. """ # Reaching back 90 days should give us an accurate enough average # We then multiply this out for the number of data points (games) to # create parameters for a flot graph try: raw_avg = DBSession.query(func.sum(PlayerWeaponStat.hit), func.sum(PlayerWeaponStat.fired)).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == weapon_cd).\ one() avg = round(float(raw_avg[0])/raw_avg[1]*100, 2) # Determine the raw accuracy (hit, fired) numbers for $games games # This is then enumerated to create parameters for a flot graph raw_accs = DBSession.query(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id, PlayerWeaponStat.hit, PlayerWeaponStat.fired).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == weapon_cd).\ order_by(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id.desc()).\ limit(games).\ all() # they come out in opposite order, so flip them in the right direction raw_accs.reverse() accs = [] for i in range(len(raw_accs)): accs.append((raw_accs[i][0], round(float(raw_accs[i][1])/raw_accs[i][2]*100, 2))) except: accs = [] avg = 0.0 return (avg, accs) def get_damage_stats(player_id, weapon_cd, games): """ Provides damage info for weapon_cd by player_id for the past N games. """ try: raw_avg = DBSession.query(func.sum(PlayerWeaponStat.actual), func.sum(PlayerWeaponStat.hit)).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == weapon_cd).\ one() avg = round(float(raw_avg[0])/raw_avg[1], 2) # Determine the damage efficiency (hit, fired) numbers for $games games # This is then enumerated to create parameters for a flot graph raw_dmgs = DBSession.query(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id, PlayerWeaponStat.actual, PlayerWeaponStat.hit).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.player_id == player_id).\ filter(PlayerWeaponStat.weapon_cd == weapon_cd).\ order_by(PlayerWeaponStat.game_id.desc()).\ limit(games).\ all() # they come out in opposite order, so flip them in the right direction raw_dmgs.reverse() dmgs = [] for i in range(len(raw_dmgs)): # try to derive, unless we've hit nothing then set to 0! try: dmg = round(float(raw_dmgs[i][1])/raw_dmgs[i][2], 2) except: dmg = 0.0 dmgs.append((raw_dmgs[i][0], dmg)) except Exception as e: dmgs = [] avg = 0.0 return (avg, dmgs) def player_info_data(request): player_id = int(request.matchdict['id']) if player_id <= 2: player_id = -1; try: player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).one() games_played = get_games_played(player_id) overall_stats = get_overall_stats(player_id) fav_maps = get_fav_maps(player_id) elos = get_elos(player_id) ranks = get_ranks(player_id) recent_games = get_recent_games(player_id) recent_weapons = get_recent_weapons(player_id) except Exception as e: player = None games_played = None overall_stats = None fav_maps = None elos = None ranks = None recent_games = None recent_weapons = [] return {'player':player, 'games_played':games_played, 'overall_stats':overall_stats, 'fav_maps':fav_maps, 'elos':elos, 'ranks':ranks, 'recent_games':recent_games, 'recent_weapons':recent_weapons } def player_info(request): """ Provides detailed information on a specific player """ return player_info_data(request) def player_info_json(request): """ Provides detailed information on a specific player. JSON. """ # All player_info fields are converted into JSON-formattable dictionaries player_info = player_info_data(request) player = player_info['player'].to_dict() games_played = {} for game in player_info['games_played']: games_played[game.game_type_cd] = to_json(game) overall_stats = {} for gt,stats in player_info['overall_stats'].items(): overall_stats[gt] = to_json(stats) elos = {} for gt,elo in player_info['elos'].items(): elos[gt] = to_json(elo.to_dict()) ranks = {} for gt,rank in player_info['ranks'].items(): ranks[gt] = to_json(rank) fav_maps = {} for gt,mapinfo in player_info['fav_maps'].items(): fav_maps[gt] = to_json(mapinfo) recent_games = [] for game in player_info['recent_games']: recent_games.append(to_json(game)) #recent_weapons = player_info['recent_weapons'] return [{ 'player': player, 'games_played': games_played, 'overall_stats': overall_stats, 'fav_maps': fav_maps, 'elos': elos, 'ranks': ranks, 'recent_games': recent_games, # 'recent_weapons': recent_weapons, 'recent_weapons': ['not implemented'], }] #return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def player_game_index_data(request): player_id = request.matchdict['player_id'] if request.params.has_key('page'): current_page = request.params['page'] else: current_page = 1 try: player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).one() rgs_q = recent_games_q(player_id=player.player_id) games = Page(rgs_q, current_page, items_per_page=10, url=page_url) # replace the items in the canned pagination class with more rich ones games.items = [RecentGame(row) for row in games.items] except Exception as e: player = None games = None return { 'player_id':player.player_id, 'player':player, 'games':games, } def player_game_index(request): """ Provides an index of the games in which a particular player was involved. This is ordered by game_id, with the most recent game_ids first. Paginated. """ return player_game_index_data(request) def player_game_index_json(request): """ Provides an index of the games in which a particular player was involved. This is ordered by game_id, with the most recent game_ids first. Paginated. JSON. """ return [{'status':'not implemented'}] def player_accuracy_data(request): player_id = request.matchdict['id'] allowed_weapons = ['nex', 'rifle', 'shotgun', 'uzi', 'minstanex'] weapon_cd = 'nex' games = 20 if request.params.has_key('weapon'): if request.params['weapon'] in allowed_weapons: weapon_cd = request.params['weapon'] if request.params.has_key('games'): try: games = request.params['games'] if games < 0: games = 20 if games > 50: games = 50 except: games = 20 (avg, accs) = get_accuracy_stats(player_id, weapon_cd, games) # if we don't have enough data for the given weapon if len(accs) < games: games = len(accs) return { 'player_id':player_id, 'player_url':request.route_url('player_info', id=player_id), 'weapon':weapon_cd, 'games':games, 'avg':avg, 'accs':accs } def player_accuracy(request): """ Provides the accuracy for the given weapon. (JSON only) """ return player_accuracy_data(request) def player_accuracy_json(request): """ Provides a JSON response representing the accuracy for the given weapon. Parameters: weapon = which weapon to display accuracy for. Valid values are 'nex', 'shotgun', 'uzi', and 'minstanex'. games = over how many games to display accuracy. Can be up to 50. """ return player_accuracy_data(request) def player_damage_data(request): player_id = request.matchdict['id'] allowed_weapons = ['grenadelauncher', 'electro', 'crylink', 'hagar', 'rocketlauncher', 'laser'] weapon_cd = 'rocketlauncher' games = 20 if request.params.has_key('weapon'): if request.params['weapon'] in allowed_weapons: weapon_cd = request.params['weapon'] if request.params.has_key('games'): try: games = request.params['games'] if games < 0: games = 20 if games > 50: games = 50 except: games = 20 (avg, dmgs) = get_damage_stats(player_id, weapon_cd, games) # if we don't have enough data for the given weapon if len(dmgs) < games: games = len(dmgs) return { 'player_id':player_id, 'player_url':request.route_url('player_info', id=player_id), 'weapon':weapon_cd, 'games':games, 'avg':avg, 'dmgs':dmgs } def player_damage_json(request): """ Provides a JSON response representing the damage for the given weapon. Parameters: weapon = which weapon to display damage for. Valid values are 'grenadelauncher', 'electro', 'crylink', 'hagar', 'rocketlauncher', 'laser'. games = over how many games to display damage. Can be up to 50. """ return player_damage_data(request) def player_hashkey_info_data(request): hashkey = request.matchdict['hashkey'] try: player = DBSession.query(Player).\ filter(Player.player_id == Hashkey.player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).\ filter(Hashkey.hashkey == hashkey).one() games_played = get_games_played(player.player_id) overall_stats = get_overall_stats(player.player_id) fav_maps = get_fav_maps(player.player_id) elos = get_elos(player.player_id) ranks = get_ranks(player.player_id) except Exception as e: raise e player = None games_played = None overall_stats = None fav_maps = None elos = None ranks = None return {'player':player, 'games_played':games_played, 'overall_stats':overall_stats, 'fav_maps':fav_maps, 'elos':elos, 'ranks':ranks, } def player_hashkey_info_json(request): """ Provides detailed information on a specific player. JSON. """ # All player_info fields are converted into JSON-formattable dictionaries player_info = player_hashkey_info_data(request) player = player_info['player'].to_dict() games_played = {} for game in player_info['games_played']: games_played[game.game_type_cd] = to_json(game) overall_stats = {} for gt,stats in player_info['overall_stats'].items(): overall_stats[gt] = to_json(stats) elos = {} for gt,elo in player_info['elos'].items(): elos[gt] = to_json(elo.to_dict()) ranks = {} for gt,rank in player_info['ranks'].items(): ranks[gt] = to_json(rank) fav_maps = {} for gt,mapinfo in player_info['fav_maps'].items(): fav_maps[gt] = to_json(mapinfo) return [{ 'version': 1, 'player': player, 'games_played': games_played, 'overall_stats': overall_stats, 'fav_maps': fav_maps, 'elos': elos, 'ranks': ranks, }] def player_elo_info_data(request): """ Provides elo information on a specific player. Raw data is returned. """ hashkey = request.matchdict['hashkey'] try: player = DBSession.query(Player).\ filter(Player.player_id == Hashkey.player_id).\ filter(Player.active_ind == True).\ filter(Hashkey.hashkey == hashkey).one() elos = get_elos(player.player_id) except Exception as e: log.debug(e) raise pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound return {'elos':elos} def player_elo_info_json(request): """ Provides elo information on a specific player. JSON. """ elo_info = player_elo_info_data(request) elos = {} for gt, elo in elo_info['elos'].items(): elos[gt] = to_json(elo.to_dict()) return [{ 'version': 1, 'elos': elos, }]