%inherit file="base.mako"/> <%block name="title"> Leaderboard %block> <%block name="hero_unit">
Tracking Xonotic statistics since October 2011.
% else:Tracking ${stat_line|n} since October 2011.
% endif % if day_stat_line is not None:${day_stat_line|n} in the past 24 hours.
% endifYou don't seem to have any ranks yet.
# | Nick | Elo |
${i} | ${r.nick_html_colors()|n} | ${int(round(r.elo))} |
# | Nick | Time | |
${i} | % if player_id != '-':${nick|n} | % else:${nick|n} | % endif${alivetime} |
# | Server | Games | |
${i} | % if server_id != '-':${name} | % else:${name} | % endif${count} |
# | Map | Games | |
${i} | % if map_id != '-':${name} | % else:${name} | % endif${count} |
Type | Server | Map | Time | Winner | |
view | ${rg.server_name} | ${rg.map_name} | ${rg.fuzzy_date} | % if rg.player_id > 2: ${rg.nick_html_colors|n} | % else: ${rg.nick_html_colors|n} % endif