/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This code has been altered significantly from its original form, to support several games based on the Quake III Arena engine, in the form of "Q3Map2." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* marker */ #define MAIN_C /* dependencies */ #include "q3map2.h" #include /* Random() returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1 */ vec_t Random( void ){ return (vec_t) rand() / RAND_MAX; } char *Q_strncpyz( char *dst, const char *src, size_t len ) { if ( len == 0 ) { abort(); } strncpy( dst, src, len ); dst[ len - 1 ] = '\0'; return dst; } char *Q_strcat( char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src ) { size_t n = strlen( dst ); if ( n > dlen ) { abort(); /* buffer overflow */ } return Q_strncpyz( dst + n, src, dlen - n ); } char *Q_strncat( char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src, size_t slen ) { size_t n = strlen( dst ); if ( n > dlen ) { abort(); /* buffer overflow */ } return Q_strncpyz( dst + n, src, MIN( slen, dlen - n ) ); } /* ExitQ3Map() cleanup routine */ static void ExitQ3Map( void ){ BSPFilesCleanup(); if ( mapDrawSurfs != NULL ) { free( mapDrawSurfs ); } } /* ShiftBSPMain() shifts a map: for testing physics with huge coordinates */ int ShiftBSPMain( int argc, char **argv ){ int i, j; vec3_t scale; vec3_t vec; char str[ 1024 ]; float spawn_ref = 0; /* arg checking */ if ( argc < 3 ) { Sys_Printf( "Usage: q3map [-v] -shift [-tex] [-spawn_ref ] \n" ); return 0; } for ( i = 1; i < argc - 2; ++i ) { if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-tex" ) ) { } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-spawn_ref" ) ) { spawn_ref = atof( argv[i + 1] ); ++i; } else{ break; } } /* get shift */ // if(argc-2 >= i) // always true scale[2] = scale[1] = scale[0] = atof( argv[ argc - 2 ] ); if ( argc - 3 >= i ) { scale[1] = scale[0] = atof( argv[ argc - 3 ] ); } if ( argc - 4 >= i ) { scale[0] = atof( argv[ argc - 4 ] ); } /* do some path mangling */ strcpy( source, ExpandArg( argv[ argc - 1 ] ) ); StripExtension( source ); DefaultExtension( source, ".bsp" ); /* load the bsp */ Sys_Printf( "Loading %s\n", source ); LoadBSPFile( source ); ParseEntities(); /* note it */ Sys_Printf( "--- ShiftBSP ---\n" ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d entities\n", numEntities ); /* shift entity keys */ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPEntities && i < numEntities; i++ ) { /* shift origin */ GetVectorForKey( &entities[ i ], "origin", vec ); if ( ( vec[ 0 ] || vec[ 1 ] || vec[ 2 ] ) ) { if ( !!strncmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "info_player_", 12 ) ) { vec[2] += spawn_ref; } vec[0] += scale[0]; vec[1] += scale[1]; vec[2] += scale[2]; if ( !!strncmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "info_player_", 12 ) ) { vec[2] -= spawn_ref; } sprintf( str, "%f %f %f", vec[ 0 ], vec[ 1 ], vec[ 2 ] ); SetKeyValue( &entities[ i ], "origin", str ); } } /* shift models */ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPModels; i++ ) { bspModels[ i ].mins[0] += scale[0]; bspModels[ i ].mins[1] += scale[1]; bspModels[ i ].mins[2] += scale[2]; bspModels[ i ].maxs[0] += scale[0]; bspModels[ i ].maxs[1] += scale[1]; bspModels[ i ].maxs[2] += scale[2]; } /* shift nodes */ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPNodes; i++ ) { bspNodes[ i ].mins[0] += scale[0]; bspNodes[ i ].mins[1] += scale[1]; bspNodes[ i ].mins[2] += scale[2]; bspNodes[ i ].maxs[0] += scale[0]; bspNodes[ i ].maxs[1] += scale[1]; bspNodes[ i ].maxs[2] += scale[2]; } /* shift leafs */ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPLeafs; i++ ) { bspLeafs[ i ].mins[0] += scale[0]; bspLeafs[ i ].mins[1] += scale[1]; bspLeafs[ i ].mins[2] += scale[2]; bspLeafs[ i ].maxs[0] += scale[0]; bspLeafs[ i ].maxs[1] += scale[1]; bspLeafs[ i ].maxs[2] += scale[2]; } /* shift drawverts */ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawVerts; i++ ) { bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[0] += scale[0]; bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[1] += scale[1]; bspDrawVerts[i].xyz[2] += scale[2]; } /* shift planes */ vec3_t point; for ( i = 0; i < numBSPPlanes; i++ ) { //find point on plane for ( j=0; j<3; j++ ){ if ( fabs( bspPlanes[ i ].normal[j] ) > 0.5 ){ point[j] = bspPlanes[ i ].dist / bspPlanes[ i ].normal[j]; point[(j+1)%3] = point[(j+2)%3] = 0; break; } } //shift point for ( j=0; j<3; j++ ){ point[j] += scale[j]; } //calc new plane dist bspPlanes[ i ].dist = DotProduct( point, bspPlanes[ i ].normal ); } /* scale gridsize */ /* GetVectorForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "gridsize", vec ); if ( ( vec[ 0 ] + vec[ 1 ] + vec[ 2 ] ) == 0.0f ) { VectorCopy( gridSize, vec ); } vec[0] *= scale[0]; vec[1] *= scale[1]; vec[2] *= scale[2]; sprintf( str, "%f %f %f", vec[ 0 ], vec[ 1 ], vec[ 2 ] ); SetKeyValue( &entities[ 0 ], "gridsize", str ); */ /* inject command line parameters */ InjectCommandLine( argv, 0, argc - 1 ); /* write the bsp */ UnparseEntities(); StripExtension( source ); DefaultExtension( source, "_sh.bsp" ); Sys_Printf( "Writing %s\n", source ); WriteBSPFile( source ); /* return to sender */ return 0; } void FixDOSName( char *src ){ if ( src == NULL ) { return; } while ( *src ) { if ( *src == '\\' ) { *src = '/'; } src++; } } /* Check if newcoming texture is unique and not excluded */ void tex2list( char* texlist, int *texnum, char* EXtex, int *EXtexnum ){ int i; if ( token[0] == '\0') return; StripExtension( token ); FixDOSName( token ); for ( i = 0; i < *texnum; i++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( texlist[i], token ) ) return; } for ( i = 0; i < *EXtexnum; i++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( EXtex[i], token ) ) return; } strcpy ( texlist + (*texnum)*65, token ); (*texnum)++; return; } /* 4 repack */ void tex2list2( char* texlist, int *texnum, char* EXtex, int *EXtexnum, char* rEXtex, int *rEXtexnum ){ int i; if ( token[0] == '\0') return; //StripExtension( token ); char* dot = strrchr( token, '.' ); if ( dot != NULL){ if ( Q_stricmp( dot, ".tga" ) && Q_stricmp( dot, ".jpg" ) && Q_stricmp( dot, ".png" ) ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING4: %s : weird or missing extension in shader\n", token ); } else{ *dot = '\0'; } } FixDOSName( token ); strcpy ( texlist + (*texnum)*65, token ); strcat( token, ".tga" ); /* exclude */ for ( i = 0; i < *texnum; i++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( texlist + i*65, texlist + (*texnum)*65 ) ) return; } for ( i = 0; i < *EXtexnum; i++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( EXtex + i*65, texlist + (*texnum)*65 ) ) return; } for ( i = 0; i < *rEXtexnum; i++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( rEXtex + i*65, texlist + (*texnum)*65 ) ) return; } (*texnum)++; return; } /* Check if newcoming res is unique */ void res2list( char* data, int *num ){ int i; if ( strlen( data + (*num)*65 ) > 64 ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING6: %s : path too long.\n", data + (*num)*65 ); } while ( *( data + (*num)*65 ) == '\\' || *( data + (*num)*65 ) == '/' ){ char* cut = data + (*num)*65 + 1; strcpy( data + (*num)*65, cut ); } if ( *( data + (*num)*65 ) == '\0') return; for ( i = 0; i < *num; i++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( data[i], data[*num] ) ) return; } (*num)++; return; } void parseEXblock ( char* data, int *num, const char *exName ){ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) || strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { Error( "ReadExclusionsFile: %s, line %d: { not found", exName, scriptline ); } while ( 1 ) { if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } if ( token[0] == '{' ) { Error( "ReadExclusionsFile: %s, line %d: brace, opening twice in a row.", exName, scriptline ); } /* add to list */ strcpy( data + (*num)*65, token ); (*num)++; } return; } char q3map2path[1024]; /* pk3BSPMain() map autopackager, works for Q3 type of shaders and ents */ int pk3BSPMain( int argc, char **argv ){ int i, j, len; qboolean dbg = qfalse, png = qfalse, packFAIL = qfalse; /* process arguments */ for ( i = 1; i < ( argc - 1 ); i++ ){ if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-dbg" ) ) { dbg = qtrue; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-png" ) ) { png = qtrue; } } /* do some path mangling */ strcpy( source, ExpandArg( argv[ argc - 1 ] ) ); StripExtension( source ); DefaultExtension( source, ".bsp" ); /* load the bsp */ Sys_Printf( "Loading %s\n", source ); LoadBSPFile( source ); ParseEntities(); char packname[ 1024 ], packFailName[ 1024 ], base[ 1024 ], nameOFmap[ 1024 ], temp[ 1024 ]; /* copy map name */ strcpy( base, source ); StripExtension( base ); /* extract map name */ len = strlen( base ) - 1; while ( len > 0 && base[ len ] != '/' && base[ len ] != '\\' ) len--; strcpy( nameOFmap, &base[ len + 1 ] ); qboolean drawsurfSHs[1024] = { qfalse }; for ( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawSurfaces; i++ ){ /* can't exclude nodraw patches here (they want shaders :0!) */ //if ( !( bspDrawSurfaces[i].surfaceType == 2 && bspDrawSurfaces[i].numIndexes == 0 ) ) drawsurfSHs[bspDrawSurfaces[i].shaderNum] = qtrue; drawsurfSHs[ bspDrawSurfaces[i].shaderNum ] = qtrue; //Sys_Printf( "%s\n", bspShaders[bspDrawSurfaces[i].shaderNum].shader ); } int pk3ShadersN = 0; char* pk3Shaders = (char *)calloc( 1024*65, sizeof( char ) ); int pk3SoundsN = 0; char* pk3Sounds = (char *)calloc( 1024*65, sizeof( char ) ); int pk3ShaderfilesN = 0; char* pk3Shaderfiles = (char *)calloc( 1024*65, sizeof( char ) ); int pk3TexturesN = 0; char* pk3Textures = (char *)calloc( 1024*65, sizeof( char ) ); int pk3VideosN = 0; char* pk3Videos = (char *)calloc( 1024*65, sizeof( char ) ); for ( i = 0; i < numBSPShaders; i++ ){ if ( drawsurfSHs[i] ){ strcpy( pk3Shaders + pk3ShadersN*65, bspShaders[i].shader ); res2list( pk3Shaders, &pk3ShadersN ); //pk3ShadersN++; //Sys_Printf( "%s\n", bspShaders[i].shader ); } } /* Ent keys */ epair_t *ep; for ( ep = entities[0].epairs; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next ) { if ( !Q_strncasecmp( ep->key, "vertexremapshader", 17 ) ) { sscanf( ep->value, "%*[^;] %*[;] %s", pk3Shaders + pk3ShadersN*65 ); res2list( pk3Shaders, &pk3ShadersN ); } } strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, ValueForKey( &entities[0], "music" ) ); if ( *( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ) != '\0' ){ FixDOSName( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ); DefaultExtension( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, ".wav" ); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); } for ( i = 0; i < numBSPEntities && i < numEntities; i++ ) { strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, ValueForKey( &entities[i], "noise" ) ); if ( *( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ) != '\0' && *( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ) != '*' ){ FixDOSName( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ); DefaultExtension( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, ".wav" ); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); } if ( !Q_stricmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "func_plat" ) ){ strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, "sound/movers/plats/pt1_strt.wav"); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, "sound/movers/plats/pt1_end.wav"); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); } if ( !Q_stricmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "target_push" ) ){ if ( !(IntForKey( &entities[i], "spawnflags") & 1) ){ strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, "sound/misc/windfly.wav"); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); } } strcpy( pk3Shaders + pk3ShadersN*65, ValueForKey( &entities[i], "targetShaderNewName" ) ); res2list( pk3Shaders, &pk3ShadersN ); } //levelshot sprintf( pk3Shaders + pk3ShadersN*65, "levelshots/%s", nameOFmap ); res2list( pk3Shaders, &pk3ShadersN ); if( dbg ){ Sys_Printf( "\n\tDrawsurface+ent calls....%i\n", pk3ShadersN ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN; i++ ){ Sys_Printf( "%s\n", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); } Sys_Printf( "\n\tSounds....%i\n", pk3SoundsN ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3SoundsN; i++ ){ Sys_Printf( "%s\n", pk3Sounds + i*65 ); } } vfsListShaderFiles( pk3Shaderfiles, &pk3ShaderfilesN ); if( dbg ){ Sys_Printf( "\n\tSchroider fileses.....%i\n", pk3ShaderfilesN ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShaderfilesN; i++ ){ Sys_Printf( "%s\n", pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ); } } /* load exclusions file */ int ExTexturesN = 0; char* ExTextures = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExShadersN = 0; char* ExShaders = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExSoundsN = 0; char* ExSounds = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExShaderfilesN = 0; char* ExShaderfiles = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExVideosN = 0; char* ExVideos = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExPureTexturesN = 0; char* ExPureTextures = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); char* ExReasonShader[4096] = { NULL }; char* ExReasonShaderFile[4096] = { NULL }; char exName[ 1024 ]; byte *buffer; int size; strcpy( exName, q3map2path ); char *cut = strrchr( exName, '\\' ); char *cut2 = strrchr( exName, '/' ); if ( cut == NULL && cut2 == NULL ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Unable to load exclusions file.\n" ); goto skipEXfile; } if ( cut2 > cut ) cut = cut2; cut[1] = '\0'; strcat( exName, game->arg ); strcat( exName, ".exclude" ); Sys_Printf( "Loading %s\n", exName ); size = TryLoadFile( exName, (void**) &buffer ); if ( size <= 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Unable to find exclusions file %s.\n", exName ); goto skipEXfile; } /* parse the file */ ParseFromMemory( (char *) buffer, size ); /* tokenize it */ while ( 1 ) { /* test for end of file */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } /* blocks */ if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "textures" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "shaders" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExShaders, &ExShadersN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "shaderfiles" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExShaderfiles, &ExShaderfilesN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sounds" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExSounds, &ExSoundsN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "videos" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExVideos, &ExVideosN, exName ); } else{ Error( "ReadExclusionsFile: %s, line %d: unknown block name!\nValid ones are: textures, shaders, shaderfiles, sounds, videos.", exName, scriptline ); } } /* free the buffer */ free( buffer ); for ( i = 0; i < ExTexturesN; i++ ){ for ( j = 0; j < ExShadersN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExTextures + i*65, ExShaders + j*65 ) ){ break; } } if ( j == ExShadersN ){ strcpy ( ExPureTextures + ExPureTexturesN*65, ExTextures + i*65 ); ExPureTexturesN++; } } skipEXfile: if( dbg ){ Sys_Printf( "\n\tExTextures....%i\n", ExTexturesN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExTexturesN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExTextures + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExPureTextures....%i\n", ExPureTexturesN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExPureTexturesN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExPureTextures + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExShaders....%i\n", ExShadersN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExShadersN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExShaders + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExShaderfiles....%i\n", ExShaderfilesN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExShaderfilesN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExShaderfiles + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExSounds....%i\n", ExSoundsN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExSoundsN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExSounds + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExVideos....%i\n", ExVideosN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExVideosN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExVideos + i*65 ); } /* can exclude pure textures right now, shouldn't create shaders for them anyway */ for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN ; i++ ){ for ( j = 0; j < ExPureTexturesN ; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, ExPureTextures + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } } //Parse Shader Files /* hack */ endofscript = qtrue; for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShaderfilesN; i++ ){ qboolean wantShader = qfalse, wantShaderFile = qfalse, ShaderFileExcluded = qfalse; int shader; char* reasonShader = NULL; char* reasonShaderFile = NULL; /* load the shader */ sprintf( temp, "%s/%s", game->shaderPath, pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ); SilentLoadScriptFile( temp, 0 ); if( dbg ) Sys_Printf( "\n\tentering %s\n", pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ); /* do wanna le shader file? */ for ( j = 0; j < ExShaderfilesN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExShaderfiles + j*65, pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ) ){ ShaderFileExcluded = qtrue; reasonShaderFile = ExShaderfiles + j*65; break; } } /* tokenize it */ /* check if shader file has to be excluded */ while ( !ShaderFileExcluded ) { /* test for end of file */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } /* does it contain restricted shaders/textures? */ for ( j = 0; j < ExShadersN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExShaders + j*65, token ) ){ ShaderFileExcluded = qtrue; reasonShader = ExShaders + j*65; break; } } if ( ShaderFileExcluded ) break; for ( j = 0; j < ExPureTexturesN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExPureTextures + j*65, token ) ){ ShaderFileExcluded = qtrue; reasonShader = ExPureTextures + j*65; break; } } if ( ShaderFileExcluded ) break; /* handle { } section */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { Error( "ParseShaderFile: %s, line %d: { not found!\nFound instead: %s", temp, scriptline, token ); } while ( 1 ) { /* get the next token */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } /* parse stage directives */ if ( !strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { while ( 1 ) { if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } } } } } /* tokenize it again */ SilentLoadScriptFile( temp, 0 ); while ( 1 ) { /* test for end of file */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } //dump shader names if( dbg ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", token ); /* do wanna le shader? */ wantShader = qfalse; for ( j = 0; j < pk3ShadersN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + j*65, token) ){ shader = j; wantShader = qtrue; break; } } /* handle { } section */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { Error( "ParseShaderFile: %s, line %d: { not found!\nFound instead: %s", temp, scriptline, token ); } qboolean hasmap = qfalse; while ( 1 ) { /* get the next token */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- shader stages (passes) ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* parse stage directives */ if ( !strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { while ( 1 ) { if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { Sys_Printf( "WARNING9: %s : line %d : opening brace inside shader stage\n", temp, scriptline ); } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "mapComp" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "mapNoComp" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "animmapcomp" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "animmapnocomp" ) ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING7: %s : line %d : unsupported '%s' map directive\n", temp, scriptline, token ); } /* skip the shader */ if ( !wantShader ) continue; /* digest any images */ if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "map" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "clampMap" ) ) { hasmap = qtrue; /* get an image */ GetToken( qfalse ); if ( token[ 0 ] != '*' && token[ 0 ] != '$' ) { tex2list( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN ); } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "animMap" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "clampAnimMap" ) ) { hasmap = qtrue; GetToken( qfalse );// skip num while ( TokenAvailable() ){ GetToken( qfalse ); tex2list( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN ); } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "videoMap" ) ){ hasmap = qtrue; GetToken( qfalse ); FixDOSName( token ); if ( strchr( token, '/' ) == NULL && strchr( token, '\\' ) == NULL ){ sprintf( temp, "video/%s", token ); strcpy( token, temp ); } FixDOSName( token ); for ( j = 0; j < pk3VideosN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Videos + j*65, token ) ){ goto away; } } for ( j = 0; j < ExVideosN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExVideos + j*65, token ) ){ goto away; } } strcpy ( pk3Videos + pk3VideosN*65, token ); pk3VideosN++; away: j = 0; } } } else if ( !Q_strncasecmp( token, "implicit", 8 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING5: %s : line %d : unsupported %s shader\n", temp, scriptline, token ); } /* skip the shader */ else if ( !wantShader ) continue; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- surfaceparm * directives ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* match surfaceparm */ else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "surfaceparm" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "nodraw" ) ) { wantShader = qfalse; *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0'; } } /* skyparms */ else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "skyParms" ) ) { hasmap = qtrue; /* get image base */ GetToken( qfalse ); /* ignore bogus paths */ if ( Q_stricmp( token, "-" ) && Q_stricmp( token, "full" ) ) { strcpy ( temp, token ); sprintf( token, "%s_up", temp ); tex2list( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_dn", temp ); tex2list( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_lf", temp ); tex2list( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_rt", temp ); tex2list( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_bk", temp ); tex2list( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_ft", temp ); tex2list( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN ); } /* skip rest of line */ GetToken( qfalse ); GetToken( qfalse ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "fogparms" ) ){ hasmap = qtrue; } } //exclude shader if ( wantShader ){ for ( j = 0; j < ExShadersN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExShaders + j*65, pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) ){ wantShader = qfalse; *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } if ( !hasmap ){ wantShader = qfalse; } if ( wantShader ){ if ( ShaderFileExcluded ){ if ( reasonShaderFile != NULL ){ ExReasonShaderFile[ shader ] = reasonShaderFile; } else{ ExReasonShaderFile[ shader ] = ( char* ) calloc( 65, sizeof( char ) ); strcpy( ExReasonShaderFile[ shader ], pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ); } ExReasonShader[ shader ] = reasonShader; } else{ wantShaderFile = qtrue; *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0'; } } } } if ( !wantShaderFile ){ *( pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ) = '\0'; } } /* exclude stuff */ //wanted shaders from excluded .shaders Sys_Printf( "\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN; i++ ){ if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) != '\0' && ( ExReasonShader[i] != NULL || ExReasonShaderFile[i] != NULL ) ){ Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); packFAIL = qtrue; if ( ExReasonShader[i] != NULL ){ Sys_Printf( " reason: is located in %s,\n containing restricted shader %s\n", ExReasonShaderFile[i], ExReasonShader[i] ); } else{ Sys_Printf( " reason: is located in restricted %s\n", ExReasonShaderFile[i] ); } *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; } } //pure textures (shader ones are done) for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN; i++ ){ if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) != '\0' ){ FixDOSName( pk3Shaders + i*65 ); for ( j = 0; j < pk3TexturesN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, pk3Textures + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) == '\0' ) continue; for ( j = 0; j < ExTexturesN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, ExTextures + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } } } //snds for ( i = 0; i < pk3SoundsN; i++ ){ for ( j = 0; j < ExSoundsN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Sounds + i*65, ExSounds + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Sounds + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } } /* make a pack */ sprintf( packname, "%s/%s_autopacked.pk3", EnginePath, nameOFmap ); remove( packname ); sprintf( packFailName, "%s/%s_FAILEDpack.pk3", EnginePath, nameOFmap ); remove( packFailName ); Sys_Printf( "\n--- ZipZip ---\n" ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tShader referenced textures....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3TexturesN; i++ ){ if ( png ){ sprintf( temp, "%s.png", pk3Textures + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } } sprintf( temp, "%s.tga", pk3Textures + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } sprintf( temp, "%s.jpg", pk3Textures + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Textures + i*65 ); packFAIL = qtrue; } Sys_Printf( "\n\tPure textures....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN; i++ ){ if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) != '\0' ){ if ( png ){ sprintf( temp, "%s.png", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } } sprintf( temp, "%s.tga", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } sprintf( temp, "%s.jpg", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); if ( i != pk3ShadersN - 1 ) packFAIL = qtrue; //levelshot typically } } Sys_Printf( "\n\tShaizers....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShaderfilesN; i++ ){ if ( *( pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ) != '\0' ){ sprintf( temp, "%s/%s", game->shaderPath, pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); packFAIL = qtrue; } } Sys_Printf( "\n\tSounds....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3SoundsN; i++ ){ if ( *( pk3Sounds + i*65 ) != '\0' ){ if ( vfsPackFile( pk3Sounds + i*65, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", pk3Sounds + i*65 ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Sounds + i*65 ); packFAIL = qtrue; } } Sys_Printf( "\n\tVideos....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3VideosN; i++ ){ if ( vfsPackFile( pk3Videos + i*65, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", pk3Videos + i*65 ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Videos + i*65 ); packFAIL = qtrue; } Sys_Printf( "\n\t.bsp and stuff\n" ); sprintf( temp, "maps/%s.bsp", nameOFmap ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); } else{ Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", temp ); packFAIL = qtrue; } sprintf( temp, "maps/%s.aas", nameOFmap ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); } else{ Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", temp ); } sprintf( temp, "scripts/%s.arena", nameOFmap ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); } else{ Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", temp ); } sprintf( temp, "scripts/%s.defi", nameOFmap ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, 10 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); } else{ Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", temp ); } if ( !packFAIL ){ Sys_Printf( "\nSaved to %s\n", packname ); } else{ rename( packname, packFailName ); Sys_Printf( "\nSaved to %s\n", packFailName ); } /* return to sender */ return 0; } /* repackBSPMain() repack multiple maps, strip out only required shaders works for Q3 type of shaders and ents */ int repackBSPMain( int argc, char **argv ){ int i, j, len, compLevel = 0; qboolean dbg = qfalse, png = qfalse; /* process arguments */ for ( i = 1; i < ( argc - 1 ); i++ ){ if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-dbg" ) ) { dbg = qtrue; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-png" ) ) { png = qtrue; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-complevel" ) ) { compLevel = atoi( argv[ i + 1 ] ); i++; if ( compLevel < -1 ) compLevel = -1; if ( compLevel > 10 ) compLevel = 10; Sys_Printf( "Compression level set to %i\n", compLevel ); } } /* load exclusions file */ int ExTexturesN = 0; char* ExTextures = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExShadersN = 0; char* ExShaders = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExSoundsN = 0; char* ExSounds = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExShaderfilesN = 0; char* ExShaderfiles = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExVideosN = 0; char* ExVideos = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int ExPureTexturesN = 0; char* ExPureTextures = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); char exName[ 1024 ]; byte *buffer; int size; strcpy( exName, q3map2path ); char *cut = strrchr( exName, '\\' ); char *cut2 = strrchr( exName, '/' ); if ( cut == NULL && cut2 == NULL ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Unable to load exclusions file.\n" ); goto skipEXfile; } if ( cut2 > cut ) cut = cut2; cut[1] = '\0'; strcat( exName, game->arg ); strcat( exName, ".exclude" ); Sys_Printf( "Loading %s\n", exName ); size = TryLoadFile( exName, (void**) &buffer ); if ( size <= 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Unable to find exclusions file %s.\n", exName ); goto skipEXfile; } /* parse the file */ ParseFromMemory( (char *) buffer, size ); /* tokenize it */ while ( 1 ) { /* test for end of file */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } /* blocks */ if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "textures" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "shaders" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExShaders, &ExShadersN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "shaderfiles" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExShaderfiles, &ExShaderfilesN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sounds" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExSounds, &ExSoundsN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "videos" ) ){ parseEXblock ( ExVideos, &ExVideosN, exName ); } else{ Error( "ReadExclusionsFile: %s, line %d: unknown block name!\nValid ones are: textures, shaders, shaderfiles, sounds, videos.", exName, scriptline ); } } /* free the buffer */ free( buffer ); for ( i = 0; i < ExTexturesN; i++ ){ for ( j = 0; j < ExShadersN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExTextures + i*65, ExShaders + j*65 ) ){ break; } } if ( j == ExShadersN ){ strcpy ( ExPureTextures + ExPureTexturesN*65, ExTextures + i*65 ); ExPureTexturesN++; } } skipEXfile: if( dbg ){ Sys_Printf( "\n\tExTextures....%i\n", ExTexturesN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExTexturesN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExTextures + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExPureTextures....%i\n", ExPureTexturesN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExPureTexturesN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExPureTextures + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExShaders....%i\n", ExShadersN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExShadersN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExShaders + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExShaderfiles....%i\n", ExShaderfilesN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExShaderfilesN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExShaderfiles + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExSounds....%i\n", ExSoundsN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExSoundsN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExSounds + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tExVideos....%i\n", ExVideosN ); for ( i = 0; i < ExVideosN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", ExVideos + i*65 ); } /* load repack.exclude */ int rExTexturesN = 0; char* rExTextures = (char *)calloc( 65536*65, sizeof( char ) ); int rExShadersN = 0; char* rExShaders = (char *)calloc( 32768*65, sizeof( char ) ); int rExSoundsN = 0; char* rExSounds = (char *)calloc( 8192*65, sizeof( char ) ); int rExShaderfilesN = 0; char* rExShaderfiles = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int rExVideosN = 0; char* rExVideos = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); strcpy( exName, q3map2path ); cut = strrchr( exName, '\\' ); cut2 = strrchr( exName, '/' ); if ( cut == NULL && cut2 == NULL ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Unable to load repack exclusions file.\n" ); goto skipEXrefile; } if ( cut2 > cut ) cut = cut2; cut[1] = '\0'; strcat( exName, "repack.exclude" ); Sys_Printf( "Loading %s\n", exName ); size = TryLoadFile( exName, (void**) &buffer ); if ( size <= 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Unable to find repack exclusions file %s.\n", exName ); goto skipEXrefile; } /* parse the file */ ParseFromMemory( (char *) buffer, size ); /* tokenize it */ while ( 1 ) { /* test for end of file */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } /* blocks */ if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "textures" ) ){ parseEXblock ( rExTextures, &rExTexturesN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "shaders" ) ){ parseEXblock ( rExShaders, &rExShadersN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "shaderfiles" ) ){ parseEXblock ( rExShaderfiles, &rExShaderfilesN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "sounds" ) ){ parseEXblock ( rExSounds, &rExSoundsN, exName ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "videos" ) ){ parseEXblock ( rExVideos, &rExVideosN, exName ); } else{ Error( "ReadExclusionsFile: %s, line %d: unknown block name!\nValid ones are: textures, shaders, shaderfiles, sounds, videos.", exName, scriptline ); } } /* free the buffer */ free( buffer ); skipEXrefile: if( dbg ){ Sys_Printf( "\n\trExTextures....%i\n", rExTexturesN ); for ( i = 0; i < rExTexturesN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", rExTextures + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\trExShaders....%i\n", rExShadersN ); for ( i = 0; i < rExShadersN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", rExShaders + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\trExShaderfiles....%i\n", rExShaderfilesN ); for ( i = 0; i < rExShaderfilesN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", rExShaderfiles + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\trExSounds....%i\n", rExSoundsN ); for ( i = 0; i < rExSoundsN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", rExSounds + i*65 ); Sys_Printf( "\n\trExVideos....%i\n", rExVideosN ); for ( i = 0; i < rExVideosN; i++ ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", rExVideos + i*65 ); } int bspListN = 0; char* bspList = (char *)calloc( 8192*1024, sizeof( char ) ); /* do some path mangling */ strcpy( source, ExpandArg( argv[ argc - 1 ] ) ); if ( !Q_stricmp( strrchr( source, '.' ), ".bsp" ) ){ strcpy( bspList, source ); bspListN++; } else{ /* load bsps paths list */ Sys_Printf( "Loading %s\n", source ); size = TryLoadFile( source, (void**) &buffer ); if ( size <= 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Unable to open bsps paths list file %s.\n", source ); } /* parse the file */ ParseFromMemory( (char *) buffer, size ); /* tokenize it */ while ( 1 ) { /* test for end of file */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } strcpy( bspList + bspListN * 1024 , token ); bspListN++; } /* free the buffer */ free( buffer ); } char packname[ 1024 ], nameOFrepack[ 1024 ], nameOFmap[ 1024 ], temp[ 1024 ]; /* copy input file name */ strcpy( temp, source ); StripExtension( temp ); /* extract input file name */ len = strlen( temp ) - 1; while ( len > 0 && temp[ len ] != '/' && temp[ len ] != '\\' ) len--; strcpy( nameOFrepack, &temp[ len + 1 ] ); /* load bsps */ int pk3ShadersN = 0; char* pk3Shaders = (char *)calloc( 65536*65, sizeof( char ) ); int pk3SoundsN = 0; char* pk3Sounds = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int pk3ShaderfilesN = 0; char* pk3Shaderfiles = (char *)calloc( 4096*65, sizeof( char ) ); int pk3TexturesN = 0; char* pk3Textures = (char *)calloc( 65536*65, sizeof( char ) ); int pk3VideosN = 0; char* pk3Videos = (char *)calloc( 1024*65, sizeof( char ) ); for( j = 0; j < bspListN; j++ ){ int pk3SoundsNold = pk3SoundsN; int pk3ShadersNold = pk3ShadersN; strcpy( source, bspList + j*1024 ); StripExtension( source ); DefaultExtension( source, ".bsp" ); /* load the bsp */ Sys_Printf( "\nLoading %s\n", source ); PartialLoadBSPFile( source ); ParseEntities(); /* copy map name */ strcpy( temp, source ); StripExtension( temp ); /* extract map name */ len = strlen( temp ) - 1; while ( len > 0 && temp[ len ] != '/' && temp[ len ] != '\\' ) len--; strcpy( nameOFmap, &temp[ len + 1 ] ); qboolean drawsurfSHs[1024] = { qfalse }; for ( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawSurfaces; i++ ){ drawsurfSHs[ bspDrawSurfaces[i].shaderNum ] = qtrue; } for ( i = 0; i < numBSPShaders; i++ ){ if ( drawsurfSHs[i] ){ strcpy( pk3Shaders + pk3ShadersN*65, bspShaders[i].shader ); res2list( pk3Shaders, &pk3ShadersN ); } } /* Ent keys */ epair_t *ep; for ( ep = entities[0].epairs; ep != NULL; ep = ep->next ) { if ( !!Q_strncasecmp( ep->key, "vertexremapshader", 17 ) ) { sscanf( ep->value, "%*[^;] %*[;] %s", pk3Shaders + pk3ShadersN*65 ); res2list( pk3Shaders, &pk3ShadersN ); } } strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, ValueForKey( &entities[0], "music" ) ); if ( *( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ) != '\0' ){ FixDOSName( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ); DefaultExtension( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, ".wav" ); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); } for ( i = 0; i < numBSPEntities && i < numEntities; i++ ) { strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, ValueForKey( &entities[i], "noise" ) ); if ( *( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ) != '\0' && *( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ) != '*' ){ FixDOSName( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65 ); DefaultExtension( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, ".wav" ); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); } if ( !Q_stricmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "func_plat" ) ){ strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, "sound/movers/plats/pt1_strt.wav"); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, "sound/movers/plats/pt1_end.wav"); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); } if ( !Q_stricmp( ValueForKey( &entities[i], "classname" ), "target_push" ) ){ if ( !(IntForKey( &entities[i], "spawnflags") & 1) ){ strcpy( pk3Sounds + pk3SoundsN*65, "sound/misc/windfly.wav"); res2list( pk3Sounds, &pk3SoundsN ); } } strcpy( pk3Shaders + pk3ShadersN*65, ValueForKey( &entities[i], "targetShaderNewName" ) ); res2list( pk3Shaders, &pk3ShadersN ); } //levelshot sprintf( pk3Shaders + pk3ShadersN*65, "levelshots/%s", nameOFmap ); res2list( pk3Shaders, &pk3ShadersN ); Sys_Printf( "\n\t+Drawsurface+ent calls....%i\n", pk3ShadersN - pk3ShadersNold ); for ( i = pk3ShadersNold; i < pk3ShadersN; i++ ){ Sys_Printf( "%s\n", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); } Sys_Printf( "\n\t+Sounds....%i\n", pk3SoundsN - pk3SoundsNold ); for ( i = pk3SoundsNold; i < pk3SoundsN; i++ ){ Sys_Printf( "%s\n", pk3Sounds + i*65 ); } /* free bsp data */ /* if ( bspDrawVerts != 0 ) { free( bspDrawVerts ); bspDrawVerts = NULL; //numBSPDrawVerts = 0; Sys_Printf( "freed BSPDrawVerts\n" ); } */ if ( bspDrawSurfaces != 0 ) { free( bspDrawSurfaces ); bspDrawSurfaces = NULL; //numBSPDrawSurfaces = 0; //Sys_Printf( "freed bspDrawSurfaces\n" ); } /* if ( bspLightBytes != 0 ) { free( bspLightBytes ); bspLightBytes = NULL; //numBSPLightBytes = 0; Sys_Printf( "freed BSPLightBytes\n" ); } if ( bspGridPoints != 0 ) { free( bspGridPoints ); bspGridPoints = NULL; //numBSPGridPoints = 0; Sys_Printf( "freed BSPGridPoints\n" ); } if ( bspPlanes != 0 ) { free( bspPlanes ); bspPlanes = NULL; Sys_Printf( "freed bspPlanes\n" ); //numBSPPlanes = 0; //allocatedBSPPlanes = 0; } if ( bspBrushes != 0 ) { free( bspBrushes ); bspBrushes = NULL; Sys_Printf( "freed bspBrushes\n" ); //numBSPBrushes = 0; //allocatedBSPBrushes = 0; } */ if ( entities != 0 ) { epair_t *ep2free; for ( i = 0; i < numBSPEntities && i < numEntities; i++ ){ ep = entities[i].epairs; while( ep != NULL){ ep2free = ep; ep = ep->next; free( ep2free ); } } free( entities ); entities = NULL; //Sys_Printf( "freed entities\n" ); numEntities = 0; numBSPEntities = 0; allocatedEntities = 0; } /* if ( bspModels != 0 ) { free( bspModels ); bspModels = NULL; Sys_Printf( "freed bspModels\n" ); //numBSPModels = 0; //allocatedBSPModels = 0; } */ if ( bspShaders != 0 ) { free( bspShaders ); bspShaders = NULL; //Sys_Printf( "freed bspShaders\n" ); //numBSPShaders = 0; //allocatedBSPShaders = 0; } if ( bspEntData != 0 ) { free( bspEntData ); bspEntData = NULL; //Sys_Printf( "freed bspEntData\n" ); //bspEntDataSize = 0; //allocatedBSPEntData = 0; } /* if ( bspNodes != 0 ) { free( bspNodes ); bspNodes = NULL; Sys_Printf( "freed bspNodes\n" ); //numBSPNodes = 0; //allocatedBSPNodes = 0; } if ( bspDrawIndexes != 0 ) { free( bspDrawIndexes ); bspDrawIndexes = NULL; Sys_Printf( "freed bspDrawIndexes\n" ); //numBSPDrawIndexes = 0; //allocatedBSPDrawIndexes = 0; } if ( bspLeafSurfaces != 0 ) { free( bspLeafSurfaces ); bspLeafSurfaces = NULL; Sys_Printf( "freed bspLeafSurfaces\n" ); //numBSPLeafSurfaces = 0; //allocatedBSPLeafSurfaces = 0; } if ( bspLeafBrushes != 0 ) { free( bspLeafBrushes ); bspLeafBrushes = NULL; Sys_Printf( "freed bspLeafBrushes\n" ); //numBSPLeafBrushes = 0; //allocatedBSPLeafBrushes = 0; } if ( bspBrushSides != 0 ) { free( bspBrushSides ); bspBrushSides = NULL; Sys_Printf( "freed bspBrushSides\n" ); numBSPBrushSides = 0; allocatedBSPBrushSides = 0; } if ( numBSPFogs != 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "freed numBSPFogs\n" ); numBSPFogs = 0; } if ( numBSPAds != 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "freed numBSPAds\n" ); numBSPAds = 0; } if ( numBSPLeafs != 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "freed numBSPLeafs\n" ); numBSPLeafs = 0; } if ( numBSPVisBytes != 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "freed numBSPVisBytes\n" ); numBSPVisBytes = 0; } */ } vfsListShaderFiles( pk3Shaderfiles, &pk3ShaderfilesN ); if( dbg ){ Sys_Printf( "\n\tSchroider fileses.....%i\n", pk3ShaderfilesN ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShaderfilesN; i++ ){ Sys_Printf( "%s\n", pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ); } } /* can exclude pure *base* textures right now, shouldn't create shaders for them anyway */ for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN ; i++ ){ for ( j = 0; j < ExPureTexturesN ; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, ExPureTextures + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } } /* can exclude repack.exclude shaders, assuming they got all their images */ for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN ; i++ ){ for ( j = 0; j < rExShadersN ; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, rExShaders + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } } //Parse Shader Files Sys_Printf( "\t\nParsing shaders....\n\n" ); char shaderText[ 8192 ]; char* allShaders = (char *)calloc( 16777216, sizeof( char ) ); /* hack */ endofscript = qtrue; for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShaderfilesN; i++ ){ qboolean wantShader = qfalse; int shader; /* load the shader */ sprintf( temp, "%s/%s", game->shaderPath, pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ); if ( dbg ) Sys_Printf( "\n\tentering %s\n", pk3Shaderfiles + i*65 ); SilentLoadScriptFile( temp, 0 ); /* tokenize it */ while ( 1 ) { int line = scriptline; /* test for end of file */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } //dump shader names if( dbg ) Sys_Printf( "%s\n", token ); strcpy( shaderText, token ); if ( strchr( token, '\\') != NULL ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING1: %s : %s : shader name with backslash\n", pk3Shaderfiles + i*65, token ); } /* do wanna le shader? */ wantShader = qfalse; for ( j = 0; j < pk3ShadersN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + j*65, token) ){ shader = j; wantShader = qtrue; break; } } if ( wantShader ){ for ( j = 0; j < rExTexturesN ; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + shader*65, rExTextures + j*65 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING3: %s : about to include shader for excluded texture\n", pk3Shaders + shader*65 ); break; } } } /* handle { } section */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { Error( "ParseShaderFile: %s, line %d: { not found!\nFound instead: %s", temp, scriptline, token ); } strcat( shaderText, "\n{" ); qboolean hasmap = qfalse; while ( 1 ) { line = scriptline; /* get the next token */ if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { strcat( shaderText, "\n}\n\n" ); break; } /* parse stage directives */ if ( !strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { qboolean tokenready = qfalse; strcat( shaderText, "\n\t{" ); while ( 1 ) { /* detour of TokenAvailable() '~' */ if ( tokenready ) tokenready = qfalse; else line = scriptline; if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { strcat( shaderText, "\n\t}" ); break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { strcat( shaderText, "\n\t{" ); Sys_Printf( "WARNING9: %s : line %d : opening brace inside shader stage\n", temp, scriptline ); } /* skip the shader */ if ( !wantShader ) continue; /* digest any images */ if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "map" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "clampMap" ) ) { strcat( shaderText, "\n\t\t" ); strcat( shaderText, token ); hasmap = qtrue; /* get an image */ GetToken( qfalse ); if ( token[ 0 ] != '*' && token[ 0 ] != '$' ) { tex2list2( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, rExTextures, &rExTexturesN ); } strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "animMap" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "clampAnimMap" ) ) { strcat( shaderText, "\n\t\t" ); strcat( shaderText, token ); hasmap = qtrue; GetToken( qfalse );// skip num strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); while ( TokenAvailable() ){ GetToken( qfalse ); tex2list2( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, rExTextures, &rExTexturesN ); strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } tokenready = qtrue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "videoMap" ) ){ strcat( shaderText, "\n\t\t" ); strcat( shaderText, token ); hasmap = qtrue; GetToken( qfalse ); strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); FixDOSName( token ); if ( strchr( token, '/' ) == NULL && strchr( token, '\\' ) == NULL ){ sprintf( temp, "video/%s", token ); strcpy( token, temp ); } FixDOSName( token ); for ( j = 0; j < pk3VideosN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Videos + j*65, token ) ){ goto away; } } for ( j = 0; j < ExVideosN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExVideos + j*65, token ) ){ goto away; } } for ( j = 0; j < rExVideosN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( rExVideos + j*65, token ) ){ goto away; } } strcpy ( pk3Videos + pk3VideosN*65, token ); pk3VideosN++; away: j = 0; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "mapComp" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "mapNoComp" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "animmapcomp" ) || !Q_stricmp( token, "animmapnocomp" ) ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING7: %s : %s shader\n", pk3Shaders + shader*65, token ); hasmap = qtrue; if ( line == scriptline ){ strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } else{ strcat( shaderText, "\n\t\t" ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } } else if ( line == scriptline ){ strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } else{ strcat( shaderText, "\n\t\t" ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } } } /* skip the shader */ else if ( !wantShader ) continue; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- surfaceparm * directives ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* match surfaceparm */ else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "surfaceparm" ) ) { strcat( shaderText, "\n\tsurfaceparm " ); GetToken( qfalse ); strcat( shaderText, token ); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "nodraw" ) ) { wantShader = qfalse; *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0'; } } /* skyparms */ else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "skyParms" ) ) { strcat( shaderText, "\n\tskyParms " ); hasmap = qtrue; /* get image base */ GetToken( qfalse ); strcat( shaderText, token ); /* ignore bogus paths */ if ( Q_stricmp( token, "-" ) && Q_stricmp( token, "full" ) ) { strcpy ( temp, token ); sprintf( token, "%s_up", temp ); tex2list2( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, rExTextures, &rExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_dn", temp ); tex2list2( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, rExTextures, &rExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_lf", temp ); tex2list2( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, rExTextures, &rExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_rt", temp ); tex2list2( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, rExTextures, &rExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_bk", temp ); tex2list2( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, rExTextures, &rExTexturesN ); sprintf( token, "%s_ft", temp ); tex2list2( pk3Textures, &pk3TexturesN, ExTextures, &ExTexturesN, rExTextures, &rExTexturesN ); } /* skip rest of line */ GetToken( qfalse ); strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); GetToken( qfalse ); strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } else if ( !!Q_strncasecmp( token, "implicit", 8 ) ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING5: %s : %s shader\n", pk3Shaders + shader*65, token ); hasmap = qtrue; if ( line == scriptline ){ strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } else{ strcat( shaderText, "\n\t" ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } } else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "fogparms" ) ){ hasmap = qtrue; if ( line == scriptline ){ strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } else{ strcat( shaderText, "\n\t" ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } } else if ( line == scriptline ){ strcat( shaderText, " " ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } else{ strcat( shaderText, "\n\t" ); strcat( shaderText, token ); } } //exclude shader if ( wantShader ){ for ( j = 0; j < ExShadersN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( ExShaders + j*65, pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) ){ wantShader = qfalse; *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } if ( wantShader && !hasmap ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING8: %s : shader has no known maps\n", pk3Shaders + shader*65 ); wantShader = qfalse; *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0'; } if ( wantShader ){ strcat( allShaders, shaderText ); *( pk3Shaders + shader*65 ) = '\0'; } } } } /* TODO: RTCW's mapComp, mapNoComp, animmapcomp, animmapnocomp; nocompress?; ET's implicitmap, implicitblend, implicitmask */ /* exclude stuff */ //pure textures (shader ones are done) for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN; i++ ){ if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) != '\0' ){ if ( strchr( pk3Shaders + i*65, '\\') != NULL ){ Sys_Printf( "WARNING2: %s : bsp shader path with backslash\n", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); FixDOSName( pk3Shaders + i*65 ); //what if theres properly slashed one in the list? for ( j = 0; j < pk3ShadersN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, pk3Shaders + j*65 ) && (i != j) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } } if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) == '\0' ) continue; for ( j = 0; j < pk3TexturesN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, pk3Textures + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) == '\0' ) continue; for ( j = 0; j < ExTexturesN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, ExTextures + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) == '\0' ) continue; for ( j = 0; j < rExTexturesN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Shaders + i*65, rExTextures + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } } } //snds for ( i = 0; i < pk3SoundsN; i++ ){ for ( j = 0; j < ExSoundsN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Sounds + i*65, ExSounds + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Sounds + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } if ( *( pk3Sounds + i*65 ) == '\0' ) continue; for ( j = 0; j < rExSoundsN; j++ ){ if ( !Q_stricmp( pk3Sounds + i*65, rExSounds + j*65 ) ){ *( pk3Sounds + i*65 ) = '\0'; break; } } } /* write shader */ sprintf( temp, "%s/%s_strippedBYrepacker.shader", EnginePath, nameOFrepack ); FILE *f; f = fopen( temp, "wb" ); fwrite( allShaders, sizeof( char ), strlen( allShaders ), f ); fclose( f ); Sys_Printf( "Shaders saved to %s\n", temp ); /* make a pack */ sprintf( packname, "%s/%s_repacked.pk3", EnginePath, nameOFrepack ); remove( packname ); Sys_Printf( "\n--- ZipZip ---\n" ); Sys_Printf( "\n\tShader referenced textures....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3TexturesN; i++ ){ if ( png ){ sprintf( temp, "%s.png", pk3Textures + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, compLevel ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } } sprintf( temp, "%s.tga", pk3Textures + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, compLevel ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } sprintf( temp, "%s.jpg", pk3Textures + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, compLevel ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Textures + i*65 ); } Sys_Printf( "\n\tPure textures....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3ShadersN; i++ ){ if ( *( pk3Shaders + i*65 ) != '\0' ){ if ( png ){ sprintf( temp, "%s.png", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, compLevel ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } } sprintf( temp, "%s.tga", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, compLevel ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } sprintf( temp, "%s.jpg", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); if ( vfsPackFile( temp, packname, compLevel ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", temp ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Shaders + i*65 ); } } Sys_Printf( "\n\tSounds....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3SoundsN; i++ ){ if ( *( pk3Sounds + i*65 ) != '\0' ){ if ( vfsPackFile( pk3Sounds + i*65, packname, compLevel ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", pk3Sounds + i*65 ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Sounds + i*65 ); } } Sys_Printf( "\n\tVideos....\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < pk3VideosN; i++ ){ if ( vfsPackFile( pk3Videos + i*65, packname, compLevel ) ){ Sys_Printf( "++%s\n", pk3Videos + i*65 ); continue; } Sys_Printf( " !FAIL! %s\n", pk3Videos + i*65 ); } Sys_Printf( "\nSaved to %s\n", packname ); /* return to sender */ return 0; } /* main() q3map mojo... */ int main( int argc, char **argv ){ int i, r; double start, end; extern qboolean werror; /* we want consistent 'randomness' */ srand( 0 ); /* start timer */ start = I_FloatTime(); /* this was changed to emit version number over the network */ printf( Q3MAP_VERSION "\n" ); /* set exit call */ atexit( ExitQ3Map ); /* read general options first */ for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { /* -help */ if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-h" ) || !strcmp( argv[ i ], "--help" ) || !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-help" ) ) { HelpMain(argv[i+1]); return 0; } /* -connect */ if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-connect" ) ) { argv[ i ] = NULL; i++; Broadcast_Setup( argv[ i ] ); argv[ i ] = NULL; } /* verbose */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-v" ) ) { if ( !verbose ) { verbose = qtrue; argv[ i ] = NULL; } } /* force */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-force" ) ) { force = qtrue; argv[ i ] = NULL; } /* make all warnings into errors */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-werror" ) ) { werror = qtrue; argv[ i ] = NULL; } /* patch subdivisions */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-subdivisions" ) ) { argv[ i ] = NULL; i++; patchSubdivisions = atoi( argv[ i ] ); argv[ i ] = NULL; if ( patchSubdivisions <= 0 ) { patchSubdivisions = 1; } } /* threads */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-threads" ) ) { argv[ i ] = NULL; i++; numthreads = atoi( argv[ i ] ); argv[ i ] = NULL; } else if( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-nocmdline" ) ) { Sys_Printf( "noCmdLine\n" ); nocmdline = qtrue; argv[ i ] = NULL; } } /* init model library */ PicoInit(); PicoSetMallocFunc( safe_malloc ); PicoSetFreeFunc( free ); PicoSetPrintFunc( PicoPrintFunc ); PicoSetLoadFileFunc( PicoLoadFileFunc ); PicoSetFreeFileFunc( free ); /* set number of threads */ ThreadSetDefault(); /* generate sinusoid jitter table */ for ( i = 0; i < MAX_JITTERS; i++ ) { jitters[ i ] = sin( i * 139.54152147 ); //% Sys_Printf( "Jitter %4d: %f\n", i, jitters[ i ] ); } /* we print out two versions, q3map's main version (since it evolves a bit out of GtkRadiant) and we put the GtkRadiant version to make it easy to track with what version of Radiant it was built with */ Sys_Printf( "Q3Map - v1.0r (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.\n" ); Sys_Printf( "Q3Map (ydnar) - v" Q3MAP_VERSION "\n" ); Sys_Printf( "NetRadiant - v" RADIANT_VERSION " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n" ); Sys_Printf( "%s\n", Q3MAP_MOTD ); Sys_Printf( "%s\n", argv[0] ); strcpy( q3map2path, argv[0] );//fuer autoPack func /* ydnar: new path initialization */ InitPaths( &argc, argv ); /* set game options */ if ( !patchSubdivisions ) { patchSubdivisions = game->patchSubdivisions; } /* check if we have enough options left to attempt something */ if ( argc < 2 ) { Error( "Usage: %s [general options] [options] mapfile", argv[ 0 ] ); } /* fixaas */ if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-fixaas" ) ) { r = FixAASMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* analyze */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-analyze" ) ) { r = AnalyzeBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* info */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-info" ) ) { r = BSPInfoMain( argc - 2, argv + 2 ); } /* vis */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-vis" ) ) { r = VisMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* light */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-light" ) ) { r = LightMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* vlight */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-vlight" ) ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: VLight is no longer supported, defaulting to -light -fast instead\n\n" ); argv[ 1 ] = "-fast"; /* eek a hack */ r = LightMain( argc, argv ); } /* QBall: export entities */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-exportents" ) ) { r = ExportEntitiesMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* ydnar: lightmap export */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-export" ) ) { r = ExportLightmapsMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* ydnar: lightmap import */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-import" ) ) { r = ImportLightmapsMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* ydnar: bsp scaling */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-scale" ) ) { r = ScaleBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* bsp shifting */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-shift" ) ) { r = ShiftBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* autopacking */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-pk3" ) ) { r = pk3BSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* repacker */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-repack" ) ) { r = repackBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* ydnar: bsp conversion */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-convert" ) ) { r = ConvertBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* div0: minimap */ else if ( !strcmp( argv[ 1 ], "-minimap" ) ) { r = MiniMapBSPMain( argc - 1, argv + 1 ); } /* ydnar: otherwise create a bsp */ else{ r = BSPMain( argc, argv ); } /* emit time */ end = I_FloatTime(); Sys_Printf( "%9.0f seconds elapsed\n", end - start ); /* shut down connection */ Broadcast_Shutdown(); /* return any error code */ return r; }