CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats ( player_weapon_stats_id bigserial NOT NULL, player_id integer NOT NULL, game_id bigint NOT NULL, player_game_stat_id bigint NOT NULL, weapon_cd character varying(15) NOT NULL, actual integer NOT NULL default 0, max integer NOT NULL default 0, hit integer NOT NULL default 0, fired integer NOT NULL default 0, frags integer NOT NULL default 0, create_dt timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT (current_timestamp at time zone 'UTC'), CONSTRAINT player_weapon_stats_pk PRIMARY KEY (player_weapon_stats_id), CONSTRAINT player_weapon_stats_fk001 FOREIGN KEY (player_id) REFERENCES xonstat.players (player_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT player_weapon_stats_fk002 FOREIGN KEY (game_id) REFERENCES (game_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT player_weapon_stats_fk003 FOREIGN KEY (weapon_cd) REFERENCES xonstat.cd_weapon (weapon_cd) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT player_weapon_stats_fk004 FOREIGN KEY (player_game_stat_id) REFERENCES xonstat.player_game_stats (player_game_stat_id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_ix01 on player_weapon_stats(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_ix02 on player_weapon_stats(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2011Q2 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2011-04-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2011-07-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2011Q2_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2011Q2(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2011Q2_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2011Q2(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2011Q2 OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2011Q3 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2011-07-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2011-10-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2011Q3_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2011Q3(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2011Q3_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2011Q3(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2011Q3 OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2011Q4 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2011-10-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2012-01-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2011Q4_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2011Q4(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2011Q4_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2011Q4(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2011Q4 OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2012Q1 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2012-01-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2012-04-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2012Q1_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2012Q1(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2012Q1_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2012Q1(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2012Q1 OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2012Q2 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2012-04-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2012-07-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2012Q2_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2012Q2(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2012Q2_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2012Q2(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2012Q2 OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2012Q3 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2012-07-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2012-10-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2012Q3_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2012Q3(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2012Q3_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2012Q3(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2012Q3 OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2012Q4 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2012-10-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2013-01-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2012Q4_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2012Q4(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2012Q4_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2012Q4(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2012Q4 OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2013Q1 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2013-01-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2013-04-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2013Q1_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2013Q1(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2013Q1_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2013Q1(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2013Q1 OWNER TO xonstat; CREATE TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2013Q2 ( CHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '2013-04-01' AND create_dt < DATE '2013-07-01' ) ) INHERITS (player_weapon_stats); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2013Q2_ix01 on player_weapon_stats_2013Q2(create_dt); CREATE INDEX player_weap_stats_2013Q2_ix02 on player_weapon_stats_2013Q2(game_id); ALTER TABLE xonstat.player_weapon_stats_2013Q2 OWNER TO xonstat;