#include "quakedef.h" #include "protocol.h" static double anim_reducetime(double t, double frameduration, double maxtime) { if(t < 0) // clamp to non-negative return 0; if(t <= maxtime) // time can be represented normally return t; if(frameduration == 0) // don't like dividing by zero return t; if(maxtime <= 2 * frameduration) // if two frames don't fit, we better not do this return t; t -= frameduration * ceil((t - maxtime) / frameduration); // now maxtime - frameduration < t <= maxtime return t; } // see VM_SV_frameduration static double anim_frameduration(model_t *model, int framenum) { if (!model || !model->animscenes || framenum < 0 || framenum >= model->numframes) return 0; if(model->animscenes[framenum].framerate) return model->animscenes[framenum].framecount / model->animscenes[framenum].framerate; return 0; } void EntityFrame5_FreeDatabase(entityframe5_database_t *d) { // all the [maxedicts] memory is allocated at once, so there's only one // thing to free if (d->maxedicts) Mem_Free(d->deltabits); Mem_Free(d); } static void EntityFrame5_ExpandEdicts(entityframe5_database_t *d, int newmax) { if (d->maxedicts < newmax) { unsigned char *data; int oldmaxedicts = d->maxedicts; int *olddeltabits = d->deltabits; unsigned char *oldpriorities = d->priorities; int *oldupdateframenum = d->updateframenum; entity_state_t *oldstates = d->states; unsigned char *oldvisiblebits = d->visiblebits; d->maxedicts = newmax; data = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(sv_mempool, d->maxedicts * sizeof(int) + d->maxedicts * sizeof(unsigned char) + d->maxedicts * sizeof(int) + d->maxedicts * sizeof(entity_state_t) + (d->maxedicts+7)/8 * sizeof(unsigned char)); d->deltabits = (int *)data;data += d->maxedicts * sizeof(int); d->priorities = (unsigned char *)data;data += d->maxedicts * sizeof(unsigned char); d->updateframenum = (int *)data;data += d->maxedicts * sizeof(int); d->states = (entity_state_t *)data;data += d->maxedicts * sizeof(entity_state_t); d->visiblebits = (unsigned char *)data;data += (d->maxedicts+7)/8 * sizeof(unsigned char); if (oldmaxedicts) { memcpy(d->deltabits, olddeltabits, oldmaxedicts * sizeof(int)); memcpy(d->priorities, oldpriorities, oldmaxedicts * sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(d->updateframenum, oldupdateframenum, oldmaxedicts * sizeof(int)); memcpy(d->states, oldstates, oldmaxedicts * sizeof(entity_state_t)); memcpy(d->visiblebits, oldvisiblebits, (oldmaxedicts+7)/8 * sizeof(unsigned char)); // the previous buffers were a single allocation, so just one free Mem_Free(olddeltabits); } } } static int EntityState5_Priority(entityframe5_database_t *d, int stateindex) { int limit, priority; entity_state_t *s = NULL; // hush compiler warning by initializing this // if it is the player, update urgently if (stateindex == d->viewentnum) return ENTITYFRAME5_PRIORITYLEVELS - 1; // priority increases each frame no matter what happens priority = d->priorities[stateindex] + 1; // players get an extra priority boost if (stateindex <= svs.maxclients) priority++; // remove dead entities very quickly because they are just 2 bytes if (d->states[stateindex].active != ACTIVE_NETWORK) { priority++; return bound(1, priority, ENTITYFRAME5_PRIORITYLEVELS - 1); } // certain changes are more noticable than others if (d->deltabits[stateindex] & (E5_FULLUPDATE | E5_ATTACHMENT | E5_MODEL | E5_FLAGS | E5_COLORMAP)) priority++; // find the root entity this one is attached to, and judge relevance by it for (limit = 0;limit < 256;limit++) { s = d->states + stateindex; if (s->flags & RENDER_VIEWMODEL) stateindex = d->viewentnum; else if (s->tagentity) stateindex = s->tagentity; else break; if (d->maxedicts < stateindex) EntityFrame5_ExpandEdicts(d, (stateindex+256)&~255); } if (limit >= 256) Con_DPrintf("Protocol: Runaway loop recursing tagentity links on entity %i\n", stateindex); // now that we have the parent entity we can make some decisions based on // distance from the player if (VectorDistance(d->states[d->viewentnum].netcenter, s->netcenter) < 1024.0f) priority++; return bound(1, priority, ENTITYFRAME5_PRIORITYLEVELS - 1); } static int EntityState5_DeltaBits(const entity_state_t *o, const entity_state_t *n) { unsigned int bits = 0; if (n->active == ACTIVE_NETWORK) { if (o->active != ACTIVE_NETWORK) bits |= E5_FULLUPDATE; if (!VectorCompare(o->origin, n->origin)) bits |= E5_ORIGIN; if (!VectorCompare(o->angles, n->angles)) bits |= E5_ANGLES; if (o->modelindex != n->modelindex) bits |= E5_MODEL; if (o->frame != n->frame) bits |= E5_FRAME; if (o->skin != n->skin) bits |= E5_SKIN; if (o->effects != n->effects) bits |= E5_EFFECTS; if (o->flags != n->flags) bits |= E5_FLAGS; if (o->alpha != n->alpha) bits |= E5_ALPHA; if (o->scale != n->scale) bits |= E5_SCALE; if (o->colormap != n->colormap) bits |= E5_COLORMAP; if (o->tagentity != n->tagentity || o->tagindex != n->tagindex) bits |= E5_ATTACHMENT; if (o->light[0] != n->light[0] || o->light[1] != n->light[1] || o->light[2] != n->light[2] || o->light[3] != n->light[3] || o->lightstyle != n->lightstyle || o->lightpflags != n->lightpflags) bits |= E5_LIGHT; if (o->glowsize != n->glowsize || o->glowcolor != n->glowcolor) bits |= E5_GLOW; if (o->colormod[0] != n->colormod[0] || o->colormod[1] != n->colormod[1] || o->colormod[2] != n->colormod[2]) bits |= E5_COLORMOD; if (o->glowmod[0] != n->glowmod[0] || o->glowmod[1] != n->glowmod[1] || o->glowmod[2] != n->glowmod[2]) bits |= E5_GLOWMOD; if (n->flags & RENDER_COMPLEXANIMATION) { if ((o->skeletonobject.model && o->skeletonobject.relativetransforms) != (n->skeletonobject.model && n->skeletonobject.relativetransforms)) { bits |= E5_COMPLEXANIMATION; } else if (o->skeletonobject.model && o->skeletonobject.relativetransforms) { if(o->modelindex != n->modelindex) bits |= E5_COMPLEXANIMATION; else if(o->skeletonobject.model->num_bones != n->skeletonobject.model->num_bones) bits |= E5_COMPLEXANIMATION; else if(memcmp(o->skeletonobject.relativetransforms, n->skeletonobject.relativetransforms, o->skeletonobject.model->num_bones * sizeof(*o->skeletonobject.relativetransforms))) bits |= E5_COMPLEXANIMATION; } else if (memcmp(o->framegroupblend, n->framegroupblend, sizeof(o->framegroupblend))) { bits |= E5_COMPLEXANIMATION; } } if (o->traileffectnum != n->traileffectnum) bits |= E5_TRAILEFFECTNUM; if (o->solid != n->solid) bits |= E5_SOLID; } else if (o->active == ACTIVE_NETWORK) bits |= E5_FULLUPDATE; return bits; } void EntityState5_WriteUpdate(int number, const entity_state_t *s, int changedbits, sizebuf_t *msg) { prvm_prog_t *prog = SVVM_prog; unsigned int bits = 0; //model_t *model; if (s->active != ACTIVE_NETWORK) { ENTITYSIZEPROFILING_START(msg, s->number, 0); MSG_WriteShort(msg, number | 0x8000); ENTITYSIZEPROFILING_END(msg, s->number, 0); } else { if (PRVM_serveredictfunction((&prog->edicts[s->number]), SendEntity)) return; bits = changedbits; if ((bits & E5_ORIGIN) && (!(s->flags & RENDER_LOWPRECISION) || s->exteriormodelforclient || s->tagentity || s->viewmodelforclient || (s->number >= 1 && s->number <= svs.maxclients) || s->origin[0] <= -4096.0625 || s->origin[0] >= 4095.9375 || s->origin[1] <= -4096.0625 || s->origin[1] >= 4095.9375 || s->origin[2] <= -4096.0625 || s->origin[2] >= 4095.9375)) // maybe also add: ((model = SV_GetModelByIndex(s->modelindex)) != NULL && model->name[0] == '*') bits |= E5_ORIGIN32; // possible values: // negative origin: // (int)(f * 8 - 0.5) >= -32768 // (f * 8 - 0.5) > -32769 // f > -4096.0625 // positive origin: // (int)(f * 8 + 0.5) <= 32767 // (f * 8 + 0.5) < 32768 // f * 8 + 0.5) < 4095.9375 if ((bits & E5_ANGLES) && !(s->flags & RENDER_LOWPRECISION)) bits |= E5_ANGLES16; if ((bits & E5_MODEL) && s->modelindex >= 256) bits |= E5_MODEL16; if ((bits & E5_FRAME) && s->frame >= 256) bits |= E5_FRAME16; if (bits & E5_EFFECTS) { if (s->effects & 0xFFFF0000) bits |= E5_EFFECTS32; else if (s->effects & 0xFFFFFF00) bits |= E5_EFFECTS16; } if (bits >= 256) bits |= E5_EXTEND1; if (bits >= 65536) bits |= E5_EXTEND2; if (bits >= 16777216) bits |= E5_EXTEND3; { ENTITYSIZEPROFILING_START(msg, s->number, bits); MSG_WriteShort(msg, number); MSG_WriteByte(msg, bits & 0xFF); if (bits & E5_EXTEND1) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 8) & 0xFF); if (bits & E5_EXTEND2) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 16) & 0xFF); if (bits & E5_EXTEND3) MSG_WriteByte(msg, (bits >> 24) & 0xFF); if (bits & E5_FLAGS) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->flags); if (bits & E5_ORIGIN) { if (bits & E5_ORIGIN32) { MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->origin[0]); MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->origin[1]); MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->origin[2]); } else { MSG_WriteCoord13i(msg, s->origin[0]); MSG_WriteCoord13i(msg, s->origin[1]); MSG_WriteCoord13i(msg, s->origin[2]); } } if (bits & E5_ANGLES) { if (bits & E5_ANGLES16) { MSG_WriteAngle16i(msg, s->angles[0]); MSG_WriteAngle16i(msg, s->angles[1]); MSG_WriteAngle16i(msg, s->angles[2]); } else { MSG_WriteAngle8i(msg, s->angles[0]); MSG_WriteAngle8i(msg, s->angles[1]); MSG_WriteAngle8i(msg, s->angles[2]); } } if (bits & E5_MODEL) { if (bits & E5_MODEL16) MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->modelindex); else MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->modelindex); } if (bits & E5_FRAME) { if (bits & E5_FRAME16) MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->frame); else MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->frame); } if (bits & E5_SKIN) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->skin); if (bits & E5_EFFECTS) { if (bits & E5_EFFECTS32) MSG_WriteLong(msg, s->effects); else if (bits & E5_EFFECTS16) MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->effects); else MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->effects); } if (bits & E5_ALPHA) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->alpha); if (bits & E5_SCALE) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->scale); if (bits & E5_COLORMAP) MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->colormap); if (bits & E5_ATTACHMENT) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->tagentity); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->tagindex); } if (bits & E5_LIGHT) { MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->light[0]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->light[1]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->light[2]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->light[3]); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->lightstyle); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->lightpflags); } if (bits & E5_GLOW) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowsize); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowcolor); } if (bits & E5_COLORMOD) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->colormod[0]); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->colormod[1]); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->colormod[2]); } if (bits & E5_GLOWMOD) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowmod[0]); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowmod[1]); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->glowmod[2]); } if (bits & E5_COMPLEXANIMATION) { if (s->skeletonobject.model && s->skeletonobject.relativetransforms) { int numbones = s->skeletonobject.model->num_bones; int bonenum; short pose7s[7]; MSG_WriteByte(msg, 4); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->modelindex); MSG_WriteByte(msg, numbones); for (bonenum = 0;bonenum < numbones;bonenum++) { Matrix4x4_ToBonePose7s(s->skeletonobject.relativetransforms + bonenum, 64, pose7s); MSG_WriteShort(msg, pose7s[0]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, pose7s[1]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, pose7s[2]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, pose7s[3]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, pose7s[4]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, pose7s[5]); MSG_WriteShort(msg, pose7s[6]); } } else { model_t *model = SV_GetModelByIndex(s->modelindex); if (s->framegroupblend[3].lerp > 0) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, 3); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[0].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[1].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[2].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[3].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[0].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[0].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[1].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[1].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[2].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[2].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[3].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[3].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[0].lerp * 255.0f); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[1].lerp * 255.0f); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[2].lerp * 255.0f); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[3].lerp * 255.0f); } else if (s->framegroupblend[2].lerp > 0) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, 2); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[0].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[1].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[2].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[0].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[0].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[1].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[1].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[2].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[2].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[0].lerp * 255.0f); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[1].lerp * 255.0f); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[2].lerp * 255.0f); } else if (s->framegroupblend[1].lerp > 0) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, 1); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[0].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[1].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[0].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[0].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[1].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[1].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[0].lerp * 255.0f); MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->framegroupblend[1].lerp * 255.0f); } else { MSG_WriteByte(msg, 0); MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->framegroupblend[0].frame); MSG_WriteShort(msg, (int)(anim_reducetime(sv.time - s->framegroupblend[0].start, anim_frameduration(model, s->framegroupblend[0].frame), 65.535) * 1000.0)); } } } if (bits & E5_TRAILEFFECTNUM) MSG_WriteShort(msg, s->traileffectnum); if (bits & E5_SOLID) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, s->solid); if (s->solid != SOLID_NOT && s->solid != SOLID_BSP) { MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->mins[0]); MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->mins[1]); MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->mins[2]); MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->maxs[0]); MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->maxs[1]); MSG_WriteCoord32f(msg, s->maxs[2]); } } ENTITYSIZEPROFILING_END(msg, s->number, bits); } } } qbool EntityFrame5_WriteFrame(sizebuf_t *msg, int maxsize, entityframe5_database_t *d, int numstates, const entity_state_t **states, int viewentnum, unsigned int movesequence, qbool need_empty) { prvm_prog_t *prog = SVVM_prog; const entity_state_t *n; int i, num, l, framenum, packetlognumber, priority; sizebuf_t buf; unsigned char data[128]; entityframe5_packetlog_t *packetlog; if (prog->max_edicts > d->maxedicts) EntityFrame5_ExpandEdicts(d, prog->max_edicts); framenum = d->latestframenum + 1; d->viewentnum = viewentnum; // if packet log is full, mark all frames as lost, this will cause // it to send the lost data again for (packetlognumber = 0;packetlognumber < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS;packetlognumber++) if (d->packetlog[packetlognumber].packetnumber == 0) break; if (packetlognumber == ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS) { Con_DPrintf("EntityFrame5_WriteFrame: packetlog overflow for a client, resetting\n"); EntityFrame5_LostFrame(d, framenum); packetlognumber = 0; } // prepare the buffer memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf.data = data; buf.maxsize = sizeof(data); // detect changes in states num = 1; for (i = 0;i < numstates;i++) { n = states[i]; // mark gaps in entity numbering as removed entities for (;num < n->number;num++) { // if the entity used to exist, clear it if (CHECKPVSBIT(d->visiblebits, num)) { CLEARPVSBIT(d->visiblebits, num); d->deltabits[num] = E5_FULLUPDATE; d->priorities[num] = max(d->priorities[num], 8); // removal is cheap d->states[num] = defaultstate; d->states[num].number = num; } } // update the entity state data if (!CHECKPVSBIT(d->visiblebits, num)) { // entity just spawned in, don't let it completely hog priority // because of being ancient on the first frame d->updateframenum[num] = framenum; // initial priority is a bit high to make projectiles send on the // first frame, among other things d->priorities[num] = max(d->priorities[num], 4); } SETPVSBIT(d->visiblebits, num); d->deltabits[num] |= EntityState5_DeltaBits(d->states + num, n); d->priorities[num] = max(d->priorities[num], 1); d->states[num] = *n; d->states[num].number = num; // advance to next entity so the next iteration doesn't immediately remove it num++; } // all remaining entities are dead for (;num < d->maxedicts;num++) { if (CHECKPVSBIT(d->visiblebits, num)) { CLEARPVSBIT(d->visiblebits, num); d->deltabits[num] = E5_FULLUPDATE; d->priorities[num] = max(d->priorities[num], 8); // removal is cheap d->states[num] = defaultstate; d->states[num].number = num; } } // if there isn't at least enough room for an empty svc_entities, // don't bother trying... if (buf.cursize + 11 > buf.maxsize) return false; // build lists of entities by priority level memset(d->prioritychaincounts, 0, sizeof(d->prioritychaincounts)); l = 0; for (num = 0;num < d->maxedicts;num++) { if (d->priorities[num]) { if (d->deltabits[num]) { if (d->priorities[num] < (ENTITYFRAME5_PRIORITYLEVELS - 1)) d->priorities[num] = EntityState5_Priority(d, num); l = num; priority = d->priorities[num]; if (d->prioritychaincounts[priority] < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXSTATES) d->prioritychains[priority][d->prioritychaincounts[priority]++] = num; } else d->priorities[num] = 0; } } packetlog = NULL; // write stat updates if (sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_QUAKE && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP2 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_NEHAHRABJP3 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES5) { for (i = 0;i < MAX_CL_STATS && msg->cursize + 6 + 11 <= maxsize;i++) { if (host_client->statsdeltabits[i>>3] & (1<<(i&7))) { host_client->statsdeltabits[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); // add packetlog entry now that we have something for it if (!packetlog) { packetlog = d->packetlog + packetlognumber; packetlog->packetnumber = framenum; packetlog->numstates = 0; memset(packetlog->statsdeltabits, 0, sizeof(packetlog->statsdeltabits)); } packetlog->statsdeltabits[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); if (host_client->stats[i] >= 0 && host_client->stats[i] < 256) { MSG_WriteByte(msg, svc_updatestatubyte); MSG_WriteByte(msg, i); MSG_WriteByte(msg, host_client->stats[i]); l = 1; } else { MSG_WriteByte(msg, svc_updatestat); MSG_WriteByte(msg, i); MSG_WriteLong(msg, host_client->stats[i]); l = 1; } } } } // only send empty svc_entities frame if needed if(!l && !need_empty) return false; // add packetlog entry now that we have something for it if (!packetlog) { packetlog = d->packetlog + packetlognumber; packetlog->packetnumber = framenum; packetlog->numstates = 0; memset(packetlog->statsdeltabits, 0, sizeof(packetlog->statsdeltabits)); } // write state updates if (developer_networkentities.integer >= 10) Con_Printf("send: svc_entities %i\n", framenum); d->latestframenum = framenum; MSG_WriteByte(msg, svc_entities); MSG_WriteLong(msg, framenum); if (sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_QUAKE && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_QUAKEDP && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_NEHAHRAMOVIE && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES1 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES2 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES3 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES5 && sv.protocol != PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES6) MSG_WriteLong(msg, movesequence); for (priority = ENTITYFRAME5_PRIORITYLEVELS - 1;priority >= 0 && packetlog->numstates < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXSTATES;priority--) { for (i = 0;i < d->prioritychaincounts[priority] && packetlog->numstates < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXSTATES;i++) { num = d->prioritychains[priority][i]; n = d->states + num; if (d->deltabits[num] & E5_FULLUPDATE) d->deltabits[num] = E5_FULLUPDATE | EntityState5_DeltaBits(&defaultstate, n); buf.cursize = 0; EntityState5_WriteUpdate(num, n, d->deltabits[num], &buf); // if the entity won't fit, try the next one if (msg->cursize + buf.cursize + 2 > maxsize) continue; // write entity to the packet SZ_Write(msg, buf.data, buf.cursize); // mark age on entity for prioritization d->updateframenum[num] = framenum; // log entity so deltabits can be restored later if lost packetlog->states[packetlog->numstates].number = num; packetlog->states[packetlog->numstates].bits = d->deltabits[num]; packetlog->numstates++; // clear deltabits and priority so it won't be sent again d->deltabits[num] = 0; d->priorities[num] = 0; } } MSG_WriteShort(msg, 0x8000); return true; } entityframe5_database_t *EntityFrame5_AllocDatabase(mempool_t *pool) { int i; entityframe5_database_t *d; d = (entityframe5_database_t *)Mem_Alloc(pool, sizeof(*d)); d->latestframenum = 0; for (i = 0;i < d->maxedicts;i++) d->states[i] = defaultstate; return d; } static int packetlog5cmp(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const entityframe5_packetlog_t *a = (const entityframe5_packetlog_t *) a_; const entityframe5_packetlog_t *b = (const entityframe5_packetlog_t *) b_; return a->packetnumber - b->packetnumber; } void EntityFrame5_LostFrame(entityframe5_database_t *d, int framenum) { int i, j, l, bits; entityframe5_changestate_t *s; entityframe5_packetlog_t *p; static unsigned char statsdeltabits[(MAX_CL_STATS+7)/8]; static int deltabits[MAX_EDICTS]; entityframe5_packetlog_t *packetlogs[ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS]; for (i = 0, p = d->packetlog;i < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS;i++, p++) packetlogs[i] = p; qsort(packetlogs, sizeof(*packetlogs), ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS, packetlog5cmp); memset(deltabits, 0, sizeof(deltabits)); memset(statsdeltabits, 0, sizeof(statsdeltabits)); for (i = 0; i < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS; i++) { p = packetlogs[i]; if (!p->packetnumber) continue; if (p->packetnumber <= framenum) { for (j = 0, s = p->states;j < p->numstates;j++, s++) deltabits[s->number] |= s->bits; for (l = 0;l < (MAX_CL_STATS+7)/8;l++) statsdeltabits[l] |= p->statsdeltabits[l]; p->packetnumber = 0; } else { for (j = 0, s = p->states;j < p->numstates;j++, s++) deltabits[s->number] &= ~s->bits; for (l = 0;l < (MAX_CL_STATS+7)/8;l++) statsdeltabits[l] &= ~p->statsdeltabits[l]; } } for(i = 0; i < d->maxedicts; ++i) { bits = deltabits[i] & ~d->deltabits[i]; if(bits) { d->deltabits[i] |= bits; // if it was a very important update, set priority higher if (bits & (E5_FULLUPDATE | E5_ATTACHMENT | E5_MODEL | E5_COLORMAP)) d->priorities[i] = max(d->priorities[i], 4); else d->priorities[i] = max(d->priorities[i], 1); } } for (l = 0;l < (MAX_CL_STATS+7)/8;l++) host_client->statsdeltabits[l] |= statsdeltabits[l]; // no need to mask out the already-set bits here, as we do not // do that priorities stuff } void EntityFrame5_AckFrame(entityframe5_database_t *d, int framenum) { int i; // scan for packets made obsolete by this ack and delete them for (i = 0;i < ENTITYFRAME5_MAXPACKETLOGS;i++) if (d->packetlog[i].packetnumber <= framenum) d->packetlog[i].packetnumber = 0; }