/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // snd_coreaudio.c // all other sound mixing is portable #include #include #include "quakedef.h" #include "snd_main.h" // BUFFER_SIZE must be an even multiple of CHUNK_SIZE #define CHUNK_SIZE 2048 #define BUFFER_SIZE 16384 static unsigned int submissionChunk; static unsigned int maxMixedSamples; static short *s_mixedSamples; static int s_chunkCount; // number of chunks submitted static qboolean s_isRunning; static AudioDeviceID outputDeviceID; static AudioStreamBasicDescription outputStreamBasicDescription; /* =============== audioDeviceIOProc =============== */ OSStatus audioDeviceIOProc(AudioDeviceID inDevice, const AudioTimeStamp *inNow, const AudioBufferList *inInputData, const AudioTimeStamp *inInputTime, AudioBufferList *outOutputData, const AudioTimeStamp *inOutputTime, void *inClientData) { int offset; short *samples; unsigned int sampleIndex; float *outBuffer; float scale; offset = (s_chunkCount * submissionChunk) % maxMixedSamples; samples = s_mixedSamples + offset; outBuffer = (float *)outOutputData->mBuffers[0].mData; // If we have run out of samples, return silence if (s_chunkCount * submissionChunk > shm->format.channels * paintedtime) { memset(outBuffer, 0, sizeof(*outBuffer) * submissionChunk); } else { // Convert the samples from shorts to floats. Scale the floats to be [-1..1]. scale = (1.0f / SHRT_MAX); for (sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < submissionChunk; sampleIndex++) outBuffer[sampleIndex] = samples[sampleIndex] * scale; s_chunkCount++; // this is the next buffer we will submit } return 0; } /* =============== SNDDMA_Init =============== */ qboolean SNDDMA_Init(void) { OSStatus status; UInt32 propertySize, bufferByteCount; if (s_isRunning) return true; Con_Printf("Initializing CoreAudio...\n"); // Get the output device propertySize = sizeof(outputDeviceID); status = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, &propertySize, &outputDeviceID); if (status) { Con_Printf("AudioHardwareGetProperty returned %d\n", status); return false; } if (outputDeviceID == kAudioDeviceUnknown) { Con_Printf("AudioHardwareGetProperty: outputDeviceID is kAudioDeviceUnknown\n"); return false; } // Configure the output device // TODO: support "-sndspeed", "-sndmono" and "-sndstereo" propertySize = sizeof(bufferByteCount); bufferByteCount = CHUNK_SIZE * sizeof(float); status = AudioDeviceSetProperty(outputDeviceID, NULL, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize, propertySize, &bufferByteCount); if (status) { Con_Printf("AudioDeviceSetProperty: returned %d when setting kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize to %d\n", status, CHUNK_SIZE); return false; } propertySize = sizeof(bufferByteCount); status = AudioDeviceGetProperty(outputDeviceID, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize, &propertySize, &bufferByteCount); if (status) { Con_Printf("AudioDeviceGetProperty: returned %d when setting kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize\n", status); return false; } submissionChunk = bufferByteCount / sizeof(float); Con_DPrintf(" Chunk size = %d samples\n", submissionChunk); // Print out the device status propertySize = sizeof(outputStreamBasicDescription); status = AudioDeviceGetProperty(outputDeviceID, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat, &propertySize, &outputStreamBasicDescription); if (status) { Con_Printf("AudioDeviceGetProperty: returned %d when getting kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat\n", status); return false; } Con_DPrintf(" Hardware format:\n"); Con_DPrintf(" %5d mSampleRate\n", (unsigned int)outputStreamBasicDescription.mSampleRate); Con_DPrintf(" %c%c%c%c mFormatID\n", (outputStreamBasicDescription.mFormatID & 0xff000000) >> 24, (outputStreamBasicDescription.mFormatID & 0x00ff0000) >> 16, (outputStreamBasicDescription.mFormatID & 0x0000ff00) >> 8, (outputStreamBasicDescription.mFormatID & 0x000000ff) >> 0); Con_DPrintf(" %5d mBytesPerPacket\n", outputStreamBasicDescription.mBytesPerPacket); Con_DPrintf(" %5d mFramesPerPacket\n", outputStreamBasicDescription.mFramesPerPacket); Con_DPrintf(" %5d mBytesPerFrame\n", outputStreamBasicDescription.mBytesPerFrame); Con_DPrintf(" %5d mChannelsPerFrame\n", outputStreamBasicDescription.mChannelsPerFrame); Con_DPrintf(" %5d mBitsPerChannel\n", outputStreamBasicDescription.mBitsPerChannel); if(outputStreamBasicDescription.mFormatID != kAudioFormatLinearPCM) { Con_Printf("Default Audio Device doesn't support Linear PCM!\n"); return false; } // Start sound running status = AudioDeviceAddIOProc(outputDeviceID, audioDeviceIOProc, NULL); if (status) { Con_Printf("AudioDeviceAddIOProc: returned %d\n", status); return false; } maxMixedSamples = BUFFER_SIZE; s_mixedSamples = Mem_Alloc (snd_mempool, sizeof(*s_mixedSamples) * maxMixedSamples); Con_DPrintf(" Buffer size = %d samples (%d chunks)\n", maxMixedSamples, (maxMixedSamples / submissionChunk)); // Tell the main app what we expect from it memset ((void*)shm, 0, sizeof (*shm)); shm->format.speed = outputStreamBasicDescription.mSampleRate; shm->format.channels = outputStreamBasicDescription.mChannelsPerFrame; shm->format.width = 2; shm->samples = maxMixedSamples; shm->buffer = (qbyte *)s_mixedSamples; shm->samplepos = 0; // We haven't enqueued anything yet s_chunkCount = 0; status = AudioDeviceStart(outputDeviceID, audioDeviceIOProc); if (status) { Con_Printf("AudioDeviceStart: returned %d\n", status); return false; } s_isRunning = true; Con_Printf(" Initialization successful\n"); return true; } /* =============== SNDDMA_GetDMAPos return the current sample position (in mono samples read) inside the recirculating dma buffer, so the mixing code will know how many sample are required to fill it up. =============== */ int SNDDMA_GetDMAPos(void) { return (s_chunkCount * submissionChunk) % shm->samples; } /* =============== SNDDMA_Shutdown Reset the sound device for exiting =============== */ void SNDDMA_Shutdown(void) { OSStatus status; if (!s_isRunning) return; status = AudioDeviceStop(outputDeviceID, audioDeviceIOProc); if (status) { Con_Printf("AudioDeviceStop: returned %d\n", status); return; } s_isRunning = false; status = AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc(outputDeviceID, audioDeviceIOProc); if (status) { Con_Printf("AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc: returned %d\n", status); return; } Mem_Free(s_mixedSamples); s_mixedSamples = NULL; shm->samples = NULL; } /* =============== SNDDMA_Submit =============== */ void SNDDMA_Submit(void) { // nothing to do (CoreAudio is callback-based) } /* =============== S_LockBuffer =============== */ void *S_LockBuffer(void) { // not necessary (just return the buffer) return shm->buffer; } /* =============== S_UnlockBuffer =============== */ void S_UnlockBuffer(void) { // not necessary }