/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef RENDER_H #define RENDER_H #include "svbsp.h" // 1.0f / N table extern float ixtable[4096]; // fog stuff extern void FOG_clear(void); // sky stuff extern cvar_t r_sky; extern cvar_t r_skyscroll1; extern cvar_t r_skyscroll2; extern int skyrendernow, skyrendermasked; extern int R_SetSkyBox(const char *sky); extern void R_SkyStartFrame(void); extern void R_Sky(void); extern void R_ResetSkyBox(void); // SHOWLMP stuff (Nehahra) extern void SHOWLMP_decodehide(void); extern void SHOWLMP_decodeshow(void); extern void SHOWLMP_drawall(void); // render profiling stuff extern int r_timereport_active; // lighting stuff extern cvar_t r_ambient; extern cvar_t gl_flashblend; // vis stuff extern cvar_t r_novis; extern cvar_t r_lerpsprites; extern cvar_t r_lerpmodels; extern cvar_t r_lerplightstyles; extern cvar_t r_waterscroll; extern cvar_t developer_texturelogging; // shadow volume bsp struct with automatically growing nodes buffer extern svbsp_t r_svbsp; typedef struct rmesh_s { // vertices of this mesh int maxvertices; int numvertices; float *vertex3f; float *svector3f; float *tvector3f; float *normal3f; float *texcoord2f; float *texcoordlightmap2f; float *color4f; // triangles of this mesh int maxtriangles; int numtriangles; int *element3i; int *neighbor3i; // snapping epsilon float epsilon2; } rmesh_t; // useful functions for rendering void R_ModulateColors(float *in, float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b); void R_FillColors(float *out, int verts, float r, float g, float b, float a); int R_Mesh_AddVertex3f(rmesh_t *mesh, const float *v); void R_Mesh_AddPolygon3f(rmesh_t *mesh, int numvertices, float *vertex3f); void R_Mesh_AddBrushMeshFromPlanes(rmesh_t *mesh, int numplanes, mplane_t *planes); #define TOP_RANGE 16 // soldier uniform colors #define BOTTOM_RANGE 96 //============================================================================= extern cvar_t r_nearclip; // forces all rendering to draw triangle outlines extern cvar_t r_showtris; extern cvar_t r_shownormals; extern cvar_t r_showlighting; extern cvar_t r_showshadowvolumes; extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes; extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor; extern cvar_t r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset; extern cvar_t r_showdisabledepthtest; // // view origin // extern cvar_t r_drawentities; extern cvar_t r_drawviewmodel; extern cvar_t r_speeds; extern cvar_t r_fullbright; extern cvar_t r_wateralpha; extern cvar_t r_dynamic; void R_Init(void); void R_UpdateVariables(void); // must call after setting up most of r_refdef, but before calling R_RenderView void R_RenderView(void); // must set r_refdef and call R_UpdateVariables first typedef enum r_refdef_scene_type_s { RST_CLIENT, RST_MENU, RST_COUNT } r_refdef_scene_type_t; void R_SelectScene( r_refdef_scene_type_t scenetype ); r_refdef_scene_t * R_GetScenePointer( r_refdef_scene_type_t scenetype ); void R_SkinFrame_PrepareForPurge(void); void R_SkinFrame_MarkUsed(skinframe_t *skinframe); void R_SkinFrame_Purge(void); // set last to NULL to start from the beginning skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_FindNextByName( skinframe_t *last, const char *name ); skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_Find(const char *name, int textureflags, int comparewidth, int compareheight, int comparecrc, qboolean add); skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal(const char *name, int textureflags, qboolean complain); skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadExternal_CheckAlpha(const char *name, int textureflags, qboolean complain, qboolean *has_alpha); skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalBGRA(const char *name, int textureflags, const unsigned char *skindata, int width, int height); skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadInternalQuake(const char *name, int textureflags, int loadpantsandshirt, int loadglowtexture, const unsigned char *skindata, int width, int height); skinframe_t *R_SkinFrame_LoadMissing(void); void R_View_WorldVisibility(qboolean forcenovis); void R_DrawDecals(void); void R_DrawParticles(void); void R_DrawExplosions(void); #define gl_solid_format 3 #define gl_alpha_format 4 int R_CullBox(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs); int R_CullBoxCustomPlanes(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int numplanes, const mplane_t *planes); #include "r_modules.h" #include "meshqueue.h" #include "r_lerpanim.h" extern cvar_t r_render; extern cvar_t r_waterwarp; extern cvar_t r_textureunits; extern cvar_t r_glsl; extern cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping; extern cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping; extern cvar_t r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale; extern cvar_t r_glsl_deluxemapping; extern cvar_t gl_polyblend; extern cvar_t gl_dither; extern cvar_t r_smoothnormals_areaweighting; extern cvar_t r_test; #include "gl_backend.h" extern rtexture_t *r_texture_blanknormalmap; extern rtexture_t *r_texture_white; extern rtexture_t *r_texture_grey128; extern rtexture_t *r_texture_black; extern rtexture_t *r_texture_notexture; extern rtexture_t *r_texture_whitecube; extern rtexture_t *r_texture_normalizationcube; extern rtexture_t *r_texture_fogattenuation; //extern rtexture_t *r_texture_fogintensity; #define R_MAX_OCCLUSION_QUERIES 4096 extern unsigned int r_queries[R_MAX_OCCLUSION_QUERIES]; extern unsigned int r_numqueries; extern unsigned int r_maxqueries; void R_TimeReport(char *name); // r_stain void R_Stain(const vec3_t origin, float radius, int cr1, int cg1, int cb1, int ca1, int cr2, int cg2, int cb2, int ca2); void R_CalcBeam_Vertex3f(float *vert, const vec3_t org1, const vec3_t org2, float width); void R_DrawSprite(int blendfunc1, int blendfunc2, rtexture_t *texture, rtexture_t *fogtexture, qboolean depthdisable, qboolean depthshort, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t left, const vec3_t up, float scalex1, float scalex2, float scaley1, float scaley2, float cr, float cg, float cb, float ca); extern mempool_t *r_main_mempool; typedef struct rsurfacestate_s { // processing buffers int array_size; float *array_modelvertex3f; float *array_modelsvector3f; float *array_modeltvector3f; float *array_modelnormal3f; float *array_deformedvertex3f; float *array_deformedsvector3f; float *array_deformedtvector3f; float *array_deformednormal3f; float *array_generatedtexcoordtexture2f; float *array_color4f; float *array_texcoord3f; // current model array pointers // these may point to processing buffers if model is animated, // otherwise they point to static data. // these are not directly used for rendering, they are just another level // of processing // // these either point at array_model* buffers (if the model is animated) // or the model->surfmesh.data_* buffers (if the model is not animated) // // these are only set when an entity render begins, they do not change on // a per surface basis. // // this indicates the model* arrays are pointed at array_model* buffers // (in other words, the model has been animated in software) qboolean generatedvertex; float *modelvertex3f; int modelvertex3f_bufferobject; size_t modelvertex3f_bufferoffset; float *modelsvector3f; int modelsvector3f_bufferobject; size_t modelsvector3f_bufferoffset; float *modeltvector3f; int modeltvector3f_bufferobject; size_t modeltvector3f_bufferoffset; float *modelnormal3f; int modelnormal3f_bufferobject; size_t modelnormal3f_bufferoffset; float *modellightmapcolor4f; int modellightmapcolor4f_bufferobject; size_t modellightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset; float *modeltexcoordtexture2f; int modeltexcoordtexture2f_bufferobject; size_t modeltexcoordtexture2f_bufferoffset; float *modeltexcoordlightmap2f; int modeltexcoordlightmap2f_bufferobject; size_t modeltexcoordlightmap2f_bufferoffset; int *modelelement3i; unsigned short *modelelement3s; int modelelement3i_bufferobject; int modelelement3s_bufferobject; int *modellightmapoffsets; int modelnum_vertices; int modelnum_triangles; msurface_t *modelsurfaces; // current rendering array pointers // these may point to any of several different buffers depending on how // much processing was needed to prepare this model for rendering // these usually equal the model* pointers, they only differ if // deformvertexes is used in a q3 shader, and consequently these can // change on a per-surface basis (according to rsurface.texture) // // the exception is the color array which is often generated based on // colormod, alpha fading, and fogging, it may also come from q3bsp vertex // lighting of certain surfaces float *vertex3f; int vertex3f_bufferobject; size_t vertex3f_bufferoffset; float *svector3f; int svector3f_bufferobject; size_t svector3f_bufferoffset; float *tvector3f; int tvector3f_bufferobject; size_t tvector3f_bufferoffset; float *normal3f; int normal3f_bufferobject; size_t normal3f_bufferoffset; float *lightmapcolor4f; int lightmapcolor4f_bufferobject; size_t lightmapcolor4f_bufferoffset; float *texcoordtexture2f; int texcoordtexture2f_bufferobject; size_t texcoordtexture2f_bufferoffset; float *texcoordlightmap2f; int texcoordlightmap2f_bufferobject; size_t texcoordlightmap2f_bufferoffset; // transform matrices to render this entity and effects on this entity matrix4x4_t matrix; matrix4x4_t inversematrix; // animation blending state from entity frameblend_t frameblend[4]; // directional model shading state from entity vec3_t modellight_ambient; vec3_t modellight_diffuse; vec3_t modellight_lightdir; // colormapping state from entity (these are black if colormapping is off) vec3_t colormap_pantscolor; vec3_t colormap_shirtcolor; // view location in model space vec3_t modelorg; // TODO: rename this // polygon offset data for submodels float basepolygonfactor; float basepolygonoffset; // current texture in batching code texture_t *texture; // whether lightmapping is active on this batch // (otherwise vertex colored) qboolean uselightmaptexture; // rtlight rendering // light currently being rendered const rtlight_t *rtlight; // current light's cull box (copied out of an rtlight or calculated by GetLightInfo) vec3_t rtlight_cullmins; vec3_t rtlight_cullmaxs; // current light's culling planes int rtlight_numfrustumplanes; mplane_t rtlight_frustumplanes[12+6+6]; // see R_Shadow_ComputeShadowCasterCullingPlanes // this is the location of the light in entity space vec3_t entitylightorigin; // this transforms entity coordinates to light filter cubemap coordinates // (also often used for other purposes) matrix4x4_t entitytolight; // based on entitytolight this transforms -1 to +1 to 0 to 1 for purposes // of attenuation texturing in full 3D (Z result often ignored) matrix4x4_t entitytoattenuationxyz; // this transforms only the Z to S, and T is always 0.5 matrix4x4_t entitytoattenuationz; // pointer to an entity_render_t used only by R_GetCurrentTexture and // RSurf_ActiveWorldEntity/RSurf_ActiveModelEntity as a unique id within // each frame (see r_frame also) entity_render_t *entity; } rsurfacestate_t; extern rsurfacestate_t rsurface; void RSurf_ActiveWorldEntity(void); void RSurf_ActiveModelEntity(const entity_render_t *ent, qboolean wantnormals, qboolean wanttangents); void RSurf_SetupDepthAndCulling(void); void R_Mesh_ResizeArrays(int newvertices); texture_t *R_GetCurrentTexture(texture_t *t); void R_DrawWorldSurfaces(qboolean skysurfaces, qboolean writedepth, qboolean depthonly, qboolean debug); void R_DrawModelSurfaces(entity_render_t *ent, qboolean skysurfaces, qboolean writedepth, qboolean depthonly, qboolean debug); void R_AddWaterPlanes(entity_render_t *ent); void RSurf_PrepareVerticesForBatch(qboolean generatenormals, qboolean generatetangents, int texturenumsurfaces, msurface_t **texturesurfacelist); void RSurf_DrawBatch_Simple(int texturenumsurfaces, msurface_t **texturesurfacelist); typedef enum rsurfacepass_e { RSURFPASS_BASE, RSURFPASS_BACKGROUND, RSURFPASS_RTLIGHT } rsurfacepass_t; typedef enum gl20_texunit_e { // postprocess shaders, and generic shaders: GL20TU_FIRST = 0, GL20TU_SECOND = 1, GL20TU_GAMMARAMPS = 2, // standard material properties GL20TU_NORMAL = 0, GL20TU_COLOR = 1, GL20TU_GLOSS = 2, GL20TU_GLOW = 3, // material properties for a second material GL20TU_SECONDARY_NORMAL = 4, GL20TU_SECONDARY_COLOR = 5, GL20TU_SECONDARY_GLOSS = 6, GL20TU_SECONDARY_GLOW = 7, // material properties for a colormapped material // conflicts with secondary material GL20TU_PANTS = 4, GL20TU_SHIRT = 5, // fog fade in the distance GL20TU_FOGMASK = 8, // compiled ambient lightmap and deluxemap GL20TU_LIGHTMAP = 9, GL20TU_DELUXEMAP = 10, // refraction, used by water shaders GL20TU_REFRACTION = 3, // reflection, used by water shaders, also with normal material rendering // conflicts with secondary material GL20TU_REFLECTION = 7, // rtlight attenuation (distance fade) and cubemap filter (projection texturing) // conflicts with lightmap/deluxemap GL20TU_ATTENUATION = 9, GL20TU_CUBE = 10, } gl20_texunit; void R_SetupGenericShader(qboolean usetexture); void R_SetupGenericTwoTextureShader(int texturemode); void R_SetupDepthOrShadowShader(void); void R_SetupSurfaceShader(const vec3_t lightcolorbase, qboolean modellighting, float ambientscale, float diffusescale, float specularscale, rsurfacepass_t rsurfacepass); typedef struct r_waterstate_waterplane_s { rtexture_t *texture_refraction; rtexture_t *texture_reflection; mplane_t plane; int materialflags; // combined flags of all water surfaces on this plane unsigned char pvsbits[(32768+7)>>3]; // FIXME: buffer overflow on huge maps qboolean pvsvalid; } r_waterstate_waterplane_t; #define MAX_WATERPLANES 16 typedef struct r_waterstate_s { qboolean enabled; qboolean renderingscene; // true while rendering a refraction or reflection texture, disables water surfaces int waterwidth, waterheight; int texturewidth, textureheight; int maxwaterplanes; // same as MAX_WATERPLANES int numwaterplanes; r_waterstate_waterplane_t waterplanes[MAX_WATERPLANES]; float screenscale[2]; float screencenter[2]; } r_waterstate_t; extern r_waterstate_t r_waterstate; #endif