/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /*! \mainpage GtkRadiant Documentation Index \section intro_sec Introduction This documentation is generated from comments in the source code. \section links_sec Useful Links \link include/itextstream.h include/itextstream.h \endlink - Global output and error message streams, similar to std::cout and std::cerr. \n FileInputStream - similar to std::ifstream (binary mode) \n FileOutputStream - similar to std::ofstream (binary mode) \n TextFileInputStream - similar to std::ifstream (text mode) \n TextFileOutputStream - similar to std::ofstream (text mode) \n StringOutputStream - similar to std::stringstream \n \link string/string.h string/string.h \endlink - C-style string comparison and memory management. \n \link os/path.h os/path.h \endlink - Path manipulation for radiant's standard path format \n \link os/file.h os/file.h \endlink - OS file-system access. \n ::CopiedString - automatic string memory management \n Array - automatic array memory management \n HashTable - generic hashtable, similar to std::hash_map \n \link math/vector.h math/vector.h \endlink - Vectors \n \link math/matrix.h math/matrix.h \endlink - Matrices \n \link math/quaternion.h math/quaternion.h \endlink - Quaternions \n \link math/plane.h math/plane.h \endlink - Planes \n \link math/aabb.h math/aabb.h \endlink - AABBs \n Callback MemberCaller FunctionCaller - callbacks similar to using boost::function with boost::bind \n SmartPointer SmartReference - smart-pointer and smart-reference similar to Loki's SmartPtr \n \link generic/bitfield.h generic/bitfield.h \endlink - Type-safe bitfield \n \link generic/enumeration.h generic/enumeration.h \endlink - Type-safe enumeration \n DefaultAllocator - Memory allocation using new/delete, compliant with std::allocator interface \n \link debugging/debugging.h debugging/debugging.h \endlink - Debugging macros \n */ #include "main.h" #include "version.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include "iundo.h" #include #include "cmdlib.h" #include "os/file.h" #include "os/path.h" #include "stream/stringstream.h" #include "stream/textfilestream.h" #include "gtkutil/messagebox.h" #include "gtkutil/image.h" #include "console.h" #include "texwindow.h" #include "map.h" #include "mainframe.h" #include "commands.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "environment.h" #include "referencecache.h" #include "stacktrace.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif void show_splash(); void hide_splash(); void error_redirect( const gchar *domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data ){ gboolean in_recursion; gboolean is_fatal; char buf[256]; in_recursion = ( log_level & G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION ) != 0; is_fatal = ( log_level & G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL ) != 0; log_level = (GLogLevelFlags) ( log_level & G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK ); if ( !message ) { message = "(0) message"; } if ( domain ) { strcpy( buf, domain ); } else{ strcpy( buf, "**" ); } strcat( buf, "-" ); switch ( log_level ) { case G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: if ( in_recursion ) { strcat( buf, "ERROR (recursed) **: " ); } else{ strcat( buf, "ERROR **: " ); } break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL: if ( in_recursion ) { strcat( buf, "CRITICAL (recursed) **: " ); } else{ strcat( buf, "CRITICAL **: " ); } break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: if ( in_recursion ) { strcat( buf, "WARNING (recursed) **: " ); } else{ strcat( buf, "WARNING **: " ); } break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE: if ( in_recursion ) { strcat( buf, "Message (recursed): " ); } else{ strcat( buf, "Message: " ); } break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: if ( in_recursion ) { strcat( buf, "INFO (recursed): " ); } else{ strcat( buf, "INFO: " ); } break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: if ( in_recursion ) { strcat( buf, "DEBUG (recursed): " ); } else{ strcat( buf, "DEBUG: " ); } break; default: /* we are used for a log level that is not defined by GLib itself, * try to make the best out of it. */ if ( in_recursion ) { strcat( buf, "LOG (recursed:" ); } else{ strcat( buf, "LOG (" ); } if ( log_level ) { gchar string[] = "0x00): "; gchar *p = string + 2; guint i; i = g_bit_nth_msf( log_level, -1 ); *p = i >> 4; p++; *p = '0' + ( i & 0xf ); if ( *p > '9' ) { *p += 'A' - '9' - 1; } strcat( buf, string ); } else{ strcat( buf, "): " ); } } strcat( buf, message ); if ( is_fatal ) { strcat( buf, "\naborting...\n" ); } else{ strcat( buf, "\n" ); } // spam it... globalErrorStream() << buf << "\n"; // FIXME why are warnings is_fatal? #ifndef _DEBUG if ( is_fatal ) #endif ERROR_MESSAGE( "GTK+ error: " << buf ); } #if defined ( _DEBUG ) && defined ( WIN32 ) && defined ( _MSC_VER ) #include "crtdbg.h" #endif void crt_init(){ #if defined ( _DEBUG ) && defined ( WIN32 ) && defined ( _MSC_VER ) _CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #endif } class Lock { bool m_locked; public: Lock() : m_locked( false ){ } void lock(){ m_locked = true; } void unlock(){ m_locked = false; } bool locked() const { return m_locked; } }; class ScopedLock { Lock& m_lock; public: ScopedLock( Lock& lock ) : m_lock( lock ){ m_lock.lock(); } ~ScopedLock(){ m_lock.unlock(); } }; class LineLimitedTextOutputStream : public TextOutputStream { TextOutputStream& outputStream; std::size_t count; public: LineLimitedTextOutputStream( TextOutputStream& outputStream, std::size_t count ) : outputStream( outputStream ), count( count ){ } std::size_t write( const char* buffer, std::size_t length ){ if ( count != 0 ) { const char* p = buffer; const char* end = buffer + length; for (;; ) { p = std::find( p, end, '\n' ); if ( p == end ) { break; } ++p; if ( --count == 0 ) { length = p - buffer; break; } } outputStream.write( buffer, length ); } return length; } }; class PopupDebugMessageHandler : public DebugMessageHandler { StringOutputStream m_buffer; Lock m_lock; public: TextOutputStream& getOutputStream(){ if ( !m_lock.locked() ) { return m_buffer; } return globalErrorStream(); } bool handleMessage(){ getOutputStream() << "----------------\n"; LineLimitedTextOutputStream outputStream( getOutputStream(), 24 ); write_stack_trace( outputStream ); getOutputStream() << "----------------\n"; globalErrorStream() << m_buffer.c_str(); if ( !m_lock.locked() ) { ScopedLock lock( m_lock ); #if defined _DEBUG m_buffer << "Break into the debugger?\n"; bool handled = gtk_MessageBox( 0, m_buffer.c_str(), "Radiant - Runtime Error", eMB_YESNO, eMB_ICONERROR ) == eIDNO; m_buffer.clear(); return handled; #else m_buffer << "Please report this error to the developers\n"; gtk_MessageBox( 0, m_buffer.c_str(), "Radiant - Runtime Error", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONERROR ); m_buffer.clear(); #endif } return true; } }; typedef Static GlobalPopupDebugMessageHandler; void streams_init(){ GlobalErrorStream::instance().setOutputStream( getSysPrintErrorStream() ); GlobalOutputStream::instance().setOutputStream( getSysPrintOutputStream() ); } void paths_init(){ const char* home = environment_get_home_path(); Q_mkdir( home ); { StringOutputStream path( 256 ); path << home << "1." << RADIANT_MAJOR_VERSION "." << RADIANT_MINOR_VERSION << '/'; g_strSettingsPath = path.c_str(); } Q_mkdir( g_strSettingsPath.c_str() ); g_strAppPath = environment_get_app_path(); // radiant is installed in the parent dir of "tools/" // NOTE: this is not very easy for debugging // maybe add options to lookup in several places? // (for now I had to create symlinks) { StringOutputStream path( 256 ); path << g_strAppPath.c_str() << "bitmaps/"; BitmapsPath_set( path.c_str() ); } // we will set this right after the game selection is done g_strGameToolsPath = g_strAppPath; } bool check_version_file( const char* filename, const char* version ){ TextFileInputStream file( filename ); if ( !file.failed() ) { char buf[10]; buf[file.read( buf, 9 )] = '\0'; // chomp it (the hard way) int chomp = 0; while ( buf[chomp] >= '0' && buf[chomp] <= '9' ) chomp++; buf[chomp] = '\0'; return string_equal( buf, version ); } return false; } bool check_version(){ // a safe check to avoid people running broken installations // (otherwise, they run it, crash it, and blame us for not forcing them hard enough to pay attention while installing) // make something idiot proof and someone will make better idiots, this may be overkill // let's leave it disabled in debug mode in any case // http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=431 #ifndef _DEBUG #define CHECK_VERSION #endif #ifdef CHECK_VERSION // locate and open RADIANT_MAJOR and RADIANT_MINOR bool bVerIsGood = true; { StringOutputStream ver_file_name( 256 ); ver_file_name << AppPath_get() << "RADIANT_MAJOR"; bVerIsGood = check_version_file( ver_file_name.c_str(), RADIANT_MAJOR_VERSION ); } { StringOutputStream ver_file_name( 256 ); ver_file_name << AppPath_get() << "RADIANT_MINOR"; bVerIsGood = check_version_file( ver_file_name.c_str(), RADIANT_MINOR_VERSION ); } if ( !bVerIsGood ) { StringOutputStream msg( 256 ); msg << "This editor binary (" RADIANT_VERSION ") doesn't match what the latest setup has configured in this directory\n" "Make sure you run the right/latest editor binary you installed\n" << AppPath_get(); gtk_MessageBox( 0, msg.c_str(), "Radiant", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONDEFAULT ); } return bVerIsGood; #else return true; #endif } void create_global_pid(){ /*! the global prefs loading / game selection dialog might fail for any reason we don't know about we need to catch when it happens, to cleanup the stateful prefs which might be killing it and to turn on console logging for lookup of the problem this is the first part of the two step .pid system http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=297 */ StringOutputStream g_pidFile( 256 ); ///< the global .pid file (only for global part of the startup) g_pidFile << SettingsPath_get() << "radiant.pid"; FILE *pid; pid = fopen( g_pidFile.c_str(), "r" ); if ( pid != 0 ) { fclose( pid ); if ( remove( g_pidFile.c_str() ) == -1 ) { StringOutputStream msg( 256 ); msg << "WARNING: Could not delete " << g_pidFile.c_str(); gtk_MessageBox( 0, msg.c_str(), "Radiant", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONERROR ); } // in debug, never prompt to clean registry, turn console logging auto after a failed start #if !defined( _DEBUG ) StringOutputStream msg( 256 ); msg << "Radiant failed to start properly the last time it was run.\n" "The failure may be related to current global preferences.\n" "Do you want to reset global preferences to defaults?"; if ( gtk_MessageBox( 0, msg.c_str(), "Radiant - Startup Failure", eMB_YESNO, eMB_ICONQUESTION ) == eIDYES ) { g_GamesDialog.Reset(); } msg.clear(); msg << "Logging console output to " << SettingsPath_get() << "radiant.log\nRefer to the log if Radiant fails to start again."; gtk_MessageBox( 0, msg.c_str(), "Radiant - Console Log", eMB_OK ); #endif // set without saving, the class is not in a coherent state yet // just do the value change and call to start logging, CGamesDialog will pickup when relevant g_GamesDialog.m_bForceLogConsole = true; Sys_LogFile( true ); } // create a primary .pid for global init run pid = fopen( g_pidFile.c_str(), "w" ); if ( pid ) { fclose( pid ); } } void remove_global_pid(){ StringOutputStream g_pidFile( 256 ); g_pidFile << SettingsPath_get() << "radiant.pid"; // close the primary if ( remove( g_pidFile.c_str() ) == -1 ) { StringOutputStream msg( 256 ); msg << "WARNING: Could not delete " << g_pidFile.c_str(); gtk_MessageBox( 0, msg.c_str(), "Radiant", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONERROR ); } } /*! now the secondary game dependant .pid file http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=297 */ void create_local_pid(){ StringOutputStream g_pidGameFile( 256 ); ///< the game-specific .pid file g_pidGameFile << SettingsPath_get() << g_pGameDescription->mGameFile.c_str() << "/radiant-game.pid"; FILE *pid = fopen( g_pidGameFile.c_str(), "r" ); if ( pid != 0 ) { fclose( pid ); if ( remove( g_pidGameFile.c_str() ) == -1 ) { StringOutputStream msg; msg << "WARNING: Could not delete " << g_pidGameFile.c_str(); gtk_MessageBox( 0, msg.c_str(), "Radiant", eMB_OK, eMB_ICONERROR ); } // in debug, never prompt to clean registry, turn console logging auto after a failed start #if !defined( _DEBUG ) StringOutputStream msg; msg << "Radiant failed to start properly the last time it was run.\n" "The failure may be caused by current preferences.\n" "Do you want to reset all preferences to defaults?"; if ( gtk_MessageBox( 0, msg.c_str(), "Radiant - Startup Failure", eMB_YESNO, eMB_ICONQUESTION ) == eIDYES ) { Preferences_Reset(); } msg.clear(); msg << "Logging console output to " << SettingsPath_get() << "radiant.log\nRefer to the log if Radiant fails to start again."; gtk_MessageBox( 0, msg.c_str(), "Radiant - Console Log", eMB_OK ); #endif // force console logging on! (will go in prefs too) g_GamesDialog.m_bForceLogConsole = true; Sys_LogFile( true ); } else { // create one, will remove right after entering message loop pid = fopen( g_pidGameFile.c_str(), "w" ); if ( pid ) { fclose( pid ); } } } /*! now the secondary game dependant .pid file http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=297 */ void remove_local_pid(){ StringOutputStream g_pidGameFile( 256 ); g_pidGameFile << SettingsPath_get() << g_pGameDescription->mGameFile.c_str() << "/radiant-game.pid"; remove( g_pidGameFile.c_str() ); } void user_shortcuts_init(){ StringOutputStream path( 256 ); path << SettingsPath_get() << g_pGameDescription->mGameFile.c_str() << '/'; LoadCommandMap( path.c_str() ); SaveCommandMap( path.c_str() ); } void user_shortcuts_save(){ StringOutputStream path( 256 ); path << SettingsPath_get() << g_pGameDescription->mGameFile.c_str() << '/'; SaveCommandMap( path.c_str() ); } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){ crt_init(); streams_init(); #ifdef WIN32 HMODULE lib; lib = LoadLibrary( "dwmapi.dll" ); if ( lib != 0 ) { void ( WINAPI *qDwmEnableComposition )( bool bEnable ) = ( void (WINAPI *) ( bool bEnable ) )GetProcAddress( lib, "DwmEnableComposition" ); if ( qDwmEnableComposition ) { // disable Aero qDwmEnableComposition( FALSE ); } FreeLibrary( lib ); } #endif gtk_disable_setlocale(); gtk_init( &argc, &argv ); // redirect Gtk warnings to the console g_log_set_handler( "Gdk", (GLogLevelFlags)( G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE | G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO | G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL | G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION ), error_redirect, 0 ); g_log_set_handler( "Gtk", (GLogLevelFlags)( G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE | G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO | G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL | G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION ), error_redirect, 0 ); g_log_set_handler( "GtkGLExt", (GLogLevelFlags)( G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE | G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO | G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL | G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION ), error_redirect, 0 ); g_log_set_handler( "GLib", (GLogLevelFlags)( G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE | G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO | G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL | G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION ), error_redirect, 0 ); g_log_set_handler( 0, (GLogLevelFlags)( G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL | G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE | G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO | G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG | G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL | G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION ), error_redirect, 0 ); GlobalDebugMessageHandler::instance().setHandler( GlobalPopupDebugMessageHandler::instance() ); environment_init( argc, argv ); paths_init(); if ( !check_version() ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } show_splash(); create_global_pid(); GlobalPreferences_Init(); g_GamesDialog.Init(); g_strGameToolsPath = g_pGameDescription->mGameToolsPath; remove_global_pid(); g_Preferences.Init(); // must occur before create_local_pid() to allow preferences to be reset create_local_pid(); // in a very particular post-.pid startup // we may have the console turned on and want to keep it that way // so we use a latching system if ( g_GamesDialog.m_bForceLogConsole ) { Sys_LogFile( true ); g_Console_enableLogging = true; g_GamesDialog.m_bForceLogConsole = false; } Radiant_Initialise(); global_accel_init(); user_shortcuts_init(); g_pParentWnd = 0; g_pParentWnd = new MainFrame(); hide_splash(); if ( g_bLoadLastMap && !g_strLastMap.empty() ) { Map_LoadFile( g_strLastMap.c_str() ); } else { Map_New(); } // load up shaders now that we have the map loaded // eviltypeguy TextureBrowser_ShowStartupShaders( GlobalTextureBrowser() ); remove_local_pid(); gtk_main(); // avoid saving prefs when the app is minimized if ( g_pParentWnd->IsSleeping() ) { globalOutputStream() << "Shutdown while sleeping, not saving prefs\n"; g_preferences_globals.disable_ini = true; } Map_Free(); if ( !Map_Unnamed( g_map ) ) { g_strLastMap = Map_Name( g_map ); } delete g_pParentWnd; user_shortcuts_save(); global_accel_destroy(); Radiant_Shutdown(); // close the log file if any Sys_LogFile( false ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }