/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "entity.h" #include "ientity.h" #include "iselection.h" #include "imodel.h" #include "ifilesystem.h" #include "iundo.h" #include "editable.h" #include "eclasslib.h" #include "scenelib.h" #include "os/path.h" #include "os/file.h" #include "stream/stringstream.h" #include "stringio.h" #include "gtkutil/filechooser.h" #include "gtkmisc.h" #include "select.h" #include "map.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "gtkdlgs.h" #include "mainframe.h" #include "qe3.h" #include "commands.h" #include "brushmanip.h" #include "patchmanip.h" struct entity_globals_t { Vector3 color_entity; entity_globals_t() : color_entity( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ){ } }; entity_globals_t g_entity_globals; class EntitySetKeyValueSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { const char* m_key; const char* m_value; public: EntitySetKeyValueSelected( const char* key, const char* value ) : m_key( key ), m_value( value ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { return true; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 && ( instance.childSelected() || Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() ) ) { entity->setKeyValue( m_key, m_value ); } } }; class EntitySetClassnameSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { const char* m_classname; public: EntitySetClassnameSelected( const char* classname ) : m_classname( classname ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { return true; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 && ( instance.childSelected() || Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() ) ) { NodeSmartReference node( GlobalEntityCreator().createEntity( GlobalEntityClassManager().findOrInsert( m_classname, node_is_group( path.top() ) ) ) ); EntityCopyingVisitor visitor( *Node_getEntity( node ) ); entity->forEachKeyValue( visitor ); NodeSmartReference child( path.top().get() ); NodeSmartReference parent( path.parent().get() ); Node_getTraversable( parent )->erase( child ); if ( Node_getTraversable( child ) != 0 && Node_getTraversable( node ) != 0 && node_is_group( node ) ) { parentBrushes( child, node ); } Node_getTraversable( parent )->insert( node ); } } }; void Scene_EntitySetKeyValue_Selected( const char* key, const char* value ){ GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntitySetKeyValueSelected( key, value ) ); } void Scene_EntitySetClassname_Selected( const char* classname ){ GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntitySetClassnameSelected( classname ) ); } void Entity_ungroupSelected(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() < 1 ) { return; } UndoableCommand undo( "ungroupSelectedEntities" ); scene::Path world_path( makeReference( GlobalSceneGraph().root() ) ); world_path.push( makeReference( Map_FindOrInsertWorldspawn( g_map ) ) ); scene::Instance &instance = GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected(); scene::Path path = instance.path(); if ( !Node_isEntity( path.top() ) ) { path.pop(); } if ( Node_getEntity( path.top() ) != 0 && node_is_group( path.top() ) ) { if ( world_path.top().get_pointer() != path.top().get_pointer() ) { parentBrushes( path.top(), world_path.top() ); Path_deleteTop( path ); } } } class EntityFindSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { public: mutable const scene::Path *groupPath; mutable scene::Instance *groupInstance; EntityFindSelected() : groupPath( 0 ), groupInstance( 0 ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { return true; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 && Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() && node_is_group( path.top() ) && !groupPath ) { groupPath = &path; groupInstance = &instance; } } }; class EntityGroupSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { NodeSmartReference group, worldspawn; //typedef std::pair DeletionPair; //Stack deleteme; public: EntityGroupSelected( const scene::Path &p ) : group( p.top().get() ), worldspawn( Map_FindOrInsertWorldspawn( g_map ) ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { return true; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { Selectable *selectable = Instance_getSelectable( instance ); if ( selectable && selectable->isSelected() ) { Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity == 0 && Node_isPrimitive( path.top() ) ) { NodeSmartReference child( path.top().get() ); NodeSmartReference parent( path.parent().get() ); if ( path.size() >= 3 && parent != worldspawn ) { NodeSmartReference parentparent( path[path.size() - 3].get() ); Node_getTraversable( parent )->erase( child ); Node_getTraversable( group )->insert( child ); if ( Node_getTraversable( parent )->empty() ) { //deleteme.push(DeletionPair(parentparent, parent)); Node_getTraversable( parentparent )->erase( parent ); } } else { Node_getTraversable( parent )->erase( child ); Node_getTraversable( group )->insert( child ); } } } } }; void Entity_groupSelected(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() < 1 ) { return; } UndoableCommand undo( "groupSelectedEntities" ); scene::Path world_path( makeReference( GlobalSceneGraph().root() ) ); world_path.push( makeReference( Map_FindOrInsertWorldspawn( g_map ) ) ); EntityFindSelected fse; GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( fse ); if ( fse.groupPath ) { GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntityGroupSelected( *fse.groupPath ) ); } else { GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( EntityGroupSelected( world_path ) ); } } void Entity_connectSelected(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() == 2 ) { GlobalEntityCreator().connectEntities( GlobalSelectionSystem().penultimateSelected().path(), GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path(), 0 ); } else { globalErrorStream() << "entityConnectSelected: exactly two instances must be selected\n"; } } void Entity_killconnectSelected(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() == 2 ) { GlobalEntityCreator().connectEntities( GlobalSelectionSystem().penultimateSelected().path(), GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path(), 1 ); } else { globalErrorStream() << "entityKillConnectSelected: exactly two instances must be selected\n"; } } AABB Doom3Light_getBounds( const AABB& workzone ){ AABB aabb( workzone ); Vector3 defaultRadius( 300, 300, 300 ); if ( !string_parse_vector3( EntityClass_valueForKey( *GlobalEntityClassManager().findOrInsert( "light", false ), "light_radius" ), defaultRadius ) ) { globalErrorStream() << "Doom3Light_getBounds: failed to parse default light radius\n"; } if ( aabb.extents[0] == 0 ) { aabb.extents[0] = defaultRadius[0]; } if ( aabb.extents[1] == 0 ) { aabb.extents[1] = defaultRadius[1]; } if ( aabb.extents[2] == 0 ) { aabb.extents[2] = defaultRadius[2]; } if ( aabb_valid( aabb ) ) { return aabb; } return AABB( Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ), Vector3( 64, 64, 64 ) ); } int g_iLastLightIntensity; void Entity_createFromSelection( const char* name, const Vector3& origin ){ #if 0 if ( string_equal_nocase( name, "worldspawn" ) ) { gtk_MessageBox( GTK_WIDGET( MainFrame_getWindow() ), "Can't create an entity with worldspawn.", "info" ); return; } #endif EntityClass* entityClass = GlobalEntityClassManager().findOrInsert( name, true ); bool isModel = ( string_compare_nocase_n( name, "misc_", 5 ) == 0 && string_equal_nocase( name + string_length( name ) - 5, "model" ) ) // misc_*model (also misc_model) || string_equal_nocase( name, "model_static" ) || ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() == 0 && string_equal_nocase( name, "func_static" ) && g_pGameDescription->mGameType == "doom3" ); bool brushesSelected = Scene_countSelectedBrushes( GlobalSceneGraph() ) != 0; if ( !( entityClass->fixedsize || isModel ) && !brushesSelected ) { globalErrorStream() << "failed to create a group entity - no brushes are selected\n"; return; } AABB workzone( aabb_for_minmax( Select_getWorkZone().d_work_min, Select_getWorkZone().d_work_max ) ); NodeSmartReference node( GlobalEntityCreator().createEntity( entityClass ) ); Node_getTraversable( GlobalSceneGraph().root() )->insert( node ); scene::Path entitypath( makeReference( GlobalSceneGraph().root() ) ); entitypath.push( makeReference( node.get() ) ); scene::Instance& instance = findInstance( entitypath ); if ( entityClass->fixedsize || ( isModel && !brushesSelected ) ) { Select_Delete(); Transformable* transform = Instance_getTransformable( instance ); if ( transform != 0 ) { transform->setType( TRANSFORM_PRIMITIVE ); transform->setTranslation( origin ); transform->freezeTransform(); } GlobalSelectionSystem().setSelectedAll( false ); Instance_setSelected( instance, true ); } else { if ( g_pGameDescription->mGameType == "doom3" ) { Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "model", Node_getEntity( node )->getKeyValue( "name" ) ); } Scene_parentSelectedBrushesToEntity( GlobalSceneGraph(), node ); Scene_forEachChildSelectable( SelectableSetSelected( true ), instance.path() ); } // tweaking: when right clic dropping a light entity, ask for light value in a custom dialog box // see SF bug 105383 if ( g_pGameDescription->mGameType == "hl" ) { // FIXME - Hydra: really we need a combined light AND color dialog for halflife. if ( string_equal_nocase( name, "light" ) || string_equal_nocase( name, "light_environment" ) || string_equal_nocase( name, "light_spot" ) ) { int intensity = g_iLastLightIntensity; if ( DoLightIntensityDlg( &intensity ) == eIDOK ) { g_iLastLightIntensity = intensity; char buf[30]; sprintf( buf, "255 255 255 %d", intensity ); Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "_light", buf ); } } } else if ( string_equal_nocase( name, "light" ) ) { if ( g_pGameDescription->mGameType != "doom3" ) { int intensity = g_iLastLightIntensity; if ( DoLightIntensityDlg( &intensity ) == eIDOK ) { g_iLastLightIntensity = intensity; char buf[10]; sprintf( buf, "%d", intensity ); Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "light", buf ); } } else if ( brushesSelected ) { // use workzone to set light position/size for doom3 lights, if there are brushes selected AABB bounds( Doom3Light_getBounds( workzone ) ); StringOutputStream key( 64 ); key << bounds.origin[0] << " " << bounds.origin[1] << " " << bounds.origin[2]; Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "origin", key.c_str() ); key.clear(); key << bounds.extents[0] << " " << bounds.extents[1] << " " << bounds.extents[2]; Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "light_radius", key.c_str() ); } } if ( isModel ) { const char* model = misc_model_dialog( GTK_WIDGET( MainFrame_getWindow() ) ); if ( model != 0 ) { Node_getEntity( node )->setKeyValue( "model", model ); } } if ( string_compare_nocase_n( name, "trigger_", 8 ) == 0 && brushesSelected ){ const char* shader = g_pGameDescription->getKeyValue( "shader_trigger" ); if ( shader && *shader ){ Scene_PatchSetShader_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), shader ); Scene_BrushSetShader_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), shader ); } else{ Scene_PatchSetShader_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), "textures/common/trigger" ); Scene_BrushSetShader_Selected( GlobalSceneGraph(), "textures/common/trigger" ); } } } #if 0 bool DoNormalisedColor( Vector3& color ){ if ( !color_dialog( GTK_WIDGET( MainFrame_getWindow() ), color ) ) { return false; } /* ** scale colors so that at least one component is at 1.0F */ float largest = 0.0F; if ( color[0] > largest ) { largest = color[0]; } if ( color[1] > largest ) { largest = color[1]; } if ( color[2] > largest ) { largest = color[2]; } if ( largest == 0.0F ) { color[0] = 1.0F; color[1] = 1.0F; color[2] = 1.0F; } else { float scaler = 1.0F / largest; color[0] *= scaler; color[1] *= scaler; color[2] *= scaler; } return true; } #endif void NormalizeColor( Vector3& color ){ // scale colors so that at least one component is at 1.0F float largest = 0.0F; if ( color[0] > largest ) { largest = color[0]; } if ( color[1] > largest ) { largest = color[1]; } if ( color[2] > largest ) { largest = color[2]; } if ( largest == 0.0F ) { color[0] = 1.0F; color[1] = 1.0F; color[2] = 1.0F; } else { float scaler = 1.0F / largest; color[0] *= scaler; color[1] *= scaler; color[2] *= scaler; } } void Entity_normalizeColor(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0 ) { const scene::Path& path = GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path(); Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 ) { const char* strColor = entity->getKeyValue( "_color" ); if ( !string_empty( strColor ) ) { Vector3 rgb; if ( string_parse_vector3( strColor, rgb ) ) { g_entity_globals.color_entity = rgb; NormalizeColor( g_entity_globals.color_entity ); char buffer[128]; sprintf( buffer, "%g %g %g", g_entity_globals.color_entity[0], g_entity_globals.color_entity[1], g_entity_globals.color_entity[2] ); Scene_EntitySetKeyValue_Selected( "_color", buffer ); } } } } } void Entity_setColour(){ if ( GlobalSelectionSystem().countSelected() != 0 ) { bool normalize = false; const scene::Path& path = GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path(); Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 ) { const char* strColor = entity->getKeyValue( "_color" ); if ( !string_empty( strColor ) ) { Vector3 rgb; if ( string_parse_vector3( strColor, rgb ) ) { g_entity_globals.color_entity = rgb; } } if ( g_pGameDescription->mGameType == "doom3" ) { normalize = false; } if ( color_dialog( GTK_WIDGET( MainFrame_getWindow() ), g_entity_globals.color_entity ) ) { if ( normalize ) { NormalizeColor( g_entity_globals.color_entity ); } char buffer[128]; sprintf( buffer, "%g %g %g", g_entity_globals.color_entity[0], g_entity_globals.color_entity[1], g_entity_globals.color_entity[2] ); Scene_EntitySetKeyValue_Selected( "_color", buffer ); } } } } const char* misc_model_dialog( GtkWidget* parent ){ StringOutputStream buffer( 1024 ); buffer << g_qeglobals.m_userGamePath.c_str() << "models/"; if ( !file_readable( buffer.c_str() ) ) { // just go to fsmain buffer.clear(); buffer << g_qeglobals.m_userGamePath.c_str() << "/"; } const char *filename = file_dialog( parent, TRUE, "Choose Model", buffer.c_str(), ModelLoader::Name() ); if ( filename != 0 ) { // use VFS to get the correct relative path const char* relative = path_make_relative( filename, GlobalFileSystem().findRoot( filename ) ); if ( relative == filename ) { globalOutputStream() << "WARNING: could not extract the relative path, using full path instead\n"; } return relative; } return 0; } void LightRadiiImport( EntityCreator& self, bool value ){ self.setLightRadii( value ); } typedef ReferenceCaller1 LightRadiiImportCaller; void LightRadiiExport( EntityCreator& self, const BoolImportCallback& importer ){ importer( self.getLightRadii() ); } typedef ReferenceCaller1 LightRadiiExportCaller; void Entity_constructPreferences( PreferencesPage& page ){ page.appendCheckBox( "Show", "Light Radii", LightRadiiImportCaller( GlobalEntityCreator() ), LightRadiiExportCaller( GlobalEntityCreator() ) ); } void Entity_constructPage( PreferenceGroup& group ){ PreferencesPage page( group.createPage( "Entities", "Entity Display Preferences" ) ); Entity_constructPreferences( page ); } void Entity_registerPreferencesPage(){ PreferencesDialog_addDisplayPage( FreeCaller1() ); } void Entity_constructMenu( GtkMenu* menu ){ create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Regroup", "GroupSelection" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Ungroup", "UngroupSelection" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Connect", "ConnectSelection" ); if ( g_pGameDescription->mGameType == "nexuiz" ) { create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_KillConnect", "KillConnectSelection" ); } create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Select Color...", "EntityColor" ); create_menu_item_with_mnemonic( menu, "_Normalize Color...", "NormalizeColor" ); } #include "preferencesystem.h" #include "stringio.h" void Entity_Construct(){ GlobalCommands_insert( "EntityColor", FreeCaller(), Accelerator( 'K' ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "NormalizeColor", FreeCaller() ); GlobalCommands_insert( "ConnectSelection", FreeCaller(), Accelerator( 'K', (GdkModifierType)GDK_CONTROL_MASK ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "KillConnectSelection", FreeCaller(), Accelerator( 'K', (GdkModifierType)( GDK_SHIFT_MASK ) ) ); GlobalCommands_insert( "GroupSelection", FreeCaller() ); GlobalCommands_insert( "UngroupSelection", FreeCaller() ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "SI_Colors5", Vector3ImportStringCaller( g_entity_globals.color_entity ), Vector3ExportStringCaller( g_entity_globals.color_entity ) ); GlobalPreferenceSystem().registerPreference( "LastLightIntensity", IntImportStringCaller( g_iLastLightIntensity ), IntExportStringCaller( g_iLastLightIntensity ) ); Entity_registerPreferencesPage(); } void Entity_Destroy(){ }