/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "csg.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include #include "map.h" #include "brushmanip.h" #include "brushnode.h" #include "grid.h" /* void Face_makeBrush( Face& face, const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset ){ if ( face.contributes() ) { out.push_back( new Brush( brush ) ); Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face ); face.getPlane().offset( -offset ); face.planeChanged(); if ( newFace != 0 ) { newFace->flipWinding(); newFace->getPlane().offset( offset ); newFace->planeChanged(); } } } void Face_extrude( Face& face, const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset ){ if ( face.contributes() ) { face.getPlane().offset( offset ); out.push_back( new Brush( brush ) ); face.getPlane().offset( -offset ); Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face ); if ( newFace != 0 ) { newFace->flipWinding(); newFace->planeChanged(); } } } */ #include "preferences.h" #include "texwindow.h" enum eHollowType { diag = 0, wrap = 1, extrude = 2, pull = 3, room = 4, }; const char* getCaulkShader(){ const char* gotShader = g_pGameDescription->getKeyValue( "shader_caulk" ); if ( gotShader && *gotShader ){ return gotShader; } return "textures/common/caulk"; } class CaulkFace { DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis; double &mindot; double &maxdot; public: CaulkFace( DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis, double &mindot, double &maxdot ): ExclusionAxis( ExclusionAxis ), mindot( mindot ), maxdot( maxdot ){} void operator()( Face& face ) const { double dot = vector3_dot( face.getPlane().plane3().normal(), ExclusionAxis ); if( dot == 0 || ( dot > mindot + 0.005 && dot < maxdot - 0.005 ) ) face.SetShader( getCaulkShader() ); } }; class FaceMakeBrush { const Brush& brush; brush_vector_t& out; float offset; eHollowType HollowType; DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis; double &mindot; double &maxdot; bool caulk; bool RemoveInner; public: FaceMakeBrush( const Brush& brush, brush_vector_t& out, float offset, eHollowType HollowType, DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis, double &mindot, double &maxdot, bool caulk, bool RemoveInner ) : brush( brush ), out( out ), offset( offset ), HollowType( HollowType ), ExclusionAxis( ExclusionAxis ), mindot( mindot ), maxdot( maxdot ), caulk( caulk ), RemoveInner( RemoveInner ){ } void operator()( Face& face ) const { double dot = vector3_dot( face.getPlane().plane3().normal(), ExclusionAxis ); if( dot == 0 || ( dot > mindot + 0.005 && dot < maxdot - 0.005 ) ){ if( HollowType == pull ){ if ( face.contributes() ) { face.getPlane().offset( offset ); face.planeChanged(); out.push_back( new Brush( brush ) ); face.getPlane().offset( -offset ); face.planeChanged(); if( caulk ){ Brush_forEachFace( *out.back(), CaulkFace( ExclusionAxis, mindot, maxdot ) ); } Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face ); if ( newFace != 0 ) { newFace->flipWinding(); } } } else if( HollowType == wrap ){ //Face_makeBrush( face, brush, out, offset ); if ( face.contributes() ) { face.undoSave(); out.push_back( new Brush( brush ) ); if( !RemoveInner && caulk ) face.SetShader( getCaulkShader() ); Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face ); face.getPlane().offset( -offset ); face.planeChanged(); if( caulk ) face.SetShader( getCaulkShader() ); if ( newFace != 0 ) { newFace->flipWinding(); newFace->getPlane().offset( offset ); newFace->planeChanged(); } } } else if( HollowType == extrude ){ if ( face.contributes() ) { //face.undoSave(); out.push_back( new Brush( brush ) ); out.back()->clear(); Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face ); if ( newFace != 0 ) { newFace->getPlane().offset( offset ); newFace->planeChanged(); } if( !RemoveInner && caulk ) face.SetShader( getCaulkShader() ); newFace = out.back()->addFace( face ); if ( newFace != 0 ) { newFace->flipWinding(); } Winding& winding = face.getWinding(); TextureProjection projection; TexDef_Construct_Default( projection ); for ( Winding::iterator j = winding.begin(); j != winding.end(); ++j ){ std::size_t index = std::distance( winding.begin(), j ); std::size_t next = Winding_next( winding, index ); out.back()->addPlane( winding[index].vertex, winding[next].vertex, winding[next].vertex + face.getPlane().plane3().normal() * offset, TextureBrowser_GetSelectedShader( GlobalTextureBrowser() ), projection ); } } } else if( HollowType == diag ){ if ( face.contributes() ) { out.push_back( new Brush( brush ) ); out.back()->clear(); Face* newFace = out.back()->addFace( face ); if ( newFace != 0 ) { newFace->planeChanged(); } newFace = out.back()->addFace( face ); if ( newFace != 0 ) { if( !RemoveInner && caulk ) newFace->SetShader( getCaulkShader() ); newFace->flipWinding(); newFace->getPlane().offset( offset ); newFace->planeChanged(); } Winding& winding = face.getWinding(); TextureProjection projection; TexDef_Construct_Default( projection ); for ( Winding::iterator i = winding.begin(); i != winding.end(); ++i ){ std::size_t index = std::distance( winding.begin(), i ); std::size_t next = Winding_next( winding, index ); Vector3 BestPoint; float bestdist = 999999; for( Brush::const_iterator j = brush.begin(); j != brush.end(); ++j ){ Winding& winding2 = ( *j )->getWinding(); for ( Winding::iterator k = winding2.begin(); k != winding2.end(); ++k ){ std::size_t index2 = std::distance( winding2.begin(), k ); float testdist = vector3_length( winding[index].vertex - winding2[index2].vertex ); if( testdist < bestdist ){ bestdist = testdist; BestPoint = winding2[index2].vertex; } } } out.back()->addPlane( winding[next].vertex, winding[index].vertex, BestPoint, caulk? getCaulkShader() : TextureBrowser_GetSelectedShader( GlobalTextureBrowser() ), projection ); } } } } } }; class FaceExclude { DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis; double &mindot; double &maxdot; public: FaceExclude( DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis, double &mindot, double &maxdot ) : ExclusionAxis( ExclusionAxis ), mindot( mindot ), maxdot( maxdot ){ } void operator()( Face& face ) const { if( vector3_length_squared( ExclusionAxis ) != 0 ){ double dot = vector3_dot( face.getPlane().plane3().normal(), ExclusionAxis ); if( dot < mindot ){ mindot = dot; } else if( dot > maxdot ){ maxdot = dot; } } } }; class FaceOffset { float offset; DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis; double &mindot; double &maxdot; public: FaceOffset( float offset, DoubleVector3 ExclusionAxis, double &mindot, double &maxdot ) : offset( offset ), ExclusionAxis( ExclusionAxis ), mindot( mindot ), maxdot( maxdot ){ } void operator()( Face& face ) const { double dot = vector3_dot( face.getPlane().plane3().normal(), ExclusionAxis ); if( dot == 0 || ( dot > mindot + 0.005 && dot < maxdot - 0.005 ) ){ face.undoSave(); face.getPlane().offset( offset ); face.planeChanged(); } } }; DoubleVector3 getExclusion(); bool getCaulk(); bool getRemoveInner(); class BrushHollowSelectedWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker { float offset; eHollowType HollowType; public: BrushHollowSelectedWalker( float offset, eHollowType HollowType ) : offset( offset ), HollowType( HollowType ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { Brush* brush = Node_getBrush( path.top() ); if ( brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() && path.size() > 1 ) { brush_vector_t out; double mindot = 0; double maxdot = 0; if( HollowType != room ){ Brush_forEachFace( *brush, FaceExclude( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) ); } if( HollowType == room ){ Brush* tmpbrush = new Brush( *brush ); tmpbrush->removeEmptyFaces(); Brush_forEachFace( *brush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, pull, DoubleVector3( 0, 0, 0 ), mindot, maxdot, true, true ) ); delete tmpbrush; } else if( HollowType == pull ){ if( !getRemoveInner() && getCaulk() ){ Brush_forEachFace( *brush, CaulkFace( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) ); } Brush* tmpbrush = new Brush( *brush ); tmpbrush->removeEmptyFaces(); Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceMakeBrush( *tmpbrush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) ); delete tmpbrush; } else if( HollowType == diag ){ Brush* tmpbrush = new Brush( *brush ); Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceOffset( offset, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) ); tmpbrush->removeEmptyFaces(); Brush_forEachFace( *tmpbrush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) ); delete tmpbrush; if( !getRemoveInner() && getCaulk() ){ Brush_forEachFace( *brush, CaulkFace( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) ); } } else{ Brush_forEachFace( *brush, FaceMakeBrush( *brush, out, offset, HollowType, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot, getCaulk(), getRemoveInner() ) ); } for ( brush_vector_t::const_iterator i = out.begin(); i != out.end(); ++i ) { ( *i )->removeEmptyFaces(); if( ( *i )->hasContributingFaces() ){ NodeSmartReference node( ( new BrushNode() )->node() ); Node_getBrush( node )->copy( *( *i ) ); delete ( *i ); Node_getTraversable( path.parent() )->insert( node ); //path.push( makeReference( node.get() ) ); //selectPath( path, true ); //Instance_getSelectable( *GlobalSceneGraph().find( path ) )->setSelected( true ); //Path_deleteTop( path ); } } } } return true; } }; typedef std::list brushlist_t; class BrushGatherSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { brush_vector_t& m_brushlist; public: BrushGatherSelected( brush_vector_t& brushlist ) : m_brushlist( brushlist ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { Brush* brush = Node_getBrush( path.top() ); if ( brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() ) { m_brushlist.push_back( brush ); } } return true; } }; /* class BrushDeleteSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { public: bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { return true; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { Brush* brush = Node_getBrush( path.top() ); if ( brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() && path.size() > 1 ) { Path_deleteTop( path ); } } } }; */ #include "ientity.h" class BrushDeleteSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { scene::Node* m_keepNode; mutable bool m_eraseParent; public: BrushDeleteSelected( scene::Node* keepNode ): m_keepNode( keepNode ), m_eraseParent( false ){ } BrushDeleteSelected(): m_keepNode( NULL ), m_eraseParent( false ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { return true; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { //globalOutputStream() << path.size() << "\n"; if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { Brush* brush = Node_getBrush( path.top() ); if ( brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() && path.size() > 1 ) { scene::Node& parent = path.parent(); Path_deleteTop( path ); if( Node_getTraversable( parent )->empty() ){ m_eraseParent = true; //globalOutputStream() << "Empty node?!.\n"; } } } if( m_eraseParent && !Node_isPrimitive( path.top() ) && path.size() > 1 ){ //globalOutputStream() << "about to Delete empty node!.\n"; m_eraseParent = false; Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 && path.top().get_pointer() != Map_FindWorldspawn( g_map ) && Node_getTraversable( path.top() )->empty() && path.top().get_pointer() != m_keepNode ) { //globalOutputStream() << "now Deleting empty node!.\n"; Path_deleteTop( path ); } } } }; /* ============= CSG_MakeRoom ============= */ void CSG_MakeRoom( void ){ UndoableCommand undo( "makeRoom" ); GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushHollowSelectedWalker( GetGridSize(), room ) ); GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushDeleteSelected() ); SceneChangeNotify(); } template class RemoveReference { public: typedef Type type; }; template class RemoveReference { public: typedef Type type; }; template class Dereference { const Functor& functor; public: Dereference( const Functor& functor ) : functor( functor ){ } get_result_type operator()( typename RemoveReference>::type *firstArgument ) const { return functor( *firstArgument ); } }; template inline Dereference makeDereference( const Functor& functor ){ return Dereference( functor ); } typedef Face* FacePointer; const FacePointer c_nullFacePointer = 0; template Face* Brush_findIf( const Brush& brush, const Predicate& predicate ){ Brush::const_iterator i = std::find_if( brush.begin(), brush.end(), makeDereference( predicate ) ); return i == brush.end() ? c_nullFacePointer : *i; // uses c_nullFacePointer instead of 0 because otherwise gcc 4.1 attempts conversion to int } template class BindArguments1 { typedef get_argument FirstBound; FirstBound firstBound; public: BindArguments1( FirstBound firstBound ) : firstBound( firstBound ){ } get_result_type operator()( get_argument firstArgument ) const { return Caller::call( firstArgument, firstBound ); } }; template class BindArguments2 { typedef get_argument FirstBound; typedef get_argument SecondBound; FirstBound firstBound; SecondBound secondBound; public: BindArguments2( FirstBound firstBound, SecondBound secondBound ) : firstBound( firstBound ), secondBound( secondBound ){ } get_result_type operator()( get_argument firstArgument ) const { return Caller::call( firstArgument, firstBound, secondBound ); } }; template BindArguments2 bindArguments( const Caller& caller, FirstBound firstBound, SecondBound secondBound ){ return BindArguments2( firstBound, secondBound ); } inline bool Face_testPlane( const Face& face, const Plane3& plane, bool flipped ){ return face.contributes() && !Winding_TestPlane( face.getWinding(), plane, flipped ); } typedef Function FaceTestPlane; /// \brief Returns true if /// \li !flipped && brush is BACK or ON /// \li flipped && brush is FRONT or ON bool Brush_testPlane( const Brush& brush, const Plane3& plane, bool flipped ){ brush.evaluateBRep(); #if 1 for ( Brush::const_iterator i( brush.begin() ); i != brush.end(); ++i ) { if ( Face_testPlane( *( *i ), plane, flipped ) ) { return false; } } return true; #else return Brush_findIf( brush, bindArguments( FaceTestPlane(), makeReference( plane ), flipped ) ) == 0; #endif } brushsplit_t Brush_classifyPlane( const Brush& brush, const Plane3& plane ){ brush.evaluateBRep(); brushsplit_t split; for ( Brush::const_iterator i( brush.begin() ); i != brush.end(); ++i ) { if ( ( *i )->contributes() ) { split += Winding_ClassifyPlane( ( *i )->getWinding(), plane ); } } return split; } bool Brush_subtract( const Brush& brush, const Brush& other, brush_vector_t& ret_fragments ){ if ( aabb_intersects_aabb( brush.localAABB(), other.localAABB() ) ) { brush_vector_t fragments; fragments.reserve( other.size() ); Brush back( brush ); for ( Brush::const_iterator i( other.begin() ); i != other.end(); ++i ) { if ( ( *i )->contributes() ) { brushsplit_t split = Brush_classifyPlane( back, ( *i )->plane3() ); if ( split.counts[ePlaneFront] != 0 && split.counts[ePlaneBack] != 0 ) { fragments.push_back( new Brush( back ) ); Face* newFace = fragments.back()->addFace( *( *i ) ); if ( newFace != 0 ) { newFace->flipWinding(); } back.addFace( *( *i ) ); } else if ( split.counts[ePlaneBack] == 0 ) { for ( brush_vector_t::iterator i = fragments.begin(); i != fragments.end(); ++i ) { delete( *i ); } return false; } } } ret_fragments.insert( ret_fragments.end(), fragments.begin(), fragments.end() ); return true; } return false; } class SubtractBrushesFromUnselected : public scene::Graph::Walker { const brush_vector_t& m_brushlist; std::size_t& m_before; std::size_t& m_after; mutable bool m_eraseParent; public: SubtractBrushesFromUnselected( const brush_vector_t& brushlist, std::size_t& before, std::size_t& after ) : m_brushlist( brushlist ), m_before( before ), m_after( after ), m_eraseParent( false ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { return true; } return false; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { Brush* brush = Node_getBrush( path.top() ); if ( brush != 0 && !Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() ) { brush_vector_t buffer[2]; bool swap = false; Brush* original = new Brush( *brush ); buffer[static_cast( swap )].push_back( original ); { for ( brush_vector_t::const_iterator i( m_brushlist.begin() ); i != m_brushlist.end(); ++i ) { for ( brush_vector_t::iterator j( buffer[static_cast( swap )].begin() ); j != buffer[static_cast( swap )].end(); ++j ) { if ( Brush_subtract( *( *j ), *( *i ), buffer[static_cast( !swap )] ) ) { delete ( *j ); } else { buffer[static_cast( !swap )].push_back( ( *j ) ); } } buffer[static_cast( swap )].clear(); swap = !swap; } } brush_vector_t& out = buffer[static_cast( swap )]; if ( out.size() == 1 && out.back() == original ) { delete original; } else { ++m_before; for ( brush_vector_t::const_iterator i = out.begin(); i != out.end(); ++i ) { ++m_after; ( *i )->removeEmptyFaces(); if ( !( *i )->empty() ) { NodeSmartReference node( ( new BrushNode() )->node() ); Node_getBrush( node )->copy( *( *i ) ); delete ( *i ); Node_getTraversable( path.parent() )->insert( node ); } else{ delete ( *i ); } } Path_deleteTop( path ); if( Node_getTraversable( path.parent() )->empty() ){ m_eraseParent = true; } } } } if( m_eraseParent && !Node_isPrimitive( path.top() ) && path.size() > 1 ){ m_eraseParent = false; Entity* entity = Node_getEntity( path.top() ); if ( entity != 0 && path.top().get_pointer() != Map_FindWorldspawn( g_map ) && Node_getTraversable( path.top() )->empty() ) { Path_deleteTop( path ); } } } }; void CSG_Subtract(){ brush_vector_t selected_brushes; GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushGatherSelected( selected_brushes ) ); if ( selected_brushes.empty() ) { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Subtract: No brushes selected.\n"; } else { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Subtract: Subtracting " << Unsigned( selected_brushes.size() ) << " brushes.\n"; UndoableCommand undo( "brushSubtract" ); // subtract selected from unselected std::size_t before = 0; std::size_t after = 0; GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( SubtractBrushesFromUnselected( selected_brushes, before, after ) ); globalOutputStream() << "CSG Subtract: Result: " << Unsigned( after ) << " fragment" << ( after == 1 ? "" : "s" ) << " from " << Unsigned( before ) << " brush" << ( before == 1 ? "" : "es" ) << ".\n"; SceneChangeNotify(); } } class BrushSplitByPlaneSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { const Vector3& m_p0; const Vector3& m_p1; const Vector3& m_p2; const char* m_shader; const TextureProjection& m_projection; EBrushSplit m_split; public: BrushSplitByPlaneSelected( const Vector3& p0, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, const char* shader, const TextureProjection& projection, EBrushSplit split ) : m_p0( p0 ), m_p1( p1 ), m_p2( p2 ), m_shader( shader ), m_projection( projection ), m_split( split ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { return true; } void post( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { if ( path.top().get().visible() ) { Brush* brush = Node_getBrush( path.top() ); if ( brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable( instance )->isSelected() ) { Plane3 plane( plane3_for_points( m_p0, m_p1, m_p2 ) ); if ( plane3_valid( plane ) ) { brushsplit_t split = Brush_classifyPlane( *brush, m_split == eFront ? plane3_flipped( plane ) : plane ); if ( split.counts[ePlaneBack] && split.counts[ePlaneFront] ) { // the plane intersects this brush if ( m_split == eFrontAndBack ) { NodeSmartReference node( ( new BrushNode() )->node() ); Brush* fragment = Node_getBrush( node ); fragment->copy( *brush ); Face* newFace = fragment->addPlane( m_p0, m_p1, m_p2, m_shader, m_projection ); if ( newFace != 0 && m_split != eFront ) { newFace->flipWinding(); } fragment->removeEmptyFaces(); ASSERT_MESSAGE( !fragment->empty(), "brush left with no faces after split" ); Node_getTraversable( path.parent() )->insert( node ); { scene::Path fragmentPath = path; fragmentPath.top() = makeReference( node.get() ); selectPath( fragmentPath, true ); } } Face* newFace = brush->addPlane( m_p0, m_p1, m_p2, m_shader, m_projection ); if ( newFace != 0 && m_split == eFront ) { newFace->flipWinding(); } brush->removeEmptyFaces(); ASSERT_MESSAGE( !brush->empty(), "brush left with no faces after split" ); } else // the plane does not intersect this brush if ( m_split != eFrontAndBack && split.counts[ePlaneBack] != 0 ) { // the brush is "behind" the plane Path_deleteTop( path ); } } } } } }; void Scene_BrushSplitByPlane( scene::Graph& graph, const Vector3& p0, const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, const char* shader, EBrushSplit split ){ TextureProjection projection; TexDef_Construct_Default( projection ); graph.traverse( BrushSplitByPlaneSelected( p0, p1, p2, shader, projection, split ) ); SceneChangeNotify(); } class BrushInstanceSetClipPlane : public scene::Graph::Walker { Plane3 m_plane; public: BrushInstanceSetClipPlane( const Plane3& plane ) : m_plane( plane ){ } bool pre( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance& instance ) const { BrushInstance* brush = Instance_getBrush( instance ); if ( brush != 0 && path.top().get().visible() && brush->isSelected() ) { BrushInstance& brushInstance = *brush; brushInstance.setClipPlane( m_plane ); } return true; } }; void Scene_BrushSetClipPlane( scene::Graph& graph, const Plane3& plane ){ graph.traverse( BrushInstanceSetClipPlane( plane ) ); } /* ============= CSG_Merge ============= */ bool Brush_merge( Brush& brush, const brush_vector_t& in, bool onlyshape ){ // gather potential outer faces { typedef std::vector Faces; Faces faces; for ( brush_vector_t::const_iterator i( in.begin() ); i != in.end(); ++i ) { ( *i )->evaluateBRep(); for ( Brush::const_iterator j( ( *i )->begin() ); j != ( *i )->end(); ++j ) { if ( !( *j )->contributes() ) { continue; } const Face& face1 = *( *j ); bool skip = false; // test faces of all input brushes //!\todo SPEEDUP: Flag already-skip faces and only test brushes from i+1 upwards. for ( brush_vector_t::const_iterator k( in.begin() ); !skip && k != in.end(); ++k ) { if ( k != i ) { // don't test a brush against itself for ( Brush::const_iterator l( ( *k )->begin() ); !skip && l != ( *k )->end(); ++l ) { const Face& face2 = *( *l ); // face opposes another face if ( plane3_opposing( face1.plane3(), face2.plane3() ) ) { // skip opposing planes skip = true; break; } } } } // check faces already stored for ( Faces::const_iterator m = faces.begin(); !skip && m != faces.end(); ++m ) { const Face& face2 = *( *m ); // face equals another face if ( plane3_equal( face1.plane3(), face2.plane3() ) ) { //if the texture/shader references should be the same but are not if ( !onlyshape && !shader_equal( face1.getShader().getShader(), face2.getShader().getShader() ) ) { return false; } // skip duplicate planes skip = true; break; } // face1 plane intersects face2 winding or vice versa if ( Winding_PlanesConcave( face1.getWinding(), face2.getWinding(), face1.plane3(), face2.plane3() ) ) { // result would not be convex return false; } } if ( !skip ) { faces.push_back( &face1 ); } } } for ( Faces::const_iterator i = faces.begin(); i != faces.end(); ++i ) { if ( !brush.addFace( *( *i ) ) ) { // result would have too many sides return false; } } } brush.removeEmptyFaces(); return true; } void CSG_Merge( void ){ brush_vector_t selected_brushes; // remove selected GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushGatherSelected( selected_brushes ) ); if ( selected_brushes.empty() ) { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: No brushes selected.\n"; return; } if ( selected_brushes.size() < 2 ) { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: At least two brushes have to be selected.\n"; return; } globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: Merging " << Unsigned( selected_brushes.size() ) << " brushes.\n"; UndoableCommand undo( "brushMerge" ); scene::Path merged_path = GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path(); NodeSmartReference node( ( new BrushNode() )->node() ); Brush* brush = Node_getBrush( node ); // if the new brush would not be convex if ( !Brush_merge( *brush, selected_brushes, true ) ) { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: Failed - result would not be convex.\n"; } else { ASSERT_MESSAGE( !brush->empty(), "brush left with no faces after merge" ); // free the original brushes GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushDeleteSelected( merged_path.parent().get_pointer() ) ); merged_path.pop(); Node_getTraversable( merged_path.top() )->insert( node ); merged_path.push( makeReference( node.get() ) ); selectPath( merged_path, true ); globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: Succeeded.\n"; SceneChangeNotify(); } } /* ============= CSG_Tool ============= */ #include "mainframe.h" #include #include "gtkutil/dialog.h" #include "gtkutil/button.h" #include "gtkutil/accelerator.h" struct CSGToolDialog { GtkSpinButton* spin; bool allocated{false}; ui::Window window{ui::null}; GtkToggleButton *radXYZ, *radX, *radY, *radZ, *caulk, *removeInner; }; CSGToolDialog g_csgtool_dialog; DoubleVector3 getExclusion(){ if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.radX ) ){ return DoubleVector3( 1, 0, 0 ); } else if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.radY ) ){ return DoubleVector3( 0, 1, 0 ); } else if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.radZ ) ){ return DoubleVector3( 0, 0, 1 ); } return DoubleVector3( 0, 0, 0 ); } bool getCaulk(){ if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.caulk ) ){ return true; } return false; } bool getRemoveInner(){ if( gtk_toggle_button_get_active( g_csgtool_dialog.removeInner ) ){ return true; } return false; } class BrushFaceOffset { float offset; public: BrushFaceOffset( float offset ) : offset( offset ){ } void operator()( BrushInstance& brush ) const { double mindot = 0; double maxdot = 0; Brush_forEachFace( brush, FaceExclude( getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) ); Brush_forEachFace( brush, FaceOffset( offset, getExclusion(), mindot, maxdot ) ); } }; //=================DLG static gboolean CSGdlg_HollowDiag( GtkWidget *widget, CSGToolDialog* dialog ){ float offset = static_cast( gtk_spin_button_get_value( dialog->spin ) ); UndoableCommand undo( "brushHollow::Diag" ); GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushHollowSelectedWalker( offset, diag ) ); if( getRemoveInner() ) GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushDeleteSelected() ); SceneChangeNotify(); return TRUE; } static gboolean CSGdlg_HollowWrap( GtkWidget *widget, CSGToolDialog* dialog ){ float offset = static_cast( gtk_spin_button_get_value( dialog->spin ) ); UndoableCommand undo( "brushHollow::Wrap" ); GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushHollowSelectedWalker( offset, wrap ) ); if( getRemoveInner() ) GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushDeleteSelected() ); SceneChangeNotify(); return TRUE; } static gboolean CSGdlg_HollowExtrude( GtkWidget *widget, CSGToolDialog* dialog ){ float offset = static_cast( gtk_spin_button_get_value( dialog->spin ) ); UndoableCommand undo( "brushHollow::Extrude" ); GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushHollowSelectedWalker( offset, extrude ) ); if( getRemoveInner() ) GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushDeleteSelected() ); SceneChangeNotify(); return TRUE; } static gboolean CSGdlg_HollowPull( GtkWidget *widget, CSGToolDialog* dialog ){ float offset = static_cast( gtk_spin_button_get_value( dialog->spin ) ); UndoableCommand undo( "brushHollow::Pull" ); GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushHollowSelectedWalker( offset, pull ) ); if( getRemoveInner() ) GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( BrushDeleteSelected() ); SceneChangeNotify(); return TRUE; } static gboolean CSGdlg_BrushShrink( GtkWidget *widget, CSGToolDialog* dialog ){ gtk_spin_button_update ( dialog->spin ); float offset = static_cast( gtk_spin_button_get_value( dialog->spin ) ); offset *= -1; UndoableCommand undo( "Shrink brush" ); // GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( OffsetBrushFacesSelectedWalker( offset ) ); //Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace( GlobalSceneGraph(), BrushFaceOffset( offset ) ); Scene_forEachSelectedBrush( BrushFaceOffset( offset ) ); SceneChangeNotify(); return TRUE; } static gboolean CSGdlg_BrushExpand( GtkWidget *widget, CSGToolDialog* dialog ){ gtk_spin_button_update ( dialog->spin ); float offset = static_cast( gtk_spin_button_get_value( dialog->spin ) ); UndoableCommand undo( "Expand brush" ); // GlobalSceneGraph().traverse( OffsetBrushFacesSelectedWalker( offset ) ); //Scene_ForEachSelectedBrush_ForEachFace( GlobalSceneGraph(), BrushFaceOffset( offset ) ); Scene_forEachSelectedBrush( BrushFaceOffset( offset ) ); SceneChangeNotify(); return TRUE; } static gboolean CSGdlg_grid2spin( GtkWidget *widget, CSGToolDialog* dialog ){ gtk_spin_button_set_value( dialog->spin, GetGridSize() ); return TRUE; } static gboolean CSGdlg_delete( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventAny *event, CSGToolDialog* dialog ){ gtk_widget_hide( GTK_WIDGET( dialog->window ) ); return TRUE; } void CSG_Tool(){ // FIXME: there is probably improvements to do less raw GTK stuff, more GTK wrapper if ( !g_csgtool_dialog.allocated ) { g_csgtool_dialog.allocated = true; g_csgtool_dialog.window = MainFrame_getWindow().create_dialog_window( "CSG Tool", G_CALLBACK( CSGdlg_delete ), &g_csgtool_dialog ); gtk_window_set_type_hint( g_csgtool_dialog.window, GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_UTILITY ); //GtkAccelGroup* accel = gtk_accel_group_new(); //gtk_window_add_accel_group( g_csgtool_dialog.window, accel ); global_accel_connect_window( g_csgtool_dialog.window ); { auto hbox = create_dialog_hbox( 4, 4 ); gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( g_csgtool_dialog.window ), GTK_WIDGET( hbox ) ); { auto table = create_dialog_table( 3, 8, 4, 4 ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( hbox ), GTK_WIDGET( table ), TRUE, TRUE, 0 ); { //GtkWidget* label = gtk_label_new( "<->" ); //gtk_widget_show( label ); auto button = ui::Button( "Grid->" ); table.attach( button, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 0} ); button.show(); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked", G_CALLBACK( CSGdlg_grid2spin ), &g_csgtool_dialog ); } { GtkAdjustment* adj = GTK_ADJUSTMENT( gtk_adjustment_new( 16, 0, 9999, 1, 10, 0 ) ); GtkSpinButton* spin = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON( gtk_spin_button_new( adj, 1, 3 ) ); gtk_widget_show( GTK_WIDGET( spin ) ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( GTK_WIDGET( spin ), "Thickness" ); gtk_table_attach( table, GTK_WIDGET( spin ), 1, 2, 0, 1, (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ), (GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 ); gtk_widget_set_size_request( GTK_WIDGET( spin ), 64, -1 ); gtk_spin_button_set_numeric( spin, TRUE ); g_csgtool_dialog.spin = spin; } { //radio button group for choosing the exclude axis GtkWidget* radXYZ = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label( NULL, "XYZ" ); GtkWidget* radX = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radXYZ), "-X" ); GtkWidget* radY = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radXYZ), "-Y" ); GtkWidget* radZ = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget( GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radXYZ), "-Z" ); gtk_widget_show( radXYZ ); gtk_widget_show( radX ); gtk_widget_show( radY ); gtk_widget_show( radZ ); gtk_table_attach( table, radXYZ, 2, 3, 0, 1, (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ), (GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 ); gtk_table_attach( table, radX, 3, 4, 0, 1, (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ), (GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 ); gtk_table_attach( table, radY, 4, 5, 0, 1, (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ), (GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 ); gtk_table_attach( table, radZ, 5, 6, 0, 1, (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ), (GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 ); g_csgtool_dialog.radXYZ = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radXYZ ); g_csgtool_dialog.radX = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radX ); g_csgtool_dialog.radY = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radY ); g_csgtool_dialog.radZ = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( radZ ); } { GtkWidget* button = gtk_toggle_button_new(); auto ubutton = ui::Button::from( button ); button_set_icon( ubutton, "f-caulk.png" ); gtk_button_set_relief( GTK_BUTTON( button ), GTK_RELIEF_NONE ); table.attach( ubutton, { 6, 7, 0, 1 }, { GTK_EXPAND, 0 } ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( button, "Caulk some faces" ); gtk_toggle_button_set_active( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( button ), TRUE ); ubutton.show(); g_csgtool_dialog.caulk = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( button ); } { GtkWidget* button = gtk_toggle_button_new(); auto ubutton = ui::Button::from( button ); button_set_icon( ubutton, "csgtool_removeinner.png" ); gtk_button_set_relief( GTK_BUTTON( button ), GTK_RELIEF_NONE ); table.attach( ubutton, { 7, 8, 0, 1 }, { GTK_EXPAND, 0 } ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( button, "Remove inner brush" ); gtk_toggle_button_set_active( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( button ), TRUE ); ubutton.show(); g_csgtool_dialog.removeInner = GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( button ); } { GtkWidget* sep = gtk_hseparator_new(); gtk_widget_show( sep ); gtk_table_attach( table, sep, 0, 8, 1, 2, (GtkAttachOptions) ( GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL ), (GtkAttachOptions) ( 0 ), 0, 0 ); } { GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new(); auto ubutton = ui::Button::from( button ); button_set_icon( ubutton, "csgtool_shrink.png" ); table.attach( ubutton, { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { GTK_EXPAND, 0 } ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( button, "Shrink brush" ); ubutton.show(); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked", G_CALLBACK( CSGdlg_BrushShrink ), &g_csgtool_dialog ); } { GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new(); auto ubutton = ui::Button::from( button ); button_set_icon( ubutton, "csgtool_expand.png" ); table.attach( ubutton, { 1, 2, 2, 3 }, { GTK_EXPAND, 0 } ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( button, "Expand brush" ); ubutton.show(); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked", G_CALLBACK( CSGdlg_BrushExpand ), &g_csgtool_dialog ); } { GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new(); auto ubutton = ui::Button::from( button ); button_set_icon( ubutton, "csgtool_diagonal.png" ); table.attach( ubutton, { 3, 4, 2, 3 }, { GTK_EXPAND, 0 } ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( button, "Hollow::diagonal joints" ); ubutton.show(); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked", G_CALLBACK( CSGdlg_HollowDiag ), &g_csgtool_dialog ); } { GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new(); auto ubutton = ui::Button::from( button ); button_set_icon( ubutton, "csgtool_wrap.png" ); table.attach( ubutton, { 4, 5, 2, 3 }, { GTK_EXPAND, 0 } ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( button, "Hollow::warp" ); ubutton.show(); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked", G_CALLBACK( CSGdlg_HollowWrap ), &g_csgtool_dialog ); } { GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new(); auto ubutton = ui::Button::from( button ); button_set_icon( ubutton, "csgtool_extrude.png" ); table.attach( ubutton, { 5, 6, 2, 3 }, { GTK_EXPAND, 0 } ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( button, "Hollow::extrude faces" ); ubutton.show(); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked", G_CALLBACK( CSGdlg_HollowExtrude ), &g_csgtool_dialog ); } { GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new(); auto ubutton = ui::Button::from( button ); button_set_icon( ubutton, "csgtool_pull.png" ); table.attach( ubutton, { 6, 7, 2, 3 }, { GTK_EXPAND, 0 } ); gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text( button, "Hollow::pull faces" ); ubutton.show(); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT( button ), "clicked", G_CALLBACK( CSGdlg_HollowPull ), &g_csgtool_dialog ); } } } } gtk_widget_show( GTK_WIDGET( g_csgtool_dialog.window ) ); gtk_window_present( g_csgtool_dialog.window ); }