#if defined(CSQC) #elif defined(MENUQC) #elif defined(SVQC) #include "miscfunctions.qh" #include "../dpdefs/progsdefs.qh" #include "../dpdefs/dpextensions.qh" #include "sys-post.qh" #include "../common/playerstats.qh" #include "../warpzonelib/anglestransform.qh" #include "../warpzonelib/server.qh" #include "../common/constants.qh" #include "../common/teams.qh" #include "../common/util.qh" #include "../common/urllib.qh" #include "../common/command/generic.qh" #include "../common/weapons/weapons.qh" #include "weapons/accuracy.qh" #include "weapons/csqcprojectile.qh" #include "weapons/selection.qh" #include "t_items.qh" #include "autocvars.qh" #include "constants.qh" #include "defs.qh" #include "../common/notifications.qh" #include "../common/deathtypes.qh" #include "mutators/mutators_include.qh" #include "tturrets/include/turrets_early.qh" #include "../common/mapinfo.qh" #include "command/common.qh" #include "../csqcmodellib/sv_model.qh" #include "ipban.qh" #endif void crosshair_trace(entity pl) { traceline_antilag(pl, pl.cursor_trace_start, pl.cursor_trace_start + normalize(pl.cursor_trace_endpos - pl.cursor_trace_start) * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, pl, ANTILAG_LATENCY(pl)); } void crosshair_trace_plusvisibletriggers(entity pl) { entity first; entity e; first = findchainfloat(solid, SOLID_TRIGGER); for (e = first; e; e = e.chain) if (e.model != "") e.solid = SOLID_BSP; crosshair_trace(pl); for (e = first; e; e = e.chain) e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; } void WarpZone_crosshair_trace(entity pl) { WarpZone_traceline_antilag(pl, pl.cursor_trace_start, pl.cursor_trace_start + normalize(pl.cursor_trace_endpos - pl.cursor_trace_start) * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, pl, ANTILAG_LATENCY(pl)); } string admin_name(void) { if(autocvar_sv_adminnick != "") return autocvar_sv_adminnick; else return "SERVER ADMIN"; } void DistributeEvenly_Init(float amount, float totalweight) { if (DistributeEvenly_amount) { dprint("DistributeEvenly_Init: UNFINISHED DISTRIBUTION (", ftos(DistributeEvenly_amount), " for "); dprint(ftos(DistributeEvenly_totalweight), " left!)\n"); } if (totalweight == 0) DistributeEvenly_amount = 0; else DistributeEvenly_amount = amount; DistributeEvenly_totalweight = totalweight; } float DistributeEvenly_Get(float weight) { float f; if (weight <= 0) return 0; f = floor(0.5 + DistributeEvenly_amount * weight / DistributeEvenly_totalweight); DistributeEvenly_totalweight -= weight; DistributeEvenly_amount -= f; return f; } float DistributeEvenly_GetRandomized(float weight) { float f; if (weight <= 0) return 0; f = floor(random() + DistributeEvenly_amount * weight / DistributeEvenly_totalweight); DistributeEvenly_totalweight -= weight; DistributeEvenly_amount -= f; return f; } void GameLogEcho(string s) { string fn; float matches; if (autocvar_sv_eventlog_files) { if (!logfile_open) { logfile_open = true; matches = autocvar_sv_eventlog_files_counter + 1; cvar_set("sv_eventlog_files_counter", ftos(matches)); fn = ftos(matches); if (strlen(fn) < 8) fn = strcat(substring("00000000", 0, 8 - strlen(fn)), fn); fn = strcat(autocvar_sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix, fn, autocvar_sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix); logfile = fopen(fn, FILE_APPEND); fputs(logfile, ":logversion:3\n"); } if (logfile >= 0) { if (autocvar_sv_eventlog_files_timestamps) fputs(logfile, strcat(":time:", strftime(true, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "\n", s, "\n"))); else fputs(logfile, strcat(s, "\n")); } } if (autocvar_sv_eventlog_console) { print(s, "\n"); } } void GameLogInit() { logfile_open = 0; // will be opened later } void GameLogClose() { if (logfile_open && logfile >= 0) { fclose(logfile); logfile = -1; } } entity findnearest(vector point, .string field, string value, vector axismod) { entity localhead; float i; float j; float len; vector dist; float num_nearest; num_nearest = 0; localhead = find(world, field, value); while (localhead) { if ((localhead.items == IT_KEY1 || localhead.items == IT_KEY2) && localhead.target == "###item###") dist = localhead.oldorigin; else dist = localhead.origin; dist = dist - point; dist = dist.x * axismod.x * '1 0 0' + dist.y * axismod.y * '0 1 0' + dist.z * axismod.z * '0 0 1'; len = vlen(dist); for (i = 0; i < num_nearest; ++i) { if (len < nearest_length[i]) break; } // now i tells us where to insert at // INSERTION SORT! YOU'VE SEEN IT! RUN! if (i < NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES) { for (j = NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES - 1; j >= i; --j) { nearest_length[j + 1] = nearest_length[j]; nearest_entity[j + 1] = nearest_entity[j]; } nearest_length[i] = len; nearest_entity[i] = localhead; if (num_nearest < NUM_NEAREST_ENTITIES) num_nearest = num_nearest + 1; } localhead = find(localhead, field, value); } // now use the first one from our list that we can see for (i = 0; i < num_nearest; ++i) { traceline(point, nearest_entity[i].origin, true, world); if (trace_fraction == 1) { if (i != 0) { dprint("Nearest point ("); dprint(nearest_entity[0].netname); dprint(") is not visible, using a visible one.\n"); } return nearest_entity[i]; } } if (num_nearest == 0) return world; dprint("Not seeing any location point, using nearest as fallback.\n"); /* DEBUGGING CODE: dprint("Candidates were: "); for(j = 0; j < num_nearest; ++j) { if(j != 0) dprint(", "); dprint(nearest_entity[j].netname); } dprint("\n"); */ return nearest_entity[0]; } void spawnfunc_target_location() { self.classname = "target_location"; // location name in netname // eventually support: count, teamgame selectors, line of sight? } void spawnfunc_info_location() { self.classname = "target_location"; self.message = self.netname; } string NearestLocation(vector p) { entity loc; string ret; ret = "somewhere"; loc = findnearest(p, classname, "target_location", '1 1 1'); if (loc) { ret = loc.message; } else { loc = findnearest(p, target, "###item###", '1 1 4'); if (loc) ret = loc.netname; } return ret; } string formatmessage(string msg) { float p, p1, p2; float n; vector cursor; entity cursor_ent; string escape; string replacement; p = 0; n = 7; WarpZone_crosshair_trace(self); cursor = trace_endpos; cursor_ent = trace_ent; while (1) { if (n < 1) break; // too many replacements n = n - 1; p1 = strstr(msg, "%", p); // NOTE: this destroys msg as it's a tempstring! p2 = strstr(msg, "\\", p); // NOTE: this destroys msg as it's a tempstring! if (p1 < 0) p1 = p2; if (p2 < 0) p2 = p1; p = min(p1, p2); if (p < 0) break; replacement = substring(msg, p, 2); escape = substring(msg, p + 1, 1); if (escape == "%") replacement = "%"; else if (escape == "\\") replacement = "\\"; else if (escape == "n") replacement = "\n"; else if (escape == "a") replacement = ftos(floor(self.armorvalue)); else if (escape == "h") replacement = ftos(floor(self.health)); else if (escape == "l") replacement = NearestLocation(self.origin); else if (escape == "y") replacement = NearestLocation(cursor); else if (escape == "d") replacement = NearestLocation(self.death_origin); else if (escape == "w") { float wep; wep = self.weapon; if (!wep) wep = self.switchweapon; if (!wep) wep = self.cnt; replacement = WEP_NAME(wep); } else if (escape == "W") { if (self.items & IT_SHELLS) replacement = "shells"; else if (self.items & IT_NAILS) replacement = "bullets"; else if (self.items & IT_ROCKETS) replacement = "rockets"; else if (self.items & IT_CELLS) replacement = "cells"; else if (self.items & IT_PLASMA) replacement = "plasma"; else replacement = "batteries"; // ;) } else if (escape == "x") { replacement = cursor_ent.netname; if (replacement == "" || !cursor_ent) replacement = "nothing"; } else if (escape == "s") replacement = ftos(vlen(self.velocity - self.velocity.z * '0 0 1')); else if (escape == "S") replacement = ftos(vlen(self.velocity)); msg = strcat(substring(msg, 0, p), replacement, substring(msg, p+2, strlen(msg) - (p+2))); p = p + strlen(replacement); } return msg; } float boolean(float value) { // if value is 0 return false (0), otherwise return true (1) return (value == 0) ? false : true; } /* ============= GetCvars ============= Called with: 0: sends the request >0: receives a cvar from name=argv(f) value=argv(f+1) */ void GetCvars_handleString(string thisname, float f, .string field, string name) { if (f < 0) { if (self.field) strunzone(self.field); self.field = string_null; } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) { if (self.field) strunzone(self.field); self.field = strzone(argv(f + 1)); } } else stuffcmd(self, strcat("cl_cmd sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } void GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(string thisname, float f, .string field, string name, string(string) func) { GetCvars_handleString(thisname, f, field, name); if (f >= 0) // also initialize to the fitting value for "" when sending cvars out if (thisname == name) { string s; s = func(strcat1(self.field)); if (s != self.field) { strunzone(self.field); self.field = strzone(s); } } } void GetCvars_handleFloat(string thisname, float f, .float field, string name) { if (f < 0) { } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) self.field = stof(argv(f + 1)); } else stuffcmd(self, strcat("cl_cmd sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } void GetCvars_handleFloatOnce(string thisname, float f, .float field, string name) { if (f < 0) { } else if (f > 0) { if (thisname == name) { if(!self.field) { self.field = stof(argv(f + 1)); if(!self.field) self.field = -1; } } } else { if(!self.field) stuffcmd(self, strcat("cl_cmd sendcvar ", name, "\n")); } } string W_FixWeaponOrder_ForceComplete_AndBuildImpulseList(string wo) { string o; o = W_FixWeaponOrder_ForceComplete(wo); if(self.weaponorder_byimpulse) { strunzone(self.weaponorder_byimpulse); self.weaponorder_byimpulse = string_null; } self.weaponorder_byimpulse = strzone(W_FixWeaponOrder_BuildImpulseList(o)); return o; } void GetCvars(float f) { string s = string_null; if (f > 0) s = strcat1(argv(f)); get_cvars_f = f; get_cvars_s = s; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetCvars); Notification_GetCvars(); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, autoswitch, "cl_autoswitch"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_autoscreenshot, "cl_autoscreenshot"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_jetpack_jump, "cl_jetpack_jump"); GetCvars_handleString(s, f, cvar_g_xonoticversion, "g_xonoticversion"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_handicap, "cl_handicap"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_clippedspectating, "cl_clippedspectating"); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriority, "cl_weaponpriority", W_FixWeaponOrder_ForceComplete_AndBuildImpulseList); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[0], "cl_weaponpriority0", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[1], "cl_weaponpriority1", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[2], "cl_weaponpriority2", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[3], "cl_weaponpriority3", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[4], "cl_weaponpriority4", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[5], "cl_weaponpriority5", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[6], "cl_weaponpriority6", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[7], "cl_weaponpriority7", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[8], "cl_weaponpriority8", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleString_Fixup(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[9], "cl_weaponpriority9", W_FixWeaponOrder_AllowIncomplete); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_weaponimpulsemode, "cl_weaponimpulsemode"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_autotaunt, "cl_autotaunt"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_noantilag, "cl_noantilag"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_voice_directional, "cl_voice_directional"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation, "cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_accuracy_data_share, "cl_accuracy_data_share"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_accuracy_data_receive, "cl_accuracy_data_receive"); self.cvar_cl_accuracy_data_share = boolean(self.cvar_cl_accuracy_data_share); self.cvar_cl_accuracy_data_receive = boolean(self.cvar_cl_accuracy_data_receive); GetCvars_handleFloatOnce(s, f, cvar_cl_gunalign, "cl_gunalign"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_allow_uid2name, "cl_allow_uid2name"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_allow_uidtracking, "cl_allow_uidtracking"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_movement_track_canjump, "cl_movement_track_canjump"); GetCvars_handleFloat(s, f, cvar_cl_newusekeysupported, "cl_newusekeysupported"); // fixup of switchweapon (needed for LMS or when spectating is disabled, as PutClientInServer comes too early) if (f > 0) { if (s == "cl_weaponpriority") self.switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(self); if (s == "cl_allow_uidtracking") PlayerStats_GameReport_AddPlayer(self); } } // decolorizes and team colors the player name when needed string playername(entity p) { string t; if (teamplay && !intermission_running && IS_PLAYER(p)) { t = Team_ColorCode(p.team); return strcat(t, strdecolorize(p.netname)); } else return p.netname; } vector randompos(vector m1, vector m2) { vector v; m2 = m2 - m1; v_x = m2_x * random() + m1_x; v_y = m2_y * random() + m1_y; v_z = m2_z * random() + m1_z; return v; } float sound_allowed(float dest, entity e) { // sounds from world may always pass for(0;;) { if (e.classname == "body") e = e.enemy; else if (e.realowner && e.realowner != e) e = e.realowner; else if (e.owner && e.owner != e) e = e.owner; else break; } // sounds to self may always pass if (dest == MSG_ONE) if (e == msg_entity) return true; // sounds by players can be removed if (autocvar_bot_sound_monopoly) if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(e)) return false; // anything else may pass return true; } #undef sound void sound(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { if (!sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, e)) return; sound7(e, chan, samp, vol, atten, 0, 0); } void soundtoat(float dest, entity e, vector o, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { float entno, idx; if (!sound_allowed(dest, e)) return; entno = num_for_edict(e); idx = precache_sound_index(samp); float sflags; sflags = 0; atten = floor(atten * 64); vol = floor(vol * 255); if (vol != 255) sflags |= SND_VOLUME; if (atten != 64) sflags |= SND_ATTENUATION; if (entno >= 8192 || chan < 0 || chan > 7) sflags |= SND_LARGEENTITY; if (idx >= 256) sflags |= SND_LARGESOUND; WriteByte(dest, SVC_SOUND); WriteByte(dest, sflags); if (sflags & SND_VOLUME) WriteByte(dest, vol); if (sflags & SND_ATTENUATION) WriteByte(dest, atten); if (sflags & SND_LARGEENTITY) { WriteShort(dest, entno); WriteByte(dest, chan); } else { WriteShort(dest, entno * 8 + chan); } if (sflags & SND_LARGESOUND) WriteShort(dest, idx); else WriteByte(dest, idx); WriteCoord(dest, o.x); WriteCoord(dest, o.y); WriteCoord(dest, o.z); } void soundto(float dest, entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { vector o; if (!sound_allowed(dest, e)) return; o = e.origin + 0.5 * (e.mins + e.maxs); soundtoat(dest, e, o, chan, samp, vol, atten); } void soundat(entity e, vector o, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { soundtoat(((chan & 8) ? MSG_ALL : MSG_BROADCAST), e, o, chan, samp, vol, atten); } void stopsoundto(float dest, entity e, float chan) { float entno; if (!sound_allowed(dest, e)) return; entno = num_for_edict(e); if (entno >= 8192 || chan < 0 || chan > 7) { float idx, sflags; idx = precache_sound_index("misc/null.wav"); sflags = SND_LARGEENTITY; if (idx >= 256) sflags |= SND_LARGESOUND; WriteByte(dest, SVC_SOUND); WriteByte(dest, sflags); WriteShort(dest, entno); WriteByte(dest, chan); if (sflags & SND_LARGESOUND) WriteShort(dest, idx); else WriteByte(dest, idx); WriteCoord(dest, e.origin.x); WriteCoord(dest, e.origin.y); WriteCoord(dest, e.origin.z); } else { WriteByte(dest, SVC_STOPSOUND); WriteShort(dest, entno * 8 + chan); } } void stopsound(entity e, float chan) { if (!sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, e)) return; stopsoundto(MSG_BROADCAST, e, chan); // unreliable, gets there fast stopsoundto(MSG_ALL, e, chan); // in case of packet loss } void play2(entity e, string filename) { //stuffcmd(e, strcat("play2 ", filename, "\n")); msg_entity = e; soundtoat(MSG_ONE, world, '0 0 0', CH_INFO, filename, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE); } // use this one if you might be causing spam (e.g. from touch functions that might get called more than once per frame) .float spamtime; float spamsound(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) { if (!sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, e)) return false; if (time > e.spamtime) { e.spamtime = time; sound(e, chan, samp, vol, atten); return true; } return false; } void play2team(float t, string filename) { entity head; if (autocvar_bot_sound_monopoly) return; FOR_EACH_REALPLAYER(head) { if (head.team == t) play2(head, filename); } } void play2all(string samp) { if (autocvar_bot_sound_monopoly) return; sound(world, CH_INFO, samp, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE); } void PrecachePlayerSounds(string f); void precache_playermodel(string m) { float globhandle, i, n; string f; if(substring(m, -9,5) == "_lod1") return; if(substring(m, -9,5) == "_lod2") return; precache_model(m); f = strcat(substring(m, 0, -5), "_lod1", substring(m, -4, -1)); if(fexists(f)) precache_model(f); f = strcat(substring(m, 0, -5), "_lod2", substring(m, -4, -1)); if(fexists(f)) precache_model(f); globhandle = search_begin(strcat(m, "_*.sounds"), true, false); if (globhandle < 0) return; n = search_getsize(globhandle); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //print(search_getfilename(globhandle, i), "\n"); f = search_getfilename(globhandle, i); PrecachePlayerSounds(f); } search_end(globhandle); } void precache_all_playermodels(string pattern) { float globhandle, i, n; string f; globhandle = search_begin(pattern, true, false); if (globhandle < 0) return; n = search_getsize(globhandle); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //print(search_getfilename(globhandle, i), "\n"); f = search_getfilename(globhandle, i); precache_playermodel(f); } search_end(globhandle); } void precache() { // gamemode related things precache_model ("models/misc/chatbubble.spr"); precache_model("models/ice/ice.md3"); #ifdef TTURRETS_ENABLED if (autocvar_g_turrets) turrets_precash(); #endif // Precache all player models if desired if (autocvar_sv_precacheplayermodels) { PrecachePlayerSounds("sound/player/default.sounds"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.zym"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.dpm"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.md3"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.psk"); precache_all_playermodels("models/player/*.iqm"); } if (autocvar_sv_defaultcharacter) { string s; s = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel_red; if (s != "") precache_playermodel(s); s = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel_blue; if (s != "") precache_playermodel(s); s = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow; if (s != "") precache_playermodel(s); s = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel_pink; if (s != "") precache_playermodel(s); s = autocvar_sv_defaultplayermodel; if (s != "") precache_playermodel(s); } if (g_footsteps) { PrecacheGlobalSound((globalsound_step = "misc/footstep0 6")); PrecacheGlobalSound((globalsound_metalstep = "misc/metalfootstep0 6")); } // gore and miscellaneous sounds //precache_sound ("misc/h2ohit.wav"); precache_model ("models/hook.md3"); precache_sound ("misc/armorimpact.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/bodyimpact1.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/bodyimpact2.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib_splat01.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib_splat02.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib_splat03.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/gib_splat04.wav"); PrecacheGlobalSound((globalsound_fall = "misc/hitground 4")); PrecacheGlobalSound((globalsound_metalfall = "misc/metalhitground 4")); precache_sound ("misc/null.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/spawn.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/talk.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/teleport.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/poweroff.wav"); precache_sound ("player/lava.wav"); precache_sound ("player/slime.wav"); precache_model ("models/sprites/0.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/1.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/2.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/3.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/4.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/5.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/6.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/7.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/8.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/9.spr32"); precache_model ("models/sprites/10.spr32"); // common weapon precaches precache_sound ("weapons/reload.wav"); // until weapons have individual reload sounds, precache the reload sound here precache_sound ("weapons/weapon_switch.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/weaponpickup.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/unavailable.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/dryfire.wav"); if (g_grappling_hook) { precache_sound ("weapons/hook_fire.wav"); // hook precache_sound ("weapons/hook_impact.wav"); // hook } precache_model("models/elaser.mdl"); precache_model("models/laser.mdl"); precache_model("models/ebomb.mdl"); #if 0 // Disabled this code because it simply does not work (e.g. ignores bgmvolume, overlaps with "cd loop" controlled tracks). if (!self.noise && self.music) // quake 3 uses the music field self.noise = self.music; // plays music for the level if there is any if (self.noise) { precache_sound (self.noise); ambientsound ('0 0 0', self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NONE); } #endif #include "precache-for-csqc.inc" } void make_safe_for_remove(entity e) { if (e.initialize_entity) { entity ent, prev = world; for (ent = initialize_entity_first; ent; ) { if ((ent == e) || ((ent.classname == "initialize_entity") && (ent.enemy == e))) { //print("make_safe_for_remove: getting rid of initializer ", etos(ent), "\n"); // skip it in linked list if (prev) { prev.initialize_entity_next = ent.initialize_entity_next; ent = prev.initialize_entity_next; } else { initialize_entity_first = ent.initialize_entity_next; ent = initialize_entity_first; } } else { prev = ent; ent = ent.initialize_entity_next; } } } } void objerror(string s) { make_safe_for_remove(self); builtin_objerror(s); } .float remove_except_protected_forbidden; void remove_except_protected(entity e) { if(e.remove_except_protected_forbidden) error("not allowed to remove this at this point"); builtin_remove(e); } void remove_unsafely(entity e) { if(e.classname == "spike") error("Removing spikes is forbidden (crylink bug), please report"); builtin_remove(e); } void remove_safely(entity e) { make_safe_for_remove(e); builtin_remove(e); } void InitializeEntity(entity e, void(void) func, float order) { entity prev, cur; if (!e || e.initialize_entity) { // make a proxy initializer entity entity e_old; e_old = e; e = spawn(); e.classname = "initialize_entity"; e.enemy = e_old; } e.initialize_entity = func; e.initialize_entity_order = order; cur = initialize_entity_first; prev = world; for(0;;) { if (!cur || cur.initialize_entity_order > order) { // insert between prev and cur if (prev) prev.initialize_entity_next = e; else initialize_entity_first = e; e.initialize_entity_next = cur; return; } prev = cur; cur = cur.initialize_entity_next; } } void InitializeEntitiesRun() { entity startoflist; startoflist = initialize_entity_first; initialize_entity_first = world; remove = remove_except_protected; for (self = startoflist; self; self = self.initialize_entity_next) { self.remove_except_protected_forbidden = 1; } for (self = startoflist; self; ) { entity e; var void(void) func; e = self.initialize_entity_next; func = self.initialize_entity; self.initialize_entity_order = 0; self.initialize_entity = func_null; self.initialize_entity_next = world; self.remove_except_protected_forbidden = 0; if (self.classname == "initialize_entity") { entity e_old; e_old = self.enemy; builtin_remove(self); self = e_old; } //dprint("Delayed initialization: ", self.classname, "\n"); if(func) func(); else { eprint(self); backtrace(strcat("Null function in: ", self.classname, "\n")); } self = e; } remove = remove_unsafely; } .float uncustomizeentityforclient_set; .void(void) uncustomizeentityforclient; void UncustomizeEntitiesRun() { entity oldself; oldself = self; for (self = world; (self = findfloat(self, uncustomizeentityforclient_set, 1)); ) self.uncustomizeentityforclient(); self = oldself; } void SetCustomizer(entity e, float(void) customizer, void(void) uncustomizer) { e.customizeentityforclient = customizer; e.uncustomizeentityforclient = uncustomizer; e.uncustomizeentityforclient_set = !!uncustomizer; } .float nottargeted; #define IFTARGETED if(!self.nottargeted && self.targetname != "") void() SUB_Remove; void Net_LinkEntity(entity e, float docull, float dt, float(entity, float) sendfunc) { vector mi, ma; if (e.classname == "") e.classname = "net_linked"; if (e.model == "" || self.modelindex == 0) { mi = e.mins; ma = e.maxs; setmodel(e, "null"); setsize(e, mi, ma); } e.SendEntity = sendfunc; e.SendFlags = 0xFFFFFF; if (!docull) e.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; if (dt) { e.nextthink = time + dt; e.think = SUB_Remove; } } entity eliminatedPlayers; .float(entity) isEliminated; float EliminatedPlayers_SendEntity(entity to, float sendflags) { float i, f, b; entity e; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_ELIMINATEDPLAYERS); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sendflags); if(sendflags & 1) { for(i = 1; i <= maxclients; i += 8) { for(f = 0, e = edict_num(i), b = 1; b < 256; b *= 2, e = nextent(e)) { if(eliminatedPlayers.isEliminated(e)) f |= b; } WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, f); } } return true; } void EliminatedPlayers_Init(float(entity) isEliminated_func) { if(eliminatedPlayers) { backtrace("Can't spawn eliminatedPlayers again!"); return; } Net_LinkEntity(eliminatedPlayers = spawn(), false, 0, EliminatedPlayers_SendEntity); eliminatedPlayers.isEliminated = isEliminated_func; } void adaptor_think2touch() { entity o; o = other; other = world; self.touch(); other = o; } void adaptor_think2use() { entity o, a; o = other; a = activator; activator = world; other = world; self.use(); other = o; activator = a; } void adaptor_think2use_hittype_splash() // for timed projectile detonation { if(!(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)) // if onground, we ARE touching something, but HITTYPE_SPLASH is to be networked if the damage causing projectile is not touching ANYTHING self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_SPLASH; adaptor_think2use(); } // deferred dropping void DropToFloor_Handler() { builtin_droptofloor(); self.dropped_origin = self.origin; } void droptofloor() { InitializeEntity(self, DropToFloor_Handler, INITPRIO_DROPTOFLOOR); } float trace_hits_box_a0, trace_hits_box_a1; float trace_hits_box_1d(float end, float thmi, float thma) { if (end == 0) { // just check if x is in range if (0 < thmi) return false; if (0 > thma) return false; } else { // do the trace with respect to x // 0 -> end has to stay in thmi -> thma trace_hits_box_a0 = max(trace_hits_box_a0, min(thmi / end, thma / end)); trace_hits_box_a1 = min(trace_hits_box_a1, max(thmi / end, thma / end)); if (trace_hits_box_a0 > trace_hits_box_a1) return false; } return true; } float trace_hits_box(vector start, vector end, vector thmi, vector thma) { end -= start; thmi -= start; thma -= start; // now it is a trace from 0 to end trace_hits_box_a0 = 0; trace_hits_box_a1 = 1; if (!trace_hits_box_1d(end.x, thmi.x, thma.x)) return false; if (!trace_hits_box_1d(end.y, thmi.y, thma.y)) return false; if (!trace_hits_box_1d(end.z, thmi.z, thma.z)) return false; return true; } float tracebox_hits_box(vector start, vector mi, vector ma, vector end, vector thmi, vector thma) { return trace_hits_box(start, end, thmi - ma, thma - mi); } float SUB_NoImpactCheck() { // zero hitcontents = this is not the real impact, but either the // mirror-impact of something hitting the projectile instead of the // projectile hitting the something, or a touchareagrid one. Neither of // these stop the projectile from moving, so... if(trace_dphitcontents == 0) { //dprint("A hit happened with zero hit contents... DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Projectile will self-destruct.\n"); dprintf("A hit from a projectile happened with no hit contents! DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Profectile will self-destruct. (edict: %d, classname: %s, origin: %s)\n", num_for_edict(self), self.classname, vtos(self.origin)); checkclient(); } if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) return 1; if (other == world && self.size != '0 0 0') { vector tic; tic = self.velocity * sys_frametime; tic = tic + normalize(tic) * vlen(self.maxs - self.mins); traceline(self.origin - tic, self.origin + tic, MOVE_NORMAL, self); if (trace_fraction >= 1) { dprint("Odd... did not hit...?\n"); } else if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT) { dprint("Detected and prevented the sky-grapple bug.\n"); return 1; } } return 0; } #define SUB_OwnerCheck() (other && (other == self.owner)) void RemoveGrapplingHook(entity pl); void W_Crylink_Dequeue(entity e); float WarpZone_Projectile_Touch_ImpactFilter_Callback() { if(SUB_OwnerCheck()) return true; if(SUB_NoImpactCheck()) { if(self.classname == "nade") return false; // no checks here else if(self.classname == "grapplinghook") RemoveGrapplingHook(self.realowner); else if(self.classname == "spike") { W_Crylink_Dequeue(self); remove(self); } else remove(self); return true; } if(trace_ent && trace_ent.solid > SOLID_TRIGGER) UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); return false; } #define PROJECTILE_TOUCH if(WarpZone_Projectile_Touch()) return #define ITEM_TOUCH_NEEDKILL() (((trace_dpstartcontents | trace_dphitcontents) & DPCONTENTS_NODROP) || (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY)) #define ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(dt) (((dt) == DEATH_HURTTRIGGER) || ((dt) == DEATH_SLIME) || ((dt) == DEATH_LAVA) || ((dt) == DEATH_SWAMP)) void URI_Get_Callback(float id, float status, string data) { if(url_URI_Get_Callback(id, status, data)) { // handled } else if (id == URI_GET_DISCARD) { // discard } else if (id >= URI_GET_CURL && id <= URI_GET_CURL_END) { // sv_cmd curl Curl_URI_Get_Callback(id, status, data); } else if (id >= URI_GET_IPBAN && id <= URI_GET_IPBAN_END) { // online ban list OnlineBanList_URI_Get_Callback(id, status, data); } else { print("Received HTTP request data for an invalid id ", ftos(id), ".\n"); } } string uid2name(string myuid) { string s; s = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat("/uid2name/", myuid)); // FIXME remove this later after 0.6 release // convert old style broken records to correct style if(s == "") { s = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat("uid2name", myuid)); if(s != "") { db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat("/uid2name/", myuid), s); db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat("uid2name", myuid), ""); } } if(s == "") s = "^1Unregistered Player"; return s; } float MoveToRandomMapLocation(entity e, float goodcontents, float badcontents, float badsurfaceflags, float attempts, float maxaboveground, float minviewdistance) { float m, i; vector start, org, delta, end, enddown, mstart; entity sp; m = e.dphitcontentsmask; e.dphitcontentsmask = goodcontents | badcontents; org = world.mins; delta = world.maxs - world.mins; start = end = org; for (i = 0; i < attempts; ++i) { start_x = org.x + random() * delta.x; start_y = org.y + random() * delta.y; start_z = org.z + random() * delta.z; // rule 1: start inside world bounds, and outside // solid, and don't start from somewhere where you can // fall down to evil tracebox(start, e.mins, e.maxs, start - '0 0 1' * delta.z, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1) continue; if (trace_startsolid) continue; if (trace_dphitcontents & badcontents) continue; if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & badsurfaceflags) continue; // rule 2: if we are too high, lower the point if (trace_fraction * delta.z > maxaboveground) start = trace_endpos + '0 0 1' * maxaboveground; enddown = trace_endpos; // rule 3: make sure we aren't outside the map. This only works // for somewhat well formed maps. A good rule of thumb is that // the map should have a convex outside hull. // these can be traceLINES as we already verified the starting box mstart = start + 0.5 * (e.mins + e.maxs); traceline(mstart, mstart + '1 0 0' * delta.x, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk") continue; traceline(mstart, mstart - '1 0 0' * delta.x, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk") continue; traceline(mstart, mstart + '0 1 0' * delta.y, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk") continue; traceline(mstart, mstart - '0 1 0' * delta.y, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk") continue; traceline(mstart, mstart + '0 0 1' * delta.z, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_dphittexturename == "common/caulk") continue; // rule 4: we must "see" some spawnpoint or item for(sp = world; (sp = find(sp, classname, "info_player_deathmatch")); ) if(checkpvs(mstart, sp)) if((traceline(mstart, sp.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, e), trace_fraction) >= 1) break; if(!sp) { for(sp = world; (sp = findflags(sp, flags, FL_ITEM)); ) if(checkpvs(mstart, sp)) if((traceline(mstart, sp.origin + (sp.mins + sp.maxs) * 0.5, MOVE_NORMAL, e), trace_fraction) >= 1) break; if(!sp) continue; } // find a random vector to "look at" end_x = org.x + random() * delta.x; end_y = org.y + random() * delta.y; end_z = org.z + random() * delta.z; end = start + normalize(end - start) * vlen(delta); // rule 4: start TO end must not be too short tracebox(start, e.mins, e.maxs, end, MOVE_NORMAL, e); if (trace_startsolid) continue; if (trace_fraction < minviewdistance / vlen(delta)) continue; // rule 5: don't want to look at sky if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY) continue; // rule 6: we must not end up in trigger_hurt if (tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(start, e.mins, e.maxs, enddown)) continue; break; } e.dphitcontentsmask = m; if (i < attempts) { setorigin(e, start); e.angles = vectoangles(end - start); dprint("Needed ", ftos(i + 1), " attempts\n"); return true; } else return false; } void write_recordmarker(entity pl, float tstart, float dt) { GameLogEcho(strcat(":recordset:", ftos(pl.playerid), ":", ftos(dt))); // also write a marker into demo files for demotc-race-record-extractor to find stuffcmd(pl, strcat( strcat("//", strconv(2, 0, 0, GetGametype()), " RECORD SET ", TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(TIME_ENCODE(dt))), " ", ftos(tstart), " ", ftos(dt), "\n")); } vector shotorg_adjustfromclient(vector vecs, float y_is_right, float allowcenter, float algn) { switch(algn) { default: case 3: // right break; case 4: // left vecs_y = -vecs.y; break; case 1: if(allowcenter) // 2: allow center handedness { // center vecs_y = 0; vecs.z -= 2; } else { // right } break; case 2: if(allowcenter) // 2: allow center handedness { // center vecs_y = 0; vecs.z -= 2; } else { // left vecs_y = -vecs.y; } break; } return vecs; } vector shotorg_adjust_values(vector vecs, float y_is_right, float visual, float algn) { string s; vector v; if (autocvar_g_shootfromeye) { if (visual) { if (autocvar_g_shootfromclient) { vecs = shotorg_adjustfromclient(vecs, y_is_right, (autocvar_g_shootfromclient >= 2), algn); } else { vecs_y = 0; vecs.z -= 2; } } else { vecs_y = 0; vecs_z = 0; } } else if (autocvar_g_shootfromcenter) { vecs_y = 0; vecs.z -= 2; } else if ((s = autocvar_g_shootfromfixedorigin) != "") { v = stov(s); if (y_is_right) v_y = -v.y; if (v.x != 0) vecs_x = v.x; vecs_y = v.y; vecs_z = v.z; } else if (autocvar_g_shootfromclient) { vecs = shotorg_adjustfromclient(vecs, y_is_right, (autocvar_g_shootfromclient >= 2), algn); } return vecs; } vector shotorg_adjust(vector vecs, float y_is_right, float visual) { return shotorg_adjust_values(vecs, y_is_right, visual, self.owner.cvar_cl_gunalign); } void attach_sameorigin(entity e, entity to, string tag) { vector org, t_forward, t_left, t_up, e_forward, e_up; float tagscale; org = e.origin - gettaginfo(to, gettagindex(to, tag)); tagscale = pow(vlen(v_forward), -2); // undo a scale on the tag t_forward = v_forward * tagscale; t_left = v_right * -tagscale; t_up = v_up * tagscale; e.origin_x = org * t_forward; e.origin_y = org * t_left; e.origin_z = org * t_up; // current forward and up directions if (substring(e.model, 0, 1) == "*") // bmodels have their own rules e.angles = AnglesTransform_FromVAngles(e.angles); else e.angles = AnglesTransform_FromAngles(e.angles); fixedmakevectors(e.angles); // untransform forward, up! e_forward_x = v_forward * t_forward; e_forward_y = v_forward * t_left; e_forward_z = v_forward * t_up; e_up_x = v_up * t_forward; e_up_y = v_up * t_left; e_up_z = v_up * t_up; e.angles = fixedvectoangles2(e_forward, e_up); if (substring(e.model, 0, 1) == "*") // bmodels have their own rules e.angles = AnglesTransform_ToVAngles(e.angles); else e.angles = AnglesTransform_ToAngles(e.angles); setattachment(e, to, tag); setorigin(e, e.origin); } void detach_sameorigin(entity e) { vector org; org = gettaginfo(e, 0); e.angles = fixedvectoangles2(v_forward, v_up); if (substring(e.model, 0, 1) == "*") // bmodels have their own rules e.angles = AnglesTransform_ToVAngles(e.angles); else e.angles = AnglesTransform_ToAngles(e.angles); setorigin(e, org); setattachment(e, world, ""); setorigin(e, e.origin); } void follow_sameorigin(entity e, entity to) { e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; // make the hole follow e.aiment = to; // make the hole follow bmodel e.punchangle = to.angles; // the original angles of bmodel e.view_ofs = e.origin - to.origin; // relative origin e.v_angle = e.angles - to.angles; // relative angles } void unfollow_sameorigin(entity e) { e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; } entity gettaginfo_relative_ent; vector gettaginfo_relative(entity e, float tag) { if (!gettaginfo_relative_ent) { gettaginfo_relative_ent = spawn(); gettaginfo_relative_ent.effects = EF_NODRAW; } gettaginfo_relative_ent.model = e.model; gettaginfo_relative_ent.modelindex = e.modelindex; gettaginfo_relative_ent.frame = e.frame; return gettaginfo(gettaginfo_relative_ent, tag); } .float scale2; float modeleffect_SendEntity(entity to, float sf) { float f; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_MODELEFFECT); f = 0; if(self.velocity != '0 0 0') f |= 1; if(self.angles != '0 0 0') f |= 2; if(self.avelocity != '0 0 0') f |= 4; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, f); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.modelindex); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.skin); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.frame); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.z); if(f & 1) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity.z); } if(f & 2) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles.z); } if(f & 4) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.avelocity.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.avelocity.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.avelocity.z); } WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.scale * 256.0); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.scale2 * 256.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.teleport_time * 100.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.fade_time * 100.0); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.alpha * 255.0); return true; } void modeleffect_spawn(string m, float s, float f, vector o, vector v, vector ang, vector angv, float s0, float s2, float a, float t1, float t2) { entity e; float sz; e = spawn(); e.classname = "modeleffect"; setmodel(e, m); e.frame = f; setorigin(e, o); e.velocity = v; e.angles = ang; e.avelocity = angv; e.alpha = a; e.teleport_time = t1; e.fade_time = t2; e.skin = s; if(s0 >= 0) e.scale = s0 / max6(-e.mins.x, -e.mins.y, -e.mins.z, e.maxs.x, e.maxs.y, e.maxs.z); else e.scale = -s0; if(s2 >= 0) e.scale2 = s2 / max6(-e.mins.x, -e.mins.y, -e.mins.z, e.maxs.x, e.maxs.y, e.maxs.z); else e.scale2 = -s2; sz = max(e.scale, e.scale2); setsize(e, e.mins * sz, e.maxs * sz); Net_LinkEntity(e, false, 0.1, modeleffect_SendEntity); } void shockwave_spawn(string m, vector org, float sz, float t1, float t2) { return modeleffect_spawn(m, 0, 0, org, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0, sz, 1, t1, t2); } float randombit(float bits) { if(!(bits & (bits-1))) // this ONLY holds for powers of two! return bits; float n, f, b, r; r = random(); b = 0; n = 0; for(f = 1; f <= bits; f *= 2) { if(bits & f) { ++n; r *= n; if(r <= 1) b = f; else r = (r - 1) / (n - 1); } } return b; } float randombits(float bits, float k, float error_return) { float r; r = 0; while(k > 0 && bits != r) { r += randombit(bits - r); --k; } if(error_return) if(k > 0) return -1; // all return r; } void randombit_test(float bits, float iter) { while(iter > 0) { print(ftos(randombit(bits)), "\n"); --iter; } } float ExponentialFalloff(float mindist, float maxdist, float halflifedist, float d) { if(halflifedist > 0) return pow(0.5, (bound(mindist, d, maxdist) - mindist) / halflifedist); else if(halflifedist < 0) return pow(0.5, (bound(mindist, d, maxdist) - maxdist) / halflifedist); else return 1; } #ifdef RELEASE #define cvar_string_normal builtin_cvar_string #define cvar_normal builtin_cvar #else string cvar_string_normal(string n) { if (!(cvar_type(n) & 1)) backtrace(strcat("Attempt to access undefined cvar: ", n)); return builtin_cvar_string(n); } float cvar_normal(string n) { return stof(cvar_string_normal(n)); } #endif #define cvar_set_normal builtin_cvar_set void defer_think() { entity oself; oself = self; self = self.owner; oself.think = SUB_Remove; oself.nextthink = time; oself.use(); } /* Execute func() after time + fdelay. self when func is executed = self when defer is called */ void defer(float fdelay, void() func) { entity e; e = spawn(); e.owner = self; e.use = func; e.think = defer_think; e.nextthink = time + fdelay; } .string aiment_classname; .float aiment_deadflag; void SetMovetypeFollow(entity ent, entity e) { // FIXME this may not be warpzone aware ent.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; // make the hole follow ent.solid = SOLID_NOT; // MOVETYPE_FOLLOW is always non-solid - this means this cannot be teleported by warpzones any more! Instead, we must notice when our owner gets teleported. ent.aiment = e; // make the hole follow bmodel ent.punchangle = e.angles; // the original angles of bmodel ent.view_ofs = ent.origin - e.origin; // relative origin ent.v_angle = ent.angles - e.angles; // relative angles ent.aiment_classname = strzone(e.classname); ent.aiment_deadflag = e.deadflag; } void UnsetMovetypeFollow(entity ent) { ent.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(ent); ent.aiment = world; } float LostMovetypeFollow(entity ent) { /* if(ent.movetype != MOVETYPE_FOLLOW) if(ent.aiment) error("???"); */ if(ent.aiment) { if(ent.aiment.classname != ent.aiment_classname) return 1; if(ent.aiment.deadflag != ent.aiment_deadflag) return 1; } return 0; } float isPushable(entity e) { if(e.iscreature) return true; if(e.pushable) return true; switch(e.classname) { case "body": case "droppedweapon": case "keepawayball": case "nexball_basketball": case "nexball_football": return true; case "bullet": // antilagged bullets can't hit this either return false; } if (e.projectiledeathtype) return true; return false; }