#pragma once /* * Globals and Fields */ float navigation_bestrating; float bot_navigation_movemode; float navigation_testtracewalk; vector jumpstepheightvec; vector stepheightvec; vector jumpheight_vec; float jumpheight_time; entity navigation_bestgoal; // stack of current goals (the last one of which may be an item or other // desirable object, the rest are typically waypoints to reach it) .entity goalcurrent, goalstack01, goalstack02, goalstack03; .entity goalstack04, goalstack05, goalstack06, goalstack07; .entity goalstack08, goalstack09, goalstack10, goalstack11; .entity goalstack12, goalstack13, goalstack14, goalstack15; .entity goalstack16, goalstack17, goalstack18, goalstack19; .entity goalstack20, goalstack21, goalstack22, goalstack23; .entity goalstack24, goalstack25, goalstack26, goalstack27; .entity goalstack28, goalstack29, goalstack30, goalstack31; .entity goalcurrent_prev; .float goalcurrent_distance_z; .float goalcurrent_distance_2d; .float goalcurrent_distance_time; // final goal (item, object or player) is also saved in this field .entity goalentity; .float goalentity_lock_timeout; .bool goalentity_shouldbefrozen; .entity nearestwaypoint; .float nearestwaypointtimeout; /* // item it is linked from waypoint it.wpXX (INCOMING link) // links are sorted by their cost (wpXXmincost) // one of these links is added in game every time a bot heads to an item // even links that are not walkable are added (marked with a high cost) // so that bots next time know if they can walk it or not saving a tracewalk call .entity wp00, wp01, wp02, wp03, wp04, wp05, wp06, wp07, wp08, wp09, wp10, wp11, wp12, wp13, wp14, wp15; .entity wp16, wp17, wp18, wp19, wp20, wp21, wp22, wp23, wp24, wp25, wp26, wp27, wp28, wp29, wp30, wp31; .float wp00mincost, wp01mincost, wp02mincost, wp03mincost, wp04mincost, wp05mincost, wp06mincost, wp07mincost; .float wp08mincost, wp09mincost, wp10mincost, wp11mincost, wp12mincost, wp13mincost, wp14mincost, wp15mincost; .float wp16mincost, wp17mincost, wp18mincost, wp19mincost, wp20mincost, wp21mincost, wp22mincost, wp23mincost; .float wp24mincost, wp25mincost, wp26mincost, wp27mincost, wp28mincost, wp29mincost, wp30mincost, wp31mincost; */ #define navigation_item_initlinks_ifneeded(e) MACRO_BEGIN if (!e.wp00) waypoint_clearlinks(e); MACRO_END // initialize wpXXmincost fields #define navigation_item_getlinknum(to_item, from_wp) waypoint_getlinknum(to_item, from_wp) #define navigation_item_iswalkablelink(to_item, from_wp) (waypoint_get_assigned_link_cost(to_item, from_wp) < 999) #define navigation_item_add_link(from_wp, to_item, walkable) \ waypoint_addlink_customcost(to_item, from_wp, (walkable ? waypoint_getlinkcost(from_wp, to_item) : 999)) #define TELEPORT_USED(pl, tele_wp) \ boxesoverlap(tele_wp.absmin, tele_wp.absmax, pl.lastteleport_origin + STAT(PL_MIN, pl), pl.lastteleport_origin + STAT(PL_MAX, pl)) vector tracewalk_dest; float tracewalk_dest_height; .entity wp_goal_prev0; .entity wp_goal_prev1; .float lastteleporttime; .vector lastteleport_origin; .float blacklisted; .entity navigation_jetpack_goal; .vector navigation_jetpack_point; const float DEBUG_NODE_SUCCESS = 1; const float DEBUG_NODE_WARNING = 2; const float DEBUG_NODE_FAIL = 3; vector debuglastnode; entity bot_waypoint_queue_owner; // Owner of the temporary list of goals entity bot_waypoint_queue_goal; // Head of the temporary list of goals .entity bot_waypoint_queue_nextgoal; entity bot_waypoint_queue_bestgoal; float bot_waypoint_queue_bestgoalrating; const float BOT_BUNNYHOP_WP_DETECTION_RANGE = 100; .entity bot_basewaypoint; .bool navigation_dynamicgoal; void navigation_dynamicgoal_init(entity this, bool initially_static); void navigation_dynamicgoal_set(entity this, entity dropper); void navigation_dynamicgoal_unset(entity this); .int nav_submerged_state; #define SUBMERGED_UNDEFINED 0 #define SUBMERGED_NO 1 #define SUBMERGED_YES 2 bool navigation_check_submerged_state(entity ent, vector pos); /* * Functions */ void debugresetnodes(); void debugnode(entity this, vector node); void debugnodestatus(vector position, float status); void debuggoalstack(entity this); float tracewalk(entity e, vector start, vector m1, vector m2, vector end, float end_height, float movemode); float navigation_markroutes_nearestwaypoints(entity this, float maxdist); float navigation_routetogoal(entity this, entity e, vector startposition); void navigation_clearroute(entity this); void navigation_pushroute(entity this, entity e); void navigation_poproute(entity this); void navigation_markroutes_checkwaypoint(entity w, entity wp, float cost2, vector p); void navigation_markroutes(entity this, entity fixed_source_waypoint); void navigation_markroutes_inverted(entity fixed_source_waypoint); void navigation_routerating(entity this, entity e, float f, float rangebias); bool navigation_shortenpath(entity this); int navigation_poptouchedgoals(entity this); void navigation_goalrating_start(entity this); void navigation_goalrating_end(entity this); void navigation_goalrating_timeout_set(entity this); void navigation_goalrating_timeout_force(entity this); bool navigation_goalrating_timeout(entity this); void navigation_unstuck(entity this); void botframe_updatedangerousobjects(float maxupdate); entity navigation_findnearestwaypoint(entity ent, float walkfromwp); float navigation_waypoint_will_link(vector v, vector org, entity ent, vector v2, float v2_height, vector o2, float o2_height, float walkfromwp, float bestdist);