#ifndef ITEM_LISTBOX_H #define ITEM_LISTBOX_H #include "../item.qc" CLASS(ListBox, Item) METHOD(ListBox, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector)) METHOD(ListBox, configureListBox, void(entity, float, float)) METHOD(ListBox, draw, void(entity)) METHOD(ListBox, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float)) METHOD(ListBox, mouseMove, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(ListBox, mousePress, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(ListBox, mouseDrag, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(ListBox, mouseRelease, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(ListBox, focusLeave, void(entity)) ATTRIB(ListBox, focusable, float, 1) ATTRIB(ListBox, focusedItem, int, -1) ATTRIB(ListBox, focusedItemAlpha, float, 0.3) ATTRIB(ListBox, allowFocusSound, float, 1) ATTRIB(ListBox, selectedItem, int, 0) ATTRIB(ListBox, size, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(ListBox, origin, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(ListBox, scrollPos, float, 0) // measured in window heights, fixed when needed ATTRIB(ListBox, scrollPosTarget, float, 0) ATTRIB(ListBox, previousValue, float, 0) ATTRIB(ListBox, pressed, float, 0) // 0 = normal, 1 = scrollbar dragging, 2 = item dragging, 3 = released ATTRIB(ListBox, pressOffset, float, 0) METHOD(ListBox, updateControlTopBottom, void(entity)) ATTRIB(ListBox, controlTop, float, 0) ATTRIB(ListBox, controlBottom, float, 0) ATTRIB(ListBox, controlWidth, float, 0) ATTRIB(ListBox, dragScrollPos, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(ListBox, src, string, string_null) // scrollbar ATTRIB(ListBox, color, vector, '1 1 1') ATTRIB(ListBox, color2, vector, '1 1 1') ATTRIB(ListBox, colorC, vector, '1 1 1') ATTRIB(ListBox, colorF, vector, '1 1 1') ATTRIB(ListBox, tolerance, vector, '0 0 0') // drag tolerance ATTRIB(ListBox, scrollbarWidth, float, 0) // pixels ATTRIB(ListBox, nItems, float, 42) ATTRIB(ListBox, itemHeight, float, 0) ATTRIB(ListBox, colorBG, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(ListBox, alphaBG, float, 0) ATTRIB(ListBox, lastClickedItem, float, -1) ATTRIB(ListBox, lastClickedTime, float, 0) METHOD(ListBox, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool)) // item number, width/height, isSelected, isFocused METHOD(ListBox, clickListBoxItem, void(entity, float, vector)) // item number, relative clickpos METHOD(ListBox, doubleClickListBoxItem, void(entity, float, vector)) // item number, relative clickpos METHOD(ListBox, setSelected, void(entity, float)) METHOD(ListBox, getLastFullyVisibleItemAtScrollPos, float(entity, float)) METHOD(ListBox, getFirstFullyVisibleItemAtScrollPos, float(entity, float)) // NOTE: override these four methods if you want variable sized list items METHOD(ListBox, getTotalHeight, float(entity)) METHOD(ListBox, getItemAtPos, float(entity, float)) METHOD(ListBox, getItemStart, float(entity, float)) METHOD(ListBox, getItemHeight, float(entity, float)) // NOTE: if getItemAt* are overridden, it may make sense to cache the // start and height of the last item returned by getItemAtPos and fast // track returning their properties for getItemStart and getItemHeight. // The "hot" code path calls getItemAtPos first, then will query // getItemStart and getItemHeight on it soon. // When overriding, the following consistency rules must hold: // getTotalHeight() == SUM(getItemHeight(i), i, 0, me.nItems-1) // getItemStart(i+1) == getItemStart(i) + getItemHeight(i) // for 0 <= i < me.nItems-1 // getItemStart(0) == 0 // getItemStart(getItemAtPos(p)) <= p // if p >= 0 // getItemAtPos(p) == 0 // if p < 0 // getItemStart(getItemAtPos(p)) + getItemHeight(getItemAtPos(p)) > p // if p < getTotalHeigt() // getItemAtPos(p) == me.nItems - 1 // if p >= getTotalHeight() ENDCLASS(ListBox) #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION void ListBox_setSelected(entity me, float i) { i = bound(0, i, me.nItems - 1); // scroll the list to make sure the selected item is visible // (even if the selected item doesn't change). if(i < me.getFirstFullyVisibleItemAtScrollPos(me, me.scrollPos)) { // above visible area me.scrollPosTarget = me.getItemStart(me, i); } else if(i > me.getLastFullyVisibleItemAtScrollPos(me, me.scrollPos)) { // below visible area if(i == me.nItems - 1) me.scrollPosTarget = me.getTotalHeight(me) - 1; else { me.scrollPosTarget = me.getItemStart(me, i + 1) - 1; } } me.selectedItem = i; } void ListBox_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize) { SUPER(ListBox).resizeNotify(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize); me.controlWidth = me.scrollbarWidth / absSize.x; } void ListBox_configureListBox(entity me, float theScrollbarWidth, float theItemHeight) { me.scrollbarWidth = theScrollbarWidth; me.itemHeight = theItemHeight; } float ListBox_getTotalHeight(entity me) { return me.nItems * me.itemHeight; } float ListBox_getItemAtPos(entity me, float pos) { return floor(pos / me.itemHeight); } float ListBox_getItemStart(entity me, float i) { return me.itemHeight * i; } float ListBox_getItemHeight(entity me, float i) { return me.itemHeight; } float ListBox_getLastFullyVisibleItemAtScrollPos(entity me, float pos) { return me.getItemAtPos(me, pos + 0.999) - 1; } float ListBox_getFirstFullyVisibleItemAtScrollPos(entity me, float pos) { return me.getItemAtPos(me, pos + 0.001) + 1; } float ListBox_keyDown(entity me, float key, float ascii, float shift) { if(key == K_MWHEELUP) { me.scrollPosTarget = max(me.scrollPosTarget - 0.5, 0); } else if(key == K_MWHEELDOWN) { me.scrollPosTarget = min(me.scrollPosTarget + 0.5, me.getTotalHeight(me) - 1); } else if(key == K_PGUP || key == K_KP_PGUP) { float i = me.selectedItem; float a = me.getItemHeight(me, i); for (;;) { --i; if (i < 0) break; a += me.getItemHeight(me, i); if (a >= 1) break; } me.setSelected(me, i + 1); } else if(key == K_PGDN || key == K_KP_PGDN) { float i = me.selectedItem; float a = me.getItemHeight(me, i); for (;;) { ++i; if (i >= me.nItems) break; a += me.getItemHeight(me, i); if (a >= 1) break; } me.setSelected(me, i - 1); } else if(key == K_UPARROW || key == K_KP_UPARROW) me.setSelected(me, me.selectedItem - 1); else if(key == K_DOWNARROW || key == K_KP_DOWNARROW) me.setSelected(me, me.selectedItem + 1); else if(key == K_HOME || key == K_KP_HOME) me.setSelected(me, 0); else if(key == K_END || key == K_KP_END) me.setSelected(me, me.nItems - 1); else return 0; return 1; } float ListBox_mouseMove(entity me, vector pos) { if(pos_x < 0) return 0; if(pos_y < 0) return 0; if(pos_x >= 1) return 0; if(pos_y >= 1) return 0; if(pos_x < 1 - me.controlWidth) { float x; x = me.focusedItem; me.focusedItem = me.getItemAtPos(me, me.scrollPos + pos.y); if(x != me.focusedItem) me.focusedItemAlpha = SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED; } return 1; } float ListBox_mouseDrag(entity me, vector pos) { float hit; me.updateControlTopBottom(me); me.dragScrollPos = pos; if(me.pressed == 1) { hit = 1; if(pos.x < 1 - me.controlWidth - me.tolerance.y * me.controlWidth) hit = 0; if(pos.y < 0 - me.tolerance.x) hit = 0; if(pos.x >= 1 + me.tolerance.y * me.controlWidth) hit = 0; if(pos.y >= 1 + me.tolerance.x) hit = 0; if(hit) { // calculate new pos to v float d; d = (pos.y - me.pressOffset) / (1 - (me.controlBottom - me.controlTop)) * (me.getTotalHeight(me) - 1); me.scrollPosTarget = me.previousValue + d; } else me.scrollPosTarget = me.previousValue; me.scrollPosTarget = min(me.scrollPosTarget, me.getTotalHeight(me) - 1); me.scrollPosTarget = max(me.scrollPosTarget, 0); } else if(me.pressed == 2) { me.setSelected(me, me.getItemAtPos(me, me.scrollPos + pos.y)); } return 1; } float ListBox_mousePress(entity me, vector pos) { if(pos.x < 0) return 0; if(pos.y < 0) return 0; if(pos.x >= 1) return 0; if(pos.y >= 1) return 0; me.dragScrollPos = pos; me.updateControlTopBottom(me); if(pos.x >= 1 - me.controlWidth) { // if hit, set me.pressed, otherwise scroll by one page if(pos.y < me.controlTop) { // page up me.scrollPosTarget = max(me.scrollPosTarget - 1, 0); } else if(pos.y > me.controlBottom) { // page down me.scrollPosTarget = min(me.scrollPosTarget + 1, me.getTotalHeight(me) - 1); } else { me.pressed = 1; me.pressOffset = pos.y; me.previousValue = me.scrollPos; } } else { // continue doing that while dragging (even when dragging outside). When releasing, forward the click to the then selected item. me.pressed = 2; // an item has been clicked. Select it, ... me.setSelected(me, me.getItemAtPos(me, me.scrollPos + pos.y)); } return 1; } float ListBox_mouseRelease(entity me, vector pos) { if(me.pressed == 1) { // slider dragging mode // in that case, nothing happens on releasing } else if(me.pressed == 2) { me.pressed = 3; // do that here, so setSelected can know the mouse has been released // item dragging mode // select current one one last time... me.setSelected(me, me.getItemAtPos(me, me.scrollPos + pos.y)); // and give it a nice click event if(me.nItems > 0) { vector where = globalToBox(pos, eY * (me.getItemStart(me, me.selectedItem) - me.scrollPos), eX * (1 - me.controlWidth) + eY * me.getItemHeight(me, me.selectedItem)); if((me.selectedItem == me.lastClickedItem) && (time < me.lastClickedTime + 0.3)) me.doubleClickListBoxItem(me, me.selectedItem, where); else me.clickListBoxItem(me, me.selectedItem, where); me.lastClickedItem = me.selectedItem; me.lastClickedTime = time; } } me.pressed = 0; return 1; } void ListBox_focusLeave(entity me) { // Reset the var pressed in case listbox loses focus // by a mouse click on an item of the list // for example showing a dialog on right click me.pressed = 0; me.focusedItem = -1; } void ListBox_updateControlTopBottom(entity me) { float f; // scrollPos is in 0..1 and indicates where the "page" currently shown starts. if(me.getTotalHeight(me) <= 1) { // we don't need no stinkin' scrollbar, we don't need no view control... me.controlTop = 0; me.controlBottom = 1; me.scrollPos = 0; } else { // if scroll pos is below end of list, fix it me.scrollPos = min(me.scrollPos, me.getTotalHeight(me) - 1); // if scroll pos is above beginning of list, fix it me.scrollPos = max(me.scrollPos, 0); // now that we know where the list is scrolled to, find out where to draw the control me.controlTop = max(0, me.scrollPos / me.getTotalHeight(me)); me.controlBottom = min((me.scrollPos + 1) / me.getTotalHeight(me), 1); float minfactor; minfactor = 2 * me.controlWidth / me.size.y * me.size.x; f = me.controlBottom - me.controlTop; if(f < minfactor) // FIXME good default? { // f * X + 1 * (1-X) = minfactor // (f - 1) * X + 1 = minfactor // (f - 1) * X = minfactor - 1 // X = (minfactor - 1) / (f - 1) f = (minfactor - 1) / (f - 1); me.controlTop = me.controlTop * f + 0 * (1 - f); me.controlBottom = me.controlBottom * f + 1 * (1 - f); } } } void ListBox_draw(entity me) { float i; vector absSize, fillSize = '0 0 0'; vector oldshift, oldscale; if(me.scrollPos != me.scrollPosTarget) { float PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923; // this formula is guaranted to work with whatever framerate float f = sin(PI / 2 * pow(frametime, 0.65)); me.scrollPos = me.scrollPos * (1 - f) + me.scrollPosTarget * f; } if(me.pressed == 2) me.mouseDrag(me, me.dragScrollPos); // simulate mouseDrag event me.updateControlTopBottom(me); fillSize.x = (1 - me.controlWidth); if(me.alphaBG) draw_Fill('0 0 0', '0 1 0' + fillSize, me.colorBG, me.alphaBG); if(me.controlWidth) { draw_VertButtonPicture(eX * (1 - me.controlWidth), strcat(me.src, "_s"), eX * me.controlWidth + eY, me.color2, 1); if(me.getTotalHeight(me) > 1) { vector o, s; o = eX * (1 - me.controlWidth) + eY * me.controlTop; s = eX * me.controlWidth + eY * (me.controlBottom - me.controlTop); if(me.pressed == 1) draw_VertButtonPicture(o, strcat(me.src, "_c"), s, me.colorC, 1); else if(me.focused) draw_VertButtonPicture(o, strcat(me.src, "_f"), s, me.colorF, 1); else draw_VertButtonPicture(o, strcat(me.src, "_n"), s, me.color, 1); } } draw_SetClip(); oldshift = draw_shift; oldscale = draw_scale; float y; i = me.getItemAtPos(me, me.scrollPos); y = me.getItemStart(me, i) - me.scrollPos; for (; i < me.nItems && y < 1; ++i) { draw_shift = boxToGlobal(eY * y, oldshift, oldscale); vector relSize = eX * (1 - me.controlWidth) + eY * me.getItemHeight(me, i); absSize = boxToGlobalSize(relSize, me.size); draw_scale = boxToGlobalSize(relSize, oldscale); me.drawListBoxItem(me, i, absSize, (me.selectedItem == i), (me.focusedItem == i)); y += relSize.y; } draw_ClearClip(); draw_shift = oldshift; draw_scale = oldscale; SUPER(ListBox).draw(me); } void ListBox_clickListBoxItem(entity me, float i, vector where) { // template method } void ListBox_doubleClickListBoxItem(entity me, float i, vector where) { // template method } void ListBox_drawListBoxItem(entity me, int i, vector absSize, bool isSelected, bool isFocused) { draw_Text('0 0 0', sprintf(_("Item %d"), i), eX * (8 / absSize.x) + eY * (8 / absSize.y), (isSelected ? '0 1 0' : '1 1 1'), 1, 0); } #endif