#pragma once noref vector _vlen2; #define vlen2(v) (_vlen2 = (v), dotproduct(_vlen2, _vlen2)) #if 1 /** Vector distance comparison, avoids sqrt() */ #define vdist(v, cmp, f) (vlen2(v) cmp ((f) ** 2)) #else #define vdist(v, cmp, f) (vlen(v) cmp (f)) #endif #if 1 #define dotproduct(a, b) ((a) * (b)) #else noref vector _dotproduct_a, _dotproduct_b; #define dotproduct(a, b) \ (_dotproduct_a = (a), _dotproduct_b = (b), \ _dotproduct_a.x * _dotproduct_b.x \ + _dotproduct_a.y * _dotproduct_b.y \ + _dotproduct_a.z * _dotproduct_b.z) #endif #if 1 #define cross(a, b) ((a) >< (b)) #else ERASEABLE vector cross(vector a, vector b) { return '1 0 0' * (a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y) + '0 1 0' * (a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z) + '0 0 1' * (a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x); } #endif noref vector _vmul_a, _vmul_b; #define vmul(a, b) \ (_vmul_a = (a), _vmul_b = (b), \ '1 0 0' * (_vmul_a.x * _vmul_b.x) \ + '0 1 0' * (_vmul_a.y * _vmul_b.y) \ + '0 0 1' * (_vmul_a.z * _vmul_b.z)) const vector eX = '1 0 0'; const vector eY = '0 1 0'; const vector eZ = '0 0 1'; ERASEABLE vector randompos(vector m1, vector m2) { vector v; m2 = m2 - m1; v_x = m2_x * random() + m1_x; v_y = m2_y * random() + m1_y; v_z = m2_z * random() + m1_z; return v; } ERASEABLE float vlen_maxnorm2d(vector v) { return max(v.x, v.y, -v.x, -v.y); } ERASEABLE float vlen_minnorm2d(vector v) { return min(max(v.x, -v.x), max(v.y, -v.y)); } /** requires that m2>m1 in all coordinates, and that m4>m3 */ ERASEABLE float boxesoverlap(vector m1, vector m2, vector m3, vector m4) { return m2_x >= m3_x && m1_x <= m4_x && m2_y >= m3_y && m1_y <= m4_y && m2_z >= m3_z && m1_z <= m4_z; } /** requires the same as boxesoverlap, but is a stronger condition */ ERASEABLE float boxinsidebox(vector smins, vector smaxs, vector bmins, vector bmaxs) { return smins.x >= bmins.x && smaxs.x <= bmaxs.x && smins.y >= bmins.y && smaxs.y <= bmaxs.y && smins.z >= bmins.z && smaxs.z <= bmaxs.z; } #define pointinsidebox(point, bmins, bmaxs) boxinsidebox(point, point, bmins, bmaxs) #define PITCH(v) ((v).x) #define YAW(v) ((v).y) #define ROLL(v) ((v).z) //pseudo prototypes: // vector vec2(vector v); // returns a vector with just the x and y components of the given vector // vector vec2(float x, float y); // returns a vector with the given x and y components noref vector _vec2; #define vec2(...) EVAL(OVERLOAD(vec2, __VA_ARGS__)) #define vec2_1(v) (_vec2 = (v), _vec2.z = 0, _vec2) #define vec2_2(x, y) (_vec2_x = (x), _vec2_y = (y), _vec2) noref vector _vec3; #define vec3(_x, _y, _z) (_vec3.x = (_x), _vec3.y = (_y), _vec3.z = (_z), _vec3) #define VEC_NAN vec3(FLOAT_NAN, FLOAT_NAN, FLOAT_NAN); ERASEABLE bool is_all_nans(vector v) { return isnan(v.x) && isnan(v.y) && isnan(v.z); } ERASEABLE vector Rotate(vector v, float a) { float a_sin = sin(a), a_cos = cos(a); return vec2(v.x * a_cos + v.y * a_sin, -v.x * a_sin + v.y * a_cos); } noref vector _yinvert; #define yinvert(v) (_yinvert = (v), _yinvert.y = 1 - _yinvert.y, _yinvert) /// \param[in] p point /// \param[in] l0 starting point of ldir /// \param[in] ldir line /// \return Vector starting from p perpendicular to ldir ERASEABLE vector point_line_vec(vector p, vector l0, vector ldir) { ldir = normalize(ldir); p = l0 - p; // remove the component in line direction from p return p - ((p * ldir) * ldir); } /** * @param dir the directional vector * @param norm the normalized normal * @returns dir reflected by norm */ ERASEABLE vector reflect(vector dir, vector norm) { return dir - 2 * (dir * norm) * norm; } /** * clip vel along the plane defined by norm (assuming 0 distance away), bounciness determined by bounce 0..1 */ ERASEABLE vector vec_reflect(vector vel, vector norm, float bounce) { return vel - (1 + bounce) * (vel * norm) * norm; } ERASEABLE vector vec_epsilon(vector this, float eps) { if (this.x > -eps && this.x < eps) this.x = 0; if (this.y > -eps && this.y < eps) this.y = 0; if (this.z > -eps && this.z < eps) this.z = 0; return this; } #define ClipVelocity(in, normal, out, overbounce) \ (out = vec_epsilon(vec_reflect(in, normal, (overbounce) - 1), 0.1)) #ifdef GAMEQC ERASEABLE vector get_corner_position(entity box, int corner) { switch (corner) { case 1: return vec3(box.absmin.x, box.absmin.y, box.absmin.z); case 2: return vec3(box.absmax.x, box.absmin.y, box.absmin.z); case 3: return vec3(box.absmin.x, box.absmax.y, box.absmin.z); case 4: return vec3(box.absmin.x, box.absmin.y, box.absmax.z); case 5: return vec3(box.absmax.x, box.absmax.y, box.absmin.z); case 6: return vec3(box.absmin.x, box.absmax.y, box.absmax.z); case 7: return vec3(box.absmax.x, box.absmin.y, box.absmax.z); case 8: return vec3(box.absmax.x, box.absmax.y, box.absmax.z); default: return '0 0 0'; } } ERASEABLE vector NearestPointOnBox(entity box, vector org) { vector m1 = box.mins + box.origin; vector m2 = box.maxs + box.origin; return vec3( bound(m1.x, org.x, m2.x), bound(m1.y, org.y, m2.y), bound(m1.z, org.z, m2.z) ); } #endif