#pragma once #include "nil.qh" #include "sort.qh" #include "oo.qh" // string logic // // true: is truthy // == "": is equal to "" // is "": has the same string index as the string constant "" // strunzone: can be strunzoned // // | | true | == "" | is "" | strunzone | // | :----------: | :--: | :---: | :---: | :-------: | // | nil | | yes | | | // | strcat(nil) | yes | yes | | | // | strzone(nil) | yes | yes | | yes | // | "" | yes | yes | yes | | // | strcat("") | yes | yes | | | // | strzone("") | yes | yes | | yes | // | "s" | yes | | | | // | strcat("s") | yes | | | | // | strzone("s") | yes | | | yes | #ifdef CSQC float stringwidth_colors(string s, vector theSize) { return stringwidth_builtin(s, true, theSize); } float stringwidth_nocolors(string s, vector theSize) { return stringwidth_builtin(s, false, theSize); } #endif #ifdef MENUQC float stringwidth_colors(string s, vector theSize) { return stringwidth(s, true, theSize); } float stringwidth_nocolors(string s, vector theSize) { return stringwidth(s, false, theSize); } #endif #define strcpy(this, s) MACRO_BEGIN \ if (this) { \ strunzone(this); \ } \ this = strzone(s); \ MACRO_END #define strfree(this) MACRO_BEGIN \ if (this) { \ strunzone(this); \ } \ this = string_null; \ MACRO_END ERASEABLE string seconds_tostring(float sec) { float minutes = floor(sec / 60); sec -= minutes * 60; return sprintf("%d:%02d", minutes, sec); } ERASEABLE string format_time(float seconds) { seconds = floor(seconds + 0.5); float days = floor(seconds / 864000); seconds -= days * 864000; float hours = floor(seconds / 36000); seconds -= hours * 36000; float minutes = floor(seconds / 600); seconds -= minutes * 600; if (days > 0) return sprintf(_("%d days, %02d:%02d:%02d"), days, hours, minutes, seconds); else return sprintf(_("%02d:%02d:%02d"), hours, minutes, seconds); } ERASEABLE string mmsss(float tenths) { tenths = floor(tenths + 0.5); float minutes = floor(tenths / 600); tenths -= minutes * 600; string s = ftos(1000 + tenths); return strcat(ftos(minutes), ":", substring(s, 1, 2), ".", substring(s, 3, 1)); } ERASEABLE string mmssss(float hundredths) { hundredths = floor(hundredths + 0.5); float minutes = floor(hundredths / 6000); hundredths -= minutes * 6000; string s = ftos(10000 + hundredths); return strcat(ftos(minutes), ":", substring(s, 1, 2), ".", substring(s, 3, 2)); } int ColorTranslateMode; ERASEABLE string ColorTranslateRGB(string s) { return (ColorTranslateMode & 1) ? strdecolorize(s) : s; } #ifdef GAMEQC // color code replace, place inside of sprintf and parse the string... defaults described as constants // foreground/normal colors string autocvar_hud_colorset_foreground_1 = "2"; // F1 - Green // primary priority (important names, etc) string autocvar_hud_colorset_foreground_2 = "3"; // F2 - Yellow // secondary priority (items, locations, numbers, etc) string autocvar_hud_colorset_foreground_3 = "4"; // F3 - Blue // tertiary priority or relatively inconsequential text string autocvar_hud_colorset_foreground_4 = "1"; // F4 - Red // notice/attention grabbing texting // "kill" colors string autocvar_hud_colorset_kill_1 = "1"; // K1 - Red // "bad" or "dangerous" text (death messages against you, kill notifications, etc) string autocvar_hud_colorset_kill_2 = "3"; // K2 - Yellow // similar to above, but less important... OR, a highlight out of above message type string autocvar_hud_colorset_kill_3 = "4"; // K3 - Blue // "good" or "beneficial" text (you fragging someone, etc) // background color string autocvar_hud_colorset_background = "7"; // BG - White // neutral/unimportant text /** color code replace, place inside of sprintf and parse the string */ string CCR(string input) { // foreground/normal colors input = strreplace("^F1", strcat("^", autocvar_hud_colorset_foreground_1), input); input = strreplace("^F2", strcat("^", autocvar_hud_colorset_foreground_2), input); input = strreplace("^F3", strcat("^", autocvar_hud_colorset_foreground_3), input); input = strreplace("^F4", strcat("^", autocvar_hud_colorset_foreground_4), input); // "kill" colors input = strreplace("^K1", strcat("^", autocvar_hud_colorset_kill_1), input); input = strreplace("^K2", strcat("^", autocvar_hud_colorset_kill_2), input); input = strreplace("^K3", strcat("^", autocvar_hud_colorset_kill_3), input); // background colors input = strreplace("^BG", strcat("^", autocvar_hud_colorset_background), input); input = strreplace("^N", "^7", input); // "none"-- reset to white... return input; } #endif #define startsWith(haystack, needle) (strstrofs(haystack, needle, 0) == 0) ERASEABLE bool startsWithNocase(string haystack, string needle) { return strcasecmp(substring(haystack, 0, strlen(needle)), needle) == 0; } noref string _endsWith_suffix; #define endsWith(this, suffix) (_endsWith_suffix = suffix, substring(this, -strlen(_endsWith_suffix), -1) == _endsWith_suffix) /** unzone the string, and return it as tempstring. Safe to be called on string_null */ ERASEABLE string fstrunzone(string s) { if (!s) return s; string sc = strcat(s, ""); strunzone(s); return sc; } /** returns first word */ ERASEABLE string car(string s) { int o = strstrofs(s, " ", 0); if (o < 0) return s; return substring(s, 0, o); } /** returns all but first word */ ERASEABLE string cdr(string s) { int o = strstrofs(s, " ", 0); if (o < 0) return string_null; return substring(s, o + 1, strlen(s) - (o + 1)); } ERASEABLE string cons(string a, string b) { if (a == "") return b; if (b == "") return a; return strcat(a, " ", b); } ERASEABLE string cons_mid(string a, string mid, string b) { if (a == "") return b; if (b == "") return a; return strcat(a, mid, b); } ERASEABLE string substring_range(string s, float b, float e) { return substring(s, b, e - b); } ERASEABLE string swapwords(string str, float i, float j) { float n; string s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; float si, ei, sj, ej, s0, en; n = tokenizebyseparator(str, " "); // must match g_maplist processing in ShuffleMaplist and "shuffle" si = argv_start_index(i); sj = argv_start_index(j); ei = argv_end_index(i); ej = argv_end_index(j); s0 = argv_start_index(0); en = argv_end_index(n - 1); s1 = substring_range(str, s0, si); s2 = substring_range(str, si, ei); s3 = substring_range(str, ei, sj); s4 = substring_range(str, sj, ej); s5 = substring_range(str, ej, en); return strcat(s1, s4, s3, s2, s5); } string _shufflewords_str; ERASEABLE void _shufflewords_swapfunc(float i, float j, entity pass) { _shufflewords_str = swapwords(_shufflewords_str, i, j); } ERASEABLE string shufflewords(string str) { _shufflewords_str = str; int n = tokenizebyseparator(str, " "); shuffle(n, _shufflewords_swapfunc, NULL); str = _shufflewords_str; _shufflewords_str = string_null; return str; } ERASEABLE string unescape(string in) { in = strzone(in); // but it doesn't seem to be necessary in my tests at least int len = strlen(in); string str = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { string s = substring(in, i, 1); if (s == "\\") { s = substring(in, i + 1, 1); if (s == "n") str = strcat(str, "\n"); else if (s == "\\") str = strcat(str, "\\"); else str = strcat(str, substring(in, i, 2)); ++i; continue; } str = strcat(str, s); } strunzone(in); return str; } ERASEABLE string strwords(string s, int w) { int endpos = 0; for ( ; w && endpos >= 0; --w) endpos = strstrofs(s, " ", endpos + 1); if (endpos < 0) return s; return substring(s, 0, endpos); } #define strhasword(s, w) (strstrofs(strcat(" ", s, " "), strcat(" ", w, " "), 0) >= 0) ERASEABLE int u8_strsize(string s) { int l = 0; for (int i = 0, c; (c = str2chr(s, i)) > 0; ++i, ++l) { l += (c >= 0x80); l += (c >= 0x800); l += (c >= 0x10000); } return l; } // List of Unicode spaces: http://jkorpela.fi/chars/spaces.html ERASEABLE bool isInvisibleString(string s) { s = strdecolorize(s); bool utf8 = cvar("utf8_enable"); for (int i = 0, n = strlen(s); i < n; ++i) { int c = str2chr(s, i); switch (c) { case 0: case 32: // space break; case 192: // charmap space if (!utf8) break; return false; case 0xE000: // invisible char of the utf8 quake charmap case 0xE00A: // invisible char of the utf8 quake charmap case 0xE0A0: // invisible char of the utf8 quake charmap case 0xE020: // invisible char of the utf8 quake charmap case 0x00A0: // NO-BREAK SPACE //case 0x1680: // OGHAM SPACE MARK case 0x180E: // MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR case 0x2000: // EN QUAD case 0x2001: // EM QUAD case 0x2002: // EN SPACE case 0x2003: // EM SPACE case 0x2004: // THREE-PER-EM SPACE case 0x2005: // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE case 0x2006: // SIX-PER-EM SPACE case 0x2007: // FIGURE SPACE case 0x2008: // PUNCTUATION SPACE case 0x2009: // THIN SPACE case 0x200A: // HAIR SPACE case 0x200B: // ZERO WIDTH SPACE case 0x202F: // NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE case 0x205F: // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE case 0x3000: // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE case 0xFEFF: // ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE if (utf8) break; default: return false; } } return true; } // Multiline text file buffers ERASEABLE int buf_load(string pFilename) { int buf = buf_create(); if (buf < 0) return -1; int fh = fopen(pFilename, FILE_READ); if (fh < 0) { buf_del(buf); return -1; } string l; for (int i = 0; (l = fgets(fh)); ++i) bufstr_set(buf, i, l); fclose(fh); return buf; } ERASEABLE void buf_save(float buf, string pFilename) { int fh = fopen(pFilename, FILE_WRITE); if (fh < 0) error(strcat("Can't write buf to ", pFilename)); int n = buf_getsize(buf); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) fputs(fh, strcat(bufstr_get(buf, i), "\n")); fclose(fh); } /** * converts a number to a string with the indicated number of decimals */ ERASEABLE string ftos_decimals(float number, int decimals) { // inhibit stupid negative zero if (number == 0) number = 0; return sprintf("%.*f", decimals, number); } /** * converts a number to a string with the minimum number of decimals */ ERASEABLE string ftos_mindecimals(float number) { // inhibit stupid negative zero if (number == 0) number = 0; return sprintf("%.7g", number); } ERASEABLE int vercmp_recursive(string v1, string v2) { int dot1 = strstrofs(v1, ".", 0); int dot2 = strstrofs(v2, ".", 0); string s1 = (dot1 == -1) ? v1 : substring(v1, 0, dot1); string s2 = (dot2 == -1) ? v2 : substring(v2, 0, dot2); float r; r = stof(s1) - stof(s2); if (r != 0) return r; r = strcasecmp(s1, s2); if (r != 0) return r; if (dot1 == -1) return (dot2 == -1) ? 0 : -1; else return (dot2 == -1) ? 1 : vercmp_recursive(substring(v1, dot1 + 1, 999), substring(v2, dot2 + 1, 999)); } ERASEABLE int vercmp(string v1, string v2) { if (strcasecmp(v1, v2) == 0) return 0; // early out check // "git" beats all if (v1 == "git") return 1; if (v2 == "git") return -1; return vercmp_recursive(v1, v2); } const string HEXDIGITS_MINSET = "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef"; const string HEXDIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef"; #define HEXDIGIT_TO_DEC_RAW(d) (strstrofs(HEXDIGITS, (d), 0)) #define HEXDIGIT_TO_DEC(d) ((HEXDIGIT_TO_DEC_RAW(d) | 0x10) - 0x10) #define DEC_TO_HEXDIGIT(d) (substring(HEXDIGITS_MINSET, (d), 1)) #define IS_HEXDIGIT(d) (strstrofs(HEXDIGITS_MINSET, (d), 0) >= 0) const string DIGITS = "0123456789"; #define IS_DIGIT(d) (strstrofs(DIGITS, (d), 0) >= 0)