#ifdef REGISTER_WEAPON REGISTER_WEAPON( /* WEP_##id */ ARC, /* function */ W_Arc, /* ammotype */ ammo_cells, /* impulse */ 3, /* flags */ WEP_FLAG_NORMAL, /* rating */ BOT_PICKUP_RATING_HIGH, /* color */ '1 1 1', /* modelname */ "arc", /* simplemdl */ "foobar", /* crosshair */ "gfx/crosshairhlac 0.7", /* wepimg */ "weaponhlac", /* refname */ "arc", /* wepname */ _("Arc") ); #define ARC_SETTINGS(w_cvar,w_prop) ARC_SETTINGS_LIST(w_cvar, w_prop, ARC, arc) #define ARC_SETTINGS_LIST(w_cvar,w_prop,id,sn) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_ammo) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_animtime) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_botaimspeed) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_botaimlifetime) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_damage) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_degreespersegment) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_distancepersegment) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_falloff_halflifedist) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_falloff_maxdist) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_falloff_mindist) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_force) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_healing_amax) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_healing_aps) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_healing_hmax) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_healing_hps) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_maxangle) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_nonplayerdamage) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_range) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_refire) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_returnspeed) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, beam_tightness) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, burst_ammo) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, burst_damage) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, burst_healing_aps) \ w_cvar(id, sn, NONE, burst_healing_hps) \ w_prop(id, sn, float, switchdelay_raise, switchdelay_raise) \ w_prop(id, sn, float, switchdelay_drop, switchdelay_drop) \ w_prop(id, sn, string, weaponreplace, weaponreplace) \ w_prop(id, sn, float, weaponstart, weaponstart) \ w_prop(id, sn, float, weaponstartoverride, weaponstartoverride) \ w_prop(id, sn, float, weaponthrowable, weaponthrowable) #ifndef MENUQC #define ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS 20 vector arc_shotorigin[4]; .vector beam_start; .vector beam_dir; .vector beam_wantdir; .float beam_type; #define ARC_BT_MISS 0 #define ARC_BT_WALL 1 #define ARC_BT_HEAL 2 #define ARC_BT_HIT 3 #define ARC_BT_BURST_MISS 10 #define ARC_BT_BURST_WALL 11 #define ARC_BT_BURST_HEAL 12 #define ARC_BT_BURST_HIT 13 #define ARC_BT_BURSTMASK 10 #define ARC_SF_SETTINGS 1 #define ARC_SF_START 2 #define ARC_SF_WANTDIR 4 #define ARC_SF_BEAMDIR 8 #define ARC_SF_BEAMTYPE 16 #define ARC_SF_LOCALMASK 14 #endif #ifdef SVQC ARC_SETTINGS(WEP_ADD_CVAR, WEP_ADD_PROP) .entity arc_beam; .float BUTTON_ATCK_prev; // for better animation control .float beam_prev; .float beam_initialized; .float beam_bursting; .float beam_teleporttime; #endif #ifdef CSQC void Ent_ReadArcBeam(float isnew); .vector beam_color; .float beam_alpha; .float beam_thickness; .float beam_traileffect; .float beam_hiteffect; .float beam_hitlight[4]; // 0: radius, 123: rgb .float beam_muzzleeffect; .float beam_muzzlelight[4]; // 0: radius, 123: rgb .string beam_image; .entity beam_muzzleentity; .float beam_degreespersegment; .float beam_distancepersegment; .float beam_usevieworigin; .float beam_initialized; .float beam_maxangle; .float beam_range; .float beam_returnspeed; .float beam_tightness; .vector beam_shotorigin; entity Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity; float Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness; vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top; // NOTE: in same coordinate system as player. vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom; // NOTE: in same coordinate system as player. #endif #else #ifdef SVQC void spawnfunc_weapon_arc(void) { weapon_defaultspawnfunc(WEP_ARC); } float W_Arc_Beam_Send(entity to, float sf) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM); // Truncate information when this beam is displayed to the owner client // - The owner client has no use for beam start position or directions, // it always figures this information out for itself with csqc code. // - Spectating the owner also truncates this information. float drawlocal = ((to == self.owner) || ((to.enemy == self.owner) && IS_SPEC(to))); if(drawlocal) { sf &= ~ARC_SF_LOCALMASK; } WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf); if(sf & ARC_SF_SETTINGS) // settings information { WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_degreespersegment)); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_distancepersegment)); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_maxangle)); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_range)); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_returnspeed)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_tightness) * 10); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, drawlocal); } if(sf & ARC_SF_START) // starting location { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_start_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_start_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_start_z); } if(sf & ARC_SF_WANTDIR) // want/aim direction { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_wantdir_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_wantdir_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_wantdir_z); } if(sf & ARC_SF_BEAMDIR) // beam direction { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_dir_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_dir_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_dir_z); } if(sf & ARC_SF_BEAMTYPE) // beam type { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.beam_type); } return TRUE; } void Reset_ArcBeam(entity player, vector forward) { if (!player.arc_beam) { return; } player.arc_beam.beam_dir = forward; player.arc_beam.beam_teleporttime = time; } void W_Arc_Beam_Think(void) { if(self != self.owner.arc_beam) { remove(self); return; } if( (self.owner.WEP_AMMO(ARC) <= 0 && !(self.owner.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)) || self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO || (!self.owner.BUTTON_ATCK /* FIXME(Samual): && !self.beam_bursting */) || self.owner.freezetag_frozen ) { if(self == self.owner.arc_beam) { self.owner.arc_beam = world; } entity oldself = self; self = self.owner; if(!WEP_ACTION(WEP_ARC, WR_CHECKAMMO1) && !WEP_ACTION(WEP_ARC, WR_CHECKAMMO2)) { // note: this doesn't force the switch W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(self); } self = oldself; remove(self); return; } float burst = 0; if(self.owner.BUTTON_ATCK2 || self.beam_bursting) { if(!self.beam_bursting) self.beam_bursting = TRUE; burst = ARC_BT_BURSTMASK; } // decrease ammo float coefficient = frametime; if(!(self.owner.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO)) { float rootammo; if(burst) { rootammo = WEP_CVAR(arc, burst_ammo); } else { rootammo = WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_ammo); } if(rootammo) { coefficient = min(coefficient, self.owner.WEP_AMMO(ARC) / rootammo); self.owner.WEP_AMMO(ARC) = max(0, self.owner.WEP_AMMO(ARC) - (rootammo * frametime)); } } makevectors(self.owner.v_angle); W_SetupShot_Range( self.owner, TRUE, 0, "", 0, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_damage) * coefficient, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_range) ); // After teleport, "lock" the beam until the teleport is confirmed. if (time < self.beam_teleporttime + ANTILAG_LATENCY(self.owner)) { w_shotdir = self.beam_dir; } // network information: shot origin and want/aim direction if(self.beam_start != w_shotorg) { self.SendFlags |= ARC_SF_START; self.beam_start = w_shotorg; } if(self.beam_wantdir != w_shotdir) { self.SendFlags |= ARC_SF_WANTDIR; self.beam_wantdir = w_shotdir; } if(!self.beam_initialized) { self.beam_dir = w_shotdir; self.beam_initialized = TRUE; } // WEAPONTODO: Detect player velocity so that the beam curves when moving too // idea: blend together self.beam_dir with the inverted direction the player is moving in // might have to make some special accomodation so that it only uses view_right and view_up // note that if we do this, it'll always be corrected to a maximum angle by beam_maxangle handling float segments; if(self.beam_dir != w_shotdir) { // calculate how much we're going to move the end of the beam to the want position // WEAPONTODO (server and client): // blendfactor never actually becomes 0 in this situation, which is a problem // regarding precision... this means that self.beam_dir and w_shotdir approach // eachother, however they never actually become the same value with this method. // Perhaps we should do some form of rounding/snapping? float angle = vlen(w_shotdir - self.beam_dir) * RAD2DEG; if(angle && (angle > WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_maxangle))) { // if the angle is greater than maxangle, force the blendfactor to make this the maximum factor float blendfactor = bound( 0, (1 - (WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_returnspeed) * frametime)), min(WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_maxangle) / angle, 1) ); self.beam_dir = normalize((w_shotdir * (1 - blendfactor)) + (self.beam_dir * blendfactor)); } else { // the radius is not too far yet, no worries :D float blendfactor = bound( 0, (1 - (WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_returnspeed) * frametime)), 1 ); self.beam_dir = normalize((w_shotdir * (1 - blendfactor)) + (self.beam_dir * blendfactor)); } // network information: beam direction self.SendFlags |= ARC_SF_BEAMDIR; // calculate how many segments are needed float max_allowed_segments; if(WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_distancepersegment)) { max_allowed_segments = min( ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS, 1 + (vlen(w_shotdir / WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_distancepersegment))) ); } else { max_allowed_segments = ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; } if(WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_degreespersegment)) { segments = bound( 1, ( min( angle, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_maxangle) ) / WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_degreespersegment) ), max_allowed_segments ); } else { segments = 1; } } else { segments = 1; } vector beam_endpos = (w_shotorg + (self.beam_dir * WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_range))); vector beam_controlpoint = w_shotorg + w_shotdir * (WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_range) * (1 - WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_tightness))); float i; float new_beam_type = 0; vector last_origin = w_shotorg; for(i = 1; i <= segments; ++i) { // WEAPONTODO (client): // In order to do nice fading and pointing on the starting segment, we must always // have that drawn as a separate triangle... However, that is difficult to do when // keeping in mind the above problems and also optimizing the amount of segments // drawn on screen at any given time. (Automatic beam quality scaling, essentially) vector new_origin = bezier_quadratic_getpoint( w_shotorg, beam_controlpoint, beam_endpos, i / segments); vector new_dir = normalize(new_origin - last_origin); WarpZone_traceline_antilag( self.owner, last_origin, new_origin, MOVE_NORMAL, self.owner, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self.owner) ); // Do all the transforms for warpzones right now, as we already // "are" in the post-trace system (if we hit a player, that's // always BEHIND the last passed wz). last_origin = trace_endpos; w_shotorg = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, w_shotorg); beam_controlpoint = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_controlpoint); beam_endpos = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_endpos); new_dir = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(WarpZone_trace_transform, new_dir); float is_player = ( trace_ent.classname == "player" || trace_ent.classname == "body" || (trace_ent.flags & FL_MONSTER) ); if(trace_ent && trace_ent.takedamage && (is_player || WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_nonplayerdamage))) { // calculate our own hit origin as trace_endpos tends to jump around annoyingly (to player origin?) // NO. trace_endpos should be just fine. If not, // that's an engine bug that needs proper debugging. vector hitorigin = trace_endpos; float falloff = ExponentialFalloff( WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_falloff_mindist), WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_falloff_maxdist), WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_falloff_halflifedist), vlen(WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, hitorigin) - w_shotorg) ); if(is_player && SAME_TEAM(self.owner, trace_ent)) { float roothealth, rootarmor; if(burst) { roothealth = WEP_CVAR(arc, burst_healing_hps); rootarmor = WEP_CVAR(arc, burst_healing_aps); } else { roothealth = WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_healing_hps); rootarmor = WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_healing_aps); } if(trace_ent.health <= WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_healing_hmax) && roothealth) { trace_ent.health = min( trace_ent.health + (roothealth * coefficient), WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_healing_hmax) ); } if(trace_ent.armorvalue <= WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_healing_amax) && rootarmor) { trace_ent.armorvalue = min( trace_ent.armorvalue + (rootarmor * coefficient), WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_healing_amax) ); } // stop rot, set visual effect if(roothealth || rootarmor) { trace_ent.pauserothealth_finished = max( trace_ent.pauserothealth_finished, time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_rot ); trace_ent.pauserotarmor_finished = max( trace_ent.pauserotarmor_finished, time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_armor_rot ); new_beam_type = ARC_BT_HEAL; } } else { float rootdamage; if(is_player) { if(burst) { rootdamage = WEP_CVAR(arc, burst_damage); } else { rootdamage = WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_damage); } } else { rootdamage = WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_nonplayerdamage); } if(accuracy_isgooddamage(self.owner, trace_ent)) { accuracy_add( self.owner, WEP_ARC, 0, rootdamage * coefficient * falloff ); } Damage( trace_ent, self.owner, self.owner, rootdamage * coefficient * falloff, WEP_ARC, hitorigin, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_force) * new_dir * coefficient * falloff ); new_beam_type = ARC_BT_HIT; } break; } else if(trace_fraction != 1) { // we collided with geometry new_beam_type = ARC_BT_WALL; break; } } // te_explosion(trace_endpos); // if we're bursting, use burst visual effects new_beam_type += burst; // network information: beam type if(new_beam_type != self.beam_type) { self.SendFlags |= ARC_SF_BEAMTYPE; self.beam_type = new_beam_type; } self.owner.beam_prev = time; self.nextthink = time; } void W_Arc_Beam(float burst) { // FIXME(Samual): remove this when overheat and burst work. if (burst) { centerprint(self, "^4NOTE:^7 Arc burst (secondary) is not implemented yet."); } // only play fire sound if 1 sec has passed since player let go the fire button if(time - self.beam_prev > 1) { sound(self, CH_WEAPON_A, "weapons/lgbeam_fire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } entity beam = self.arc_beam = spawn(); beam.classname = "W_Arc_Beam"; beam.solid = SOLID_NOT; beam.think = W_Arc_Beam_Think; beam.owner = self; beam.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; beam.bot_dodge = TRUE; beam.bot_dodgerating = WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_damage); beam.beam_bursting = burst; Net_LinkEntity(beam, FALSE, 0, W_Arc_Beam_Send); entity oldself = self; self = beam; self.think(); self = oldself; } float W_Arc(float req) { switch(req) { case WR_AIM: { if(WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_botaimspeed)) { self.BUTTON_ATCK = bot_aim( WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_botaimspeed), 0, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_botaimlifetime), FALSE ); } else { self.BUTTON_ATCK = bot_aim( 1000000, 0, 0.001, FALSE ); } return TRUE; } case WR_THINK: { #if 0 if(self.arc_beam.beam_heat > threshold) { stop the beam somehow play overheat animation } #endif if(self.BUTTON_ATCK || self.BUTTON_ATCK2 /* FIXME(Samual): || self.arc_beam.beam_bursting */) { if(self.BUTTON_ATCK_prev) { #if 0 if(self.animstate_startframe == self.anim_shoot_x && self.animstate_numframes == self.anim_shoot_y) weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_DONTCHANGE, autocvar_g_balance_arc_primary_animtime, w_ready); else #endif weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_animtime), w_ready); } if((!self.arc_beam) || wasfreed(self.arc_beam)) { if(weapon_prepareattack(!!self.BUTTON_ATCK2, 0)) { W_Arc_Beam(!!self.BUTTON_ATCK2); if(!self.BUTTON_ATCK_prev) { weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_animtime), w_ready); self.BUTTON_ATCK_prev = 1; } } } } else // todo { if(self.BUTTON_ATCK_prev != 0) { weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_animtime), w_ready); ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = time + WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_refire) * W_WeaponRateFactor(); } self.BUTTON_ATCK_prev = 0; } #if 0 if(self.BUTTON_ATCK2) if(weapon_prepareattack(1, autocvar_g_balance_arc_secondary_refire)) { W_Arc_Attack2(); self.arc_count = autocvar_g_balance_arc_secondary_count; weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE2, autocvar_g_balance_arc_secondary_animtime, w_arc_checkattack); self.arc_secondarytime = time + autocvar_g_balance_arc_secondary_refire2 * W_WeaponRateFactor(); } #endif return TRUE; } case WR_INIT: { precache_model("models/weapons/g_arc.md3"); precache_model("models/weapons/v_arc.md3"); precache_model("models/weapons/h_arc.iqm"); precache_sound("weapons/lgbeam_fire.wav"); if(!arc_shotorigin[0]) { arc_shotorigin[0] = shotorg_adjust_values(CL_Weapon_GetShotOrg(WEP_ARC), FALSE, FALSE, 1); arc_shotorigin[1] = shotorg_adjust_values(CL_Weapon_GetShotOrg(WEP_ARC), FALSE, FALSE, 2); arc_shotorigin[2] = shotorg_adjust_values(CL_Weapon_GetShotOrg(WEP_ARC), FALSE, FALSE, 3); arc_shotorigin[3] = shotorg_adjust_values(CL_Weapon_GetShotOrg(WEP_ARC), FALSE, FALSE, 4); } ARC_SETTINGS(WEP_SKIP_CVAR, WEP_SET_PROP) return TRUE; } case WR_CHECKAMMO1: { return ((!WEP_CVAR(arc, beam_ammo)) || (self.WEP_AMMO(ARC) > 0)); } case WR_CHECKAMMO2: { // arc currently has no secondary attack return FALSE; //return ((!WEP_CVAR(arc, burst_ammo)) || (self.WEP_AMMO(ARC) > 0)); } case WR_CONFIG: { ARC_SETTINGS(WEP_CONFIG_WRITE_CVARS, WEP_CONFIG_WRITE_PROPS) return TRUE; } case WR_KILLMESSAGE: { if(w_deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY) { return WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_ORBS; } else { if(w_deathtype & HITTYPE_BOUNCE) return WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_COMBO; else return WEAPON_ELECTRO_MURDER_BOLT; } } } return FALSE; } #endif #ifdef CSQC void Draw_ArcBeam_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end) { entity beam = Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity; vector transformed_view_org; transformed_view_org = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_origin); // Thickdir shall be perpendicular to the beam and to the view-to-beam direction (WEAPONTODO: WHY) // WEAPONTODO: Wouldn't it be better to be perpendicular to the beam and to the view FORWARD direction? vector thickdir = normalize(cross(normalize(start - hit), transformed_view_org - start)); vector hitorigin; // draw segment #if 0 if(trace_fraction != 1) { // calculate our own hit origin as trace_endpos tends to jump around annoyingly (to player origin?) hitorigin = start + (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist * trace_fraction); hitorigin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, hitorigin); } else { hitorigin = hit; } #else hitorigin = hit; #endif // decide upon thickness float thickness = beam.beam_thickness; // draw primary beam render vector top = hitorigin + (thickdir * thickness); vector bottom = hitorigin - (thickdir * thickness); vector last_top = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top); vector last_bottom = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom); R_BeginPolygon(beam.beam_image, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE R_PolygonVertex( top, '0 0.5 0' + ('0 0.5 0' * (thickness / beam.beam_thickness)), beam.beam_color, beam.beam_alpha ); R_PolygonVertex( last_top, '0 0.5 0' + ('0 0.5 0' * (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness / beam.beam_thickness)), beam.beam_color, beam.beam_alpha ); R_PolygonVertex( last_bottom, '0 0.5 0' * (1 - (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness / beam.beam_thickness)), beam.beam_color, beam.beam_alpha ); R_PolygonVertex( bottom, '0 0.5 0' * (1 - (thickness / beam.beam_thickness)), beam.beam_color, beam.beam_alpha ); R_EndPolygon(); // draw trailing particles // NOTES: // - Don't use spammy particle counts here, use a FEW small particles around the beam // - We're not using WarpZone_TrailParticles here because we will handle warpzones ourselves. if(beam.beam_traileffect) { trailparticles(beam, beam.beam_traileffect, start, hitorigin); } // set up for the next Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = thickness; Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, top); Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, bottom); } void Reset_ArcBeam(void) { entity e; for (e = world; (e = findfloat(e, beam_usevieworigin, 1)); ) { e.beam_initialized = FALSE; } for (e = world; (e = findfloat(e, beam_usevieworigin, 2)); ) { e.beam_initialized = FALSE; } } void Draw_ArcBeam(void) { if(!self.beam_usevieworigin) { InterpolateOrigin_Do(); } // origin = beam starting origin // v_angle = wanted/aim direction // angles = current direction of beam vector start_pos; vector wantdir; //= view_forward; vector beamdir; //= self.beam_dir; float segments; if(self.beam_usevieworigin) { // WEAPONTODO: // Currently we have to replicate nearly the same method of figuring // out the shotdir that the server does... Ideally in the future we // should be able to acquire this from a generalized function built // into a weapon system for client code. // find where we are aiming makevectors(warpzone_save_view_angles); vector forward = v_forward; vector right = v_right; vector up = v_up; // decide upon start position if(self.beam_usevieworigin == 2) { start_pos = warpzone_save_view_origin; } else { start_pos = self.origin; } // trace forward with an estimation WarpZone_TraceLine( start_pos, start_pos + forward * self.beam_range, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self ); // untransform in case our trace went through a warpzone vector end_pos = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); // un-adjust trueaim if shotend is too close if(vlen(end_pos - start_pos) < g_trueaim_minrange) end_pos = start_pos + (forward * g_trueaim_minrange); // move shot origin to the actual gun muzzle origin vector origin_offset = right * -self.beam_shotorigin_y + up * self.beam_shotorigin_z; start_pos = start_pos + origin_offset; // Move it also forward, but only as far as possible without hitting anything. Don't poke into walls! traceline(start_pos, start_pos + forward * self.beam_shotorigin_x, MOVE_NORMAL, self); start_pos = trace_endpos; // calculate the aim direction now wantdir = normalize(end_pos - start_pos); if(!self.beam_initialized) { self.beam_dir = wantdir; self.beam_initialized = TRUE; } if(self.beam_dir != wantdir) { // calculate how much we're going to move the end of the beam to the want position // WEAPONTODO (server and client): // blendfactor never actually becomes 0 in this situation, which is a problem // regarding precision... this means that self.beam_dir and w_shotdir approach // eachother, however they never actually become the same value with this method. // Perhaps we should do some form of rounding/snapping? float angle = vlen(wantdir - self.beam_dir) * RAD2DEG; if(angle && (angle > self.beam_maxangle)) { // if the angle is greater than maxangle, force the blendfactor to make this the maximum factor float blendfactor = bound( 0, (1 - (self.beam_returnspeed * frametime)), min(self.beam_maxangle / angle, 1) ); self.beam_dir = normalize((wantdir * (1 - blendfactor)) + (self.beam_dir * blendfactor)); } else { // the radius is not too far yet, no worries :D float blendfactor = bound( 0, (1 - (self.beam_returnspeed * frametime)), 1 ); self.beam_dir = normalize((wantdir * (1 - blendfactor)) + (self.beam_dir * blendfactor)); } // calculate how many segments are needed float max_allowed_segments; if(self.beam_distancepersegment) { max_allowed_segments = min( ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS, 1 + (vlen(wantdir / self.beam_distancepersegment)) ); } else { max_allowed_segments = ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; } if(self.beam_degreespersegment) { segments = bound( 1, ( min( angle, self.beam_maxangle ) / self.beam_degreespersegment ), max_allowed_segments ); } else { segments = 1; } } else { segments = 1; } // set the beam direction which the rest of the code will refer to beamdir = self.beam_dir; // finally, set self.angles to the proper direction so that muzzle attachment points in proper direction self.angles = fixedvectoangles2(forward, up); // TODO(Samual): is this == warpzone_save_view_angles? } else { // set the values from the provided info from the networked entity start_pos = self.origin; wantdir = self.v_angle; beamdir = self.angles; if(beamdir != wantdir) { float angle = vlen(wantdir - beamdir) * RAD2DEG; // calculate how many segments are needed float max_allowed_segments; if(self.beam_distancepersegment) { max_allowed_segments = min( ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS, 1 + (vlen(wantdir / self.beam_distancepersegment)) ); } else { max_allowed_segments = ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; } if(self.beam_degreespersegment) { segments = bound( 1, ( min( angle, self.beam_maxangle ) / self.beam_degreespersegment ), max_allowed_segments ); } else { segments = 1; } } else { segments = 1; } } setorigin(self, start_pos); self.beam_muzzleentity.angles_z = random() * 360; // WEAPONTODO: use avelocity instead? vector beam_endpos = (start_pos + (beamdir * self.beam_range)); vector beam_controlpoint = start_pos + wantdir * (self.beam_range * (1 - self.beam_tightness)); Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity = self; Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = 0; Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = start_pos; Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = start_pos; vector last_origin = start_pos; vector original_start_pos = start_pos; float i; for(i = 1; i <= segments; ++i) { // WEAPONTODO (client): // In order to do nice fading and pointing on the starting segment, we must always // have that drawn as a separate triangle... However, that is difficult to do when // keeping in mind the above problems and also optimizing the amount of segments // drawn on screen at any given time. (Automatic beam quality scaling, essentially) vector new_origin = bezier_quadratic_getpoint( start_pos, beam_controlpoint, beam_endpos, i / segments); WarpZone_TraceBox_ThroughZone( last_origin, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', new_origin, MOVE_NORMAL, world, world, Draw_ArcBeam_callback ); // Do all the transforms for warpzones right now, as we already "are" in the post-trace // system (if we hit a player, that's always BEHIND the last passed wz). last_origin = trace_endpos; start_pos = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, start_pos); beam_controlpoint = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_controlpoint); beam_endpos = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_endpos); beamdir = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(WarpZone_trace_transform, beamdir); Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top); Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom); if(trace_fraction < 1) { break; } } // visual effects for startpoint and endpoint if(self.beam_hiteffect) { // FIXME we really should do this on the server so it actually // matches gameplay. What this client side stuff is doing is no // more than guesswork. pointparticles( self.beam_hiteffect, last_origin, beamdir * -1, frametime * 2 ); } if(self.beam_hitlight[0]) { adddynamiclight( last_origin, self.beam_hitlight[0], vec3( self.beam_hitlight[1], self.beam_hitlight[2], self.beam_hitlight[3] ) ); } if(self.beam_muzzleeffect) { pointparticles( self.beam_muzzleeffect, original_start_pos + wantdir * 20, wantdir * 1000, frametime * 0.1 ); } if(self.beam_muzzlelight[0]) { adddynamiclight( original_start_pos + wantdir * 20, self.beam_muzzlelight[0], vec3( self.beam_muzzlelight[1], self.beam_muzzlelight[2], self.beam_muzzlelight[3] ) ); } // cleanup Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity = world; Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = 0; Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = '0 0 0'; Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = '0 0 0'; } void Remove_ArcBeam(void) { remove(self.beam_muzzleentity); sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } void Ent_ReadArcBeam(float isnew) { float sf = ReadByte(); entity flash; if(isnew) { // calculate shot origin offset from gun alignment float gunalign = autocvar_cl_gunalign; if(gunalign != 1 && gunalign != 2 && gunalign != 4) gunalign = 3; // default value --gunalign; self.beam_shotorigin = arc_shotorigin[gunalign]; // set other main attributes of the beam self.draw = Draw_ArcBeam; self.entremove = Remove_ArcBeam; sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/lgbeam_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); flash = spawn(); flash.owner = self; flash.effects = EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT; flash.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; flash.solid = SOLID_NOT; flash.avelocity_z = 5000; setattachment(flash, self, ""); setorigin(flash, '0 0 0'); self.beam_muzzleentity = flash; } else { flash = self.beam_muzzleentity; } if(sf & ARC_SF_SETTINGS) // settings information { self.beam_degreespersegment = ReadShort(); self.beam_distancepersegment = ReadShort(); self.beam_maxangle = ReadShort(); self.beam_range = ReadCoord(); self.beam_returnspeed = ReadShort(); self.beam_tightness = (ReadByte() / 10); if(ReadByte()) { if(autocvar_chase_active) { self.beam_usevieworigin = 1; } else // use view origin { self.beam_usevieworigin = 2; } } else { self.beam_usevieworigin = 0; } } if(!self.beam_usevieworigin) { // self.iflags = IFLAG_ORIGIN | IFLAG_ANGLES | IFLAG_V_ANGLE; // why doesn't this work? self.iflags = IFLAG_ORIGIN; InterpolateOrigin_Undo(); } if(sf & ARC_SF_START) // starting location { self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); } else if(self.beam_usevieworigin) // infer the location from player location { if(self.beam_usevieworigin == 2) { // use view origin self.origin = view_origin; } else { // use player origin so that third person display still works self.origin = getplayerorigin(player_localnum) + ('0 0 1' * getstati(STAT_VIEWHEIGHT)); } } setorigin(self, self.origin); if(sf & ARC_SF_WANTDIR) // want/aim direction { self.v_angle_x = ReadCoord(); self.v_angle_y = ReadCoord(); self.v_angle_z = ReadCoord(); } if(sf & ARC_SF_BEAMDIR) // beam direction { self.angles_x = ReadCoord(); self.angles_y = ReadCoord(); self.angles_z = ReadCoord(); } if(sf & ARC_SF_BEAMTYPE) // beam type { self.beam_type = ReadByte(); switch(self.beam_type) { case ARC_BT_MISS: { self.beam_color = '-1 -1 1'; self.beam_alpha = 0.5; self.beam_thickness = 8; self.beam_traileffect = FALSE; self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning"); self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } case ARC_BT_WALL: // grenadelauncher_muzzleflash healray_muzzleflash { self.beam_color = '0.5 0.5 1'; self.beam_alpha = 0.5; self.beam_thickness = 8; self.beam_traileffect = FALSE; self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning"); self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; // particleeffectnum("grenadelauncher_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } case ARC_BT_HEAL: { self.beam_color = '0 1 0'; self.beam_alpha = 0.5; self.beam_thickness = 8; self.beam_traileffect = FALSE; self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("healray_impact"); self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } case ARC_BT_HIT: { self.beam_color = '1 0 1'; self.beam_alpha = 0.5; self.beam_thickness = 8; self.beam_traileffect = particleeffectnum("nex_beam"); self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning"); self.beam_hitlight[0] = 20; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 0; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 50; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 0; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } case ARC_BT_BURST_MISS: { self.beam_color = '-1 -1 1'; self.beam_alpha = 0.5; self.beam_thickness = 14; self.beam_traileffect = FALSE; self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning"); self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } case ARC_BT_BURST_WALL: { self.beam_color = '0.5 0.5 1'; self.beam_alpha = 0.5; self.beam_thickness = 14; self.beam_traileffect = FALSE; self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning"); self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } case ARC_BT_BURST_HEAL: { self.beam_color = '0 1 0'; self.beam_alpha = 0.5; self.beam_thickness = 14; self.beam_traileffect = FALSE; self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning"); self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } case ARC_BT_BURST_HIT: { self.beam_color = '1 0 1'; self.beam_alpha = 0.5; self.beam_thickness = 14; self.beam_traileffect = FALSE; self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning"); self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } // shouldn't be possible, but lets make it colorful if it does :D default: { self.beam_color = randomvec(); self.beam_alpha = 1; self.beam_thickness = 8; self.beam_traileffect = FALSE; self.beam_hiteffect = FALSE; self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0; self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1; self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1; self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"); self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0; self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1; self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1; self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam"; setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3"); flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha; flash.colormod = self.beam_color; flash.scale = 0.5; break; } } } if(!self.beam_usevieworigin) { InterpolateOrigin_Note(); } } float W_Arc(float req) { switch(req) { case WR_IMPACTEFFECT: { // todo return TRUE; } case WR_INIT: { precache_sound("weapons/lgbeam_fly.wav"); return TRUE; } case WR_ZOOMRETICLE: { // no weapon specific image for this weapon return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } #endif #endif