#pragma once #ifdef SVQC #include #endif /// \brief Unconditional maximum amount of resources the player can have. const int RESOURCE_AMOUNT_HARD_LIMIT = 999; /// \brief Describes the available resource types. enum { RESOURCE_HEALTH, ///< Health. RESOURCE_ARMOR, ///< Armor. RESOURCE_SHELLS, ///< Shells (used by shotgun). RESOURCE_BULLETS, ///< Bullets (used by machinegun and rifle) RESOURCE_ROCKETS, ///< Rockets (used by mortar, hagar, devastator, etc). RESOURCE_CELLS, ///< Cells (used by electro, crylink, vortex, etc) RESOURCE_PLASMA, ///< Plasma (unused). RESOURCE_FUEL ///< Fuel (used by jetpack). }; const int AMMO_COUNT = 4; // amount of ammo types to show in the inventory panel // item networking const int ISF_LOCATION = BIT(1); const int ISF_MODEL = BIT(2); const int ISF_STATUS = BIT(3); const int ITS_STAYWEP = BIT(0); const int ITS_ANIMATE1 = BIT(1); const int ITS_ANIMATE2 = BIT(2); const int ITS_AVAILABLE = BIT(3); const int ITS_ALLOWFB = BIT(4); const int ITS_ALLOWSI = BIT(5); const int ITS_GLOW = BIT(6); const int ISF_COLORMAP = BIT(4); const int ISF_DROP = BIT(5); const int ISF_ANGLES = BIT(6); const int ISF_SIZE = BIT(7); .int ItemStatus; .float onground_time; .float fade_start; .float fade_end; #ifdef SVQC void StartItem(entity this, entity a); #endif #ifdef CSQC bool autocvar_cl_items_nofade; float autocvar_cl_animate_items = 1; float autocvar_cl_ghost_items = 0.45; vector autocvar_cl_ghost_items_color = '-1 -1 -1'; float autocvar_cl_fullbright_items = 0; vector autocvar_cl_weapon_stay_color = '2 0.5 0.5'; float autocvar_cl_weapon_stay_alpha = 0.75; float autocvar_cl_simple_items = 0; string autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix = "_simple"; .float spawntime; .float gravity; .vector colormod; void ItemDraw(entity this); void ItemDrawSimple(entity this); #endif #ifdef SVQC spawnfunc(item_strength); spawnfunc(item_invincible); spawnfunc(item_armor_small); spawnfunc(item_shells); spawnfunc(item_bullets); spawnfunc(item_rockets); float autocvar_sv_simple_items; bool ItemSend(entity this, entity to, int sf); bool have_pickup_item(entity this); const float ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS = 10; #define ITEM_RESPAWNTIME_INITIAL(i) (ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS + random() * ((i).respawntime + (i).respawntimejitter - ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS)) // range: 10 .. respawntime + respawntimejitter .float max_armorvalue; .float pickup_anyway; void Item_Show (entity e, float mode); void Item_Respawn (entity this); void Item_RespawnCountdown(entity this); void Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(entity e, float t); void Item_ScheduleRespawn(entity e); void Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(entity e); /// \brief Converts resource entity property to resource type. /// \param[in] resource_property Resource entity property to convert. /// \return Resource type (a RESOURCE_* constant). int GetResourceType(.float resource_property); /// \brief Converts resource type (a RESOURCE_* constant) to entity property. /// \param[in] resource_type Type of the resource. /// \return Entity proprty for that resource. .float GetResourceProperty(int resource_type); /// \brief Returns the maximum amount of the given resource. /// \param[in] e Entity to check. /// \param[in] resource_type Type of the resource (a RESOURCE_* constant). /// \return Maximum amount of the given resource. float GetResourceLimit(entity e, int resource_type); /// \brief Gives player a resource such as health, armor or ammo. /// \param[in,out] receiver Entity to give resource to. /// \param[in] resource_type Type of the resource (a RESOURCE_* constant). /// \param[in] amount Amount of resource to give. /// \return No return. void GiveResource(entity receiver, int resource_type, float amount); /// \brief Gives player a resource such as health, armor or ammo. /// \param[in,out] e Entity to give resource to. /// \param[in] resource_property Entity property of the resource. /// \param[in] amount Amount of resource to give. /// \return No return. void GiveResourceViaProperty(entity receiver, .float resource_property, float amount); /// \brief Give several random weapons and ammo to the player. /// \param[in,out] player Player to give weapons to. /// \param[in] num_weapons Number of weapons to give. /// \param[in] weapon_names Names of weapons to give separated by spaces. /// \param[in] shells Amount of shells to give with shell-based weapon. /// \param[in] bullets Amount of bullets to give with bullet-based weapon. /// \param[in] rockets Amount of rockets to give with rocket-based weapon. /// \param[in] cells Amount of cells to give with cell-based weapon. /// \param[in] cells Amount of plasma to give with plasma-based weapon. /// \return No return. void GivePlayerRandomWeapons(entity player, int num_weapons, string weapon_names, float shells, float bullets, float rockets, float cells, float plasma); float Item_GiveAmmoTo(entity item, entity player, .float ammotype, float ammomax); float Item_GiveTo(entity item, entity player); void Item_Touch(entity this, entity toucher); void Item_Reset(entity this); void Item_FindTeam(entity this); // Savage: used for item garbage-collection bool ItemSend(entity this, entity to, int sf); void ItemUpdate(entity this); void UpdateItemAfterTeleport(entity this); // pickup evaluation functions // these functions decide how desirable an item is to the bots float generic_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item);// {return item.bot_pickupbasevalue;} // WEAPONTODO float weapon_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item); float ammo_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item); float healtharmor_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item); .float is_item; .entity itemdef; void _StartItem(entity this, entity def, float defaultrespawntime, float defaultrespawntimejitter); void setItemGroup(entity this); void setItemGroupCount(); float GiveWeapon(entity e, float wpn, float op, float val); float GiveBit(entity e, .float fld, float bit, float op, float val); float GiveValue(entity e, .float fld, float op, float val); void GiveSound(entity e, float v0, float v1, float t, Sound snd_incr, Sound snd_decr); void GiveRot(entity e, float v0, float v1, .float rotfield, float rottime, .float regenfield, float regentime); #define PREGIVE_WEAPONS(e) WepSet save_weapons; save_weapons = e.weapons #define PREGIVE(e,f) float save_##f; save_##f = (e).f #define POSTGIVE_WEAPON(e,b,snd_incr,snd_decr) GiveSound((e), !!(save_weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(b)), !!(e.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(b)), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr) #define POSTGIVE_BIT(e,f,b,snd_incr,snd_decr) GiveSound((e), save_##f & (b), (e).f & (b), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr) #define POSTGIVE_VALUE(e,f,t,snd_incr,snd_decr) GiveSound((e), save_##f, (e).f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr) #define POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e,f,t,rotfield,rottime,regenfield,regentime,snd_incr,snd_decr) GiveRot((e), save_##f, (e).f, rotfield, rottime, regenfield, regentime); GiveSound((e), save_##f, (e).f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr) float GiveItems(entity e, float beginarg, float endarg); #endif