#include "t_items.qh" #include "items/all.qc" #if defined(SVQC) #include "../server/bot/bot.qh" #include "../server/bot/waypoints.qh" #include #include "../server/weapons/common.qh" #include "../server/weapons/selection.qh" #include "../server/weapons/weaponsystem.qh" #include "constants.qh" #include #include #include "triggers/subs.qh" #include "util.qh" #include #include #include "../lib/warpzone/util_server.qh" #elif defined(CSQC) #include "physics/movetypes/movetypes.qh" #include #include "../lib/csqcmodel/cl_model.qh" #include "../lib/csqcmodel/common.qh" #endif REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_ITEM) #ifdef CSQC bool autocvar_cl_ghost_items_vehicle = true; void Item_SetAlpha(entity this) { bool veh_hud = (hud && autocvar_cl_ghost_items_vehicle); if(!veh_hud && (this.ItemStatus & ITS_AVAILABLE)) { this.alpha = 1; this.colormod = this.glowmod = '1 1 1'; } else { if (autocvar_cl_ghost_items_color) { this.alpha = autocvar_cl_ghost_items; this.colormod = this.glowmod = autocvar_cl_ghost_items_color; } else this.alpha = -1; } if(!veh_hud) if(this.ItemStatus & ITS_STAYWEP) { this.colormod = this.glowmod = autocvar_cl_weapon_stay_color; this.alpha = autocvar_cl_weapon_stay_alpha; } } void ItemDraw(entity this) { if(this.gravity) { Movetype_Physics_MatchServer(this, false); if(this.move_flags & FL_ONGROUND) { // For some reason move_avelocity gets set to '0 0 0' here ... this.oldorigin = this.origin; this.gravity = 0; if(autocvar_cl_animate_items) { // ... so reset it if animations are requested. if(this.ItemStatus & ITS_ANIMATE1) this.move_avelocity = '0 180 0'; if(this.ItemStatus & ITS_ANIMATE2) this.move_avelocity = '0 -90 0'; } } } else if (autocvar_cl_animate_items) { if(this.ItemStatus & ITS_ANIMATE1) { this.angles += this.move_avelocity * frametime; setorigin(this, '0 0 10' + this.oldorigin + '0 0 8' * sin(time * 2)); } if(this.ItemStatus & ITS_ANIMATE2) { this.angles += this.move_avelocity * frametime; setorigin(this, '0 0 8' + this.oldorigin + '0 0 4' * sin(time * 3)); } } Item_SetAlpha(this); } void ItemDrawSimple(entity this) { if(this.gravity) { Movetype_Physics_MatchServer(this, false); if(this.move_flags & FL_ONGROUND) this.gravity = 0; } Item_SetAlpha(this); } void Item_PreDraw(entity this) { if(warpzone_warpzones_exist) { // just incase warpzones were initialized last, reset these //this.alpha = 1; // alpha is already set by the draw function this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; return; } float alph; vector org = getpropertyvec(VF_ORIGIN); if(!checkpvs(org, this)) // this makes sense as long as we don't support recursive warpzones alph = 0; else if(this.fade_start) alph = bound(0, (this.fade_end - vlen(org - this.origin - 0.5 * (this.mins + this.maxs))) / (this.fade_end - this.fade_start), 1); else alph = 1; //printf("%v <-> %v\n", view_origin, this.origin + 0.5 * (this.mins + this.maxs)); if(!hud && (this.ItemStatus & ITS_AVAILABLE)) this.alpha = alph; if(alph <= 0) this.drawmask = 0; else this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; } void ItemRemove(entity this) { if(this.mdl) strunzone(this.mdl); } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_ITEM, bool isnew) { int sf = ReadByte(); if(sf & ISF_LOCATION) { self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); setorigin(self, self.origin); self.oldorigin = self.origin; } if(sf & ISF_ANGLES) { self.angles_x = ReadAngle(); self.angles_y = ReadAngle(); self.angles_z = ReadAngle(); self.move_angles = self.angles; } if(sf & ISF_SIZE) { float use_bigsize = ReadByte(); setsize(self, '-16 -16 0', (use_bigsize) ? '16 16 48' : '16 16 32'); } if(sf & ISF_STATUS) // need to read/write status frist so model can handle simple, fb etc. { self.ItemStatus = ReadByte(); Item_SetAlpha(self); if(autocvar_cl_fullbright_items) if(self.ItemStatus & ITS_ALLOWFB) self.effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; if(self.ItemStatus & ITS_POWERUP) { if(self.ItemStatus & ITS_AVAILABLE) self.effects |= (EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT); else self.effects &= ~(EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT); } } if(sf & ISF_MODEL) { self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; self.draw = ItemDraw; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; //self.move_flags |= FL_ITEM; bool use_bigsize = ReadByte(); self.fade_end = ReadShort(); self.fade_start = ReadShort(); if(self.fade_start && !autocvar_cl_items_nofade) setpredraw(self, Item_PreDraw); if(self.mdl) strunzone(self.mdl); self.mdl = ""; string _fn = ReadString(); if(autocvar_cl_simple_items && (self.ItemStatus & ITS_ALLOWSI)) { string _fn2 = substring(_fn, 0 , strlen(_fn) -4); self.draw = ItemDrawSimple; if(fexists(sprintf("%s%s.md3", _fn2, autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix))) self.mdl = strzone(sprintf("%s%s.md3", _fn2, autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix)); else if(fexists(sprintf("%s%s.dpm", _fn2, autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix))) self.mdl = strzone(sprintf("%s%s.dpm", _fn2, autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix)); else if(fexists(sprintf("%s%s.iqm", _fn2, autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix))) self.mdl = strzone(sprintf("%s%s.iqm", _fn2, autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix)); else if(fexists(sprintf("%s%s.mdl", _fn2, autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix))) self.mdl = strzone(sprintf("%s%s.mdl", _fn2, autocvar_cl_simpleitems_postfix)); else { self.draw = ItemDraw; LOG_TRACE("Simple item requested for ", _fn, " but no model exists for it\n"); } } if(self.draw != ItemDrawSimple) self.mdl = strzone(_fn); if(self.mdl == "") LOG_TRACE("^1WARNING!^7 self.mdl is unset for item ", self.classname, ", tell tZork about this!\n"); precache_model(self.mdl); _setmodel(self, self.mdl); setsize(self, '-16 -16 0', (use_bigsize) ? '16 16 48' : '16 16 32'); } if(sf & ISF_COLORMAP) self.colormap = ReadShort(); if(sf & ISF_DROP) { self.gravity = 1; self.pushable = true; //self.move_angles = '0 0 0'; self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; self.move_velocity_x = ReadCoord(); self.move_velocity_y = ReadCoord(); self.move_velocity_z = ReadCoord(); self.velocity = self.move_velocity; self.move_origin = self.oldorigin; if(!self.move_time) { self.move_time = time; self.spawntime = time; } else self.move_time = max(self.move_time, time); } if(autocvar_cl_animate_items) { if(self.ItemStatus & ITS_ANIMATE1) self.move_avelocity = '0 180 0'; if(self.ItemStatus & ITS_ANIMATE2) self.move_avelocity = '0 -90 0'; } self.entremove = ItemRemove; return true; } #endif #ifdef SVQC bool ItemSend(entity this, entity to, int sf) { if(self.gravity) sf |= ISF_DROP; else sf &= ~ISF_DROP; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_ITEM); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf); //WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.cnt); if(sf & ISF_LOCATION) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.origin.z); } if(sf & ISF_ANGLES) { WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_x); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_y); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.angles_z); } if(sf & ISF_SIZE) { Pickup p = this.itemdef; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, p.instanceOfPowerup || p.instanceOfHealth || p.instanceOfArmor); } if(sf & ISF_STATUS) WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.ItemStatus); if(sf & ISF_MODEL) { Pickup p = this.itemdef; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, p.instanceOfPowerup || p.instanceOfHealth || p.instanceOfArmor); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.fade_end); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.fade_start); if(self.mdl == "") LOG_TRACE("^1WARNING!^7 self.mdl is unset for item ", self.classname, "exspect a crash just aboute now\n"); WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, self.mdl); } if(sf & ISF_COLORMAP) WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.colormap); if(sf & ISF_DROP) { WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity.x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity.y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.velocity.z); } return true; } void ItemUpdate(entity this) { this.oldorigin = this.origin; this.SendFlags |= ISF_LOCATION; } void UpdateItemAfterTeleport(entity this) { if(this.SendEntity3 == ItemSend) ItemUpdate(this); } bool have_pickup_item(entity this) { if(this.itemdef.instanceOfPowerup) { if(autocvar_g_powerups > 0) return true; if(autocvar_g_powerups == 0) return false; } else { if(autocvar_g_pickup_items > 0) return true; if(autocvar_g_pickup_items == 0) return false; if(g_weaponarena) if(this.weapons || (this.items & IT_AMMO)) // no item or ammo pickups in weaponarena return false; } return true; } /* float Item_Customize() { if(self.spawnshieldtime) return true; if(self.weapons & ~other.weapons) { self.colormod = '0 0 0'; self.glowmod = self.colormod; self.alpha = 0.5 + 0.5 * g_ghost_items; // halfway more alpha return true; } else { if(g_ghost_items) { self.colormod = stov(autocvar_g_ghost_items_color); self.glowmod = self.colormod; self.alpha = g_ghost_items; return true; } else return false; } } */ void Item_Show (entity e, float mode) { e.effects &= ~(EF_ADDITIVE | EF_STARDUST | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_NODEPTHTEST); e.ItemStatus &= ~ITS_STAYWEP; if (mode > 0) { // make the item look normal, and be touchable e.model = e.mdl; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; e.spawnshieldtime = 1; e.ItemStatus |= ITS_AVAILABLE; } else if (mode < 0) { // hide the item completely e.model = string_null; e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.spawnshieldtime = 1; e.ItemStatus &= ~ITS_AVAILABLE; } else { entity def = e.itemdef; bool nostay = def.instanceOfWeaponPickup ? !!(def.m_weapon.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) : false // no weapon-stay on superweapons || e.team // weapon stay isn't supported for teamed weapons ; if(def.instanceOfWeaponPickup && !nostay && g_weapon_stay) { // make the item translucent and not touchable e.model = e.mdl; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; // can STILL be picked up! e.effects |= EF_STARDUST; e.spawnshieldtime = 0; // field indicates whether picking it up may give you anything other than the weapon e.ItemStatus |= (ITS_AVAILABLE | ITS_STAYWEP); } else { //setmodel(e, "null"); e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.colormod = '0 0 0'; e.glowmod = e.colormod; e.spawnshieldtime = 1; e.ItemStatus &= ~ITS_AVAILABLE; }} if (e.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid || e.items & ITEM_Shield.m_itemid) e.ItemStatus |= ITS_POWERUP; if (autocvar_g_nodepthtestitems) e.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; if (autocvar_g_fullbrightitems) e.ItemStatus |= ITS_ALLOWFB; if (autocvar_sv_simple_items) e.ItemStatus |= ITS_ALLOWSI; // relink entity (because solid may have changed) setorigin(e, e.origin); e.SendFlags |= ISF_STATUS; } void Item_Think() {SELFPARAM(); self.nextthink = time; if(self.origin != self.oldorigin) ItemUpdate(self); } bool Item_ItemsTime_SpectatorOnly(GameItem it); bool Item_ItemsTime_Allow(GameItem it); float Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(entity e, float t); void Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(entity e, float t); void Item_ItemsTime_SetTimesForAllPlayers(); void Item_Respawn () {SELFPARAM(); Item_Show(self, 1); // this is ugly... if(self.items == ITEM_Strength.m_itemid) sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, SND_STRENGTH_RESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // play respawn sound else if(self.items == ITEM_Shield.m_itemid) sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, SND_SHIELD_RESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // play respawn sound else sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, SND_ITEMRESPAWN, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // play respawn sound setorigin (self, self.origin); if (Item_ItemsTime_Allow(self.itemdef) || self.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) { float t = Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(self, 0); Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(self, t); Item_ItemsTime_SetTimesForAllPlayers(); } self.think = Item_Think; self.nextthink = time; //Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_RESPAWN, self.origin + self.mins_z * '0 0 1' + '0 0 48', '0 0 0', 1); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_RESPAWN, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(self), '0 0 0', 1); } void Item_RespawnCountdown () {SELFPARAM(); if(self.count >= ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS) { if(self.waypointsprite_attached) WaypointSprite_Kill(self.waypointsprite_attached); Item_Respawn(); } else { self.nextthink = time + 1; self.count += 1; if(self.count == 1) { MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Item_RespawnCountdown, string_null, '0 0 0'); do { { entity wi = Weapons_from(self.weapon); if (wi != WEP_Null) { entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_Weapon, 0, 0, self, '0 0 64', world, 0, self, waypointsprite_attached, true, RADARICON_Weapon); wp.wp_extra = wi.m_id; break; } } { entity ii = self.itemdef; if (ii != NULL) { entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn(WP_Item, 0, 0, self, '0 0 64', world, 0, self, waypointsprite_attached, true, RADARICON_Item); wp.wp_extra = ii.m_id; break; } } } while (0); if(self.waypointsprite_attached) { GameItem def = self.itemdef; if (Item_ItemsTime_SpectatorOnly(def)) WaypointSprite_UpdateRule(self.waypointsprite_attached, 0, SPRITERULE_SPECTATOR); WaypointSprite_UpdateBuildFinished(self.waypointsprite_attached, time + ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS); } } if(self.waypointsprite_attached) { setself(self.waypointsprite_attached); FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), LAMBDA( if(self.waypointsprite_visible_for_player(it)) { msg_entity = it; soundto(MSG_ONE, this, CH_TRIGGER, SND(ITEMRESPAWNCOUNTDOWN), VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // play respawn sound } )); setself(this); WaypointSprite_Ping(self.waypointsprite_attached); //WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(self.waypointsprite_attached, self.count); } } } void Item_RespawnThink() {SELFPARAM(); self.nextthink = time; if(self.origin != self.oldorigin) ItemUpdate(self); if(time >= self.wait) Item_Respawn(); } void Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(entity e, float t) { if (Item_ItemsTime_Allow(e.itemdef) || e.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) { e.think = Item_RespawnCountdown; e.nextthink = time + max(0, t - ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS); e.scheduledrespawntime = e.nextthink + ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS; e.count = 0; t = Item_ItemsTime_UpdateTime(e, e.scheduledrespawntime); Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(e, t); Item_ItemsTime_SetTimesForAllPlayers(); } else { e.think = Item_RespawnThink; e.nextthink = time; e.scheduledrespawntime = time + t; e.wait = time + t; } } void Item_ScheduleRespawn(entity e) { if(e.respawntime > 0) { Item_Show(e, 0); Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(e, ITEM_RESPAWNTIME(e)); } else // if respawntime is -1, this item does not respawn Item_Show(e, -1); } void Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(entity e) { Item_Show(e, 0); Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(e, game_starttime - time + ((e.respawntimestart) ? e.respawntimestart : ITEM_RESPAWNTIME_INITIAL(e))); } float Item_GiveAmmoTo(entity item, entity player, .float ammotype, float ammomax, float mode) { if (!item.(ammotype)) return false; if (item.spawnshieldtime) { if ((player.(ammotype) < ammomax) || item.pickup_anyway > 0) { player.(ammotype) = bound(player.(ammotype), ammomax, player.(ammotype) + item.(ammotype)); goto YEAH; } } else if(g_weapon_stay == 2) { float mi = min(item.(ammotype), ammomax); if (player.(ammotype) < mi) { player.(ammotype) = mi; goto YEAH; } } return false; :YEAH switch(mode) { case ITEM_MODE_FUEL: player.pauserotfuel_finished = max(player.pauserotfuel_finished, time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_rot); break; case ITEM_MODE_HEALTH: player.pauserothealth_finished = max(player.pauserothealth_finished, time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_rot); break; case ITEM_MODE_ARMOR: player.pauserotarmor_finished = max(player.pauserotarmor_finished, time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_armor_rot); break; default: break; } return true; } float Item_GiveTo(entity item, entity player) { float _switchweapon; float pickedup; // if nothing happens to player, just return without taking the item pickedup = false; _switchweapon = false; // in case the player has autoswitch enabled do the following: // if the player is using their best weapon before items are given, they // probably want to switch to an even better weapon after items are given if (player.autoswitch) if (PS(player).m_switchweapon == w_getbestweapon(player)) _switchweapon = true; if (!(player.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(PS(player).m_switchweapon))) _switchweapon = true; pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, ammo_fuel, g_pickup_fuel_max, ITEM_MODE_FUEL); pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, ammo_shells, g_pickup_shells_max, ITEM_MODE_NONE); pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, ammo_nails, g_pickup_nails_max, ITEM_MODE_NONE); pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, ammo_rockets, g_pickup_rockets_max, ITEM_MODE_NONE); pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, ammo_cells, g_pickup_cells_max, ITEM_MODE_NONE); pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, ammo_plasma, g_pickup_plasma_max, ITEM_MODE_NONE); pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, health, item.max_health, ITEM_MODE_HEALTH); pickedup |= Item_GiveAmmoTo(item, player, armorvalue, item.max_armorvalue, ITEM_MODE_ARMOR); if (item.itemdef.instanceOfWeaponPickup) { WepSet w; w = item.weapons; w &= ~player.weapons; if (w || (item.spawnshieldtime && item.pickup_anyway > 0)) { pickedup = true; FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA( if(w & (it.m_wepset)) { W_DropEvent(wr_pickup, player, it.m_id, item); W_GiveWeapon(player, it.m_id); } )); } } if (item.itemdef.instanceOfPowerup) { if ((item.itemdef == ITEM_JetpackRegen) && !(player.items & IT_FUEL_REGEN)) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ITEM_FUELREGEN_GOT); else if ((item.itemdef == ITEM_Jetpack) && !(player.items & IT_JETPACK)) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_CENTER, CENTER_ITEM_JETPACK_GOT); } int its; if((its = (item.items - (item.items & player.items)) & IT_PICKUPMASK)) { pickedup = true; player.items |= its; Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, player, MSG_INFO, INFO_ITEM_WEAPON_GOT, item.netname); } if (item.strength_finished) { pickedup = true; player.strength_finished = max(player.strength_finished, time) + item.strength_finished; } if (item.invincible_finished) { pickedup = true; player.invincible_finished = max(player.invincible_finished, time) + item.invincible_finished; } if (item.superweapons_finished) { pickedup = true; player.superweapons_finished = max(player.superweapons_finished, time) + item.superweapons_finished; } :skip // always eat teamed entities if(item.team) pickedup = true; if (!pickedup) return 0; // crude hack to enforce switching weapons if(g_cts && item.itemdef.instanceOfWeaponPickup) { W_SwitchWeapon_Force(player, Weapons_from(item.weapon)); return 1; } if (_switchweapon) if (PS(player).m_switchweapon != w_getbestweapon(player)) W_SwitchWeapon_Force(player, w_getbestweapon(player)); return 1; } void Item_Touch() { SELFPARAM(); // remove the item if it's currnetly in a NODROP brush or hits a NOIMPACT surface (such as sky) if (this.classname == "droppedweapon") { if (ITEM_TOUCH_NEEDKILL()) { remove(this); return; } } if(!(other.flags & FL_PICKUPITEMS) || STAT(FROZEN, other) || IS_DEAD(other) || (this.solid != SOLID_TRIGGER) || (this.owner == other) || (time < this.item_spawnshieldtime) ) { return; } switch (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ItemTouch, this, other)) { case MUT_ITEMTOUCH_RETURN: { return; } case MUT_ITEMTOUCH_PICKUP: { goto pickup; } } if (this.classname == "droppedweapon") { this.strength_finished = max(0, this.strength_finished - time); this.invincible_finished = max(0, this.invincible_finished - time); this.superweapons_finished = max(0, this.superweapons_finished - time); } entity it = this.itemdef; bool gave = ITEM_HANDLE(Pickup, it, this, other); if (!gave) { if (this.classname == "droppedweapon") { // undo what we did above this.strength_finished += time; this.invincible_finished += time; this.superweapons_finished += time; } return; } :pickup other.last_pickup = time; Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_PICKUP, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(this), '0 0 0', 1); _sound (other, CH_TRIGGER, (this.item_pickupsound ? this.item_pickupsound : Sound_fixpath(this.item_pickupsound_ent)), VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); if (this.classname == "droppedweapon") remove (this); else if (this.spawnshieldtime) { entity e; if(this.team) { RandomSelection_Init(); for(entity head = world; (head = findfloat(head, team, this.team)); ) { if(head.flags & FL_ITEM) if(head.classname != "item_flag_team" && head.classname != "item_key_team") { Item_Show(head, -1); RandomSelection_Add(head, 0, string_null, head.cnt, 0); } } e = RandomSelection_chosen_ent; } else e = this; Item_ScheduleRespawn(e); } } void Item_Reset(entity this) { Item_Show(this, !this.state); setorigin(this, this.origin); if (this.classname != "droppedweapon") { this.think = Item_Think; this.nextthink = time; if (this.waypointsprite_attached) WaypointSprite_Kill(this.waypointsprite_attached); if (this.itemdef.instanceOfPowerup || (this.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS)) // do not spawn powerups initially! Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(this); } } void Item_Reset_self() { SELFPARAM(); Item_Reset(this); } void Item_FindTeam() {SELFPARAM(); entity e; if(self.effects & EF_NODRAW) { // marker for item team search LOG_TRACE("Initializing item team ", ftos(self.team), "\n"); RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH_ENTITY_FLOAT(team, self.team, { if(it.flags & FL_ITEM) if(it.classname != "item_flag_team" && it.classname != "item_key_team") RandomSelection_Add(it, 0, string_null, it.cnt, 0); }); e = RandomSelection_chosen_ent; e.state = 0; Item_Show(e, 1); FOREACH_ENTITY_FLOAT(team, self.team, { if(it.flags & FL_ITEM) if(it.classname != "item_flag_team" && it.classname != "item_key_team") { if(it != e) { // make it non-spawned Item_Show(it, -1); it.state = 1; // state 1 = initially hidden item, apparently } it.effects &= ~EF_NODRAW; } }); Item_Reset(self); } } // Savage: used for item garbage-collection void RemoveItem() {SELFPARAM(); if(wasfreed(self) || !self) { return; } Send_Effect(EFFECT_ITEM_PICKUP, CENTER_OR_VIEWOFS(self), '0 0 0', 1); remove(self); } // pickup evaluation functions // these functions decide how desirable an item is to the bots float generic_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item) {return item.bot_pickupbasevalue;} float weapon_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item) { float c; // See if I have it already if(item.weapons & ~player.weapons) { // If I can pick it up if(!item.spawnshieldtime) c = 0; else if(player.ammo_cells || player.ammo_shells || player.ammo_plasma || player.ammo_nails || player.ammo_rockets) { // Skilled bots will grab more c = bound(0, skill / 10, 1) * 0.5; } else c = 0; } else c = 1; // If custom weapon priorities for bots is enabled rate most wanted weapons higher if( bot_custom_weapon && c ) { // Find the highest position on any range int position = -1; for (int j = 0; j < WEP_LAST ; ++j){ if( bot_weapons_far[j] == item.weapon || bot_weapons_mid[j] == item.weapon || bot_weapons_close[j] == item.weapon ) { position = j; break; } } // Rate it if (position >= 0 ) { position = WEP_LAST - position; // item.bot_pickupbasevalue is overwritten here return (BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW + ( (BOT_PICKUP_RATING_HIGH - BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW) * (position / WEP_LAST ))) * c; } } return item.bot_pickupbasevalue * c; } float commodity_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item) { float c; float need_shells = false, need_nails = false, need_rockets = false, need_cells = false, need_plasma = false, need_fuel = false; c = 0; // Detect needed ammo FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA( if(!(player.weapons & (it.m_wepset))) continue; if(it.items & ITEM_Shells.m_itemid) need_shells = true; else if(it.items & ITEM_Bullets.m_itemid) need_nails = true; else if(it.items & ITEM_Rockets.m_itemid) need_rockets = true; else if(it.items & ITEM_Cells.m_itemid) need_cells = true; else if(it.items & ITEM_Plasma.m_itemid) need_plasma = true; else if(it.items & ITEM_JetpackFuel.m_itemid) need_fuel = true; )); // TODO: figure out if the player even has the weapon this ammo is for? // may not affect strategy much though... // find out how much more ammo/armor/health the player can hold if (need_shells) if (item.ammo_shells) if (player.ammo_shells < g_pickup_shells_max) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.ammo_shells / g_pickup_shells_max); if (need_nails) if (item.ammo_nails) if (player.ammo_nails < g_pickup_nails_max) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.ammo_nails / g_pickup_nails_max); if (need_rockets) if (item.ammo_rockets) if (player.ammo_rockets < g_pickup_rockets_max) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.ammo_rockets / g_pickup_rockets_max); if (need_cells) if (item.ammo_cells) if (player.ammo_cells < g_pickup_cells_max) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.ammo_cells / g_pickup_cells_max); if (need_plasma) if (item.ammo_plasma) if (player.ammo_plasma < g_pickup_plasma_max) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.ammo_plasma / g_pickup_plasma_max); if (need_fuel) if (item.ammo_fuel) if (player.ammo_fuel < g_pickup_fuel_max) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.ammo_fuel / g_pickup_fuel_max); if (item.armorvalue) if (player.armorvalue < item.max_armorvalue) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.armorvalue / item.max_armorvalue); if (item.health) if (player.health < item.max_health) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.health / item.max_health); return item.bot_pickupbasevalue * c; } void Item_Damage(entity this, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { if(ITEM_DAMAGE_NEEDKILL(deathtype)) WITH(entity, self, this, RemoveItem()); } void _StartItem(entity this, entity def, float defaultrespawntime, float defaultrespawntimejitter) { string itemname = def.m_name; Model itemmodel = def.m_model; Sound pickupsound = def.m_sound; float(entity player, entity item) pickupevalfunc = def.m_pickupevalfunc; float pickupbasevalue = def.m_botvalue; int itemflags = def.m_itemflags; startitem_failed = false; this.item_model_ent = itemmodel; this.item_pickupsound_ent = pickupsound; if(!this.respawntime) // both need to be set { this.respawntime = defaultrespawntime; this.respawntimejitter = defaultrespawntimejitter; } int itemid = def.m_itemid; this.items = itemid; int weaponid = def.instanceOfWeaponPickup ? def.m_weapon.m_id : 0; this.weapon = weaponid; if(!this.fade_end) { this.fade_start = autocvar_g_items_mindist; this.fade_end = autocvar_g_items_maxdist; } if(weaponid) this.weapons = WepSet_FromWeapon(Weapons_from(weaponid)); this.flags = FL_ITEM | itemflags; if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(FilterItem, this)) // error means we do not want the item { startitem_failed = true; remove(this); return; } // is it a dropped weapon? if (this.classname == "droppedweapon") { this.reset = SUB_Remove; // it's a dropped weapon this.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; // Savage: remove thrown items after a certain period of time ("garbage collection") this.think = RemoveItem; this.nextthink = time + 20; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; this.event_damage = Item_Damage; if(this.strength_finished || this.invincible_finished || this.superweapons_finished) { // if item is worthless after a timer, have it expire then this.nextthink = max(this.strength_finished, this.invincible_finished, this.superweapons_finished); } // don't drop if in a NODROP zone (such as lava) traceline(this.origin, this.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, this); if (trace_dpstartcontents & DPCONTENTS_NODROP) { startitem_failed = true; remove(this); return; } } else { if(!have_pickup_item(this)) { startitem_failed = true; remove (this); return; } if(this.angles != '0 0 0') this.SendFlags |= ISF_ANGLES; this.reset = Item_Reset; // it's a level item if(this.spawnflags & 1) this.noalign = 1; if (this.noalign > 0) this.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; else this.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; // do item filtering according to game mode and other things if (this.noalign <= 0) { // first nudge it off the floor a little bit to avoid math errors setorigin(this, this.origin + '0 0 1'); // set item size before we spawn a spawnfunc_waypoint setsize(this, def.m_mins, def.m_maxs); this.SendFlags |= ISF_SIZE; // note droptofloor returns false if stuck/or would fall too far if (!this.noalign) WITH(entity, self, this, droptofloor()); waypoint_spawnforitem(this); } /* * can't do it that way, as it would break maps * TODO make a target_give like entity another way, that perhaps has * the weapon name in a key if(this.targetname) { // target_give not yet supported; maybe later print("removed targeted ", this.classname, "\n"); startitem_failed = true; remove (this); return; } */ if(autocvar_spawn_debug >= 2) { for(entity otheritem = findradius(this.origin, 3); otheritem; otheritem = otheritem.chain) { // why not flags & fl_item? if(otheritem.is_item) { LOG_TRACE("XXX Found duplicated item: ", itemname, vtos(this.origin)); LOG_TRACE(" vs ", otheritem.netname, vtos(otheritem.origin), "\n"); error("Mapper sucks."); } } this.is_item = true; } weaponsInMap |= WepSet_FromWeapon(Weapons_from(weaponid)); precache_model(this.model); precache_sound(this.item_pickupsound); if ( def.instanceOfPowerup || def.instanceOfWeaponPickup || (def.instanceOfHealth && def != ITEM_HealthSmall) || (def.instanceOfArmor && def != ITEM_ArmorSmall) || (itemid & (IT_KEY1 | IT_KEY2)) ) this.target = "###item###"; // for finding the nearest item using find() Item_ItemsTime_SetTime(this, 0); } this.bot_pickup = true; this.bot_pickupevalfunc = pickupevalfunc; this.bot_pickupbasevalue = pickupbasevalue; this.mdl = this.model ? this.model : strzone(this.item_model_ent.model_str()); this.netname = itemname; this.touch = Item_Touch; setmodel(this, MDL_Null); // precision set below //this.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; setsize (this, this.pos1 = def.m_mins, this.pos2 = def.m_maxs); this.SendFlags |= ISF_SIZE; if (!(this.spawnflags & 1024)) { if(def.instanceOfPowerup) this.ItemStatus |= ITS_ANIMATE1; if(this.armorvalue || this.health) this.ItemStatus |= ITS_ANIMATE2; } if(def.instanceOfWeaponPickup) { if (this.classname != "droppedweapon") // if dropped, colormap is already set up nicely this.colormap = 1024; // color shirt=0 pants=0 grey else this.gravity = 1; if (!(this.spawnflags & 1024)) this.ItemStatus |= ITS_ANIMATE1; this.ItemStatus |= ISF_COLORMAP; } this.state = 0; if(this.team) // broken, no idea why. { if(!this.cnt) this.cnt = 1; // item probability weight this.effects |= EF_NODRAW; // marker for item team search InitializeEntity(this, Item_FindTeam, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); } else Item_Reset(this); Net_LinkEntity(this, !(def.instanceOfPowerup || def.instanceOfHealth || def.instanceOfArmor), 0, ItemSend); // call this hook after everything else has been done if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(Item_Spawn, this)) { startitem_failed = true; remove(this); return; } } void StartItem(entity this, GameItem def) { _StartItem( this, this.itemdef = def, def.m_respawntime(), // defaultrespawntime def.m_respawntimejitter() // defaultrespawntimejitter ); } spawnfunc(item_rockets) { if(!this.ammo_rockets) this.ammo_rockets = g_pickup_rockets; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_ammo_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_Rockets); } spawnfunc(item_bullets) { if(!weaponswapping) if(autocvar_sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap) if(this.classname != "droppedweapon") { weaponswapping = true; spawnfunc_item_shells(this); weaponswapping = false; return; } if(!this.ammo_nails) this.ammo_nails = g_pickup_nails; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_ammo_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_Bullets); } spawnfunc(item_cells) { if(!this.ammo_cells) this.ammo_cells = g_pickup_cells; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_ammo_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_Cells); } spawnfunc(item_plasma) { if(!this.ammo_plasma) this.ammo_plasma = g_pickup_plasma; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_ammo_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_Plasma); } spawnfunc(item_shells) { if(!weaponswapping) if(autocvar_sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap) if(this.classname != "droppedweapon") { weaponswapping = true; spawnfunc_item_bullets(this); weaponswapping = false; return; } if(!this.ammo_shells) this.ammo_shells = g_pickup_shells; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_ammo_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_Shells); } spawnfunc(item_armor_small) { if(!this.armorvalue) this.armorvalue = g_pickup_armorsmall; if(!this.max_armorvalue) this.max_armorvalue = g_pickup_armorsmall_max; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_armorsmall_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_ArmorSmall); } spawnfunc(item_armor_medium) { if(!this.armorvalue) this.armorvalue = g_pickup_armormedium; if(!this.max_armorvalue) this.max_armorvalue = g_pickup_armormedium_max; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_armormedium_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_ArmorMedium); } spawnfunc(item_armor_big) { if(!this.armorvalue) this.armorvalue = g_pickup_armorbig; if(!this.max_armorvalue) this.max_armorvalue = g_pickup_armorbig_max; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_armorbig_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_ArmorLarge); } spawnfunc(item_armor_large) { if(!this.armorvalue) this.armorvalue = g_pickup_armorlarge; if(!this.max_armorvalue) this.max_armorvalue = g_pickup_armorlarge_max; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_armorlarge_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_ArmorMega); } spawnfunc(item_health_small) { if(!this.max_health) this.max_health = g_pickup_healthsmall_max; if(!this.health) this.health = g_pickup_healthsmall; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_healthsmall_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_HealthSmall); } spawnfunc(item_health_medium) { if(!this.max_health) this.max_health = g_pickup_healthmedium_max; if(!this.health) this.health = g_pickup_healthmedium; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_healthmedium_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_HealthMedium); } spawnfunc(item_health_large) { if(!this.max_health) this.max_health = g_pickup_healthlarge_max; if(!this.health) this.health = g_pickup_healthlarge; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_healthlarge_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_HealthLarge); } spawnfunc(item_health_mega) { if(!this.max_health) this.max_health = g_pickup_healthmega_max; if(!this.health) this.health = g_pickup_healthmega; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_healthmega_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_HealthMega); } // support old misnamed entities spawnfunc(item_armor1) { spawnfunc_item_armor_small(this); } // FIXME: in Quake this is green armor, in Xonotic maps it is an armor shard spawnfunc(item_armor25) { spawnfunc_item_armor_large(this); } spawnfunc(item_health1) { spawnfunc_item_health_small(this); } spawnfunc(item_health25) { spawnfunc_item_health_medium(this); } spawnfunc(item_health100) { spawnfunc_item_health_mega(this); } spawnfunc(item_strength) { if(!this.strength_finished) this.strength_finished = autocvar_g_balance_powerup_strength_time; StartItem(this, ITEM_Strength); } spawnfunc(item_invincible) { if(!this.invincible_finished) this.invincible_finished = autocvar_g_balance_powerup_invincible_time; StartItem(this, ITEM_Shield); } // compatibility: spawnfunc(item_quad) { this.classname = "item_strength";spawnfunc_item_strength(this);} void target_items_use() {SELFPARAM(); if(activator.classname == "droppedweapon") { EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; remove(activator); return; } if (!IS_PLAYER(activator)) return; if(IS_DEAD(activator)) return; EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; FOREACH_ENTITY_ENT(enemy, activator, { if(it.classname == "droppedweapon") remove(it); }); if(GiveItems(activator, 0, tokenize_console(self.netname))) centerprint(activator, self.message); } spawnfunc(target_items) { float n, i; string s; self.use = target_items_use; if(!self.strength_finished) self.strength_finished = autocvar_g_balance_powerup_strength_time; if(!self.invincible_finished) self.invincible_finished = autocvar_g_balance_powerup_invincible_time; if(!self.superweapons_finished) self.superweapons_finished = autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time; n = tokenize_console(self.netname); if(argv(0) == "give") { self.netname = substring(self.netname, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1)); } else { for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (argv(i) == "unlimited_ammo") self.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO; else if(argv(i) == "unlimited_weapon_ammo") self.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO; else if(argv(i) == "unlimited_superweapons") self.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS; else if(argv(i) == "strength") self.items |= ITEM_Strength.m_itemid; else if(argv(i) == "invincible") self.items |= ITEM_Shield.m_itemid; else if(argv(i) == "superweapons") self.items |= IT_SUPERWEAPON; else if(argv(i) == "jetpack") self.items |= ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid; else if(argv(i) == "fuel_regen") self.items |= ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid; else { FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA( s = W_UndeprecateName(argv(i)); if(s == it.netname) { self.weapons |= (it.m_wepset); if(self.spawnflags == 0 || self.spawnflags == 2) it.wr_init(it); break; } )); } } string itemprefix, valueprefix; if(self.spawnflags == 0) { itemprefix = ""; valueprefix = ""; } else if(self.spawnflags == 1) { itemprefix = "max "; valueprefix = "max "; } else if(self.spawnflags == 2) { itemprefix = "min "; valueprefix = "min "; } else if(self.spawnflags == 4) { itemprefix = "minus "; valueprefix = "max "; } else { error("invalid spawnflags"); itemprefix = valueprefix = string_null; } self.netname = ""; self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, boolean(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO), "unlimited_weapon_ammo"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, boolean(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS), "unlimited_superweapons"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, self.strength_finished * boolean(self.items & ITEM_Strength.m_itemid), "strength"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, self.invincible_finished * boolean(self.items & ITEM_Shield.m_itemid), "invincible"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, self.superweapons_finished * boolean(self.items & IT_SUPERWEAPON), "superweapons"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, boolean(self.items & ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid), "jetpack"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, boolean(self.items & ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid), "fuel_regen"); if(self.ammo_shells != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.ammo_shells), "shells"); if(self.ammo_nails != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.ammo_nails), "nails"); if(self.ammo_rockets != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.ammo_rockets), "rockets"); if(self.ammo_cells != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.ammo_cells), "cells"); if(self.ammo_plasma != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.ammo_plasma), "plasma"); if(self.ammo_fuel != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.ammo_fuel), "fuel"); if(self.health != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.health), "health"); if(self.armorvalue != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.armorvalue), "armor"); FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA(self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, !!(self.weapons & (it.m_wepset)), it.netname))); } self.netname = strzone(self.netname); //print(self.netname, "\n"); n = tokenize_console(self.netname); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA( if(argv(i) == it.netname) { it.wr_init(it); break; } )); } } spawnfunc(item_fuel) { if(!this.ammo_fuel) this.ammo_fuel = g_pickup_fuel; if(!this.pickup_anyway) this.pickup_anyway = g_pickup_ammo_anyway; StartItem(this, ITEM_JetpackFuel); } spawnfunc(item_fuel_regen) { if(start_items & ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid) { spawnfunc_item_fuel(this); return; } StartItem(this, ITEM_JetpackRegen); } spawnfunc(item_jetpack) { if(!this.ammo_fuel) this.ammo_fuel = g_pickup_fuel_jetpack; if(start_items & ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid) { spawnfunc_item_fuel(this); return; } StartItem(this, ITEM_Jetpack); } float GiveWeapon(entity e, float wpn, float op, float val) { WepSet v0, v1; WepSet s = WepSet_FromWeapon(Weapons_from(wpn)); v0 = (e.weapons & s); switch(op) { case OP_SET: if(val > 0) e.weapons |= s; else e.weapons &= ~s; break; case OP_MIN: case OP_PLUS: if(val > 0) e.weapons |= s; break; case OP_MAX: if(val <= 0) e.weapons &= ~s; break; case OP_MINUS: if(val > 0) e.weapons &= ~s; break; } v1 = (e.weapons & s); return (v0 != v1); } void GiveSound(entity e, float v0, float v1, float t, Sound snd_incr, Sound snd_decr) { if(v1 == v0) return; if(v1 <= v0 - t) { if(snd_decr != NULL) sound (e, CH_TRIGGER, snd_decr, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } else if(v0 >= v0 + t) { if(snd_incr != NULL) sound (e, CH_TRIGGER, snd_incr, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } } void GiveRot(entity e, float v0, float v1, .float rotfield, float rottime, .float regenfield, float regentime) { if(v0 < v1) e.(rotfield) = max(e.(rotfield), time + rottime); else if(v0 > v1) e.(regenfield) = max(e.(regenfield), time + regentime); } float GiveItems(entity e, float beginarg, float endarg) {SELFPARAM(); float got, i, val, op; float _switchweapon; string cmd; val = 999; op = OP_SET; got = 0; _switchweapon = false; if (e.autoswitch) if (PS(e).m_switchweapon == w_getbestweapon(e)) _switchweapon = true; e.strength_finished = max(0, e.strength_finished - time); e.invincible_finished = max(0, e.invincible_finished - time); e.superweapons_finished = max(0, e.superweapons_finished - time); PREGIVE(e, items); PREGIVE_WEAPONS(e); PREGIVE(e, strength_finished); PREGIVE(e, invincible_finished); PREGIVE(e, superweapons_finished); PREGIVE(e, ammo_nails); PREGIVE(e, ammo_cells); PREGIVE(e, ammo_plasma); PREGIVE(e, ammo_shells); PREGIVE(e, ammo_rockets); PREGIVE(e, ammo_fuel); PREGIVE(e, armorvalue); PREGIVE(e, health); for(i = beginarg; i < endarg; ++i) { cmd = argv(i); if(cmd == "0" || stof(cmd)) { val = stof(cmd); continue; } switch(cmd) { case "no": op = OP_MAX; val = 0; continue; case "max": op = OP_MAX; continue; case "min": op = OP_MIN; continue; case "plus": op = OP_PLUS; continue; case "minus": op = OP_MINUS; continue; case "ALL": got += GiveBit(e, items, ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, strength_finished, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, invincible_finished, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, superweapons_finished, op, val); got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO, op, val); case "all": got += GiveBit(e, items, ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, health, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, armorvalue, op, val); case "allweapons": FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA( if(!(it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED)) got += GiveWeapon(e, it.m_id, op, val); )); case "allammo": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_cells, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, ammo_plasma, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, ammo_shells, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, ammo_nails, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, ammo_rockets, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, ammo_fuel, op, val); break; case "unlimited_ammo": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO, op, val); break; case "unlimited_weapon_ammo": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO, op, val); break; case "unlimited_superweapons": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS, op, val); break; case "jetpack": got += GiveBit(e, items, ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid, op, val); break; case "fuel_regen": got += GiveBit(e, items, ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid, op, val); break; case "strength": got += GiveValue(e, strength_finished, op, val); break; case "invincible": got += GiveValue(e, invincible_finished, op, val); break; case "superweapons": got += GiveValue(e, superweapons_finished, op, val); break; case "cells": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_cells, op, val); break; case "plasma": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_plasma, op, val); break; case "shells": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_shells, op, val); break; case "nails": case "bullets": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_nails, op, val); break; case "rockets": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_rockets, op, val); break; case "health": got += GiveValue(e, health, op, val); break; case "armor": got += GiveValue(e, armorvalue, op, val); break; case "fuel": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_fuel, op, val); break; default: FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA( if(cmd == it.netname) { got += GiveWeapon(e, it.m_id, op, val); break; } )); break; } val = 999; op = OP_SET; } POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, ITEM_JetpackRegen.m_itemid, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null); POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS, SND_POWERUP, SND_POWEROFF); POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO, SND_POWERUP, SND_POWEROFF); POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, ITEM_Jetpack.m_itemid, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null); FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, LAMBDA( POSTGIVE_WEAPON(e, it, SND_WEAPONPICKUP, SND_Null); if(!(save_weapons & (it.m_wepset))) if(e.weapons & (it.m_wepset)) it.wr_init(it); )); POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, strength_finished, 1, SND_POWERUP, SND_POWEROFF); POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, invincible_finished, 1, SND_Shield, SND_POWEROFF); POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, ammo_nails, 0, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null); POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, ammo_cells, 0, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null); POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, ammo_plasma, 0, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null); POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, ammo_shells, 0, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null); POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, ammo_rockets, 0, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null); POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e, ammo_fuel, 1, pauserotfuel_finished, autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_rot, pauseregen_finished, autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_regen, SND_ITEMPICKUP, SND_Null); POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e, armorvalue, 1, pauserotarmor_finished, autocvar_g_balance_pause_armor_rot, pauseregen_finished, autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_regen, SND_ARMOR25, SND_Null); POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e, health, 1, pauserothealth_finished, autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_rot, pauseregen_finished, autocvar_g_balance_pause_health_regen, SND_MEGAHEALTH, SND_Null); if(e.superweapons_finished <= 0) if(self.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) e.superweapons_finished = autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time; if(e.strength_finished <= 0) e.strength_finished = 0; else e.strength_finished += time; if(e.invincible_finished <= 0) e.invincible_finished = 0; else e.invincible_finished += time; if(e.superweapons_finished <= 0) e.superweapons_finished = 0; else e.superweapons_finished += time; if (!(e.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(PS(e).m_switchweapon))) _switchweapon = true; if(_switchweapon) W_SwitchWeapon_Force(e, w_getbestweapon(e)); return got; } #endif