#include "sv_spawn_near_teammate.qh" #include #include string autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate; float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_distance; int autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint; int autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_max; float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay; float autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay_death; bool autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_check_health; bool autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_closetodeath; REGISTER_MUTATOR(spawn_near_teammate, expr_evaluate(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate)); .entity msnt_lookat; .float msnt_timer; MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(spawn_near_teammate, Spawn_Score) { if (!teamplay) return; entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity spawn_spot = M_ARGV(1, entity); vector spawn_score = M_ARGV(2, vector); if(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint == 1 || (autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint == 2 && CS_CVAR(player).cvar_cl_spawn_near_teammate)) return; spawn_spot.msnt_lookat = NULL; RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && it != player && SAME_TEAM(it, player) && !IS_DEAD(it), { if(vdist(spawn_spot.origin - it.origin, >, autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_distance)) continue; if(vdist(spawn_spot.origin - it.origin, <, 48)) continue; if(!checkpvs(spawn_spot.origin, it)) continue; RandomSelection_AddEnt(it, 1, 1); }); if(RandomSelection_chosen_ent) { spawn_spot.msnt_lookat = RandomSelection_chosen_ent; spawn_score.x += SPAWN_PRIO_NEAR_TEAMMATE_FOUND; } else if(player.team == spawn_spot.team) spawn_score.x += SPAWN_PRIO_NEAR_TEAMMATE_SAMETEAM; // prefer same team, if we can't find a spawn near teammate M_ARGV(2, vector) = spawn_score; } vector snt_ofs[6]; MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(spawn_near_teammate, PlayerSpawn) { if (!teamplay) return; entity player = M_ARGV(0, entity); entity spawn_spot = M_ARGV(1, entity); int num_red = 0, num_blue = 0, num_yellow = 0, num_pink = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { switch(it.team) { case NUM_TEAM_1: ++num_red; break; case NUM_TEAM_2: ++num_blue; break; case NUM_TEAM_3: ++num_yellow; break; case NUM_TEAM_4: ++num_pink; break; } }); if(num_red == 1 || num_blue == 1 || num_yellow == 1 || num_pink == 1) return; // at least 1 team has only 1 player, let's not give the bigger team too much of an advantage! // Note: when entering this, fixangle is already set. if(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint == 1 || (autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint == 2 && CS_CVAR(player).cvar_cl_spawn_near_teammate)) { if(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay_death) player.msnt_timer = time + autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay_death; entity best_mate = NULL; vector best_pos = '0 0 0'; float best_dist2 = FLOAT_MAX; int tested = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT_RANDOM(IS_PLAYER(it), { if (autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_max && tested >= autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_max) break; if (PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_CHAT(it)) continue; if (DIFF_TEAM(player, it)) continue; if (autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_check_health && GetResource(it, RES_HEALTH) < autocvar_g_balance_health_regenstable) continue; if (IS_DEAD(it)) continue; if (time < it.msnt_timer) continue; if (StatusEffects_active(STATUSEFFECT_SpawnShield, it)) continue; if (weaponLocked(it)) continue; if (it == player) continue; tested++; // i consider a teammate to be available when he passes the checks above vector horiz_vel = vec2(it.velocity); // when walking slowly sideways, we assume the player wants a clear shot ahead - spawn behind him according to where he's looking // when running fast, spawn behind him according to his direction of movement to prevent colliding with the newly spawned player vector forward = '0 0 0'; vector right = '0 0 0'; vector up = '0 0 0'; if (vdist(horiz_vel, >, autocvar_sv_maxspeed + 50)) { FIXED_MAKE_VECTORS(vectoangles(horiz_vel), forward, right, up); } else { FIXED_MAKE_VECTORS(it.angles, forward, right, up); } // test different spots close to mate - trace upwards so it works on uneven surfaces // don't spawn in front of player or directly behind to avoid players shooting each other // test the potential spots in pairs (first pair is better than second and so on) but don't prefer one side snt_ofs[0] = up * 64 + right * 128 - forward * 64; snt_ofs[1] = up * 64 - right * 128 - forward * 64; snt_ofs[2] = up * 64 + right * 192; snt_ofs[3] = up * 64 - right * 192; snt_ofs[4] = up * 64 + right * 64 - forward * 128; snt_ofs[5] = up * 64 - right * 64 - forward * 128; RandomSelection_Init(); for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { tracebox(it.origin, STAT(PL_MIN, player), STAT(PL_MAX, player), it.origin + snt_ofs[i], MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it); vector horizontal_trace_endpos = trace_endpos; //te_lightning1(NULL, it.origin, horizontal_trace_endpos); if (trace_fraction != 1.0) goto skip; // 400 is about the height of a typical laser jump (in overkill) // not traceline because we need space for the whole player, not just his origin tracebox(horizontal_trace_endpos, STAT(PL_MIN, player), STAT(PL_MAX, player), horizontal_trace_endpos - 400 * up, MOVE_NORMAL, it); vector vectical_trace_endpos = trace_endpos; //te_lightning1(NULL, horizontal_trace_endpos, vectical_trace_endpos); if (trace_startsolid) goto skip; // inside another player if (trace_fraction == 1.0) goto skip; // above void or too high if (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY) goto skip; if (pointcontents(vectical_trace_endpos) != CONTENT_EMPTY) goto skip; // no lava or slime (or water which i assume would be annoying anyway) if (tracebox_hits_trigger_hurt(horizontal_trace_endpos, STAT(PL_MIN, player), STAT(PL_MAX, player), vectical_trace_endpos)) goto skip; // make sure the spawned player will have floor ahead (or at least a wall - he shouldn't fall as soon as he starts moving) // top front of player's bbox - highest point we know is not inside solid vector floor_test_start = vectical_trace_endpos + up * STAT(PL_MAX, player).z + forward * STAT(PL_MAX, player).x; traceline(floor_test_start, floor_test_start + forward * 100 - up * 128, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, it); //te_beam(NULL, floor_test_start, trace_endpos); if (trace_fraction == 1.0) goto skip; if (autocvar_g_nades) { bool nade_in_range = false; IL_EACH(g_projectiles, it.classname == "nade", { if (vdist(it.origin - vectical_trace_endpos, <, autocvar_g_nades_nade_radius)) { nade_in_range = true; goto skip; } }); if (nade_in_range) goto skip; } // here, we know we found a good spot RandomSelection_Add(it, 0, string_null, vectical_trace_endpos, 1, 1); //te_lightning1(NULL, vectical_trace_endpos, vectical_trace_endpos + forward * 10); LABEL(skip) if (i % 2 == 1 && RandomSelection_chosen_ent) { if (autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_closetodeath) { float dist2 = vlen2(RandomSelection_chosen_ent.origin - player.death_origin); if (dist2 < best_dist2) { best_dist2 = dist2; best_pos = RandomSelection_chosen_vec; best_mate = RandomSelection_chosen_ent; } } else { setorigin(player, RandomSelection_chosen_vec); player.angles = RandomSelection_chosen_ent.angles; player.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to RandomSelection_chosen_ent.msnt_timer = time + autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay; return; } break; // don't test the other spots near this teammate, go to the next one } } }); if(autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_closetodeath) if(best_mate) { setorigin(player, best_pos); player.angles = best_mate.angles; player.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to best_mate.msnt_timer = time + autocvar_g_spawn_near_teammate_ignore_spawnpoint_delay; } } else if(spawn_spot.msnt_lookat) { player.angles = vectoangles(spawn_spot.msnt_lookat.origin - player.origin); player.angles_x = -player.angles.x; player.angles_z = 0; // never spawn tilted even if the spot says to /* sprint(player, "You should be looking at ", spawn_spot.msnt_lookat.netname, "^7.\n"); sprint(player, "distance: ", vtos(spawn_spot.msnt_lookat.origin - player.origin), "\n"); sprint(player, "angles: ", vtos(player.angles), "\n"); */ } }