#include "rotating.qh" #ifdef SVQC void func_rotating_setactive(entity this, int astate) { if (astate == ACTIVE_TOGGLE) { if(this.active == ACTIVE_ACTIVE) this.active = ACTIVE_NOT; else this.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE; } else this.active = astate; if(this.active == ACTIVE_NOT) { this.avelocity = '0 0 0'; stopsound(this, CH_AMBIENT_SINGLE); } else { this.avelocity = this.pos1; if(this.noise && this.noise != "") { _sound(this, CH_AMBIENT_SINGLE, this.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_IDLE); } } } void func_rotating_reset(entity this) { // TODO: reset angles as well? if(this.spawnflags & FUNC_ROTATING_STARTOFF) { this.setactive(this, ACTIVE_NOT); } else { this.setactive(this, ACTIVE_ACTIVE); } } void func_rotating_init_for_player(entity this, entity player) { if (this.noise && this.noise != "" && this.active == ACTIVE_ACTIVE && IS_REAL_CLIENT(player)) { msg_entity = player; soundto (MSG_ONE, this, CH_AMBIENT_SINGLE, this.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_IDLE, 0); } } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_func_rotating (0 .5 .8) ? - - X_AXIS Y_AXIS Brush model that spins in place on one axis (default Z). speed : speed to rotate (in degrees per second) noise : path/name of looping .wav file to play. dmg : Do this much damage every .dmgtime interval when blocked dmgtime : See above. */ spawnfunc(func_rotating) { if (this.noise && this.noise != "") { precache_sound(this.noise); } this.setactive = func_rotating_setactive; if (!this.speed) this.speed = 100; if (this.spawnflags & FUNC_ROTATING_XAXIS) this.avelocity = '0 0 1' * this.speed; else if (this.spawnflags & FUNC_ROTATING_YAXIS) this.avelocity = '1 0 0' * this.speed; else // Z this.avelocity = '0 1 0' * this.speed; this.pos1 = this.avelocity; if(this.dmg && (this.message == "")) this.message = " was squished"; if(this.dmg && (this.message2 == "")) this.message2 = "was squished by"; if(this.dmg && (!this.dmgtime)) this.dmgtime = 0.25; this.dmgtime2 = time; if (!InitMovingBrushTrigger(this)) return; // no EF_LOWPRECISION here, as rounding angles is bad setblocked(this, generic_plat_blocked); // wait for targets to spawn this.nextthink = this.ltime + 999999999; setthink(this, SUB_NullThink); // for PushMove this.reset = func_rotating_reset; this.reset(this); // maybe send sound to new players IL_PUSH(g_initforplayer, this); this.init_for_player = func_rotating_init_for_player; } #endif