#pragma once #include #include CLASS(TeamDeathmatch, Gametype) INIT(TeamDeathmatch) { this.gametype_init(this, _("Team Deathmatch"),"tdm","g_tdm",GAMETYPE_FLAG_TEAMPLAY | GAMETYPE_FLAG_USEPOINTS | GAMETYPE_FLAG_PRIORITY,"","timelimit=15 pointlimit=50 teams=2 leadlimit=0",_("Help your team score the most frags against the enemy team")); } METHOD(TeamDeathmatch, m_parse_mapinfo, bool(string k, string v)) { if (!k) { cvar_set("g_tdm_teams", cvar_defstring("g_tdm_teams")); return true; } switch (k) { case "teams": cvar_set("g_tdm_teams", v); return true; } return false; } METHOD(TeamDeathmatch, m_isAlwaysSupported, bool(Gametype this, int spawnpoints, float diameter)) { if(spawnpoints >= 8 && diameter > 3250) return true; return false; } METHOD(TeamDeathmatch, m_isForcedSupported, bool(Gametype this)) { if(cvar("g_tdm_on_dm_maps")) { // if this is set, all DM maps support TDM too if(!(MapInfo_Map_supportedGametypes & this.m_flags) && (MapInfo_Map_supportedGametypes & MAPINFO_TYPE_DEATHMATCH.m_flags)) return true; // TODO: references another gametype (alternatively, we could check which gamemodes are always enabled and append this if any are supported) } return false; } METHOD(TeamDeathmatch, m_setTeams, void(string sa)) { cvar_set("g_tdm_teams", sa); } METHOD(TeamDeathmatch, m_configuremenu, void(Gametype this, entity menu, void(entity me, string pLabel, float pMin, float pMax, float pStep, string pCvar, string tCvar, string pTooltip) returns)) { TC(Gametype, this); returns(menu, _("Point limit:"), 5, 100, 5, "g_tdm_point_limit", "g_tdm_teams_override", _("The amount of points needed before the match will end")); } ATTRIB(TeamDeathmatch, m_legacydefaults, string, "50 20 2 0"); ENDCLASS(TeamDeathmatch) REGISTER_GAMETYPE(TEAM_DEATHMATCH, NEW(TeamDeathmatch)); #define g_tdm IS_GAMETYPE(TEAM_DEATHMATCH)