// COMMIT-TODO: Update if necessary before committing // Revision 1: additional statistics sent (flag caps, returns, deaths) // Revision 2: Mapvote preview pictures // Revision 3: optimized map vote protocol // Revision 4: CSQC config var system // Revision 5: mapvote time fix // Revision 6: more robust against packet loss/delays, also show not yet connected clients // Revision 7: packet loss column // Revision 8: race // Revision 9: race delta // Revision 10: scoreboard force // Revision 11: scoreboard unforce; spectator support beginning // Revision 12: smaller scores updates (SERVER: requires new engine) // Revision 13: pointparticles // Revision 14: laser // Revision 15: zoom // Revision 16: multi-weapons // Revision 17: multi-weaponimpulses // Revision 18: warmup // Revision 19: fog // Revision 20: naggers // Revision 21: entcs for players optimized (position data down from 12 to 7 bytes); waypointsprites in csqc for team radar // Revision 22: hook shot origin #define CSQC_REVISION 22 const float AS_STRING = 1; const float AS_INT = 2; const float AS_FLOAT_TRUNCATED = 2; const float AS_FLOAT = 8; const float TE_CSQC_PICTURE = 100; const float TE_CSQC_RACE = 101; const float TE_CSQC_NEXGUNBEAMPARTICLE = 103; const float TE_CSQC_LIGHTNINGARC = 104; const float TE_CSQC_TEAMNAGGER = 105; const float TE_CSQC_PINGPLREPORT = 106; const float TE_CSQC_TARGET_MUSIC = 107; const float TE_CSQC_WEAPONCOMPLAIN = 108; const float TE_CSQC_NEX_SCOPE = 109; const float TE_CSQC_MINELAYER_MAXMINES = 110; const float TE_CSQC_HAGAR_MAXROCKETS = 111; const float TE_CSQC_VEHICLESETUP = 112; const float TE_CSQC_SVNOTICE = 113; const float RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_QUALIFYING = 0; // byte checkpoint, short time, short recordtime, string recordholder const float RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_CLEAR = 1; const float RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_NEXT_QUALIFYING = 2; // byte nextcheckpoint, short recordtime, string recordholder const float RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_RACE = 3; // byte checkpoint, short delta, byte lapsdelta, string opponent const float RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_HIT_RACE_BY_OPPONENT = 4; // byte checkpoint, short delta, byte lapsdelta, string opponent const float RACE_NET_CHECKPOINT_NEXT_SPEC_QUALIFYING = 5; // byte nextcheckpoint, float laptime, short recordtime, string recordholder const float RACE_NET_PENALTY_RACE = 6; // byte penaltytime, string reason const float RACE_NET_PENALTY_QUALIFYING = 7; // byte penaltytime, string reason const float RACE_NET_SERVER_RECORD = 8; // server record, sent to client const float RACE_NET_SPEED_AWARD = 9; // speed award, sent to client const float RACE_NET_SPEED_AWARD_BEST = 10; // all time best speed award, sent to client const float RACE_NET_SERVER_RANKINGS = 11; const float RACE_NET_SERVER_STATUS = 12; const float RANKINGS_CNT = 15; const float ENT_CLIENT = 0; const float ENT_CLIENT_DEAD = 1; const float ENT_CLIENT_ENTCS = 2; const float ENT_CLIENT_SCORES_INFO = 3; const float ENT_CLIENT_SCORES = 4; const float ENT_CLIENT_TEAMSCORES = 5; const float ENT_CLIENT_POINTPARTICLES = 6; const float ENT_CLIENT_RAINSNOW = 7; const float ENT_CLIENT_LASER = 8; const float ENT_CLIENT_NAGGER = 9; // flags [votecalledvote] const float ENT_CLIENT_WAYPOINT = 10; // flags origin [team displayrule] [spritename] [spritename2] [spritename3] [lifetime maxdistance hideable] const float ENT_CLIENT_RADARLINK = 11; // flags [startorigin] [endorigin] [startcolor+16*endcolor] const float ENT_CLIENT_PROJECTILE = 12; const float ENT_CLIENT_GIBSPLASH = 13; const float ENT_CLIENT_DAMAGEINFO = 14; const float ENT_CLIENT_CASING = 15; const float ENT_CLIENT_INIT = 16; const float ENT_CLIENT_MAPVOTE = 17; const float ENT_CLIENT_CLIENTDATA = 18; const float ENT_CLIENT_RANDOMSEED = 19; const float ENT_CLIENT_WALL = 20; const float ENT_CLIENT_SPIDERBOT = 21; const float ENT_CLIENT_MODELEFFECT = 22; const float ENT_CLIENT_TUBANOTE = 23; const float ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE = 24; const float ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_CAMERA = 25; const float ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_MUSIC = 26; const float ENT_CLIENT_HOOK = 27; const float ENT_CLIENT_LGBEAM = 28; const float ENT_CLIENT_GAUNTLET = 29; const float ENT_CLIENT_ACCURACY = 30; const float ENT_CLIENT_SHOWNAMES = 31; const float ENT_CLIENT_WARPZONE_TELEPORTED = 32; const float ENT_CLIENT_MODEL = 33; const float ENT_CLIENT_ITEM = 34; const float ENT_CLIENT_BUMBLE_RAYGUN = 35; const float ENT_CLIENT_SPAWNPOINT = 36; const float ENT_CLIENT_SPAWNEVENT = 37; const float ENT_CLIENT_NOTIFICATION = 38; const float ENT_CLIENT_TURRET = 40; const float ENT_CLIENT_AUXILIARYXHAIR = 50; const float ENT_CLIENT_VEHICLE = 60; const float SPRITERULE_DEFAULT = 0; const float SPRITERULE_TEAMPLAY = 1; const float RADARICON_NONE = 0; const float RADARICON_FLAG = 1; const float RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER = 1; const float RADARICON_HERE = 1; // TODO make these 3 and 4, and make images for them const float RADARICON_DANGER = 1; const float RADARICON_WAYPOINT = 1; const float RADARICON_HELPME = 1; const float RADARICON_CONTROLPOINT = 1; const float RADARICON_GENERATOR = 1; const float RADARICON_OBJECTIVE = 1; const float RADARICON_DOMPOINT = 1; const float RADARICON_POWERUP = 1; const float RADARICON_TAGGED = 1; /////////////////////////// // keys pressed const float KEY_FORWARD = 1; const float KEY_BACKWARD = 2; const float KEY_LEFT = 4; const float KEY_RIGHT = 8; const float KEY_JUMP = 16; const float KEY_CROUCH = 32; const float KEY_ATCK = 64; const float KEY_ATCK2 = 128; /////////////////////////// // cvar constants const float CVAR_SAVE = 1; const float CVAR_NOTIFY = 2; const float CVAR_READONLY = 4; /////////////////////////// // csqc communication stuff const float STAT_KH_KEYS = 32; const float STAT_CTF_STATE = 33; const float STAT_WEAPONS = 35; const float STAT_SWITCHWEAPON = 36; const float STAT_GAMESTARTTIME = 37; const float STAT_STRENGTH_FINISHED = 38; const float STAT_INVINCIBLE_FINISHED = 39; const float STAT_PRESSED_KEYS = 42; const float STAT_ALLOW_OLDNEXBEAM = 43; // this stat could later contain some other bits of info, like, more server-side particle config const float STAT_FUEL = 44; const float STAT_NB_METERSTART = 45; const float STAT_SHOTORG = 46; // compressShotOrigin const float STAT_LEADLIMIT = 47; const float STAT_WEAPON_CLIPLOAD = 48; const float STAT_WEAPON_CLIPSIZE = 49; const float STAT_NEX_CHARGE = 50; const float STAT_LAST_PICKUP = 51; const float STAT_HUD = 52; const float STAT_NEX_CHARGEPOOL = 53; const float STAT_HIT_TIME = 54; const float STAT_TYPEHIT_TIME = 55; const float STAT_LAYED_MINES = 56; const float STAT_HAGAR_LOAD = 57; const float STAT_SWITCHINGWEAPON = 58; const float STAT_SUPERWEAPONS_FINISHED = 59; const float STAT_VEHICLESTAT_HEALTH = 60; const float STAT_VEHICLESTAT_SHIELD = 61; const float STAT_VEHICLESTAT_ENERGY = 62; const float STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO1 = 63; const float STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD1 = 64; const float STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO2 = 65; const float STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD2 = 66; const float STAT_SECRETS_TOTAL = 70; const float STAT_SECRETS_FOUND = 71; const float STAT_RESPAWN_TIME = 72; const float STAT_ROUNDSTARTTIME = 73; const float STAT_WEAPONS2 = 74; const float STAT_WEAPONS3 = 75; const float STAT_MONSTERS_TOTAL = 76; const float STAT_MONSTERS_KILLED = 77; // mod stats (1xx) const float STAT_REDALIVE = 100; const float STAT_BLUEALIVE = 101; const float STAT_YELLOWALIVE = 102; const float STAT_PINKALIVE = 103; // freeze tag const float STAT_FROZEN = 104; const float STAT_REVIVE_PROGRESS = 105; // domination const float STAT_DOM_TOTAL_PPS = 100; const float STAT_DOM_PPS_RED = 101; const float STAT_DOM_PPS_BLUE = 102; const float STAT_DOM_PPS_PINK = 103; const float STAT_DOM_PPS_YELLOW = 104; //const float STAT_SPIDERBOT_AIM 53 // compressShotOrigin //const float STAT_SPIDERBOT_TARGET 54 // compressShotOrigin // see DP source, quakedef.h const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSPEEDLIMIT_NONQW = 222; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSTRAFEACCEL_QW = 223; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_MAXSPEED = 244; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCEL_QW = 254; // new properties const float STAT_MOVEVARS_JUMPVELOCITY = 250; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCEL_QW_STRETCHFACTOR = 220; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED = 233; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_MAXAIRSPEED = 252; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE = 232; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_TURNACCEL = 229; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCEL_SIDEWAYS_FRICTION = 255; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRCONTROL = 234; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRCONTROL_POWER = 224; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRCONTROL_PENALTY = 221; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_AIRFORWARDACCEL = 226; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_TOPSPEED = 228; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_ACCEL = 227; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_WARSOWBUNNY_BACKTOSIDERATIO = 230; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_FRICTION = 238; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_ACCELERATE = 246; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_STOPSPEED = 243; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRACCELERATE = 247; const float STAT_MOVEVARS_AIRSTOPACCELERATE = 231; const float CTF_STATE_ATTACK = 1; const float CTF_STATE_DEFEND = 2; const float CTF_STATE_COMMANDER = 3; const float HUD_NORMAL = 0; const float HUD_VEHICLE_FIRST = 10; const float HUD_SPIDERBOT = 10; const float HUD_WAKIZASHI = 11; const float HUD_RAPTOR = 12; const float HUD_BUMBLEBEE = 13; const float HUD_BUMBLEBEE_GUN = 14; const float HUD_VEHICLE_LAST = 14; const vector eX = '1 0 0'; const vector eY = '0 1 0'; const vector eZ = '0 0 1'; // moved that here so the client knows the max. // # of maps, I'll use arrays for them :P #define MAPVOTE_COUNT 10 /** * Lower scores are better (e.g. suicides) */ #define SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER 1 /** * Don't show zero values as scores */ #define SFL_HIDE_ZERO 2 /** * Allow a column to be hidden (do not automatically add it even if it is a sorting key) */ #define SFL_ALLOW_HIDE 16 /** * Display as a rank (with st, nd, rd, th suffix) */ #define SFL_RANK 32 /** * Display as mm:ss.s, value is stored as 10ths of a second (AND 0 is the worst possible value!) */ #define SFL_TIME 64 // not an extra constant yet #define SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST SFL_TIME /** * Scoring priority (NOTE: PRIMARY is used for fraglimit) */ #define SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY 4 #define SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY 8 #define SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK 12 /** * Score indices */ #define MAX_SCORE 10 #define MAX_TEAMSCORE 2 #define ST_SCORE 0 #define SP_KILLS 0 #define SP_DEATHS 1 #define SP_SUICIDES 2 #define SP_SCORE 3 // game mode specific indices are not in common/, but in server/scores_rules.qc! #ifdef COMPAT_XON010_CHANNELS const float CH_INFO = 0; // only on world and csqc const float CH_TRIGGER = 0; // only on players; compat: FALSELY CONTROLLED BY "Info" const float CH_WEAPON_A = 1; // only on players and entities const float CH_WEAPON_SINGLE = 5; // only on players and entities const float CH_VOICE = 2; // only on players const float CH_BGM_SINGLE = 2; // only on csqc; compat: FALSELY CONTROLLED BY "Voice" const float CH_AMBIENT = 2; // only on csqc; compat: FALSELY CONTROLLED BY "Voice" const float CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE = 3; // only on players, entities, csqc const float CH_SHOTS = 4; // only on players, entities, csqc const float CH_SHOTS_SINGLE = 4; // only on players, entities, csqc const float CH_WEAPON_B = 5; // only on players and entities const float CH_PAIN = 6; // only on players and csqc const float CH_PAIN_SINGLE = 6; // only on players and csqc const float CH_PLAYER = 7; // only on players and entities const float CH_TUBA = 5; // only on csqc #else const float CH_INFO = 0; const float CH_TRIGGER = -3; const float CH_WEAPON_A = -1; const float CH_WEAPON_SINGLE = 1; const float CH_VOICE = -2; const float CH_BGM_SINGLE = 8; const float CH_AMBIENT = -9; const float CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE = 3; const float CH_SHOTS = -4; const float CH_SHOTS_SINGLE = 4; const float CH_WEAPON_B = -1; const float CH_PAIN = -6; const float CH_PAIN_SINGLE = 6; const float CH_PLAYER = -7; const float CH_TUBA = 5; #endif const float ATTEN_NONE = 0; const float ATTEN_MIN = 0.015625; const float ATTEN_NORM = 0.5; const float ATTEN_LARGE = 1; const float ATTEN_IDLE = 2; const float ATTEN_STATIC = 3; const float ATTEN_MAX = 3.984375; #define VOL_BASE 0.7 #define VOL_BASEVOICE 1.0 // this sets sounds and other properties of the projectiles in csqc const float PROJECTILE_ELECTRO = 1; const float PROJECTILE_ROCKET = 2; const float PROJECTILE_TAG = 3; const float PROJECTILE_CRYLINK = 5; const float PROJECTILE_ELECTRO_BEAM = 6; const float PROJECTILE_GRENADE = 7; const float PROJECTILE_GRENADE_BOUNCING = 8; const float PROJECTILE_MINE = 9; const float PROJECTILE_LASER = 10; const float PROJECTILE_HLAC = 11; const float PROJECTILE_SEEKER = 12; const float PROJECTILE_FLAC = 13; const float PROJECTILE_PORTO_RED = 14; const float PROJECTILE_PORTO_BLUE = 15; const float PROJECTILE_HOOKBOMB = 16; const float PROJECTILE_HAGAR = 17; const float PROJECTILE_HAGAR_BOUNCING = 18; const float PROJECTILE_CRYLINK_BOUNCING = 20; const float PROJECTILE_FIREBALL = 21; const float PROJECTILE_FIREMINE = 22; const float PROJECTILE_RAPTORCANNON = 24; const float PROJECTILE_RAPTORBOMB = 25; const float PROJECTILE_RAPTORBOMBLET = 26; const float PROJECTILE_SPIDERROCKET = 27; const float PROJECTILE_WAKIROCKET = 28; const float PROJECTILE_WAKICANNON = 29; const float PROJECTILE_BUMBLE_GUN = 30; const float PROJECTILE_BUMBLE_BEAM = 31; const float PROJECTILE_MAGE_SPIKE = 32; const float PROJECTILE_SHAMBLER_LIGHTNING = 33; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_RED = 50; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_RED_BURN = 51; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_BLUE = 52; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_BLUE_BURN = 53; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_YELLOW = 54; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_YELLOW_BURN = 55; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_PINK = 56; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_PINK_BURN = 57; const float PROJECTILE_NADE = 58; const float PROJECTILE_NADE_BURN = 59; const float SPECIES_HUMAN = 0; const float SPECIES_ROBOT_SOLID = 1; const float SPECIES_ALIEN = 2; const float SPECIES_ANIMAL = 3; const float SPECIES_ROBOT_RUSTY = 4; const float SPECIES_ROBOT_SHINY = 5; const float SPECIES_RESERVED = 15; #define FRAGS_PLAYER 0 #define FRAGS_SPECTATOR -666 #define FRAGS_LMS_LOSER -616 #define FRAGS_PLAYER_NONSOLID -616 // we can use this frags value for both // water levels const float WATERLEVEL_NONE = 0; const float WATERLEVEL_WETFEET = 1; const float WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING = 2; const float WATERLEVEL_SUBMERGED = 3; const float MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE = 32768; // weapon requests const float WR_SETUP = 1; // (SVQC) setup weapon data const float WR_THINK = 2; // (SVQC) logic to run every frame const float WR_CHECKAMMO1 = 3; // (SVQC) checks ammo for weapon const float WR_CHECKAMMO2 = 4; // (SVQC) checks ammo for weapon const float WR_AIM = 5; // (SVQC) runs bot aiming code for this weapon const float WR_PRECACHE = 6; // (CSQC and SVQC) precaches models/sounds used by this weapon const float WR_SUICIDEMESSAGE = 7; // (SVQC) notification number for suicide message (may inspect w_deathtype for details) const float WR_KILLMESSAGE = 8; // (SVQC) notification number for kill message (may inspect w_deathtype for details) const float WR_RELOAD = 9; // (SVQC) does not need to do anything const float WR_RESETPLAYER = 10; // (SVQC) does not need to do anything const float WR_IMPACTEFFECT = 11; // (CSQC) impact effect const float WR_SWITCHABLE = 12; // (CSQC) impact effect const float WR_PLAYERDEATH = 13; // (SVQC) does not need to do anything const float WR_GONETHINK = 14; // (SVQC) logic to run every frame, also if no longer having the weapon as long as the switch away has not been performed #define SERVERFLAG_ALLOW_FULLBRIGHT 1 #define SERVERFLAG_TEAMPLAY 2 #define SERVERFLAG_PLAYERSTATS 4 // FIXME/EXPLAINME: why? noref var vector autocvar_sv_player_maxs = '16 16 45'; noref var vector autocvar_sv_player_mins = '-16 -16 -24'; noref var vector autocvar_sv_player_viewoffset = '0 0 20'; noref var vector autocvar_sv_player_crouch_maxs = '16 16 25'; noref var vector autocvar_sv_player_crouch_mins = '-16 -16 -24'; noref var vector autocvar_sv_player_crouch_viewoffset = '0 0 20'; noref var vector autocvar_sv_player_headsize = '24 24 12'; #define PL_VIEW_OFS autocvar_sv_player_viewoffset #define PL_MIN autocvar_sv_player_mins #define PL_MAX autocvar_sv_player_maxs #define PL_CROUCH_VIEW_OFS autocvar_sv_player_crouch_viewoffset #define PL_CROUCH_MIN autocvar_sv_player_crouch_mins #define PL_CROUCH_MAX autocvar_sv_player_crouch_maxs #define PL_HEAD autocvar_sv_player_headsize // helpers #define PL_VIEW_OFS_z autocvar_sv_player_viewoffset_z #define PL_MIN_z autocvar_sv_player_mins_z #define PL_MAX_z autocvar_sv_player_maxs_z #define PL_CROUCH_VIEW_OFS_z autocvar_sv_player_crouch_viewoffset_z #define PL_CROUCH_MIN_z autocvar_sv_player_mins_z #define PL_HEAD_x autocvar_sv_player_headsize_x #define PL_HEAD_y autocvar_sv_player_headsize_y #define PL_HEAD_z autocvar_sv_player_headsize_z // spawnpoint prios #define SPAWN_PRIO_NEAR_TEAMMATE_FOUND 200 #define SPAWN_PRIO_NEAR_TEAMMATE_SAMETEAM 100 #define SPAWN_PRIO_RACE_PREVIOUS_SPAWN 50 #define SPAWN_PRIO_GOOD_DISTANCE 10 // URI handles #define URI_GET_DISCARD 0 #define URI_GET_IPBAN 1 #define URI_GET_IPBAN_END 16 #define URI_GET_CURL 17 #define URI_GET_CURL_END 32 #define URI_GET_UPDATENOTIFICATION 33 #define URI_GET_URLLIB 128 #define URI_GET_URLLIB_END 191