#include "infomessages.qh" #include "racetimer.qh" // for race_checkpoint_splits #include // for ISGAMETYPE(RACE) #include #include // Info messages (#14) void HUD_InfoMessages_Export(int fh) { // allow saving cvars that aesthetically change the panel into hud skin files HUD_Write_Cvar("hud_panel_infomessages_flip"); } float autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group0 = 1; float autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group_fadetime = 0.4; float autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group_time = 6; const int IMG_COUNT = 1; // number of InfoMessage Groups float img_fade[IMG_COUNT]; int img_cur_msg[IMG_COUNT]; float img_time[IMG_COUNT]; int img_select(int group_id) { float fadetime = max(0.001, autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group_fadetime); if(time > img_time[group_id]) { img_fade[group_id] = max(0, img_fade[group_id] - frametime / fadetime); if(!img_fade[group_id]) { ++img_cur_msg[group_id]; img_time[group_id] = floor(time) + autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group_time; } } else img_fade[group_id] = min(1, img_fade[group_id] + frametime / fadetime); return img_cur_msg[group_id]; } vector InfoMessages_drawstring(string s, vector pos, vector sz, float a, vector fontsize) { getWrappedLine_remaining = s; float offset = 0; while(getWrappedLine_remaining) { s = getWrappedLine(sz.x - offset, fontsize, stringwidth_colors); if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_flip) offset = sz.x - stringwidth_colors(s, fontsize) - offset; drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * offset, s, fontsize, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); pos.y += fontsize.y; offset = fontsize.x; } pos.y += fontsize.y * 0.25; return pos; } #define InfoMessage(s) MACRO_BEGIN \ pos = InfoMessages_drawstring(s, pos, mySize, ((img_curr_group >= 0) ? panel_fg_alpha * img_fade[img_curr_group] : panel_fg_alpha), fontsize); \ img_curr_group = -1; \ MACRO_END void HUD_InfoMessages() { if(!autocvar__hud_configure) { if(!autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages) return; } HUD_Panel_LoadCvars(); vector pos, mySize; pos = panel_pos; mySize = panel_size; if (autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_dynamichud) HUD_Scale_Enable(); else HUD_Scale_Disable(); HUD_Panel_DrawBg(); if(panel_bg_padding) { pos += '1 1 0' * panel_bg_padding; mySize -= '2 2 0' * panel_bg_padding; } vector fontsize = '0.2 0.2 0' * mySize.y; string s; int img_curr_group = -1; if(!autocvar__hud_configure) { if(spectatee_status) { if(spectatee_status == -1) s = _("^1Observing"); else s = sprintf(_("^1Spectating: ^7%s"), entcs_GetName(current_player)); InfoMessage(s); if(autocvar_hud_panel_infomessages_group0) { img_curr_group = 0; switch(img_select(img_curr_group) % 3) { default: case 0: if(spectatee_status == -1) s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 to spectate"), getcommandkey(_("primary fire"), "+fire")); else s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 or ^3%s^1 for next or previous player"), getcommandkey(_("next weapon"), "weapnext"), getcommandkey(_("previous weapon"), "weapprev")); break; case 1: if(spectatee_status == -1) s = sprintf(_("^1Use ^3%s^1 or ^3%s^1 to change the speed"), getcommandkey(_("next weapon"), "weapnext"), getcommandkey(_("previous weapon"), "weapprev")); else if(!observe_blocked) s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 to observe, ^3%s^1 to change camera mode"), getcommandkey(_("secondary fire"), "+fire2"), getcommandkey(_("drop weapon"), "dropweapon")); else s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 to change camera mode"), getcommandkey(_("drop weapon"), "dropweapon")); break; case 2: s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 for gamemode info"), getcommandkey(_("server info"), "+show_info")); break; } InfoMessage(s); } bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DrawInfoMessages, pos, mySize, img_curr_group); pos = M_ARGV(0, vector); img_curr_group = M_ARGV(2, int); if(!mutator_returnvalue) { int tm = entcs_GetWantsJoin(current_player); if(tm > 0) { tm = Team_IndexToTeam(tm); s = sprintf(_("^2You're queued to join the %s%s^2 team"), Team_ColorCode(tm), Team_ColorName(tm)); } else if (tm < 0) s = sprintf(_("^2You're queued to join any available team")); else s = sprintf(_("^1Press ^3%s^1 to join"), getcommandkey(_("jump"), "+jump")); InfoMessage(s); } } if (time < STAT(GAMESTARTTIME)) { //we need to ceil, otherwise the countdown would be off by .5 when using round() float countdown = ceil(STAT(GAMESTARTTIME) - time); s = sprintf(_("^1Game starts in ^3%d^1 seconds"), countdown); InfoMessage(s); } string blinkcolor; if(time % 1 >= 0.5) blinkcolor = "^1"; else blinkcolor = "^3"; if(warmup_stage) { InfoMessage(_("^2Currently in ^1warmup^2 stage!")); int players_needed = 0; Scoreboard_UpdatePlayerTeams(); // ensure numplayers, ts_min, ts_max are current if(STAT(WARMUP_TIMELIMIT) <= 0 && srv_minplayers) players_needed = srv_minplayers - numplayers; if(players_needed > 0) { if(players_needed == 1) s = _("^31^2 more player is needed for the match to start."); else s = sprintf(_("^3%d^2 more players are needed for the match to start."), players_needed); InfoMessage(s); } else if(teamnagger && (ts_max - ts_min) >= teamnagger) { // ready won't end warmup so don't display that message // see below for unbalanced teams warning } else if(!spectatee_status) { if(ready_waiting) { if(ready_waiting_for_me) s = sprintf(_("%sPress ^3%s%s to end warmup"), blinkcolor, getcommandkey(_("ready"), "ready"), blinkcolor); else s = _("^2Waiting for others to ready up to end warmup..."); } else s = sprintf(_("^2Press ^3%s^2 to end warmup"), getcommandkey(_("ready"), "ready")); InfoMessage(s); } } if (teamplay && numplayers > 1 && teamnagger) { if (!warmup_stage) // in warmup this was done above Scoreboard_UpdatePlayerTeams(); if ((ts_max - ts_min) >= teamnagger) { s = strcat(blinkcolor, _("Teams are unbalanced!")); entity tm = GetTeam(myteam, false); if (tm && tm.team != NUM_SPECTATOR && tm.team_size == ts_max) s = strcat(s, sprintf(_(" Press ^3%s%s to adjust"), getcommandkey(_("team selection"), "team_selection_show"), blinkcolor)); fontsize *= 1.125; // perfect float draw_beginBoldFont(); InfoMessage(s); draw_endBoldFont(); fontsize /= 1.125; } } if(autocvar_cl_showspectators) if(num_spectators) //if(spectatee_status != -1) { s = ((spectatee_status) ? _("^1Spectating this player:") : _("^1Spectating you:")); // InfoMessage(s) int limit = min(num_spectators, MAX_SPECTATORS); for(int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { float slot = spectatorlist[i]; if(i == 0) s = strcat(s, " ^7", entcs_GetName(slot)); else s = strcat("^7", entcs_GetName(slot)); InfoMessage(s); } } if(autocvar_cl_race_checkpoint_splits_hud && !spectatee_status) { int lines[6]; int ln = 5; // show up to race_nextcheckpoint (not including) or everything // if you are before start (0 or 254) // (except race_laptime != 0 for race, means next is // start+finish so don't show previous lap finish) int i; if (race_checkpoint != 0 && race_checkpoint != 254) { // middle of run/race i = race_checkpoint; } else if (ISGAMETYPE(RACE) && race_nextcheckpoint == 0) { // before start, but on race, so don't keep old finish visible i = 253; } else { // before start, not on race (cts), keep old run cps visible i = 255; } for (; ln >= 0 && i >= 0; --i) { if (race_checkpoint_splits[i]) { lines[ln] = i; --ln; } } for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) InfoMessage(race_checkpoint_splits[lines[j]]); } } else { InfoMessage(_("^7Press ^3ESC ^7to show HUD options.")); InfoMessage(_("^3Doubleclick ^7a panel for panel-specific options.")); InfoMessage(_("^3CTRL ^7to disable collision testing, ^3SHIFT ^7and")); InfoMessage(_("^3ALT ^7+ ^3ARROW KEYS ^7for fine adjustments.")); } }