#include "csqcmodel_hooks.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include .float death_time; .int modelflags; // FEATURE: LOD .int lodmodelindex0; .int lodmodelindex1; .int lodmodelindex2; .float loddistance1; .float loddistance2; void CSQCModel_LOD_Apply(entity this, bool isplayer) { int detailreduction = ((isplayer) ? autocvar_cl_playerdetailreduction : autocvar_cl_modeldetailreduction); // LOD model loading if(this.lodmodelindex0 != this.modelindex && this.lodmodelindex1 != this.modelindex && this.lodmodelindex2 != this.modelindex) { string modelname = this.model; string s; vector mi = this.mins; vector ma = this.maxs; // set modelindex this.lodmodelindex0 = this.modelindex; this.lodmodelindex1 = this.modelindex; this.lodmodelindex2 = this.modelindex; // FIXME: this only supports 3-letter extensions s = strcat(substring(modelname, 0, strlen(modelname)-4), "_lod1", substring(modelname, -4, 4)); if(fexists(s)) { precache_model(s); _setmodel(this, s); if(this.modelindex) this.lodmodelindex2 = this.lodmodelindex1 = this.modelindex; } s = strcat(substring(modelname, 0, strlen(modelname)-4), "_lod2", substring(modelname, -4, 4)); if(fexists(s)) { precache_model(s); _setmodel(this, s); if(this.modelindex) this.lodmodelindex2 = this.modelindex; } _setmodel(this, modelname); // make everything normal again setsize(this, mi, ma); } // apply LOD if(detailreduction <= 0) { if(detailreduction <= -2) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex2; else if(detailreduction <= -1) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex1; else this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex0; } else { float distance = vlen(((isplayer) ? this.origin : NearestPointOnBox(this, view_origin)) - view_origin); // TODO: perhaps it should just use NearestPointOnBox all the time, player hitbox can potentially be huge float dist1 = (this.loddistance1 > 0) ? this.loddistance1 : autocvar_cl_loddistance1; float dist2 = (this.loddistance2 > 0) ? this.loddistance2 : autocvar_cl_loddistance2; float f = (distance * current_viewzoom + 100.0) * detailreduction; f *= 1.0 / bound(0.01, view_quality, 1); if(f > dist2) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex2; else if(f > dist1) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex1; else this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex0; } } // FEATURE: forcemodel and model color selection (MUST be called BEFORE LOD!) string forceplayermodels_model; bool forceplayermodels_modelisgoodmodel; int forceplayermodels_modelindex; int forceplayermodels_skin; string forceplayermodels_mymodel; bool forceplayermodels_myisgoodmodel; int forceplayermodels_mymodelindex; bool forceplayermodels_attempted; .string forceplayermodels_savemodel; .int forceplayermodels_savemodelindex; .int forceplayermodels_saveskin; .int forceplayermodels_savecolormap; .string forceplayermodels_isgoodmodel_mdl; .bool forceplayermodels_isgoodmodel; string forceplayermodels_goodmodel; int forceplayermodels_goodmodelindex; .vector glowmod; void CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_PreUpdate(entity this) { this.model = this.forceplayermodels_savemodel; this.modelindex = this.forceplayermodels_savemodelindex; this.skin = this.forceplayermodels_saveskin; this.colormap = this.forceplayermodels_savecolormap; } void CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_PostUpdate(entity this) { this.forceplayermodels_savemodel = this.model; this.forceplayermodels_savemodelindex = this.modelindex; this.forceplayermodels_saveskin = this.skin; this.forceplayermodels_savecolormap = this.colormap; if(this.forceplayermodels_savemodel != this.forceplayermodels_isgoodmodel_mdl) { this.forceplayermodels_isgoodmodel = fexists(this.forceplayermodels_savemodel); this.forceplayermodels_isgoodmodel_mdl = this.forceplayermodels_savemodel; if(!this.forceplayermodels_isgoodmodel) LOG_INFOF("Warning: missing model %s has been used", this.forceplayermodels_savemodel); } } void CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_Apply(entity this, bool islocalplayer) { int cm = this.forceplayermodels_savecolormap; cm = (cm >= 1024) ? cm : (entcs_GetClientColors(cm - 1) + 1024); if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ForcePlayermodels_Skip, this, islocalplayer)) goto skipforcemodels; // FORCEMODEL // which one is ALWAYS good? if (!forceplayermodels_goodmodel) { entity e = spawn(); precache_model(cvar_defstring("_cl_playermodel")); _setmodel(e, cvar_defstring("_cl_playermodel")); forceplayermodels_goodmodel = e.model; forceplayermodels_goodmodelindex = e.modelindex; delete(e); } // first, try finding it from the server if(this.forceplayermodels_savemodelindex && this.forceplayermodels_savemodel != "null") { if(islocalplayer) { if(!isdemo()) // this is mainly cheat protection; not needed for demos { // trust server's idea of "own player model" forceplayermodels_modelisgoodmodel = this.forceplayermodels_isgoodmodel; forceplayermodels_model = this.forceplayermodels_savemodel; forceplayermodels_modelindex = this.forceplayermodels_savemodelindex; forceplayermodels_skin = this.forceplayermodels_saveskin; forceplayermodels_attempted = 1; } } } // forcemodel finding if(!forceplayermodels_attempted) { forceplayermodels_attempted = 1; // only if this failed, find it out on our own entity e = spawn(); precache_model(autocvar__cl_playermodel); _setmodel(e, autocvar__cl_playermodel); // this is harmless, see below forceplayermodels_modelisgoodmodel = fexists(e.model); forceplayermodels_model = e.model; forceplayermodels_modelindex = e.modelindex; forceplayermodels_skin = autocvar__cl_playerskin; delete(e); } if(autocvar_cl_forcemyplayermodel != "" && autocvar_cl_forcemyplayermodel != forceplayermodels_mymodel) { entity e = spawn(); _setmodel(e, autocvar_cl_forcemyplayermodel); // this is harmless, see below forceplayermodels_myisgoodmodel = fexists(e.model); forceplayermodels_mymodel = e.model; forceplayermodels_mymodelindex = e.modelindex; delete(e); } // apply it bool isfriend; if(teamplay) isfriend = (cm == 1024 + 17 * myteam); else isfriend = islocalplayer; if(autocvar_cl_forcemyplayermodel != "" && forceplayermodels_myisgoodmodel && isfriend) { this.model = forceplayermodels_mymodel; this.modelindex = forceplayermodels_mymodelindex; this.skin = autocvar_cl_forcemyplayerskin; } else if(autocvar_cl_forceplayermodels && forceplayermodels_modelisgoodmodel) { this.model = forceplayermodels_model; this.modelindex = forceplayermodels_modelindex; this.skin = forceplayermodels_skin; } else if(this.forceplayermodels_isgoodmodel) { this.model = this.forceplayermodels_savemodel; this.modelindex = this.forceplayermodels_savemodelindex; this.skin = this.forceplayermodels_saveskin; } else { this.model = forceplayermodels_goodmodel; this.modelindex = forceplayermodels_goodmodelindex; this.skin = this.forceplayermodels_saveskin; } LABEL(skipforcemodels) if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ForcePlayercolors_Skip, this, islocalplayer)) goto skipforcecolors; bool forceplayercolors_enabled = false; #define fpc autocvar_cl_forceplayercolors if (gametype.m_1v1) { if ((myteam != NUM_SPECTATOR) && (fpc == 1 || fpc == 2 || fpc == 3 || fpc == 5)) forceplayercolors_enabled = true; } else if (teamplay) { if ((team_count == 2) && (myteam != NUM_SPECTATOR) && (fpc == 2 || fpc == 4 || fpc == 5)) forceplayercolors_enabled = true; } else { if (fpc == 1 || fpc == 2) forceplayercolors_enabled = true; } // forceplayercolors too if(teamplay) { // own team's color is never forced int forcecolor_friend = 0, forcecolor_enemy = 0; entity tm; if(autocvar_cl_forcemyplayercolors) forcecolor_friend = 1024 + autocvar_cl_forcemyplayercolors; if(forceplayercolors_enabled) forcecolor_enemy = 1024 + autocvar__cl_color; if(forcecolor_enemy && !forcecolor_friend) { // only enemy color is forced? // verify it is not equal to the friend color if(forcecolor_enemy == 1024 + 17 * myteam) forcecolor_enemy = 0; } if(forcecolor_friend && !forcecolor_enemy) { // only friend color is forced? // verify it is not equal to the enemy color for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) // note: we even compare against our own team. // if we rejected because we matched our OWN team color, // this is not bad; we then simply keep our color as is // anyway. if(forcecolor_friend == 1024 + 17 * tm.team) forcecolor_friend = 0; } if(cm == 1024 + 17 * myteam) { if(forcecolor_friend) this.colormap = forcecolor_friend; } else { if(forcecolor_enemy) this.colormap = forcecolor_enemy; } } else // if(!teamplay) { if(autocvar_cl_forcemyplayercolors && islocalplayer) this.colormap = 1024 + autocvar_cl_forcemyplayercolors; else if (autocvar_cl_forceuniqueplayercolors && !islocalplayer && !gametype.m_1v1) { // Assign each enemy an unique color combination // pick colors from 0 to 14 since 15 is the rainbow color // pl01 0 1, pl02 1 2, ..., pl14 13 14, pl15 14 0 // pl16 0 2, pl17 1 3, ..., pl29 13 0, pl30 14 1 int num; if (this.isplayermodel & ISPLAYER_CLIENT) num = this.entnum - 1; else num = this.sv_entnum - 1; int c1 = num % 15; int q = floor(num / 15); int c2 = (c1 + 1 + q) % 15; this.colormap = 1024 + (c1 << 4) + c2; } else if(forceplayercolors_enabled) this.colormap = player_localnum + 1; } LABEL(skipforcecolors) if((this.csqcmodel_effects & CSQCMODEL_EF_RESPAWNGHOST) && !autocvar_cl_respawn_ghosts_keepcolors) { this.glowmod = '0 0 0'; this.colormap = 0; return; } // GLOWMOD AND DEATH FADING if(this.colormap > 0) this.glowmod = colormapPaletteColor(((this.colormap >= 1024) ? this.colormap : entcs_GetClientColors(this.colormap - 1)) & 0x0F, true); else this.glowmod = '1 1 1'; if(autocvar_cl_deathglow > 0) { if(this.csqcmodel_isdead) { float min_factor = bound(0, autocvar_cl_deathglow_min, 1); if(this.colormap > 0) min_factor /= 2; float glow_fade = bound(0, 1 - (time - this.death_time) / autocvar_cl_deathglow, 1); this.glowmod *= (min_factor + glow_fade * (1 - min_factor)); if (this.glowmod == '0 0 0') this.glowmod.x = 0.000001; } } // don't let the engine increase player's glowmod if (autocvar_r_hdr_glowintensity > 1) this.glowmod /= autocvar_r_hdr_glowintensity; //printf("CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_Apply(): state = %s, colormap = %f, glowmod = %s\n", (this.csqcmodel_isdead ? "DEAD" : "ALIVE"), this.colormap, vtos(this.glowmod)); } // FEATURE: fallback frames .int csqcmodel_saveframe; .int csqcmodel_saveframe2; #ifdef CSQCMODEL_HAVE_TWO_FRAMES .int csqcmodel_saveframe3; .int csqcmodel_saveframe4; #endif .int csqcmodel_framecount; #define IS_DEAD_FRAME(f) ((f) == 0 || (f) == 1) void CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame_PreUpdate(entity this) { this.frame = this.csqcmodel_saveframe; this.frame2 = this.csqcmodel_saveframe2; #ifdef CSQCMODEL_HAVE_TWO_FRAMES this.frame3 = this.csqcmodel_saveframe3; this.frame4 = this.csqcmodel_saveframe4; #endif } void CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame_PostUpdate(entity this, bool isnew) { this.csqcmodel_saveframe = this.frame; this.csqcmodel_saveframe2 = this.frame2; #ifdef CSQCMODEL_HAVE_TWO_FRAMES this.csqcmodel_saveframe3 = this.frame3; this.csqcmodel_saveframe4 = this.frame4; #endif // hack for death animations: set their frametime to zero in case a // player "pops in" if(isnew) { #define FIX_FRAMETIME(f,ft) MACRO_BEGIN \ if(IS_DEAD_FRAME(this.f) && this.ft != 0 && this.death_time != 0) \ this.ft = this.death_time; \ MACRO_END FIX_FRAMETIME(frame, frame1time); FIX_FRAMETIME(frame2, frame2time); #ifdef CSQCMODEL_HAVE_TWO_FRAMES FIX_FRAMETIME(frame3, frame3time); FIX_FRAMETIME(frame4, frame4time); #endif } this.csqcmodel_isdead = IS_DEAD_FRAME(this.frame); } void CSQCPlayer_AnimDecide_PostUpdate(entity this, bool isnew) { this.csqcmodel_isdead = boolean(this.anim_state & (ANIMSTATE_DEAD1 | ANIMSTATE_DEAD2)); } int CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame(entity this, int f) { TC(int, f); if(frameduration(this.modelindex, f) > 0) return f; // goooooood if(frameduration(this.modelindex, 1) <= 0) return f; // this is a static model. We can't fix it if we wanted to switch(f) { case 23: return 11; // anim_melee -> anim_shoot case 24: return 4; // anim_duckwalkbackwards -> anim_duckwalk case 25: return 4; // anim_duckwalkstrafeleft -> anim_duckwalk case 26: return 4; // anim_duckwalkstraferight -> anim_duckwalk case 27: return 4; // anim_duckwalkforwardright -> anim_duckwalk case 28: return 4; // anim_duckwalkforwardleft -> anim_duckwalk case 29: return 4; // anim_duckwalkbackright -> anim_duckwalk case 30: return 4; // anim_duckwalkbackleft -> anim_duckwalk } LOG_DEBUGF("Frame %d missing in model %s, and we have no fallback - FAIL!", f, this.model); return f; } void CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame_Apply(entity this) { this.frame = CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame(this, this.frame); this.frame2 = CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame(this, this.frame2); #ifdef CSQCMODEL_HAVE_TWO_FRAMES this.frame3 = CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame(this, this.frame3); this.frame4 = CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame(this, this.frame4); #endif } // FEATURE: auto tag_index .entity tag_entity; .int tag_entity_lastmodelindex; .int tag_index; void CSQCModel_AutoTagIndex_Apply(entity this) { if(this.tag_entity && wasfreed(this.tag_entity)) this.tag_entity = NULL; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(TagIndex_Update, this); if(this.tag_networkentity) { // we are ATTACHED! bool changed = 0; if(this.tag_entity.entnum != this.tag_networkentity) { this.tag_entity = findfloat(NULL, entnum, this.tag_networkentity); changed = 1; } // recursive predraw call to fix issues with forcemodels and LOD if bone indexes mismatch if(this.tag_entity.classname == "ENT_CLIENT_MODEL") { CSQCModel_Hook_PreDraw(this.tag_entity, (this.tag_entity.isplayermodel & ISPLAYER_CLIENT)); } if(this.tag_entity.modelindex != this.tag_entity_lastmodelindex) { this.tag_entity_lastmodelindex = this.tag_entity.modelindex; changed = 1; } if(changed) { if(this.tag_entity) { // the best part is: IT EXISTS if(substring(this.model, 0, 14) == "models/weapons") { if(substring(this.tag_entity.model, 0, 14) == "models/weapons") { this.tag_index = gettagindex(this.tag_entity, "weapon"); if(!this.tag_index) this.tag_index = gettagindex(this.tag_entity, "tag_weapon"); if(!this.tag_index) { // we need to prevent this from 'appening this.tag_entity = NULL; this.drawmask = 0; LOG_TRACE("h_ model lacks weapon attachment, but v_ model is attached to it"); } } else if((this.tag_entity.isplayermodel & ISPLAYER_MODEL)) { skeleton_loadinfo(this.tag_entity); this.tag_index = this.tag_entity.bone_weapon; } } if(substring(this.tag_entity.model, 0, 14) == "models/weapons") { this.tag_index = gettagindex(this.tag_entity, "shot"); if(!this.tag_index) this.tag_index = gettagindex(this.tag_entity, "tag_shot"); } MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(TagIndex_Apply, this); } else { // damn, see you next frame this.drawmask = 0; } } } } void CSQCModel_Effects_PreUpdate(entity this) { this.effects = this.csqcmodel_effects; this.modelflags = this.csqcmodel_modelflags; this.traileffect = this.csqcmodel_traileffect; } void Reset_ArcBeam(); void CSQCModel_Effects_PostUpdate(entity this) { if (this == csqcplayer) { if (this.csqcmodel_teleported) { Reset_ArcBeam(); } } this.csqcmodel_effects = this.effects; this.csqcmodel_modelflags = this.modelflags; this.csqcmodel_traileffect = this.traileffect; this.effects = 0; this.modelflags = 0; if(this.csqcmodel_teleported) Projectile_ResetTrail(this, this.origin); } .int snd_looping; void CSQCModel_Effects_Apply(entity this) { int eff = this.csqcmodel_effects & ~CSQCMODEL_EF_RESPAWNGHOST; int tref = this.csqcmodel_traileffect; this.renderflags &= ~(RF_DEPTHHACK | RF_ADDITIVE | RF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_NOSHADOW | RF_USEAXIS); this.effects = 0; this.traileffect = 0; if(eff & EF_BRIGHTFIELD) tref = EFFECT_TR_NEXUIZPLASMA.m_id; // ignoring EF_MUZZLEFLASH if(eff & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT) adddynamiclight(this.origin, 400, '3 3 3'); if(eff & EF_DIMLIGHT) adddynamiclight(this.origin, 200, '1.5 1.5 1.5'); if((eff & EF_NODRAW) || (this.alpha < 0)) this.drawmask = 0; if(eff & EF_ADDITIVE) this.renderflags |= RF_ADDITIVE; if(eff & EF_BLUE) adddynamiclight(this.origin, 200, '0.15 0.15 1.5'); if(eff & EF_RED) adddynamiclight(this.origin, 200, '1.5 0.15 0.15'); // ignoring EF_NOGUNBOB if(eff & EF_FULLBRIGHT) this.renderflags |= RF_FULLBRIGHT; if(eff & EF_FLAME) { boxparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_EF_FLAME), this, this.absmin, this.absmax, this.velocity, this.velocity, bound(0, frametime, 0.1), 0); //pointparticles(EFFECT_EF_FLAME, this.origin, '0 0 0', bound(0, frametime, 0.1)); } if(eff & EF_SHOCK) { boxparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_ARC_LIGHTNING), this, this.absmin, this.absmax, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', bound(0, frametime, 0.1), 0); //pointparticles(EFFECT_ARC_LIGHTNING, this.origin, '0 0 0', bound(0, frametime, 0.1)); } if(eff & EF_STARDUST) { boxparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_EF_STARDUST), this, this.absmin, this.absmax, this.velocity, this.velocity, bound(0, frametime, 0.1), 0); //pointparticles(EFFECT_EF_STARDUST, this.origin, '0 0 0', bound(0, frametime, 0.1)); } if(eff & EF_NOSHADOW) this.renderflags |= RF_NOSHADOW; if(eff & EF_NODEPTHTEST) this.renderflags |= RF_DEPTHHACK; // ignoring EF_SELECTABLE if(eff & EF_DOUBLESIDED) this.effects |= EF_DOUBLESIDED; if(eff & EF_NOSELFSHADOW) this.effects |= EF_NOSELFSHADOW; if(eff & EF_DYNAMICMODELLIGHT) this.renderflags |= RF_DYNAMICMODELLIGHT; // ignoring EF_UNUSED18, EF_UNUSED19, EF_RESTARTANIM_BIT, EF_TELEPORT_BIT, EF_LOWPRECISION if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_ROCKET) tref = EFFECT_TR_ROCKET.m_id; if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_GRENADE) tref = EFFECT_TR_GRENADE.m_id; if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_GIB) tref = EFFECT_TR_BLOOD.m_id; if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_ROTATE) { // This will be hard to replace with MAKE_VECTORS because it's called as part of the predraw function // as documented in csprogs.h in the engine. The globals can then be read in many places in the engine. // However MF_ROTATE is currently only used in one place - might be possible to get rid of it entirely. this.renderflags |= RF_USEAXIS; makevectors(this.angles + '0 100 0' * fmod(time, 3.6)); } if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_TRACER) tref = EFFECT_TR_WIZSPIKE.m_id; if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_ZOMGIB) tref = EFFECT_TR_SLIGHTBLOOD.m_id; if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_TRACER2) tref = EFFECT_TR_KNIGHTSPIKE.m_id; if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_TRACER3) tref = EFFECT_TR_VORESPIKE.m_id; this.traileffect = tref; if(this.drawmask) Projectile_DrawTrail(this, this.origin); else Projectile_ResetTrail(this, this.origin); if(this.csqcmodel_effects & CSQCMODEL_EF_RESPAWNGHOST) this.renderflags |= RF_ADDITIVE; // also special in CSQCPlayer_GlowMod_Apply if(this.csqcmodel_modelflags & MF_ROCKET) { if(!this.snd_looping) { sound(this, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, SND_JETPACK_FLY, VOL_BASE, autocvar_cl_jetpack_attenuation); this.snd_looping = CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE; } } else { if(this.snd_looping) { sound(this, this.snd_looping, SND_Null, VOL_BASE, autocvar_cl_jetpack_attenuation); this.snd_looping = 0; } } } // general functions .int csqcmodel_predraw_run; .int anim_frame; .int anim_frame1time; .int anim_frame2; .int anim_frame2time; .int anim_saveframe; .int anim_saveframe1time; .int anim_saveframe2; .int anim_saveframe2time; .int anim_prev_pmove_flags; void CSQCModel_Hook_PreDraw(entity this, bool isplayer) { if(this.csqcmodel_predraw_run == framecount) return; this.csqcmodel_predraw_run = framecount; if(!this.modelindex || this.model == "null") { this.drawmask = 0; if(this.snd_looping > 0) { sound(this, this.snd_looping, SND_Null, VOL_BASE, autocvar_cl_jetpack_attenuation); this.snd_looping = 0; } return; } else this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; if((this.isplayermodel & ISPLAYER_MODEL) && this.drawmask) // this checks if it's a player MODEL! { CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_Apply(this, (this.isplayermodel & ISPLAYER_LOCAL)); CSQCModel_LOD_Apply(this, true); if(!isplayer) { skeleton_loadinfo(this); bool doblend = (this.bone_upperbody >= 0); CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame_Apply(this); if(doblend) { skeleton_from_frames(this, this.csqcmodel_isdead); } else { free_skeleton_from_frames(this); // just in case, clear these (we're animating in frame and frame3) this.lerpfrac = 0; this.lerpfrac4 = 0; } } else { // we know that frame3 and frame4 fields, used by InterpolateAnimation, are left alone - but that is all we know! skeleton_loadinfo(this); bool doblend = (this.bone_upperbody >= 0); bool onground = 0; if(this == csqcplayer) { if(IS_ONGROUND(this)) onground = 1; this.anim_prev_pmove_flags = this.flags; if(this.flags & FL_DUCKED) animdecide_setstate(this, this.anim_state | ANIMSTATE_DUCK, false); else if(this.anim_state & ANIMSTATE_DUCK) animdecide_setstate(this, this.anim_state - ANIMSTATE_DUCK, false); } else { tracebox(this.origin + '0 0 1', this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin - '0 0 4', MOVE_NORMAL, this); if(trace_startsolid || trace_fraction < 1) onground = 1; // predicted clients handle smoothing in the prediction code this.origin = CSQCModel_ApplyStairSmoothing(this, onground, this.origin); } animdecide_load_if_needed(this); animdecide_setimplicitstate(this, onground); animdecide_setframes(this, doblend, anim_frame, anim_frame1time, anim_frame2, anim_frame2time); int sf = 0; if(this.anim_saveframe != this.anim_frame || this.anim_saveframe1time != this.anim_frame1time) sf |= CSQCMODEL_PROPERTY_FRAME; if(this.anim_saveframe2 != this.anim_frame2 || this.anim_saveframe2time != this.anim_frame2time) sf |= CSQCMODEL_PROPERTY_FRAME2; this.anim_saveframe = this.anim_frame; this.anim_saveframe1time = this.anim_frame1time; this.anim_saveframe2 = this.anim_frame2; this.anim_saveframe2time = this.anim_frame2time; // Note: we always consider lerpfrac "changed", as it uses fixed values every time anyway. // This ensures that .frame etc. are always written. CSQCModel_InterpolateAnimation_2To4_PreNote(this, sf | CSQCMODEL_PROPERTY_LERPFRAC); this.lerpfrac = (doblend ? 0.5 : 0); this.frame = this.anim_frame; this.frame1time = this.anim_frame1time; this.frame2 = this.anim_frame2; this.frame2time = this.anim_frame2time; CSQCModel_InterpolateAnimation_2To4_Note(this, sf | CSQCMODEL_PROPERTY_LERPFRAC, false); CSQCModel_InterpolateAnimation_2To4_Do(this); if(doblend) { skeleton_from_frames(this, this.csqcmodel_isdead); } else { free_skeleton_from_frames(this); // just in case, clear these (we're animating in frame and frame3) this.lerpfrac = 0; this.lerpfrac4 = 0; } } } else CSQCModel_LOD_Apply(this, false); CSQCModel_AutoTagIndex_Apply(this); CSQCModel_Effects_Apply(this); } void CSQCModel_Hook_PreUpdate(entity this, bool isnew, bool isplayer, bool islocalplayer) { // interpolate v_angle this.iflags |= IFLAG_V_ANGLE_X; // revert to values from server CSQCModel_Effects_PreUpdate(this); if((this.isplayermodel & ISPLAYER_MODEL)) { if(!isplayer) CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame_PreUpdate(this); CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_PreUpdate(this); } } void CSQCModel_Hook_PostUpdate(entity this, bool isnew, bool isplayer, bool islocalplayer) { // is it a player model? (shared state) bool is_playermodel = (substring(this.model, 0, 14) == "models/player/" || substring(this.model, 0, 17) == "models/ok_player/" || (substring(this.model, 0, 16) == "models/monsters/" && (this.isplayermodel & BIT(1)))); this.isplayermodel = BITSET(this.isplayermodel, ISPLAYER_MODEL, is_playermodel); this.csqcmodel_isdead = false; // workaround for dead players who become a spectator // save values set by server if((this.isplayermodel & ISPLAYER_MODEL)) { CSQCPlayer_ModelAppearance_PostUpdate(this); if(isplayer) CSQCPlayer_AnimDecide_PostUpdate(this, isnew); else CSQCPlayer_FallbackFrame_PostUpdate(this, isnew); } CSQCModel_Effects_PostUpdate(this); }