/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __MODEL__ #define __MODEL__ #ifndef SYNCTYPE_T #define SYNCTYPE_T typedef enum {ST_SYNC=0, ST_RAND } synctype_t; #endif /* d*_t structures are on-disk representations m*_t structures are in-memory */ typedef enum {mod_invalid, mod_brush, mod_sprite, mod_alias} modtype_t; typedef struct animscene_s { char name[32]; // for viewthing support int firstframe; int framecount; int loop; // true or false float framerate; } animscene_t; typedef struct skinframe_s { rtexture_t *base; // original texture minus pants/shirt/glow rtexture_t *pants; // pants only (in greyscale) rtexture_t *shirt; // shirt only (in greyscale) rtexture_t *glow; // glow only rtexture_t *merged; // original texture minus glow rtexture_t *fog; // white texture with alpha of the base texture, NULL if not transparent rtexture_t *nmap; // normalmap (bumpmap for dot3) rtexture_t *gloss; // glossmap (for dot3) } skinframe_t; #define MAX_SKINS 256 #define SHADOWMESHVERTEXHASH 1024 typedef struct shadowmeshvertexhash_s { struct shadowmeshvertexhash_s *next; } shadowmeshvertexhash_t; typedef struct shadowmesh_s { struct shadowmesh_s *next; int numverts, maxverts; int numtriangles, maxtriangles; float *verts; int *elements; int *neighbors; // these are NULL after Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish is performed, only used // while building meshes shadowmeshvertexhash_t **vertexhashtable, *vertexhashentries; } shadowmesh_t; #include "model_brush.h" #include "model_sprite.h" #include "model_alias.h" typedef struct model_s { char name[MAX_QPATH]; // model needs to be loaded if this is true qboolean needload; // set if the model is used in current map, models which are not, are purged qboolean used; // CRC of the file this model was loaded from, to reload if changed qboolean crc; // true if this is the world model (I.E. defines what sky to use, and may contain submodels) qboolean isworldmodel; // true if this model is a HalfLife .bsp file qboolean ishlbsp; // true if this model was not successfully loaded and should be purged qboolean error; // mod_brush, mod_alias, mod_sprite modtype_t type; // LordHavoc: Q2/ZYM model support int aliastype; // LordHavoc: if true (normally only for sprites) the model/sprite/bmodel is always rendered fullbright int fullbright; // number of QC accessable frame(group)s in the model int numframes; // whether to randomize animated framegroups synctype_t synctype; // used for sprites and models int numtris; // used for models int numskins; // used by models int numverts; // flags from the model file int flags; // engine calculated flags, ones that can not be set in the file int flags2; // all models use textures... rtexturepool_t *texturepool; // volume occupied by the model // bounding box at angles '0 0 0' vec3_t normalmins, normalmaxs; // bounding box if yaw angle is not 0, but pitch and roll are vec3_t yawmins, yawmaxs; // bounding box if pitch or roll are used vec3_t rotatedmins, rotatedmaxs; // sphere radius, usable at any angles float radius; // squared sphere radius for easier comparisons float radius2; // brush model specific int firstmodelsurface, nummodelsurfaces; // lightmap format, set to r_lightmaprgba when model is loaded int lightmaprgba; int numsubmodels; dmodel_t *submodels; int numplanes; mplane_t *planes; // number of visible leafs, not counting 0 (solid) int numleafs; mleaf_t *leafs; int numvertexes; mvertex_t *vertexes; int numedges; medge_t *edges; int numnodes; mnode_t *nodes; int numtexinfo; mtexinfo_t *texinfo; int numsurfaces; msurface_t *surfaces; int *surfacevisframes; int *surfacepvsframes; msurface_t *surfacepvsnext; int numsurfedges; int *surfedges; int numclipnodes; dclipnode_t *clipnodes; int nummarksurfaces; int *marksurfaces; hull_t hulls[MAX_MAP_HULLS]; int numtextures; texture_t *textures; qbyte *visdata; qbyte *lightdata; char *entities; int numportals; mportal_t *portals; int numportalpoints; mvertex_t *portalpoints; int numlights; mlight_t *lights; // pvs visibility marking mleaf_t *pvsviewleaf; int pvsviewleafnovis; int pvsframecount; mleaf_t *pvsleafchain; int *pvssurflist; int pvssurflistlength; // these get rebuilt as the player moves around if this is the world, // otherwise they are left alone (no pvs for bmodels) msurface_t ***pvstexturechains; msurface_t **pvstexturechainsbuffer; int *pvstexturechainslength; // lightmap update chains for light styles int light_styles; qbyte *light_style; int *light_stylevalue; msurface_t ***light_styleupdatechains; msurface_t **light_styleupdatechainsbuffer; int light_scalebit; float light_ambient; // skin animation info animscene_t *skinscenes; // [numskins] // skin frame info skinframe_t *skinframes; animscene_t *animscenes; // [numframes] // Q1 and Q2 models are the same after loading int *mdlmd2data_indices; float *mdlmd2data_texcoords; md2frame_t *mdlmd2data_frames; trivertx_t *mdlmd2data_pose; int *mdlmd2data_triangleneighbors; // for Zymotic models int zymnum_verts; int zymnum_tris; int zymnum_shaders; int zymnum_bones; int zymnum_scenes; float *zymdata_texcoords; rtexture_t **zymdata_textures; qbyte *zymdata_trizone; zymbone_t *zymdata_bones; unsigned int *zymdata_vertbonecounts; zymvertex_t *zymdata_verts; unsigned int *zymdata_renderlist; float *zymdata_poses; int sprnum_type; mspriteframe_t *sprdata_frames; // functions used in both rendering modes // draw the model's sky polygons (only used by brush models) void(*DrawSky)(struct entity_render_s *ent); // functions used only in normal rendering mode // draw the model void(*Draw)(struct entity_render_s *ent); // draw a fake shadow for the model void(*DrawFakeShadow)(struct entity_render_s *ent); // functions used only in shadow volume rendering mode // draw a shadow volume for the model based on light source void(*DrawShadowVolume)(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius); // draw the lighting on a model (through stencil) void(*DrawLight)(struct entity_render_s *ent, vec3_t relativelightorigin, vec3_t relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, float *lightcolor); // memory pool for allocations mempool_t *mempool; } model_t; //============================================================================ // this can be used for anything without a valid texture extern rtexture_t *r_notexture; // every texture must be in a pool... extern rtexturepool_t *r_notexturepool; // model loading extern model_t *loadmodel; extern qbyte *mod_base; // sky/water subdivision //extern cvar_t gl_subdivide_size; // texture fullbrights extern cvar_t r_fullbrights; void Mod_Init (void); void Mod_CheckLoaded (model_t *mod); void Mod_ClearAll (void); void Mod_ClearErrorModels (void); model_t *Mod_FindName (const char *name); model_t *Mod_ForName (const char *name, qboolean crash, qboolean checkdisk, qboolean isworldmodel); void Mod_TouchModel (const char *name); void Mod_UnloadModel (model_t *mod); void Mod_ClearUsed(void); void Mod_PurgeUnused(void); void Mod_LoadModels(void); extern model_t *loadmodel; extern char loadname[32]; // for hunk tags int Mod_FindTriangleWithEdge(const int *elements, int numtriangles, int start, int end, int ignore); void Mod_BuildTriangleNeighbors(int *neighbors, const int *elements, int numtriangles); void Mod_ValidateElements(const int *elements, int numtriangles, int numverts, const char *filename, int fileline); void Mod_BuildTextureVectorsAndNormals(int numverts, int numtriangles, const float *vertex, const float *texcoord, const int *elements, float *svectors, float *tvectors, float *normals); shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Alloc(mempool_t *mempool, int maxverts); shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_ReAlloc(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *oldmesh); int Mod_ShadowMesh_AddVertex(shadowmesh_t *mesh, float *v); void Mod_ShadowMesh_AddTriangle(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *mesh, float *vert0, float *vert1, float *vert2); void Mod_ShadowMesh_AddPolygon(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *mesh, int numverts, float *verts); void Mod_ShadowMesh_AddMesh(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *mesh, int numverts, float *verts, int numtris, int *elements); shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Begin(mempool_t *mempool, int initialnumtriangles); shadowmesh_t *Mod_ShadowMesh_Finish(mempool_t *mempool, shadowmesh_t *firstmesh); void Mod_ShadowMesh_CalcBBox(shadowmesh_t *firstmesh, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t center, float *radius); void Mod_ShadowMesh_Free(shadowmesh_t *mesh); #endif // __MODEL__